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Annals of agricultural science, Moshtohor.
اعداد الدورية
  جميع أبحاث الدورية
Vol 55 no 4 - Dec 2017 - 01/12/2017
Vol 55 no 3 - Sep 2017 - 01/09/2017
Vol 55 no 2 - Jun 2017 - 01/06/2017
Vol 55 no 1 - Mar 2017 - 01/03/2017
Vol 54 no 4 - Dec 2016 - 01/12/2016
رقم البحث : 12435170 Performance of some flax genotypes, chemical composition of fibers, seeds and their relation to yield /
رقم البحث : 12435807 Improving fruit quality of ”Anna cv.” apple trees grown on Malus rootstock by some bio compounds /
رقم البحث : 12435842 Efficacy of some biotic and abiotic treatments in controlling Alternariasolani the causal of tomato early blight disease in vitro and in vivo /
رقم البحث : 12435868 Effect of inoculation with biofertiliztion, compost and foliar with fulvic On wheat growth and yield in saline soil /
رقم البحث : 12435900 Impact of certain materials againist thrips tabaci lind. (thysanoptera: thripidae) in onion fields in Qalyubia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12435920 Residual behavior of abamectin and cyflufenamid in squash plants /
رقم البحث : 12435973 Economic threshold and economic injury levels for the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus cucurbitacearum (Sayed) on soybean /
رقم البحث : 12435998 Population fluctuations of the main pests infesting kidney beans and its relation with some weather factors /
رقم البحث : 12436010 The effect of mulberry leaves enrichment with different nutritional supplements on biological aspects and economic traits of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.) /
رقم البحث : 12436015 The morphological features and properties of some soils south west paris oasis, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12436024 Effect of tillage methods and phosphorous fertilizer treatments on some physical properties and productivity of maize crop in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12436044 Applying of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and rock phosphate to wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) grown on calcareous soil and irrigated at different irrigation intervals and effect of plant growth and soil physical properties /
رقم البحث : 12436057 آليات الربط بين الإرشاد الزراعى والبحوث الزراعية بشمال سيناء /
رقم البحث : 12435398 Response of durum wheat and associated weeds to some weeds control treatments under various seeding rates /
رقم البحث : 12435558 Technological feasibility of preparing spaghetti enriched with some by-products of food industry in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12435657 Endogenous changes exhibited by Le-Conte pear trees subjected to various irrigation regimes and their impact on vegetative growth /
رقم البحث : 12435380 Response of fahl clover to compost rates under irrigation intervals in newly reclaimed saline soils /
رقم البحث : 12435668 Impact of applied irrigation regime during specified phenological stages on cropping and its’ attributes of ”Le-conte” pear/
رقم البحث : 12435676 The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi applications and npk fertilization ratios on some morphological and physiological traits of swieteina mahogany seedlings /
رقم البحث : 12435797 Effects of sewage sludge and endo- mycorrhizal on growth, chemical content and some physical properties of swietenia mahagoni seedling /
Vol 54 no 3 - Seo 2016 - 01/09/2016
رقم البحث : 12434544 Effect of trash content on the measurements of fiber quality in Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 12434838 Mites associated with stored products /
رقم البحث : 12434846 Effect of certain bio and chemical insecticides on Sesamia cretica Led. and Ostrinia nubilalis Hub. in maize field in Qaliubiya Governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12434854 Bioassay of three biopesticides against Hypera brunneipennis (Boheman) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Monacha obstructa Ferussac. (Moullusca: Helicidae) in the laboratory /
رقم البحث : 12434877 Some biological aspects of House sparrow (Passer domesticus niloticus) at Alexandria Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12434889 Evaluation of using potassium and putressine (1, 4 diaminobutane dihydrochloride) to alleviatethe negative effects on sorghum plants (Sorghum bicolor L) irrigated with different irrigation water /
رقم البحث : 12434900 ادراك المرشدين الزراعيين لتقنيات الزراعة العضوية بمحافظة المنيا /
رقم البحث : 12434922 دراسة اقتصادية للوضع المائى الراهن فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12434930 الوضع الراهن للزراعة التعاقدية لمحصول بنجر السكر بالنوبارية والدور المرتقب للإرشاد الزراعي فيها /
رقم البحث : 12435047 الأثار الاقتصادية للتمويل الزراعي علي الفجوة القمحية في مصر /
رقم البحث : 12435055 الأثر التعليمي للحقول الارشادية على مزارعي محصول القمح ببعض قرى مركز اسنا محافظة الأقصر /
رقم البحث : 12434549 The relationship between fiber properties and neps formation in yarn for some Egyptian cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 12435066 دراسة تحليلية للمؤشرات الاقتصادية لمحصول بنجر السكر بمحافظة الجيزة /
رقم البحث : 12435138 الإحتياجات المعرفية للمرشدين الزراعيين فى مجال انفلونزا الطيور بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12435151 التدريب على رأس العمل للمرشدين الزراعيين فى بعض محافظات مصر /
رقم البحث : 12435168 معرفة واستفادة ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة من الأنشطة التى تقوم بها مراكز التأهيل بقرى مركز الزقازيق محافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12435207 معظمة عائد الصادرات العربية وتدنية تكاليف التجارة الزراعية العربية البينية /
رقم البحث : 12434566 Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for yield and yield components in ten flax genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12434576 Isolation and identification of rhizobial strains from faba bean nodules /
رقم البحث : 12434730 Preparation of new jams recipes using some un traditional agricultural resources /
رقم البحث : 12434741 Effect of use of the enzymes on the quality of pan bread made from Egyptian wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 12434752 Lissencephaly-1 gene is required for establishment of axis formation in drosophila melanogaster /
رقم البحث : 12434790 New approaches to control cucumber infestation with insects and mites with emphasis on the production and horticulture characteristics under greenhouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 12434798 Morphological and histological effects of gamma radiation on the female reproductive system of cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) /
Vol 54 no 2 - Jun 2016 - 01/06/2016
رقم البحث : 12414966 Combining ability and type of gene action analysis of yield and yield components for some white maize inbred lines /
رقم البحث : 12414985 Nutritional characteristics and bioactive compounds of different ovo-vegetarian diets supplemented with spirulina /
رقم البحث : 12414980 Evaluation of some unconventional plant proteins in diets for red tilapia (oreochromis spp) fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12414988 Impact of using some mutant starains of streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus delbruekii subsp. bulgaricus for production of yoghurt with mild taste /
رقم البحث : 12414996 Quality improvement and shelf-life of kareish cheese using some mutants of streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus delbruekii subsp. Bulgaricus /
رقم البحث : 12414999 Effect of rootstocks on growth, yield and fruit quality of red globe grape /
رقم البحث : 12415006 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and growth stimulants on flowering behaviour , seed yield and its quality of spinach /
رقم البحث : 12415013 Influence of paclobutrazol and cycocel sprays on the growth, flowering and chemical composition of potted chrysanthemum frutescens plant /
رقم البحث : 12415023 Effect of thermal insulation and feeding treatments on early spring honey bee queen rearing /
رقم البحث : 12415028 Determination of certain metals in beebread from different districts in Alexandria and El-Beheira governorates /
رقم البحث : 12415033 New technique for protecting honey bee colonies from oriental wasp (Vespa orientalis L.) attacks at Dokki region, Giza, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12415036 Sewage effluent as an alternative source for irrigation: Impact on soil properties and heavy metal status /
رقم البحث : 12415053 الاحتياجات الإرشادية لزراع الشمر فى محافظة قنا /
رقم البحث : 12415078 تقدير الحجم الإنتاجي الأمثل لمحصول الذرة الشامية الصيفية بمحافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12415107 دراسة تحليلية للقدرة التنافسية السعرية لصادرات البرتقال المصري في أهم الأسواق /
رقم البحث : 12415235 دراسة تحليلية للكفاءة الانتاجية والاقتصادية لأهم محاصيل الخضر بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 12415237 الكفاءة الاقتصادية لمشروع إنتاج الجبن الأبيض في محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12415240 الاثار الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لاستخدام المياه المتباينة فى الزراعة المصرية /
رقم البحث : 12415241 تحليل إقتصادي لصادرات الاسمدة الازوتيه المصرية /
رقم البحث : 12415243 دراسة تقييمية لأدوار الجمعيات التعاونية الزراعية بمحافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12415247 تنمية الوعى البيئى للريفيين بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12415250 دراسة مصفوفة تحليل السياسات الزراعية لأهم محاصيل الحبوب الاستيرادية في مصر /
رقم البحث : 12415252 تحليل اقتصادي لأثر المشروعات الصغيرة على التنمية بمحافظة صنعاء /
Vol 54 no 1 - Marc 2016 - 01/03/2016
رقم البحث : 12434455 Isolation and identification of yeasts along wastewater treatment lines at Zagazig plant /
رقم البحث : 12434469 The effects of azadirachtin and emamectin benzoate insecticides as organic pollutants on experimental rats /
رقم البحث : 12434496 Quality characteristics of Common Carp Fish Pastirma /
رقم البحث : 12434503 Effect of organic fertilizer and foliar spray with some safety compounds on growth and productivity of snap bean /
رقم البحث : 12434511 Efficacy of some plant oils against two stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 12434982 Ecological Studies on Aphid Species Infesting Main cereal Crops /
رقم البحث : 12434993 Effect of selected planting dates on root- knot nematodes population and productivity of sugarbeet variety, Pleno /
رقم البحث : 12435009 الميزة النسبية والتنافسية للطماطم المصرية /
رقم البحث : 12435029 دراسة الاستقرار الاقتصادى للصادرات المصرية من البطاطس إلى دول الإتحاد الأوربى /
رقم البحث : 12435036 السلوك التنفيذى للمراة الريفية فى مجال مكافحة الفئران ببعض قرى محافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12435043 التحليل الأقتصادى للعوامل المؤثرة على أنماط استهلاك الغذاء فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12435058 الاختلافات بين أراء الباحثين في محددات نقل المستحدثات الزراعية في محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12435074 تنفيذ الزراع للتوصيات الفنية لإنتاج محصول الموالح بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12435089 / دراسة لمستوي معارف المرأة الريفية للمحافظة علي البيئة من التلوث في محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12435108 الاختلافات بين أراء العاملين الإرشادين في المحددات المهنية لجودة أدائهم لمهامهم الارشادية في محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12435121 الكفاءة الاقتصادية للتمويل في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة في اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12435134 تنفيذ المرأة الريفية للممارسات الموصى بها لتحسين التربية المنزلية للدجاج بقرية برما بمحافظة الغربية /
رقم البحث : 12435143 على بعض صفات نمو محصول القطن طويل التيلة (NP) تأثير التسميد المعدني /(Gossypium barbadense L.)
رقم البحث : 12417072 Growth, yield and yield components of wheat as affected by crop sequences, seeding rates and nitrogen fertilizer levels /
رقم البحث : 12434295 Sugar beet yield and quality as affected by concentration of boron and methanol application /
رقم البحث : 12434310 Thermoregulatory responses of Baladi and crossbred goat does under subtropical conditions /
رقم البحث : 12434261 Selection of some faba bean segregation genotypes in contrasting environments /
رقم البحث : 12434327 Alleviation of thermoregulatory responses of Baladi Does by chromium and Selenium-E supplementation in subtropical areas /
رقم البحث : 12434406 Virulence of Lasiodiplodia theobromae the causal of grapevine die-back disease in Egypt \
Vol 53 no 4 - Dec 2015 - 01/12/2015
رقم البحث : 12411718 Some properties of compressed rice straw /
رقم البحث : 12411902 Effect of magnetic water on yield and fruit quality of some mandarin varieties /
رقم البحث : 12411978 Effect of water use efficiency and bentonite levels on growth, yield and chemical composition of seeds for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata,l.) cultivars grown in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12411981 Using organic amendments to improve productivity of cucumber plants grown under sandy substrate culture /
رقم البحث : 12411720 Effect of some treatments on quality and milling properties of barley /
رقم البحث : 12411723 Studies on mean performance, correlation and path analysis coefficient of some flax genotypes under different environmental conditions /
رقم البحث : 12411727 Evaluation of guar meal korma feed as a feed ingredient for and some feed additives feeding local laying hens silver montazah /
رقم البحث : 12411889 Influence of the integration among oxytetracycline, oregano essential oil or garlic powder on intestine microbial population and productive performance of Japanese quail /
رقم البحث : 12411892 Phytotoxic effects sewage water on growth, yield, physiological, biochemical and anatomical parameters of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) /
رقم البحث : 12411895 Biocontrol of xanthomonas axonopodis causing bacterial spot by application of formulated phage /
رقم البحث : 12411896 Production of functional bakery products supplemented with moringa leaves powder /
رقم البحث : 12411900 Comparative study on the effect of changing the system of surface irrigation to drip irrigation system in the old cultivated lands of the lettuce (lactuca sativa) crop spraying with organic acids /
Vol 53 no 3 - Sep 2015 - 01/09/2015
رقم البحث : 12410121 Role of humic substances and compost tea in improvement of endogenous hormones content, flowering and yield and its components of faba bean (vicia faba l.) /
رقم البحث : 12410261 Population estimation and biology of hooded crow (corvus corone cornix) at Ismailia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12410263 Toxicity of certain pesticides on eggs and adult stage of land snail, monacha cartusiana muller /
رقم البحث : 12410267 Toxicity and biochemical studies of some pesticides against small sand snail Helicella vestalis (Pfiffer) /
رقم البحث : 12410311 دراسة مقارنة لفاعلية بعض الطرق الإرشادية المستخدمة لزراع بنجر السكر في بعض مناطق زراعة البنجر في جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 12410307 تقييم البرنامج الإرشادى لزراع محصول القمح فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12410342 تطور الفجوة الغذائية ونسبة الاكتفاء الذاتي لمجموعة سلع محاصيل الحبوب في اليمن خلال الفترة 1990- 2012م /
رقم البحث : 12410277 Economic threshold level of pear psyllid, cacopsylla pyricola (hemiptera: psyllidae) on pear trees in Ismailia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12410271 Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizations on the population size of Parlatoria blanchardii infesting date palm trees at Luxor governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12410152 Production and evaluation of new types of economic and health candy bars for schoolchildren /
رقم البحث : 12410122 Can biofertilization ameliorate green onion production under salinity stress? /
رقم البحث : 12410206 Effect of different irrigation levels on quality and storability of kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes,L.) /
رقم البحث : 12410210 Studying behavior of navel orange trees under different irrigation treatments in the north middle nile delta /
رقم البحث : 12410218 Effect of rat urine (rattus norvegicus albinus) on the attractiveness and phagostimulants in the laboratory /
رقم البحث : 12410237 Population dynamics of fiorinia phoenicis (hemiptera-diaspididae) on date palm at baharia oases, Giza governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12410255 Toxicity of carbon dioxide-phosphine combination to tribolium castaneum inside gastight bins and its histological effect on albino rats /
Vol 53 no 2 - Jun 2015 - 01/06/2015
رقم البحث : 12408762 Trials on Acclimatization of Tissue Culture Derived Date Palm Plants (Phoenix dactylifera L). /
رقم البحث : 12408787 Influence of rhizobium inoculation combined with azotobacter chrococcum and bacillus megaterium var phosphaticum on growth, nodulation, yield and quality of two snap been (phasealus vulgaris l.) cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12408813 Studying the antagonistic activity of some Gluconacetobacter isolates and their colonizing ability of rice roots in vitro /
رقم البحث : 12408822 Seasonal abundance of some sap-sucking pests on Cape gooseberry, Physalis peruviana L. /
رقم البحث : 12408848 Ecological, biological and control studies on apple rust miteAculusschlechtendali (Nalepa) (Acari: Eriophyidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12411343 Evaluation of some commercial formuilations against Spodoptera littoralis and Hypera brunneippennis larvae /
رقم البحث : 12411383 إدراك المرشدين الزراعيين للدور الحالي للإرشاد الزراعي في المحافظة علي البيئة الزراعية من التلوث في ظل سياسة التحرر الاقتصادي /
رقم البحث : 12411349 دراسة اقتصادية لبعض أساليب صيانة القنوات المائية بمحافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12411417 معوقات التنمية الزراعية بمحافظة الوادي الجديد /
رقم البحث : 12411433 عـــزل و تعريف أجناس الفطــريات المصاحبة لحبوب القمح المستورد لبعض المصانع الليبية /
رقم البحث : 12411361 المردود الإقتصادى لتدوير القمامة فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12408676 Effect of some biofertilizers ( pgpr, biosoal and compost tea)on growth ,yield, fiber quality and yarn properties of egyptian cotton.(promising hybrid 10229xg86). /
رقم البحث : 12408590 Effect of intercropping soybean with sorghum on yield and its components of the two crops /
رقم البحث : 12408664 Effect of intercropping patterns and nitrogen fertilization levels on yield and yield components of maize and soybean /
رقم البحث : 12408685 Effect of some pre-treatments on acrylamide concentration in potato chips /
رقم البحث : 12408747 Genetic Analysis to select Good Combiners for TYLCV-Tolerance and Yield Components in Tomato /
رقم البحث : 12408754 Tomato Halopriming for Improving Germination and Seedling Growth under Normal and Saline Conditions /
Vol 53 no 1 - Mar 2015 - 01/03/2015
رقم البحث : 12408379 Evaluation of some new rice genotypes under irrigation intervals at different two locations /
رقم البحث : 12408535 Assessment of genetic variability among some rabbit breeds using random amplified polymorphic DNA technique (RAPD) /
رقم البحث : 12408537 Behaviour of some olive accessions resulting from an olive improvement program /
رقم البحث : 12408540 Response of azadirachta indica (neem) seedlings to biofertilizer compared to mineral nutrition /
رقم البحث : 12408562 The utilize of vermicomposting outputs in substrate culture for producing snap bean /
رقم البحث : 12408579 Effect of plant density and some safety compounds on growth and productivity of green snap bean /
رقم البحث : 12408584 Effect of different rootstocks on plant growth, yield and quality of watermelon /
رقم البحث : 12408549 Agronomic and qualitative evaluation of some olive selections derived from a breeding program /
رقم البحث : 12408433 Combining ability for yield and yield components in some kenaf (hibiscus cannabinus l.) genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12408438 Evaluation of new maize single and three way crosses for earliness and grain yield over three locations /
رقم البحث : 12408453 Peroxidase enzymes of Pleurotus sapidus, production and characterization /
رقم البحث : 12408472 Effect of some antioxidants, potassium and arbuscular mycorrhiza on growth, yield and quality of snap bean plants grown under water stress levels /
رقم البحث : 12408502 Biological and histopathological evaluation of rice bran oil on hypercholesterolemic rats /
رقم البحث : 12408510 Effect of antioxidants of ginger on blood lipids of rats /
رقم البحث : 12408526 Preparation and evaluation of free gluten bakery products by using germinated quinoa /
Vol 52 no 4 - Dec 2014 - 01/12/2014
رقم البحث : 12379822 Studies on the inheritance of some characters in pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Poir. ) /
رقم البحث : 12379870 Relative importance of some natural products acting as pesticides alternatives against tetranychus urticae koch, (tertranychidae : acari) /
رقم البحث : 12379725 Effect of sowing dates on quinoa grains and its chemical composition /
رقم البحث : 12379753 Biochemical Studies on Pomegranate /
رقم البحث : 12379908 Biological control of gray mould disease caused by botrytis cinerea on strawberry fruits /
رقم البحث : 12379595 Effect of crop sequence and nitrogen levels on rice productivity /
رقم البحث : 12379737 Biochemical Studies on Carob /
رقم البحث : 12379772 Production and evaluation of some extruded food products using spirulina algae /
رقم البحث : 12379785 Effect of two stimulating substances on fruiting and fruit quality of picual and manzanillo olive cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12379807 Response of two garlic cultivars (Allium sativum L.) to some sources of organic and inorganic fertilizers /
Vol 52 no 3 - Sep 2014 - 01/09/2014
رقم البحث : 12377385 Effect of some climatic factors and irrigation regimes on tomato growth and chemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 12379079 قدرة العزلات البكتيرية السائدة فى الترب الملوثة بالمشتقات النفطية على التحلل الحيوى /
رقم البحث : 12379041 العوامل المؤثرة على التحلل الحيوى للهيدروكربونات النفطية بواسطة العزلات البكتيرية السائدة فى الترب الملوثة /
رقم البحث : 12379205 عـزل وتعريف البكتريا السائدة فـى الترب الملوثة بالنفط ومشتقاته وقابليتها لاستهلاك الهيدروكربونات /
رقم البحث : 12377406 Effect of some safety compounds as soil addition and foliar spray treatments on growth and productivity of tomato grown under saline soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12377418 Effect of different planting methods on growth, yield and quality of two sweet corn Hybrids /
رقم البحث : 12377444 Ecological and Biological studies on Tetranychus urticae Koch on Maize single hybrids at Gharbia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12377448 Evaluating the effect of certain lures in two different forms and traps on attraction of the mediterranean fruit fly , ceratitis capitata (weid.) /
رقم البحث : 12377472 دراسة إقتصادية للواقع الإنتاجى والتصديرى لليمون المالح المصرى /
رقم البحث : 12377465 تاثير التغيرات المناخية علي الامن الغذائي المصرى /
Vol 52 no 2 - jun 2014 - 01/06/2014
رقم البحث : 12372605 اثر انتاجية وحدة المياة على التنمية الزراعية فى شمال وجنوب مصر /
رقم البحث : 12372584 Effect of varying plant population density on aphid infestation level and yield of faba bean /
رقم البحث : 12372094 Response of pepper (Capsicum annum L.) to different sources of microelements on growth, yield and chemical composition under Ras Sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 12372075 Impact of foliar spraying with iron and magnesium on growth, yield, chemical constituents and storability of broccoli /
رقم البحث : 12372059 Effect of mineral and organic fertilizer rates on melon vegetative growth and its productivity /
رقم البحث : 12372033 Composition and Properties of Camel Milk In Comparison With Cow’s and Buffaloes’Milks /
رقم البحث : 12372021 Physiochemical characteristics and therapeutic effects of lyophilized Bee venom andRoyal jelly /
رقم البحث : 12371711 Evaluation of some lactic acid and probiotic bacteria for their potential for biogenicamine production /
رقم البحث : 12371239 Optimal stocking density for Nile tilapia, Orechromis niloticus within biofloc system /
رقم البحث : 12371118 Effect Intercropping and Weed Control Treatments on the Productively of Maize and Sunflower /
رقم البحث : 12371628 Hplc monitoring of pcdd/fs levels in fish species collected from the egyptian market /
رقم البحث : 12371167 Effect of partially replacing fish meal by poultry by-product meal on growth performance and feed utilization of European eels, Anguilla anguilla /
Vol 52 no 1 - Marc 2014 - 01/03/2014
رقم البحث : 12374926 دراسة بعض الخصائص الظاهرية لخمسة أصناف بمنطقة أوباري بميبيا Phoenix dactylifera L من نخيل الثمر /
رقم البحث : 12374921 Susceptibility of six cotton varieties and genotypes to infestation by the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) in Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12374863 Effect of microbial inoculants and nitrogen fertilization on soil mites and collembola in cowpea crop, at Kafr el - Sheikh, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12374846 Effect of Food Type on Some Biological Aspects Of Monacha Cartusiana (Muller) Snail Under Laboratory Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12374826 Effect of IBA, rooting media and planting date on vegetative propagation of button wood tree (Conocarpus erectus L.) /
رقم البحث : 12374814 Influence of using some natural materials and biological fertilizers on growth and quality of pea yield /
رقم البحث : 12374803 Effect of calcium, potassium and some antioxidants on growth, yield and storability of sweet potato:
رقم البحث : 12374789 Effect of calcium, potassium and some antioxidants on growth, yield and storability of sweet potato:
رقم البحث : 12374778 Response of Strawberry to Salicylic Acid and Yeast Extract Applications under Different Nitrogen and Potassium Combinations /
رقم البحث : 12374772 Effect of Some Alternative Natural Compounds for Potato Sprout Control during Storage /
رقم البحث : 12374758 Implication of using silver nano-particles and mycorrhizae symbiosis on growth, yield and quality of artichoke plants /
رقم البحث : 12374746 Effect of different growing media and chemical fertilization on growth and chemical composition of ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) plant /
رقم البحث : 12374742 The Utilization of Wheat Germ in Burger Preparation /
رقم البحث : 12374738 Effect of BHA on cottonseed oil properties during heating and frying /
رقم البحث : 12374725 Evaluation of activated carbons produced from by-products sugar crops grown in Egypt:
رقم البحث : 12372065 وحدات القياس العالمية الحديثة si unitsوملاحظات فى الكتابة العالمية /
Vol 51 no 4 - Dec 2013 - 01/12/2013
رقم البحث : 12370711 Response of Valencia orange trees to some biofertilization treatments :
رقم البحث : 12370599 Response of Valencia orange trees to some biofertilization treatments :
رقم البحث : 12370430 Response of cotton plant to the indole-3-butyric acid application under n fertilization rates /
رقم البحث : 12370465 Forage Yield as Affected by Mixing Rates of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinumL.) With Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum ) Grown in Sandy Soil /
رقم البحث : 12370440 Screening of chickpea (cicer arietinum l.) genotypes for earliness, yield, yieldcomponents and resistance against fusarium wilt /
رقم البحث : 12370892 Effect of two insecticides on eggs and larvae of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella(Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae /
رقم البحث : 12370928 Biological and biochemical changes in pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiellaafter treatment with Hexaflumuron and Chlorfluazuron /
رقم البحث : 12370855 Effectiveness of some plant powders and their residues for controlling two primary stored grain insects /
رقم البحث : 12370822 Toxicological effects of the fumonisin B1 on some physiolgical and biochemical parameters in the rainbow trout fish, Tilapia florida /
رقم البحث : 12370492 Effects of Intercropping Sunflower with Sugar Beet under Different Plant Densities and Defoliation Levels on Yield and Production Efficiency of Both Crops /
رقم البحث : 12370568 An assessment of the level of awareness of biodiversity among students at Sana´a
university, Yemen /
رقم البحث : 12370796 Impact of plant spacing and density on yield and quality of newly local developed
Cantaloupe F1 hybrids /
Vol 51 no 3 - Sep 2013 - 01/09/2013
رقم البحث : 12369135 Effect of some soil media types and growth regulators on lolium perenne /
رقم البحث : 12369179 Influence of Organic, Npk, Bio-Fertilization and Natural Substances Treatments on
Black Cumin Plants /
رقم البحث : 12369933 Influence of thawing and cooking methods on quality of libyan camel meat /
رقم البحث : 12368706 Effect of Brewer’s yeast and soya bean cake on brood rearing, pollen gathering and honey yield in honey bee colonies /
رقم البحث : 12369056 Effect of six cotton varieties and genotypes on natural mortality percentage of diapaused larvae of pink bollworm pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) in subsequent of cotton and rate of infestation in the subsequent year /
رقم البحث : 12367677 تقدير متبقيات بعض المبيدات في عينات ثمار الخيار المجمعة من سوق الخضار المركزي في مدينة درعا، سوريا /
رقم البحث : 12369907 Purple Cauliflower Curd Maturity Stage And Harvesting Age /
رقم البحث : 12369083 Efficacy of methomyl and copper sulphate against Eobania vermiculata (Muller) and Helicella vestalis (Preiffer) snail under laboratory and field conditions /
رقم البحث : 12369115 Influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on productivity and storage ability of sweet pepper /
رقم البحث : 12370008 Effect of Feeding Levels and Feeding Frequency on Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of Red Tilapia Fingerlings (Tilapia hornorum X Tilapia mossambicus) /
رقم البحث : 12367809 الكفاءة الاقتصادية لصناعة طحن القمح في مصر /
رقم البحث : 12367870 الاحتياجات التدريبية للمرشدات الزراعيات في مجال تلوث البيئة في بعض محافظات جمهورية مصر العربية /
Vol 51 no 2 - jun 2013 - 01/06/2013
رقم البحث : 12366858 تباين التغيرات الفصلية للقارية في المملكة العربية السعودية باستخدام نظمGis /
رقم البحث : 12368808 Effect of probiotic supplementation on productive performance of quail chicks /
رقم البحث : 12368980 Effect of using germinated fenugreek on the quality of ice milk /
رقم البحث : 12369000 Effect of Some Postharvest Treatments on Quality Attributes Of Sweet Pepper Fruits During Cold Storage /
رقم البحث : 12369044 Effect of Honey Bee Propolis on Certain Human Bacterial Species (Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae) /
رقم البحث : 12369092 Land suitability classification of some Qalubiya soils /
رقم البحث : 12369076 Field Study on the Amber Snail Succinea Putris (Linnaeus) (Succineidae: Mollusca) /
رقم البحث : 12366557 دراسة تقدير دالة تكاليف إنتاج بعض محاصيل الحبوب في بعض محافظات الجمهورية اليمنية /
رقم البحث : 12366623 اهمية الزراعة المحمية فى تطوير الصادرات المصرية من العنب المصرى الى السوق الأوروبية /
رقم البحث : 12366843 تقدير المرونات الإنفاقية الإستهلاكية الغذائية في ريف وحضر محافظة القليوبية /
Vol 51 no 1 - Mar 2013 - 01/01/2013
رقم البحث : 12376689 دراسة اقتصادية لاستجابة العرض لمحصول الذرة الشامى الصيفى بمحافظة أسيوط /
رقم البحث : 12376698 معظمة الصادرات المصرية من البرتقال /
رقم البحث : 12376708 آثار الأزمة المالية والاقتصادية العالمية على انتاج الغذاء في اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12376638 Effect of paclobutrazol and pinching on cestrum nocturnum plants \
رقم البحث : 12376713 برنامج مكافحة متكامل لحشرة بسيلا الأجاص Cacopsylla pyricola (F.) في محطة بحوث المختارية بمحافظة حمص، سورية /
رقم البحث : 12376542 Forage production potential of saltbush (atriplex halimus l.) grown under stress conditions at Ras Sudr, South Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12376566 A survey of major weeds grown in marginal and cultivated lands of Bani Al-Hareth area, Sana’a, Yemen \
رقم البحث : 12376582 Effect of oxytetracyclin and florfenicol on growth, feed utilization and residual measurements in Nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticus \
رقم البحث : 12376656 Response of sweet pepper plants to organic manure and potassium humate \
رقم البحث : 12376671 Effect of intercropping system and sowing dates of Maize on population of some insect pests and Coccinella spp. Predators \
رقم البحث : 12376678 دراسة اقتصادية لاستجابة العرض لمحصول القمح بمحافظة أسيوط /
Vol 50 no 4 - Dec 2012 - 01/12/2012
رقم البحث : 12270918 Sunflower yield and some water relations under irrigation regimes and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12272934 Efficacy of a bacterial insecticide, on unparasitized and parasitized lesser cotton leafworm spodoptera exigua hbn. larvae by the endoparasitoid microplitis rufiventris kok /
رقم البحث : 12272943 Chemical control of annual grassy weeds in wheat fields /
رقم البحث : 12273067 دراسة قياسية لأثر بعض مؤشرات التنمية الزراعية على القطاع الزراعى فى ليبيا /
رقم البحث : 12273161 دراسة اقتصادية لإنتاج محصولى القمح والذرة الشامية بمحافظة الإسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 12273211 تأثير مخلفات الباذنجان البري solanum elaeagnifolium cav. ودور مركب السولاسودين فى إنبات ونمو بادرات القمح /
رقم البحث : 12270920 Detection of staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins in milk, milk products as well as milk handlers in Sharkia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12270934 Effect of side shoots pruning method on growth, yield and quality of eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) grown under unheated plastic greenhouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 12271020 Effect of irrigation rate and some fertilization treatments on vegetative growth and chemical composition of stevia rebaudiana /
رقم البحث : 12272553 Effect of some mineral nutrients treatments on growth and productivity of geranium plant (pelargonium graveolens, l.) /
رقم البحث : 12272563 Effect of foliar spray by some natural stimulating compounds on growth, yield and chemical composition of peas (pisum sativum l.) /
رقم البحث : 12272570 Morphologically and genetically evaluation of some jujube (ziziphus jujuba mill) genotypes under maryout (Egypt) conditions /
رقم البحث : 12272581 Larvicidal action of some bacterial formulations against culex pipiens mosquito larvae /
رقم البحث : 12272916 Loss assessment of maize yield caused by the greater sugar-cane borer, sesamia cretica led. larvae at Qalubia governorate /
Vol 50 no 3 - Sep 2012 - 01/09/2012
رقم البحث : 12252748 Effect of vernalization and growth stimulants foliar application treatments on cantaloupe plants under greenhouses condition /
رقم البحث : 12252872 Sample size effect on genetic parameters and predicted gains from selection of some quantitative traits in an Egyptian cotton cross (Gossypium barbadense L,) /
رقم البحث : 12252885 التحليل القياسى للمتغيرات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المرتبطة بتسمين الحملان فى المنطقة الوسطى بليبيا /
رقم البحث : 12252988 دراسه قياسيه لإنتاج واستهلاك بعض أهم السلع الزراعيه الأستراتيجيه وأثرها على تحقيق الأمن الغذائى العربى /
رقم البحث : 12252764 Differential Response of Some Potato Varieties to Irrigation with Saline Water /
رقم البحث : 12253019 عوامل موت حشرة الحمضيات القشريه الرماديه :
رقم البحث : 12252952 Effect of bio and mineral fertilizer on growth and productivity of pea /
رقم البحث : 12252898 Effect of a combine tillage on soil compaction and required energy /
رقم البحث : 12252804 Effect of different carbon and nitrogen sources on t-amylase production by Aspergillus niger k8 /
رقم البحث : 12252823 Effect of some plant extracts on faba bean aphid, ApIzis craccivora Koch and maize aphid, Rhoplosiphwn maid/s Fich /
رقم البحث : 12252842 Relative importance for yield components in some faba bean (viciafaba cuitivars under different plant population densities /
رقم البحث : 12252851 تأثير المحاريث والخطوط على التربة والرى وإنتاجية الذرة فى وادى تبن /
رقم البحث : 12252868 دراسة اقتصادية للعمالة الزراعية فى ليبيا /
Vol 50 no 2 - Jun2012 - 01/06/2012
رقم البحث : 12253615 Kinetic parameters of immobilized pectinase enzyme /
رقم البحث : 12254834 Enhancement of guava fruits quality by using biofertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12254897 Evaluation of selected tomato genotypes for some fruit quality characters /
رقم البحث : 12255626 Improving the productivity of okra under siwa oasis conditions /
رقم البحث : 12255646 Response of some pea cultivars to supplementary irrigation under rainfall conditions /
رقم البحث : 12255692 Seasonal influences on rearing of honey bee queens under nasr city conditions, Cairo, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12255704 Evaluation of eight insecticides belonging to four different groups for control of red palm weevil, Rhynclwphorusferrugjne11g (Olivier) (Colleoptera: Curculionidae) /
رقم البحث : 12255728 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لإنتاج الألبان بمزارع الجاموس بمحافظة الغربية /
رقم البحث : 12255761 تأثير المعاملات الاولية في صفات الجودة للاراضي شوكي خلال فترة التخزين المجمد /
رقم البحث : 12255782 تأثير المعاملة ببعض الاحماض العضوية في مستويات الامينات الحيوية وبعض مؤشرات جودة صدر الدجاج خلال التخزين المبرد /
Vol 50 no 1 - Mar 2012 - 01/03/2012
رقم البحث : 12247969 Accuracy of estimating 305-day milk, fat and protein yields using different milk recording systems through the first three lactations in dairy cattle /
رقم البحث : 12248959 Studies on somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of squash (cucurbita pepo l.) /
رقم البحث : 12248966 Effect of bio and mineral fertilizers on vegetative growth and productivity of spring onion /
رقم البحث : 12248969 Virulence of ralstonia solanacearum the causal of potato brown rot disease under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12248975 Certain plant dusts as stored grain protectants compared to malathion dust /
رقم البحث : 12268874 Bioactivity of plant extracts against two stored product insects and use of chromatography and infrared analyses for defining the toxic compounds /
رقم البحث : 12269714 Study of certain factors affecting queen rearing in honeybee colonies on the acceptance rate of grafted queen cells /
رقم البحث : 12269729 Ecological study the most of important of bumblebees species (Bombus spp.) in the coastal region – Syria /
رقم البحث : 12269737 Study on physiographic features and soil taxa, west of Asyut governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12247977 دراسة اقتصادية لاستخدام تكنولوجيا الحفظ بالتشعيع بسوق الغلال الرئيسي بمصر /
رقم البحث : 12248018 دور الاستزراع السمكى فى تضييق فجوة البروتين الحيوانى فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12248063 جودة الخدمة الإرشادية المقدمة لمزارعى محصول القمح المطري بمحافظة شمال سيناء /
رقم البحث : 12248075 دراسة العائد الاقتصادى لمزارع تسمين البدارى بمحافظة الشرقية :
رقم البحث : 12248091 تأثير أنواع الغذاء على بعض المؤشرات الحياتية لحشرة خنفساء التبغ Lasioderma serricorne (F.) (coleopteran: Anobiidae) /
رقم البحث : 12248946 Effect of some mulching treatments on water use efficiency, yield and mineral composition of “le-conte” pear trees /
رقم البحث : 12248954 Effect of differenet temperatures on cucumber production under glasshouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 12248955 Effect of zinc and urea foliar spray on growth, yield and fruit quality of’ canino” apricot trees grown in sandy soils /
Vol 49 no 4 - Des 2011 - 01/12/2011
رقم البحث : 12241759 المشاكل التي تواجه حرفة الملابس الجاهزة في بعض قري محافظة الشرقية ومقترحات التغلب عليها /
رقم البحث : 12241645 Replications effect on geneticalbehaviour of some quantitative traits in cotton (Gossypium bcirbadense L) /
رقم البحث : 12241649 Effect of planting methods and n-fertilization on yield and its components and protein content of two bread wheat varieties /
رقم البحث : 12241656 Effect of germination on nutritional value of legumes /
رقم البحث : 12241660 Effect of plant species, cutting type and planting date on vegetative growth of eranthemum plant /
رقم البحث : 12241669 Effect of storage temperatures and postharvest calcium salts treatments on storability of jujube fruits ( zizphus mauritiana Lam.cv.tuliihi) /
رقم البحث : 12241677 Isolation and identification of cellulases producing thermophilic bacteria and their ability to produce xylanase enzymes /
رقم البحث : 12241690 Influence of temperature and photoperiod on some biological aspects of coccinella undecimpunctata l. (coleoptera: coccinellidae) reared on cowpea aphid, aphis craccivoraKoch /
رقم البحث : 12241704 Ecological studies on the citrus wax scale insect, Ceroplastes floridensis comstock (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on Banana plants /
رقم البحث : 12241793 دراسة تحليلية للسلوك الشرائي والاستهلاكي لملابس المرأة الريفية والحضرية في محافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 12241916 توزع مجتمع حشرة السونة (Eurygaster integricps puton) ضمن مواقع البيات الصيفي والشتوي وتاثير الارتفاع والاتجاه الجغرافي ومعدل الامطار علي كثافة الحشرة في مناطق البيات في جنوب سوريا /
رقم البحث : 12241747 تجفيف مخلفات المزارع السمكية /
Vol 49 no 3 - Sep 2011 - 01/09/2011
رقم البحث : 12233112 عوامل الفقد فى طورى البيضة واليرقة لدودة جوز القطن الأمريكية Helicoverpa (Heliothis) armigera (Hubner). (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) فى بعض حقول القطن فى محافظة الحسكة /
رقم البحث : 12233040 دراسة اقتصادية للواقع التسويقى للموز بمحافظة القليوبية مع التطبيق لأحد أسواق التجزئة له بمدينة بنها /
رقم البحث : 12233020 أثر بعض وسائل الاتصال على النسق القيمى للشباب الريفى ببعض قرى محافظتى الشرقية والدقهلية /
رقم البحث : 12233059 دراسة تأثير التكييس وبعض المعاملات الإضافية للتبريد على تقليل ضرر البرودة والفقد فى الوزن والأمراض فى ثمار برتقال يافاوى /
رقم البحث : 12233075 الظهور الموسمى لأطوار حشرة تربس البصل (thysanoptera : thripidae) thrips tabaci lindeman فى حقل للبصل فى منطقة النشابية – ريف دمشق سورية /
رقم البحث : 12233144 دراسة تأثير درجات الحرارة على بعض الخصائص الحياتية لحشرة تربس البصل Thrips tabaci lindeman /
رقم البحث : 12233234 ﺩﺭﺍﺳﺔ ﻛﻔﺎءﺓ ﺑﻌﺾ ﺍﻟﻨﻴﻜﻮﺗﻴﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺼﻨﻌﻴﺔ ﻋﻨﺪ ﺍﺳﺘﺨﺪﺍﻣﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ ﻣﻜﺎﻓﺤﺔ ﺍﻟﺬﺑﺎﺑﺔ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﻀﺎء (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺒﺎﺗﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺒﻨﺪﻭﺭﺓ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺒﻴﻮﺕ ﺍﻟﺒﻼﺳﺘﻴﻜﻴﺔ /
رقم البحث : 12233248 تأثير بعض مبيدات الفطور فى التعداد العام للفطريات والبكتريا فى محيط الجذور لنباتات البندورة تحت ظروف الحقل /
رقم البحث : 12233000 Effect of stratification and seed soaking with some chemical compounds on globe artichoke seed germination, plant growth, head yield and its quality /
رقم البحث : 12243884 Combined application of hot water and low temperature conditioning reduced chilling injury and maintained quality of cucumbers fruits during storage /
رقم البحث : 12243867 Effect of pre and postharvest treatments on yield, head quality and storability broccoli florets during storage /
رقم البحث : 12243905 Susceptibility of some sugarcane varieties to infestation by red striped soft scale insect, pulvinaria tennivalvata (newstead) in relation to histological parameters /
رقم البحث : 12243916 The population fluctuation of Acanthiophilus helianthi, (Rossi) on garden cornflower Centaurea cyanus 1. plants in relation to some biotic and abiotic factors at El-saff, Gin governorate /
رقم البحث : 12244006 Kinetics of Iron Retention by Typic Torriorthent and Typic Haplocalcid Soils Supplied with Some Micronutrients /
رقم البحث : 12232988 Response of two flax varieties (Sakha3and Gin 9) to mineral and bio nitrogen Fertilization /
Vol 49 no 2 - June - 01/06/2011
رقم البحث : 12243828 The use of some microclimate modifications to produce lettuce /
رقم البحث : 12243839 Improving growth and productivity of strawberry via soil addition and foliar application of some safety growth stimulating compounds /
رقم البحث : 12243881 Effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on seed and oil yield of bottle gourd (lagenaria siceraria) /
رقم البحث : 12243911 Studies on the soil amendment and fertilization of Paspaiwn vagiizatwn turfgrass grown under new city conditions /
رقم البحث : 12234647 Response of some flax genotypes to chemical and biophosphorus fertilization tinder different row spacing /
رقم البحث : 12243945 Impact of certain insecticides on enzymes activity of whitely bemisia tabaci (Genn.) and aphids Aphis gossypii (Glover) on cucumber plants /
رقم البحث : 12243958 الكفاءه الاقتصاديه لإستخدام النظام الخبير فى إنتاج محصول القمح /
رقم البحث : 12243971 دراسه اقتصاديه لإنتاج واستهلاك الأسماك فى جمهوريه مصر العربيه /
رقم البحث : 12244011 تأثير المسافه بين السطور والجور على محصول البذور وصفات الجوده فى الكانولا (Brassica napus l.) /
رقم البحث : 12244018 المكافحه الحيويه للبكتريا Xanthomonas campestris pv. Vesicatoria مسببه مرض التبقيع البكتيرى لاوراق الطماطم /
رقم البحث : 12243921 Population dynamics of the beet moth scrobipalpa ocellatella boyd In relation to certain associated predators in sugar beet fields, in egypt /
رقم البحث : 12236401 Some factors affecting milk production of sheep under the Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12236449 Assessment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteriaactivity under saline stress /
رقم البحث : 12243806 Purification and some properties of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from alkalophilic bacillus sp /
Vol 49 no 1 - Jan 2011 - 01/01/2011
رقم البحث : 12241396 Efficacy of some antioxidants on controlling cucumber fusarium wilts disease under protected houses /
رقم البحث : 12241411 Efficacy of triclioderina spp. in controlling fusarium wilts of cucumber under protected Houses /
رقم البحث : 12241427 Efficiency of certain chemical compounds against theba pisana /
رقم البحث : 12241468 Impact of alternative feeding in honeybee colonies on brood rearing and hypopharyngeal glands in workers (apis inelljfera I.) /
رقم البحث : 12241484 تأثير تعرض ذكور الجرذان البالغة للفينول المقلون (أوكتيل فينول) على غدة البروستاتا لذكور الجرذان البيضاء (دراسات نسيجية وكيمياء نسيجية وتركيبية دقيقة) /
رقم البحث : 12233306 Water management and crop pattern to sustain agriculture at el-salam area /
رقم البحث : 12233323 Response of some imported potato cultivars to nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12233358 In vitro physiological studies on lavandula officinalis l. /
رقم البحث : 12233374 Effect of using mineral fertilizers on salinity tolerance of some woody trees /
رقم البحث : 12241384 Effect of potassium, some antioxidants, phosphoric acid and napthalen acetic acid (NAA) on growth and productivity of faba bean plants ([aba vulgarfr) /
Vol 48 no 4 - Dec 2010 - 01/12/2010
رقم البحث : 12233762 Influence of boron and zinc foliar sprays on fruiting, fruit quality arid storability of fuerte avocado :
رقم البحث : 12234419 Ecological studies on coppice sand dunes in some locations of North Sinai, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12234429 Studies on specific characteristics of some selected sand dunes in North Sinai, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12234439 Mapping and modeling soil characteristics to evaluate precision farming /
رقم البحث : 12234453 تأثير خلط الدقيق العدس المنبت وغير المنبت بدقيق القمح على الخصائص الريولوجيه للعجينه وجوده الخبز الناتج /
رقم البحث : 12233322 Effect of fungicide copper oxychioride and vitamin c on growth performance and nutrients utilization of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus /
رقم البحث : 12233351 Effect of adding papaya, pumpkin and sweet potato to mango pulp on some bioactive substances /
رقم البحث : 12233371 Effect of putreseine and vitamin E treatments on growth, yield and quality of squash plants (cucurbita pepo I.) under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12233404 Application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) delays postharvest ripening of tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 12233654 Effect of hot water treatment on postharvest qualily of tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 12233672 Effect of maturity stages and harvesting date on quality of tomato fruits during cold storage condition and shelf life /
رقم البحث : 12233826 Efficiency of bio and chemical fertilization on growth performance and oil productivity of lemongrass /
رقم البحث : 12233893 Effect of biofertilizers and micronutrients on growth, yield and chemical composition of globe artichoke (cynara scolyrnus I.) under the conditions of south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12233919 Efficacy of plant essential oils against E. coil O157: 117, Salmonella enterica and L. monocytogenes in fruit juices /
رقم البحث : 12233986 A study on the activity of the honeybees in gathering of propolis substances /
Vol 48 no 3 - Sep 2010 - 01/09/2010
رقم البحث : 12234427 Effect of some soil chemical stablizers on growth of leucuenaleucocephala and acacia saligna /
رقم البحث : 12234446 Body thermoregulation, biochemical changes and fertility rate of buffalo compared to friesian bulls under egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12234457 Monitoring the residues of diazinon under field condition and effect of some home processing /
رقم البحث : 12234482 Properties of sour cream made with aqueous solution of propolis /
رقم البحث : 12234661 Effect of lecithin and glutathione on the quality attribute of pan bread /
رقم البحث : 12234673 Physiologecal studies on salt tolerance in a new local tomato hybrid /
رقم البحث : 12234680 Effect of prestorage disinfestation treatments on physical and chemical characters of ponkantangarine fruits after cold storage and shelf life /
رقم البحث : 12234688 Influence of boron and zinc foliar sprays on fruiting, fruit quality and storability of fuerteavocado :
رقم البحث : 12234699 Effect of some phosphorus and potassium rates and foliar spray with antioxidants on growth, yield and yield quality of garlic (allianzsativamI.) /
رقم البحث : 12233432 Effect of some agricultural practices on productivity of acacia saligna under el- negaila region conditions /
رقم البحث : 12234715 Biological control of the red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus oliver (coleoptera: curculionidae) by entomopathogenic nematode species /
رقم البحث : 12234726 Discrimination of parasitized aphids by the ladybird beetle coccinella undecimpunctatal. (coleoptera: coccinellidae) :
رقم البحث : 12236675 المكمنات الارشادية للحد من زراعة القطن بالاراضي الجديدة /
رقم البحث : 12237035 الكفاءة الاقتصادية لتسويق واستهلاك اللحوم الحمراء :
Vol 48 no 2 - Jun 2010 - 01/06/2010
رقم البحث : 12231889 Effect of spraying thompson seedless grapevines with hydrogen cyanamide, sulpher and oil on fruit quality and mealybug (planoccus ficus) /
رقم البحث : 12231926 Effect of bio-fertilizers and intercropping between garlic (Allium sativum, L.) and fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum-graecum, L.) on productivity and quality under calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12231957 Effect of polyethelene mulch color, cultivar and planting date on fruits physical and chemical characteristics of strawberry /
رقم البحث : 12231965 Effect of spraying with ascorbic acid, vitamin b complex and amino acids on growth and productivity of kadota cv. Fig trees under middle Egypt region /
رقم البحث : 12215687 Evaluation of performance in top-cross of soybean yield through different planting dates /
رقم البحث : 12215712 Performance of six flax genotypes under sandy soil conditions of Ismailia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12218657 Effect of some soil chemical stablizers on growth of leucaena leucocephala and acacia saligna /
رقم البحث : 12218670 The interaction effect of strain, sex and live body weight on antibody response to srbcs in broiler chickens /
رقم البحث : 12218683 Evaluation of physiochemical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of fruit yoghurt with blueberry syrup /
رقم البحث : 12233349 Effect of some stimulants and its application methods on growth and yield of tomato plants under heat stress condition /
رقم البحث : 12233652 Effect of active and passive modified atmosphere packaging on the quality attributes of strawberries /
رقم البحث : 12233660 Effect of planting date and grafting on sudden wilt control in some melon cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12233680 Effect of heat treatment on quality attributes of fresh cut green onion during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12233700 Impact of different irrigation levels and systems on growth and productivity of kalamata olives in Egypt newly cultivated deseret areas /
رقم البحث : 12233718 Influence of harvesting date and some postharvest treatments on quality and storage ability of sweet potato roots /
رقم البحث : 12233728 Effect of methomyl on two species of terrestrial snails under laboratory and field conditions /
رقم البحث : 12233772 Release of predacious mites against phytophagous mites infesting apple trees /
رقم البحث : 12233831 المعايير الاجتماعية المؤثرة على مشاركة الزراع في بعض الأنشطة الإرشادية الزراعية في محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12233851 الميزة النسبية لإنتاج محصول الكتان في مصر /
رقم البحث : 12233811 دراسة دور المراكز الإرشادية الزراعية في التنمية بشبه جزيرة سيناء /
رقم البحث : 12233872 مصادر المعلومات لدى مزارعي القمح المحسن في قاعي الحقل وجهران أثناء مراحل التبني /
رقم البحث : 12234002 تأثير مستويات مختلفة من التسميد النيتروجيني والفوسفاتي على نمو شتلات المانجو صنف (هندي أبو سنارة) /
رقم البحث : 12234052 تقنية ملائمة لصناعة الجبن البلدي لدى المنتج الريفي فى اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12233763 Infestation of honeybee colonies with nosema apis disease and its control at El-Gharbia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12231839 Effect of topping frequency on vegetative growth, chemical composition, yield and quality of some sweet potato cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12231871 A comparative study on the effect of soil and foliar application of nitrogen fertilizers at alternative ratios on banana plants /
Vol 47 no 3 - Sep 2009 - 01/09/2009
رقم البحث : 12049691 Effect of intercropping patterns of teosinte with cowpea on yield, quality and their competitive relationships /
رقم البحث : 12049637 Use efficiency of mineral and organic nitrogen in six maize genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12052454 Effect of different shed types, as alleviation mean of heat stress, on body reactions and growth performance of crossbred calves /
رقم البحث : 12052455 Automatic plant identification by signature of a partially occluded leaf /
رقم البحث : 12052457 Production and evaluation of some healthy cheap pre-school , children food mixtures /
رقم البحث : 12052458 Influence of some additives on the properties of concentrated, apricot and peach juices during freeze storage /
رقم البحث : 12049533 Evaluation of some wheat genotypes under different seeding rates /
رقم البحث : 12052460 Utilization of mango seed kernels after removing antinutritional matters in biscuit production /
رقم البحث : 12052462 Influence of mineral and biofertilizers on growth, yield and quality of cucumber plants /
رقم البحث : 12052473 Response of garlic plants to the effect of nitrogen levels and some growth stimulants /
رقم البحث : 12052482 Effect of prepackage treatments and package kind on quality and shelf life of some varieties of minimally processed apricots /
رقم البحث : 12052488 Role of the salicylic and ascorbic acid on the control of growth, flowering and yield of globe artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12052499 Effect of some organic compounds on growth and productivity of some potato cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12052520 An attempt to minimize the addition of mineral nitrogen fertilizer to tomato plant by using liquid ammonia and bio- fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12052536 Effect of hot water treatment, modified atmosphere packaging and storage periods on alleviating chilling injury in cucumber fruits /
رقم البحث : 12052549 Effect of hot water and calcium chloride treatments on fresh cut sweet pepper during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12049546 Response of some maize inbred lines to nitrogen fertilizer rates and plant population densities /
رقم البحث : 12052582 Effect of releasing time of trichogramma evanescens west wood for controlling pectinophuragossipiella (saund.) and earias insulana (boisd.) in Beni-suef governorate„ Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12052611 Distribution, host plants and parasitoids of the two scale insects, parlatoriaoleae and pseudaulacaspispentagona (hemiptera:diaspididae) /
رقم البحث : 12052660 Effect of new synthetic compounds as a synergist for profenofos against the cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 12052681 Evaluation of the efficiency of some essential oils anti chemical acaricides for varroa control /
رقم البحث : 12052698 A comparative study among cyanobacteria, azolla and humic acid for removal of some heavy metals from wastewater /
رقم البحث : 12052726 Comparison between the efficiency of gypsum and growing halophyte (salicorniaeuropaea l.) in remediation of saline sodic soils in sahle el-tena region north Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12052758 تصميم مجفف شمسى بسيط لتجفيف المنتجات الزراعية /
رقم البحث : 12052967 تحليل اقتصادى لأثر سياسة التحرر الإقتصادى على أربحية بعض الدورات الزراعية بجمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 12053305 تأثير نسبة الخلط لثلاثة أنواع من الطحين و الإضافة لفيتامين ج ودبس التمر على صفات العجينة و الخبز الناتج /
رقم البحث : 12053655 تأثير طريقة الزراعة على نمو صنفين من البصل (Allium cepa L.) /
رقم البحث : 12049599 Effect of grain soaking of some new long spike wheat varieties in zinc and nitrogen fertilization at south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12053665 اقتصاديات إنتاج محصولى البردقوش والياسمين فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12053674 دراسه اقتصاديه لاستخدام الموارد المتاحه بالاراضى الصحراويه /
رقم البحث : 12053689 دراسه اقتصاديه لتعبئه المدخرات الريفيه وآثارها على التنميه الزراعيه فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12053697 استجابه صفات التبكير فى فول الصويا للتسميد الارضى بالبورون والبوتاسيوم فى ظروف الساحل السورى /
Vol 47 no 2 - jun - 01/06/2009
رقم البحث : 12044220 Determination of the relative contribution for yield factors in maize by using some statistical procedures /
رقم البحث : 12044244 Mutagen-induced changes in genetic variance and heritability estimates for peanut seed yield traits /
رقم البحث : 12044273 Study on some genetic aspects for post-weaning growth traits in two breeds of rabbits and their crosses /
رقم البحث : 12044305 Genetic evaluation for carcass traits in some purebred and crossbred rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12044694 Physiological role of some nutrients and citric acid on growth and yield quality of sugar beet (beta vulgaris. L) /
رقم البحث : 12044091 Herbicide tank-mixtures efficiency on weeds and wheat productivity /
رقم البحث : 12044706 Classification profile of three different streptomycete isolates from Sharkia governorate soils /
رقم البحث : 12053725 Use of different fat mimetics in the production of reduced fat probiotic uf-labneh /
رقم البحث : 12053738 Bifidobacterium strains as food bio-preservatives against dairy products spoilage toxigenic fungi /
رقم البحث : 12053746 Viability of lactobacillus plantarum bfel 92122 in association with commercial yoghurt starter in probiotic yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 12053755 The effect of some natural sweeteners on the growth and viability of the probiotic lactobacilli in skim milk /
رقم البحث : 12053765 Effect of skim milk powder substitution with barley flour on the properties of probiotic fruit flavored stirred yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 12055449 Quality attributes of sausage substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal /
رقم البحث : 12055463 Quality attributes of beef burger substituted by different levels of whole amaranth meal /
رقم البحث : 12055472 Production and evaluation of healthy crackers by using flour mixes of different types of cereal and aromatic herbs /
رقم البحث : 12044129 Response of two maize hybrids for bacterial inoculation, organic and mineral nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12055518 Producing and evaluation of red pepper paste as new food product /
رقم البحث : 12055532 Effect of hydrocolloids addition on rheological properties, and sensory quality of tomato ketchup during storage /
رقم البحث : 12055547 Production of balady bread by using some improvers /
رقم البحث : 12055565 Effect of some kind of wax on maintaining fruit quality of “keitt” mango cultivar during cold storage and marketing /
رقم البحث : 12056710 Evaluation of two Italian peach cultivars grown under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12056711 Some safe methods on keeping quality of apricot and its effect on respiration rate during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12056712 Taxonomic study in the genus citrus using DNA fingerprinting by Issr analysis /
رقم البحث : 12056715 Effect of different antichlorosis agents on ana apple and le conte pear trees grown in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12056716 Effect of soil inoculation with mycorrhiza and application with sulphur on vegetative growth and nutritional status of young persimmon trees grown in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12056717 Effect of sitofex and gibberellic spray on fruit set, yield and fruit quality of ”le conte” pear budded on two different rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 12044164 Response of some maize hybrids to late planting dates /
رقم البحث : 12056718 Tomato germplasm evaluation and selection for tomato yellow leaf curl virus resistance /
رقم البحث : 12056721 Response of Australian umbrella trees (brassaia) transplants to some fertilization, salicylic acid and dry yeast treatments /
رقم البحث : 12056722 Effect of different levels of potassium on fruit set, yield and fruit quality of persimmon /
رقم البحث : 12056723 Lime tree performance under Toshka region environmental conditions /
رقم البحث : 12056726 Effect of some growth regulators on yield and fruit quality of picual olive trees /
رقم البحث : 12056728 Effect of nitrogen source on fruit quality of superior seedless grapevine under cold storage conditions /
رقم البحث : 12056729 Micropropagation of fantasy seedless grapevines /
رقم البحث : 12056731 Studies on micropropagation of liquidamber styreciflua /
رقم البحث : 12056733 Field studies on the main pests infesting soybean plants and associated natural enemies at nubaria region /
رقم البحث : 12044194 Genetical analysis of some agronomic characters in wheat /
رقم البحث : 12056735 Laboratory study on the web-weaver spider, enoplognatha ovata (claerck, 1757) (araneida: theridiidae) as a biological control agent /
رقم البحث : 12056736 Ecological study on royal jelly production with special reference to honey bee strains in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12056739 Molten globule structure of bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurustaki insecticidal protein could be necessary to induce higher mortality rate in spodoptera littoralis /
رقم البحث : 12056740 Effect of spraying some amino acids on the quantity and some chemical properties of wheat yield under irrigation with saline water /
رقم البحث : 12056742 Inducing yield productivity and nutrients content of peanut plant grown on sandy soil under organic farming /
رقم البحث : 12056743 Comparison between organic and conventional farming for yield and nutrients content of pepper plant grown on a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12056744 دراسة تحليلية لربحية التراكيب المحصولية الزراعية بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12056747 مساهمة بعض الأنشطة الزراعية فى تشغيل العمالة الزراعية /
رقم البحث : 12056749 تقدير قوة العمل الزراعى البشرى باستخدام أساليب المعاينة فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 12056751 تقييم هجن فردية محلية من الذرة الشامية تحت ظروف منطقة صنعاء \
Vol 47 no 1 - Jan 2009 - 01/01/2009
رقم البحث : 12043660 Biplot analysis of genotype by environment interaction for grain yield in maize /
رقم البحث : 12043674 Effect of induced molting egg quality some blood constituents in hy-line hens /
رقم البحث : 12043738 Complemented effect of humic acid and biofertilizers on wheat (triticum aestivum l.) Productivity /
رقم البحث : 12043764 Impact of inoculation with effective strains of plant growth- promoting rhizobacteria on fusarium wilt of pepper /
رقم البحث : 12043795 Effect of seedling inoculation with some asymbiotic n2-fixers on growth of rosemary plant (rosmarinus offidnalis) and its active constituents /
رقم البحث : 12043617 Adaptation studies of some faba bean (vicia faba l.) Varieties under siwa oasis conditions /
رقم البحث : 12043818 Preparation of flaxseed meal free of cyanogenic glycoside /
رقم البحث : 12043841 Quality characteristics of dried sheets prepared from blended apple: cantaloupe juices /
رقم البحث : 12043884 Prematuration studies on the micropropagated date palm plants /
رقم البحث : 12043913 In vitro clonal propagation of thymuscapitatus l. through directregeneration /
رقم البحث : 12044043 Effect of potassium and phosphorus fertilization and spraying with seamino on growth and yield of lettuce and spinach grown under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12044069 Effect of organic fertilization and nacl salinity on) germination and grove of marigold (tagetes erecta /
رقم البحث : 12044105 Effect of sitofex and ga3 spray and time of application on fruit set, yield and fruit quality of ”mackawa jiro” kaki cultivar /
رقم البحث : 12044128 Response of cerus peruvianus l. Plants to pinching and fix treatments /
رقم البحث : 12044161 Effect of foliar application with g3, kno3, urea and cacl2 on yield and quality of Navel orange (caitrus sinensis l. Osbeck) fruits /
رقم البحث : 12043623 Improving productivity of sunflower by using foliar application and seed hardening treatments under el-wady el-gedid condition /
رقم البحث : 12044198 Optimizing the use of phosphours fertilizer by using biofertilizers and its effect on dahlia hybrid /
رقم البحث : 12044219 Effects of different soil applied levels of (npk) and actosol compound on growth, fruiting parameters and fruit quality of pear trees /
رقم البحث : 12044242 Response of persimmon trees on clayloamy soils to different irrigation levels /
رقم البحث : 12044262 Response of dracaena and ruscus plants to humic acid and biofertilizer supply /
رقم البحث : 12044289 Selection among globe artichoke (cynara scolymus l.) Seed lines clones /
رقم البحث : 12044310 Effect of some amino acids and mineral nutrients treatments on growth and productivity of rosemary plant (rosmarinus officinalis, l.) /
رقم البحث : 12044327 Response of clivia miniata plant to light intensityand kinetin treatments /
رقم البحث : 12044350 The adaptability of some imported nectarines cultivars in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12045735 Effect of some natural stimulators spraying on fruit set, yield, quality and ripening of persimmon cultivar `vanilia’ /
رقم البحث : 12045739 Field trials for controlling the citrus leafminer phyllocnistis citrella (stain.) (lepidoptera, phyllocnistidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12043625 Genotype xenvironmet interaction for yield and its components in bread wheat (triticum aestivum, l.) /
رقم البحث : 12045743 Effect of feeding queen rearing colonies with pollen substitute and supplement duction and the weight queens /
رقم البحث : 12045752 الكفائه الاقتصاديه لمورد العماله البشريه لبعض المحاصيل فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12044001 Evaluation of salt tolerance in some durum wheat by using in vitro technique /
رقم البحث : 12043645 Evaluation of growth and yield of some promising wheat genotypes under soil salinity levels /
Vol 46 no 4 - Dec 2008 - 01/12/2008
رقم البحث : 12049442 Enrichment of humic acid and azolla with iron or znic andtneir impacts on faba bean plants grown on a calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12049453 Efficiency of compost application for maize under deficit Irrigation and two tillage systems; and the implications on Yield and soil physical properties /
رقم البحث : 12049565 Effect of inoculation with rhizobium and va-mycorrhizae on peanut root rot diseases under different sources of phosphorus fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 12049604 Ginning out-turn and its components in relation to lint grade and fiber quality in egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 12049641 The impact of partial replecement of- n -fertilizer by bio Fertilizer on seed and agronomk characters, yield and seed quality of sesame /
رقم البحث : 12049407 The role of different neighboring hosts on population growth of spider mites on cotton plants /
رقم البحث : 12049734 Evaluation of drought resistance indices in bread wheat under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions /
رقم البحث : 12049823 Trait relationships in sugarcane at final selection stages /
رقم البحث : 12049871 Stability parameters for seed yield of sesame blends and their component limes /
رقم البحث : 12050053 Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for grian yield in some white maize (zea ma ys l.) Hybrids /
رقم البحث : 12050080 Heterosis and combining ability for agronomic and fiber quality traits in intra-and interspecific crosses of cotton /
رقم البحث : 12050103 Effect of potassium fertilizer under two planting dates onyield and yield components of giza so cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 12050122 Comparative study on milk produation traits in two breeds of rabbits/
رقم البحث : 12050143 Replacement of HSHmeal by cottonseed meal supplement with vitamin e in diets of nile tilapia(oreochromis) /
رقم البحث : 12050448 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer pates and date of sowing on rust disease of sugar beet /
رقم البحث : 12050455 Influence of colour mulches on photomorphogenesis and productivity of sweet pepper (capsicum annum cv. Baladi) /
رقم البحث : 12049420 Toxicological and letent effects of certain compounds on the black cutworm agrotis ipsilon(HUFN) in the laboratory /
رقم البحث : 12050459 Evaluation of some rhizobacteria as potent biological control agents in vitro /
رقم البحث : 12050472 Ripening acceleration and quality improvement of gouda cheese with adding milk somatic cells /
رقم البحث : 12050483 Effect of blanching treatments on physicochemical and sensory characteristics of canined artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12050511 Chemical, organoleptic and microbiological evaluation of irradiated cumin seeds /
رقم البحث : 12050527 The genetic variaitions between solenostema arghle tissue culture derived plants /
رقم البحث : 12050542 The growth and biochemical contents of some mango rootstock seedlings under salt stress /
رقم البحث : 12050561 Response of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. Capitata) and Cauliflgsver (brassica oleracea var botrytis) crops to sulphur fertilization levels /
رقم البحث : 12050610 Effect of radiation and organic fertilization on growth of lovage (levisticijm officinale koch.) /
رقم البحث : 12050643 Selection and evaluation of some balady and chinese (sids-40) garlic “allium sativum l.” Clones /
رقم البحث : 12050673 Effect of gamma irradiation on growth and flowering of Latelyrus odoratus.l /
رقم البحث : 12049429 Monitoring infestation rates of the tomato fruit worm,Helicoverpa armigera hubner (lepidoptera: noctuidae) in tomato fields at lake nasser region, aswan, upper Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12050689 Effect of some organic additives to sand on growth and chemical composition of brassaia actiivophyll (endl) harms plant /
رقم البحث : 12050729 Dwarfing of thevetia peruwana (pers.) K. Schuml shrub /
رقم البحث : 12050749 Effect of organic and bio-fertilization and soil solarization on weed control and potato yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 12050770 Effect of vernalization and gibberellic acid on earliness, total yield and quality of globe artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12050806 Effect of hydro-heating treatments on le-conte pear fruits quality at cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12050843 Effects of n-fertilizer source, biofertilizer and foliar spray with delfan (amino acids) or garlic extract on growth, yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper plants /
رقم البحث : 12050930 Effect of different organic fertilizers on growth and fruiting of plum trees “japanese and dorado cvs.” /
رقم البحث : 12050958 Taxonomical revision and documentation of the endogenous species of family malvaceae juss in caim with two new records to the flora of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12051795 آليه الإزهار والتساقط فى الفول تحت تأثير المسافه بين الخطوط /
رقم البحث : 12051805 تأثير معدل إضافه السماد الآزوتى على صفات النمو والمحصول لصنف حلب 90 فى ظروف محافظه الحسكه(c) /
رقم البحث : 12049437 Effect of cardinal geographical directions on the efficiencyof yellow sticky board traps in attracting certain insect pestsinfesting some medicinal plants /
رقم البحث : 12051822 القدره التخزينيه تأثير التسميد النيتروجينى والفوسفاتى وطريقه تجفيف الثمار (بعد الحصاد) على صفات النمو والمحصول للفلفل الحار :
Vol 46 no 3 - Sept 2008 - 01/09/2008
رقم البحث : 12052151 عملية اتخاذ الأجهزة الإرشادية لقرارات قبول تكنولوجيا التعليم /
رقم البحث : 12053552 Effect of intercropping some sesame cultivars with groundnut and weed managements on yield and some agronomic characters /
رقم البحث : 12053580 Effect of irrigation, nitrogen fertilizer andascorbic acid on wheat productmty in sandy soil. I-yield and yield components /
رقم البحث : 12053605 Effect of 1.acidophilus 20552 and bifidobacterium iacl1s bb12 on rope-forming baciu-us subl1us atcc 6633 survlv al during threestages of wheat sourdough fermentation /
رقم البحث : 12053618 Gastroprotective effects of ginger and pomegranate in rats /
رقم البحث : 12053652 Production of labneh fortified with organic selenium using buffalo’s milk retentate /
رقم البحث : 12053743 Awis mangoes behaviour during storage as affected by some jojoba oil treatments /
رقم البحث : 12052167 دراسة إقتصادية لإنتاج واستهلاك البلح فى مصر/
رقم البحث : 12053807 Effect of irrigation rate and soil type on ”canino” apricot trees /
رقم البحث : 12053820 Effect of some chemical and natural substance applications on growth, yield and quality of squash (cucurbiia pepo, l.) Grown in early summer season /
رقم البحث : 12053828 Response of lettuce (laduca saliva l.) Cv. Balady plants to some fertilization treatments /
رقم البحث : 12053908 Physiological studies on growth and salt tolerance of some fruit plants i- effect of the different salts concentrations, sodium adsorption ratio (sar), and chloride levels (cl:so4 ratio) in irrigation water on vegetative growth and leaf photosynthetic pigments /
رقم البحث : 12052177 الوضع التنافسى لمحصول العنب الطازج المصرى بأهم أسواقه العالمية /
رقم البحث : 12055415 Latent effect of heterorhabditls mareiatus and stelnernema c4rp0capsae on some biological aspects of spodoptera littoralls /
رقم البحث : 12053925 Bemisia tabacibiotype q (homoptera : aleyrodidae) and its parasitoid, eretmocerus mundus (mercet) (hymenoptera :
رقم البحث : 12053919 Growth, yield and fruit quality of two grape cvs. In response to bud load and fruiting units length 1- effect of different levels of bud load and fruiting unit length on bud behaviour, growth and yield of ”flame seedless” and ”crimson seedless” /
رقم البحث : 12055397 Impact of chemical insecticide and other compounds on pink and spiny bollworms infestations in corrox fields /
رقم البحث : 12053899 Responses of some in vitro the peach rootstocks to salinity and water stress /
رقم البحث : 12053779 Effect of commercial fertilizers and biomagic on growth and chemical composition of schejjlera actinophylla, hat. Harms plants /
رقم البحث : 12053756 Effect of npk and trace elements fertilization on growth and chemical composition of hedera canariensis, willd. Plants /
رقم البحث : 12053721 Physiological studies on flowering and fruiting of olive trees /
رقم البحث : 12053685 Propagation of some difficult cuttings of hedges and climbers 1- quisqualis indica l. (rangon creeper) /
رقم البحث : 12055442 Comparison study between static pile and turned windrow methods for compost production /
رقم البحث : 12052213 دراسة ااقتصادية لأثر التكنولوجيا الحيوية فى إنتاج محصول الأرز فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12052229 مؤشرات الأمن الغذائى المصرى /
رقم البحث : 12052194 اقتصاديات ألبان الأطفال فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12053482 Genetic behavior and its relation to sds-total protein and anatomical traits of some tolerant faba. Bean genotyj’ey to o crenata in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12053508 Performance of wheat (triticum aestlvum l.) Under different sowing methods and seeding rate /
Vol 46 no 1 - Mar2008 - 01/03/2008
رقم البحث : 12049021 Determination of gene effects and variances in three bread wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 12049039 Heterosis and combining ability for some important traits in maize /
رقم البحث : 12049060 Combining ability and heterosis in some top crosses of soybean (glycine max l. Merrill] /
رقم البحث : 12049083 The effect of nitrogen source and population density on corn production a-growth analysis and parameters /
رقم البحث : 12049464 The effect of nitrogen source and population density on corn production b- yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 12049483 Effect of hill spacings and nitrogen levels on yield and its components of two rice cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12049506 Response of growth parameters and nutrients content of cucumber varieties to inoculation by va mycorrhizae under different rock phosphate doses /
رقم البحث : 12049535 Physicochemical properties of dietary fiber gels produced from some cereal wastes /
رقم البحث : 12049552 Microbial load of luncheon meat and biological activity of some selected bacteria as affected by natural preservatives /
رقم البحث : 12049582 Preservation effect of electrolyzed water and essential oil compounds in refrigerated tuna patties /
رقم البحث : 12049633 Properties of uf-feta like cheese as affected by different pressures during concentration of milk /
رقم البحث : 12049681 Isolation of bioactive compounds of justicia heterocarpa t. And blepharis ciliaris l. /
رقم البحث : 12049711 In vitro propagation of cordyline terminals /
رقم البحث : 12049752 Response of gerbera to mineral fertilizers irrigation intervals and growth retardants /
رقم البحث : 12049791 Effect of some mutagens on growth of epipremnum pinnatum”e aureum” bunt plants /
رقم البحث : 12049819 In vitro selection of salt - olerant of paspalum vaginatuni plants /
رقم البحث : 12050152 Salt tolerance in some olive cultivars as affected by spraying with some growth regulators ii- effect on leaf and steam chemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 12050139 Physiological studies on salt tolerance of some banana cultivars 2- effect of chloride level in irrigation water and foliar spray with some minerals on growth and chemical constituents of salt stressed plants /
رقم البحث : 12050166 Nematodes population response to regulated deficit irrigation and soil management practices in ’picual’ olive trees /
رقم البحث : 12050180 Study on the pollen gathering activity by some honey bee apis mellifera l strains /
رقم البحث : 12044021 دراسة على مياه الصرف الصحى المصروفة فى برك الأكسدة بمحطة العريش فى م-عدن-اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12044047 تأثير الأكسدة اللاهوائية على أعداد البكتيريا الكوليفورم البرازية Faecal والسالمونيلا Salmonilla coliforms فى مياه الصرف الصحى فى محطة الحوطة لمعالجة مياه الصرف الصحى – م- لحج – اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12043990 تأثير بعض المعاملات الزراعية على نمو وإنتاجية ثلاثة أصناف من السمسم Sesamum indicum L :
رقم البحث : 12043966 تأثير بعض المعاملات الزراعية على نمو وإنتاجية ثلاثة أصناف من السمسم Sesamum indicum L :
رقم البحث : 12043925 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لإمكانيات ومحددات تنمية الثروة السمكية بمنطقة مثلث حلايب – شلاتين – أبو رماد /
رقم البحث : 12044183 Application of three-way crosses in cotton (g.barbadense) /
Vol 45 no 4 - Dec 2007 - 01/12/2007
رقم البحث : 12054100 القدرة التنافسية لصادرات البرتقال المصرى فى أهم الأسواق الخارجية /
رقم البحث : 12054553 Response of sunflower to irrigation, boron spraying and plant density under new valley conditions /
رقم البحث : 12054588 Partial and total substitution of fish meal by poultry by-product meal in diets for monosex nile telapia (oreochromis niloticus) /
رقم البحث : 12054615 The productive performance and egg quality of laying hens under the effect of dietary fenugreek seeds (ungerminated and germinated) and different dietary protein levels /
رقم البحث : 12054105 تبنى بعض التقنيات السمادية النتروجينية بين مزارعى محافظة كفر الشيخ /
رقم البحث : 12055423 A functional fishery product from silver carp enriched by chitosan /
رقم البحث : 12055525 Relationship between hybrid performance and genetic diversity based on issr-pcr markers in pepper (capsicum annuum L) /
رقم البحث : 12054121 التحليل الاقتصادى لتكاليف انتاج محصول الذرة الشامية الصيفية بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12054152 Predicting wheat yield under irrigation stress at grain growth stage in South Delta region /
رقم البحث : 12054274 Response of three faba bean cultivars to water regime conditions under calcareous soil in North Delta /
رقم البحث : 12054327 Effect of intercropping mungbean with maize on yield and yield components /
رقم البحث : 12054366 Response of some grain sorghum genotypes to water stress under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12054462 Effect of preceding crops, nitrogen and potassium fertilization on sugar beet productivity /
رقم البحث : 12054481 Identification of some faba bean (vicia faba l) varieties using electrophoresis protein and isozymes /
رقم البحث : 12054523 Signature of plant leaf /
رقم البحث : 12054651 Response of strawberry plants to some abiotic inducers under stress of some root rot pathogens /
رقم البحث : 12054673 Diabetics energy systems improved by anastatica hierochuntica and cleome chrysantha /
رقم البحث : 12054693 Using rosemary and sage for extending the shelf-life of common carp fish fingers during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12054710 Biological studies on fermented salted bouri fish “feseekh” /
رقم البحث : 12054735 Chemical, physical, microbiological and organoleptic properties of laboratory-made beef meat patties as affected by wheat germ flour /
رقم البحث : 12054765 Physicochemical characteristics of Libyan, Egyptian and imported honeys from Saudia and Turkeya /
رقم البحث : 12054773 Physical and chemical composition of fresh, imported frozen and canned tuna /
رقم البحث : 12054786 Use of bacteriocins produced by some lab as a natural preservative in yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 12054801 Production and characterization of bacteriocins produced by some lab isolated from raw milk samples /
رقم البحث : 12055465 Application of some spices as natural antimicrobial agents in pan bread /
رقم البحث : 12055502 Functional, rheological properties and protein digestibility (in vitro) of wheat dough supplemented with some legumes flour /
رقم البحث : 12055569 Effect of rootstocks, fruit position on tree canopy and ethephon dipping treatment on degreening and quality of valencia oranges /
رقم البحث : 12055585 Effect of gamma irradiation on growth and flowering of calendula officinalis, l and chrysanthemum carinatum l /
رقم البحث : 12056674 Extending the vase life of solidago cut flowers by using pre- shipment treatments /
رقم البحث : 12056675 Effect of saline water irrigation on growth, yield and chemical composition of jerusalem artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12056677 Effect of irrigation intervals and potassium fertilization on jerusalem artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12056672 Response of dasheen to different organic fertilizer sources and rates under newly reclaimed sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12056673 Effect of organic and biofertilizers on growth, yield and chemical composition of oenothera biennis l /
رقم البحث : 12056678 Physiological studies on salt tolerance of two banana cultivars :
رقم البحث : 12056679 Susceptibility of some chickpea seed varieties to infestation by callosobruchus maculatus (f.) and callosobruchus chinensis (l.) /
رقم البحث : 12056680 Effectiveness of six plant oils on the protection of stored cowpea vigna unjuiculata against the infestation of cowpea weevil callosobruchus maculatus (f.) /
رقم البحث : 12056681 Percentage of parasitism among the American boll worm helicoverpa armigera (hubner) infesting cotton plants in Gharbia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12056682 Population fluctuations of the turnip aphid lipaphis erysimi kalt on ageratum houstonlanum mill in relation to biotic and abiotic factors /
رقم البحث : 12056684 Infestation densities of aphis gossypii glover and its effect on certain chemical components of five susceptible host plants belonging to three different plant families at Qualyoubia governorate - Egypt /
Vol 45 no 3 - Sep 2007 - 01/09/2007
رقم البحث : 12049446 Effect of planting spaces and calcium super phosphate levels on growth, yield, yield components and chemical composition of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 12049460 Performance of some grape cultivars under different trellising systems /
رقم البحث : 12046250 Evaluation of some barley genotypes for grain quality and crop productivity /
رقم البحث : 12049474 Effect of some stimulants and nitrogen sources on cucumber plants grown in greenhouse under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12049531 Approaching to determine the optimum onion cultivar and water management in newly reclaimed sandy soil condition “el-bostan region /
رقم البحث : 12049543 The response of squash to sources of organic manure and chemical fertilizer levels /
رقم البحث : 12049575 Field studies on insect and animal pests attacking alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) and their natural enemies in five governorates in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12049627 Relative susceptibility, growth characters and yield attributes of some common bean cultivars affected by the bean fly, melanoagromyza phaseoli (tryon) infestation /
رقم البحث : 12049660 Assessment of some heavy metals pollution in some soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12049705 تأثير التسميد النيتروجينى والكثافة النباتية على النمو والصفات الفسيولوجية والمحصول ومكوناته لصنفين من الذرة الشامية Zea mays L :
رقم البحث : 12049761 ادارة الاعشاب الضارة فى الطماطم المزروعة بالشتلات /
رقم البحث : 12049801 ادارة الاعشاب الضارة فى الطماطم المزروعة بالبذرة /
رقم البحث : 12046294 Effect of organic manure and nitrogen rates on yield and chemical composition of maize (zea mays l) grown under newly reclaimed sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12046834 Response of selected sesame genotypes to bio- and mineral- phosphorus fertilization under the conditions of a newly reclaimed calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12049333 Effect of some growth promoters on growth performance of white and brown bovans chickens /
رقم البحث : 12049336 Crossbreeding genetic effects for growth and livability traits in rabbits raised under hot climate conditions /
رقم البحث : 12049341 Biological evaluation of omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids of flax and sesame seeds and its utilization in preparing high-ratio layer cake /
رقم البحث : 12049342 Genetic relationships among some Egyptian cotton genotypes as revealed by rapd’s analysis /
رقم البحث : 12046746 Determination of yield potential, physicochemical and technological characteristics of some faba bean genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12046757 Checking violation of assumptions underlying the analysis of variance /
رقم البحث : 12046771 The coefficient of variation as a measure of field trial validity /
رقم البحث : 12046776 Morphological and molecular identification for six promising hull-less barley (hordeum vulgare l.) genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12046816 Genotype x environment interaction, maturity and yield stability of some white lupin genotypes under Egyptian conditions /
Vol 45 no 2 - Jun 2007 - 01/06/2007
رقم البحث : 12042683 Effect of intercropping cassava with some legume crops on growth, yield and yield components under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12043312 Control of leaf blight disease of maize using two bioagents and some natural plant oils /
رقم البحث : 12043348 Associated fungi with seeds of some egyptian cotton cultivars and their effect on the plant mortality, mycotoxin production and seed oil content /
رقم البحث : 12043373 First record of pestalotia rot :
رقم البحث : 12043336 Biodiversity and killer toxin of halotolerant yeasts in different ecosystems /
رقم البحث : 12042696 Stability statistics of some faba bean genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12043653 Identification of cowpeas, beans and peas varieties by protein and isozyme electrophoresis analysis /
رقم البحث : 12043670 Grain surface scan and cytological studies in a selected wheat line possessing the 4bs.4bl-5rl translocation /
رقم البحث : 12043675 Propagation of cotoneaster horizontalis, decne through in vitro culture /
رقم البحث : 12043723 Effect of packing materials and storage periods on pigments in leaves, oil content and its constituents of thyme (thymus vulgaris, L) /
رقم البحث : 12043777 Effect PF molasses on salinity tolerance of tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 12043824 Effect of alar on the flowering and seed production of onion /
رقم البحث : 12043877 Effect of fertilizer rates and plant spacing on seed production of selected cabbage balady plants /
رقم البحث : 12043944 Genetic studies for improving productivity of pea (pisum sativum L) /
رقم البحث : 12043978 Response of valencia orange trees to different sources of bio-fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12044067 Bio-organic production of medicinal constituents from datura stramonium, L. /
رقم البحث : 12044086 Influence of some stimulants and nitrogen sources on growth and yield of cantaloupe plants in low plastic tunnels under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12044096 Effect of different fertilizers on the chemical composition of tagetes erecta, L. plant /
رقم البحث : 12044202 Prelimenary investigation on american foulbrood disease :
رقم البحث : 12044252 Effects of entomopathogens and botanical extracts mixture on certain biological aspects of spodoptera littoralis (boisd) (noctuidae : lepidoptera) /
رقم البحث : 12044303 Effect of irrigation treatments on growth, yield and some water relations of sesame crop /
رقم البحث : 12044319 Vulnerability and adaptation studies on sugarcane crop in Egypt under climate change conditions and their effects on farm net return /
رقم البحث : 12044332 تأثير رش الزنك على النمو وغلة القطن عند مستويات مختلفة من السماد الفوسفاتى /
رقم البحث : 12044355 تأثير رش الزنك على مكونات الغلة فى جوزة القطن عند مستويات مختلفة من الاسمدة الفوسفاتية /
رقم البحث : 12042702 Intercropping maize with peanut under plant spacing and three planting dates /
رقم البحث : 12044373 دراسة اقتصادية لإنتاج واستهلاك الألبان فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12044386 التراكيب المغذية لثمار المانجو الطازجة المنتجة من بعض الاصناف المزروعة محليا بالجمهورية اليمنية /
رقم البحث : 12044402 استجابة الذرة الشامية (Zea mays,L.) للتسميد العضوى والمعدنى والحيوى :
رقم البحث : 12043616 Biochemical evaluation of young green barley leaves powder and its application in preparing some fresh juices /
رقم البحث : 12043622 Chemical and technological studies on production of concentrates from sweet orange juice /
رقم البحث : 12043624 Extraction of carotenoids from new source of citrus peels as natural colorants in beverages /
رقم البحث : 12043628 Quality characteristics of mayonnaise enriched by probiotic bacteria /
رقم البحث : 12043641 Molecular genetic studies on wheat-rye chromosome translocation line (4bs.4bl-5rl) showing highly efficient copper absorption /
رقم البحث : 12044269 Antibacterial activities of bee venom, propolis, and royal jelly produced by three honey bee, apis mellifera l., hybrids reared in the same environmental conditions /
رقم البحث : 12044278 Effectiveness of certain pesticides against the date palm snails, cochlicella A acuta /
رقم البحث : 12043122 Effect of some resistance inducing agents on the growth and control of macrophomina phaseolina and fusarium oxysporum the causal agents of charcoal rot and wilt of sesame /
رقم البحث : 12043196 Effect of antagonistic fungi on the growth and control of macrophomina phaseolina and fusarium oxysporum the causal agents of charcoal rot and wilt of sesame /
رقم البحث : 12043222 Serology and PCR-based techniques for detection of fusarium wilt in sesame /
رقم البحث : 12043241 Comparative studies on slow rusting in certain egyptian wheat as affected by leaf rust /
رقم البحث : 12043288 Improvement of bread wheat for low water requirements through conventional and mutation breeding /
Vol 45 no 1 - Mar 2007 - 01/03/2007
رقم البحث : 12033433 Diallel analysis and relationship between molecular polymorphisms and yellow maize hybrid performance /
رقم البحث : 12033633 Production and evaluation of some food formulas as complementary food for babies using some fruits and vegetables /
رقم البحث : 12033643 Rennetability, rheological, geometrical and microstructural properties of buffalo milk gel during coagulation process :
رقم البحث : 12033649 Impact of heat treatment of milk on rheological properties and microstructure of set-yogurt gel /
رقم البحث : 12033656 Homeostatic role of food bioactive protein in hypercholesterolemic rat /
رقم البحث : 12033662 Functional properties of wheat germ flour and its effect on bread quality /
رقم البحث : 12033665 Biochemical genetic studies on trypsin inhibitor activity in a diallel cross of faba bean (vicia faba) /
رقم البحث : 12033675 Performance of faba bean parents in different hybrid combinations and locations /
رقم البحث : 12033679 Effect of hot water treatments on decay, quality, storage and shelf life of “canino” apricot and “florda prince” peach fruits /
رقم البحث : 12033685 Effect of salicylic acid spraying on phytoalexins synthesis of sugar peas and its relation to powdery mildew disease incidence and yield /
رقم البحث : 12033691 Plant fresh weight, nitrogenous fractions and shelf-life of fresh-cut salads of cabbage as affected by micronutrients applications /
رقم البحث : 12033509 Growth performance and productivity of some exogenous acacia species under salinity conditions at Ras Sudr at south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12035109 In vitro synthetic seeds of aechmea fasclata for germplasm conservation and exchange /
رقم البحث : 12035183 Effect of planting dates and some growth substances on rooting and subsequent growth of semi hardwood cuttings of arabian jasmine (jasminum sambac ait) /
رقم البحث : 12035247 Nitrogenous nutrition of paspalum turfgrass grown in sandy soil using chemical and biofertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12035304 Effects of different irrigation regimes on some grapevine cultivars grown under new reclaimed land conditions :
رقم البحث : 12035328 Effects of different irrigation regimes on some grapevine cultivars grown under new reclaimed land conditions :
رقم البحث : 12035412 Dwarfing of acalypha wilkesiana var. hoffmanii plant by cycocel and paclobutrazol /
رقم البحث : 12035439 Salinity tolerance studies on solidago altissima gray. by in vitro culture /
رقم البحث : 12035462 Vertical distribution of the immature stages of cotton and tomato whitefly, bemisia tabaci (GENN.) and the cotton aphid, aphis gossypii GLOV. on eggplant, solanum melongena var. esculentum NESS. at menofyia and qalyoubia governorates /
رقم البحث : 12035472 Survey, incidence and taxonomic key for natural enemies of the cabbage whitefly, aleyrodes proletella (linnaeus) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12035490 Response of barley plants to N and K fertilization under condition of salt affected soils /
رقم البحث : 12033557 Potentialities of bagbag area, northwestern mediterranean coast of Egypt, as a natural range /
رقم البحث : 12035503 Effect of different irrigation levels on some water relations and yield of faba bean /
رقم البحث : 12035544 Evaluation of sugar cane filter mud as a soil conditioner under irrigation with saline water /
رقم البحث : 12035582 Evaluation of local calcic formation resources in el-fayoum region for reclaiming salt-affected soils /
رقم البحث : 12035686 دراسة تحليلية لإنتاج الأرز فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 12035703 دراسة تحليلية اقتصادية عن مخلفات الانتاج الحيوانى /
رقم البحث : 12035708 فعالية المراكز الارشادية الزراعية فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12035937 الاحتياجات المعرفية للمرشدين الزراعيين لزارعة الفول البلدى مطريا بمحافظة مطروح /
رقم البحث : 12033571 Genetic behavior of some faba bean (vicia faba l) genotypes and its crosses /
رقم البحث : 12033582 Estimation of phenotypic and genotypic stability for some wheat genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12033590 Influence of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculation, NK fertilization and micronutrients foliar application on growth, yield and quality of potatoes /
رقم البحث : 12033598 Response of some leguminous pasture species to phosphorus fertilization levels under new reclaimed soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12033625 Biological and chemical control strawberry of grey mould /
رقم البحث : 12033630 Production of fermented sausage from old buffalo meat using transglutaminase /
Vol 44 no 2 - Jun 2006 - 01/06/2006
رقم البحث : 12033272 تأثير بعض المعاملات الزراعية على صفات جودة الخبز فى القمح بحوث تحت ظروف الجمهورية اليمنية /
رقم البحث : 12032750 Laboratory tests in relation to field emergence of some egyptian cotton (gossypium barbadense L.) varieties /
رقم البحث : 12032754 Effect of spraying insecticide treatments and storage period on quality of some faba bean (vicia faba L.) seeds /
رقم البحث : 12032826 Role of growth regulators in minimizing powdery and downy mildew infection on cucumber plants and their relation with endogenous phytohormones /
رقم البحث : 12032847 Efficacy of acetic acid and clorox in controlling gray mould disease on cucumber and pepper fruits /
رقم البحث : 12032918 Effect of some micronutrient treatments on vegetative growth, anatomical characters, yield and yield components of soybean plant (glycine max (L.) merrill) /
رقم البحث : 12032932 Influence of recipe component during cooking for some vegetables on the retention of β-carotene and in vitro digestibility /
رقم البحث : 12032942 Effect of gibberellic acid and flower thinning on sweet pepper (capsicum annum L.) fruit yield and quality under unheated plastichouse /
رقم البحث : 12032953 Effect of irrigation water salinity levels and soil mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on growth of African mahogany khaya senegalensis transplants /
رقم البحث : 12033195 Gamma rays, mutagen influence in development pea agronomic and biochemical characters /
رقم البحث : 12033207 Inheritance of fusarium wilt resistance and some economic traits in cucumber /
رقم البحث : 12033225 Studies on the fertilization and irrigation of turfgrasses :
رقم البحث : 12033225 Studies on the fertilization and irrigation of turfgrasses :
رقم البحث : 12033232 Effect of post-harvest treatments on physio-chemical characters of mango fruits (cv. bullock’s heart) during storage /
رقم البحث : 12033242 Impact of releasing trichogramma evanescens (westwood) and chemical insecticides on the infestation by chilo agamemnon and saccharicoccus sacchari (cockerell) in sugarcane field /
رقم البحث : 12033250 Qualitative changes in juice of sugar cane attacked by purple-lined borer (stalk borer) chilo agamemnon blez (lepidoptera : crambidae) /
رقم البحث : 12033254 Studies on mites inhabiting stored products in fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 12033261 The use of some natural products against eggs of the black cut worm, agrotis ipsilon Hufn. and study their side effects on the efficacy of the egg parasitoid, trichogramma evanescens westwood (hymenoptera: trichogrammatidae) /
رقم البحث : 12033266 Host plants, distribution and seasonal abundance of the date palm scale, parlatoria blanchardi (targioni- tozzetti) (homoptera: diaspididae) and its natural enemies in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12033267 Interaction relationships of irrigation level and furrow spacing on crop water parameters of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 12033270 Studies on cultivation and reclamation of a sodic soil /
رقم البحث : 12033273 الدور الإنجابى للتنوع الاجتماعى بمحافظة الشرقية والمنيا /
رقم البحث : 12033274 رؤية مسئولى العمل الإرشادى الزراعى المحلى لجودة الخدمة الإرشادية المؤداة للزراع ببعض محافظات صعيد مصر /
رقم البحث : 12033275 الرقم القياسى للعلاقة الارتباطية بين انتاجية محاصيل الحبوب واستهلاك الأسمدة فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12032760 Genetical studies of heading date and some agronomic characters in wheat /
رقم البحث : 12032763 Genetic and graphical analysis of some quantitative traits in cotton (gossypium barbadense L.) /
رقم البحث : 12032773 Performance of fences on the protection of alfalfa grown at siwa aeolian sand /
رقم البحث : 12032779 Vegetative growth, chemical composition, yield and quality traits of canola plants grown in salt affected soil under the effect of growth regulator treatments /
رقم البحث : 12032806 Enhancing litter milk efficiency of the indigenous baladi-black rabbits exploiting a spanish synthetic /
Vol 44 no 3 - Sep 2006 - 01/06/2006
رقم البحث : 12045190 Intercropping potato with maize /
رقم البحث : 12045742 Effect of different intercropping patterns and nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and yield components of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) and faba bean ( vicia faba L.) /
رقم البحث : 12045744 Improvement of the efficiency of Acacia and prosopis for controlling shifting sand using bio and mineral nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12045746 Possibility of sand encroachment control using prosopis juliflora and tamarix articulata plants grown under different cultivated practices at toshka region /
رقم البحث : 12045749 Studies on sugar beet mosaic virus isolated from beni-sweif region, their transmitting aphids and chemical composition of sugar beet roots /
رقم البحث : 12045755 Onion growth and yield as affected by bio-fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12045778 Growth and yielding capacity of bean and okra as affected by intercropping /
رقم البحث : 12045816 Constructing fresh weight table for eucalyptus camaldulensis dehn. trees grown at northern forest plantation /
رقم البحث : 12045831 Biochemical evaluation of rice germ :
رقم البحث : 12045862 Monosodium glutamate-induced oxidative stress and genotoxicity in the rat as evidence of a potential risk in human diets /
رقم البحث : 12045918 Growth rate and histopathological alterations of liver and kidney induced in rats fed on frying oils /
رقم البحث : 12045282 Effect of locations, storage period and packaging materials on viability and some chemical components of onion (allium cepa L.) seed /
رقم البحث : 12045949 Response of garlic to level and time of sulphur application /
رقم البحث : 12046126 Effect of sowing date on sweet corn production and its day-degree units /
رقم البحث : 12046163 Influence of commercial biofertilizers, organic manure, nitrogen and phosphorus minerals fertilizer on growth and yield of potato (solanum tuberosum, L.) /
رقم البحث : 12046190 Effect of bio-fertilizer, nitrogen sources and their interaction on plant growth, yield and quality of lettuce /
رقم البحث : 12046218 Effect of wrapping materials and storage period as well as their interaction on storage ability of flower heads for artichoke /
رقم البحث : 12046596 Effect of iron, zinc and manganese foliar application on vegetative growth, dry seeds yield and yield components of common bean /
رقم البحث : 12046598 Response of growth and productivity of leek (allium porrum L.) to nitrogen and potassium fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12046599 Physiological effects of K- soil application and ZN foliar spray and their interaction on growth, flowering, bulbs and chemical composition of polianthes tuberosa L. cv. “double” /
رقم البحث : 12046606 Effect of different methods and concentrations of proline preharvest and postharvest application on the control of chilling injury of banzahir limes and marsh grape fruits during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12046609 Physiological effects of N- soil application and ZN foliar spray and their interaction on growth, flowering, bulbs and chemical composition of polianthes tuberosa L. cv. “double” /
رقم البحث : 12045337 Effect of sowing dates and thinning time on yield and quality of some monogerm and multigerm sugar beet varieties /
رقم البحث : 12046610 Comparing the effect of natural and chemical treatments on postharvest decay diseases control of alphonso mango fruits during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12046611 Effect of buds removal, gibberellic acid foliar spray, limbs injection with ascorbic acid, calcium lactate and glucose on control of fruit browning in desert red peach fruits during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12046613 Effect of bio-insecticide, biosect, the IGR admiral and two natural insecticides on fecundity of aphis craccivora koch (hemiptera - homoptera : aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 12046620 Effect of source and rate of K-fertilizer under soil water stress conditions on maize growth and physiological characteristics /
رقم البحث : 12046621 Response of peanut to foliar spray with boron and/or rhizobium inoculation /
رقم البحث : 12046627 A comparative study between biogas manure and town refuse on some chemical properties and productivity of soil /
رقم البحث : 12045405 Effect of different rates of nitrogenous (mineral and Bio) and potassium fertilization on sesame crop (sesamum indicum L.) in newly reclaimed sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12046629 Maize nutrient uptake and soil available kin soil as affected by source and rate of K-fertilizer and soil water stress conditions /
رقم البحث : 12046740 تأثير الرش بنترات البوتاسيوم على البذور السلمية والمجهضة فى لوز القطن متوسط التيلة (Gossypium hirsutum L.) صنف Acala S. J. 2 /
رقم البحث : 12046780 تأثير كلوريد وكبريتات الصوديوم ومخلوطهما وملوحة البحر على إنبات ونمو الذرة الشامية صنف كنجا 36 /
رقم البحث : 12047774 تأثير حرث وكبس التربة على نمو وانتاج محصول القطن /
رقم البحث : 12047719 تأثير الكثافة النباتية وعدد مرات الجنى على انتاجية القطن Gossypium hirsutum, L. /
رقم البحث : 12048107 تأثير شكل الحقل على الإنتاجية الآلية ومعدل استهلاك الوقود /
رقم البحث : 12045456 Response of peanut to foliar spraying with copper and calcium under different levels of potassium fertilization in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12045472 Response of two new genotypes of faba bean to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12045497 Performance of three maize hybrids under spraying with zinc and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12045511 The relative contribution of yield components by using specific statistical techniques in corn /
رقم البحث : 12045740 Genetical analysis of diallel crosses in maize (zea mays L.) over two years /
Vol 44 no 1 - Mar 2006 - 01/03/2006
رقم البحث : 12054067 Studies on the inter-relationship among irrigation maize varieties on yield and wa r ed te reiations usin and g some statistical procures /
رقم البحث : 12054074 Behavior of selenium a calcareous soil treated with in humic acid /
رقم البحث : 12054081 Effect of bio organic and micronutrient fertilization on yield and mineral composition of maize e plants grown on clayey and sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12050697 Potentiality of native range plants under different locations at north eastern coast of egypt /
رقم البحث : 12050728 Response of maize to poultry manure in combination with urea fertilization under three hill distances /
رقم البحث : 12050774 The effect of farmyard manure, nitrogen application on yield and yield components of barley varieties (hordeum vulgare l) under saline conditions at wadi sudr south sinai /
رقم البحث : 12050812 Relative importance for traits of some sunflower varieties under some agricultural practices /
رقم البحث : 12050851 Sunflower and cucumber as affected by intercropping under some defoliation treatments of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 12050875 Effect of plant density,organic manure,bio and mineral nitrogen fertilizers on maize growth and yield and soil fertility /
رقم البحث : 12052654 Response of some sugar beet varieties to methanol and method of nitrogen fertilizer applications /
رقم البحث : 12052682 Morphological and technological studies on some lentil (lens culinaris, medik) genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12052696 Effect of storage period, seed moisture content and insecticides treatment on wheat (triticum aestivum l) seed quality/
رقم البحث : 12052718 Productive performance of japanese quail fed on diets mixed with natural anti-aflatoxin compounds /
رقم البحث : 12054225 التقييم الإقتصادى لأنماط الإستزراع السمكى بمحافظة دمياط /
رقم البحث : 12054185 أثر سياسات الإصلاح الإقتصادى على بعض المتغيرات الإقتصادية لأهم محاصيل الحبوب /
رقم البحث : 12054169 دراسة إقتصادية تطبيقية على بعض أصناف الشعير فى مصر ودورها فة تقليل الفجوة الغذائية /
رقم البحث : 12054149 إقتصاديات كفاءة إستخدام المياه فى زراعة محصول الأرز المصرى /
رقم البحث : 12054132 سياسات الاستخدام المائى و بعض أنماط ترشيده /
رقم البحث : 12054096 دراسة لمستوى استخدام الطرق الإرشادية وأهميتها النسبية لدى المرشدين الزراعيين بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12054087 تاثير مواعيد إضافة السماد النيتروجينى على صفات بعض أصناف الذرة الرفيعة /
رقم البحث : 12052735 Some safe treatment for controlling post-harvest diseases of valencia orange (citrus sinensus l) fruits /
رقم البحث : 12052742 Susceptibility of lactic acid starters and probiotic bacteria toward some food preservatives and acidulants /
رقم البحث : 12052761 Influence of formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide as preservatives on the properties of buffalo’s milk proteins /
رقم البحث : 12052787 Effect of growing media on growth and chemical composition of ficus alii. plants /
رقم البحث : 12052817 Growth and development of brassica oleracea var. italica plenk in response to planting date /
رقم البحث : 12053402 Effect of some agricultural practices as alternatives for methyl bromide against the sudden wilt of melon, galla type /
رقم البحث : 12052833 Effect of some summer pruning and paclobutrazol treatments on spurs state and fruit characteristics of el-amar apricot trees /
رقم البحث : 12053413 Effect of some biofertilizers on the yield and fruit quality of strawberry /
رقم البحث : 12053435 Effect of irrigation with saline water on growth and yield of sweet fennel /
رقم البحث : 12053478 Biochemical and histological effects of chinmix„ spintor and biorepel compounds on larvae of pink and spiny bollworms /
رقم البحث : 12053512 Anew record of the honeysuckle aphid, hyadaphis foeniculi passerini, on medical plants in north sinai goveflnorate, egypt /
رقم البحث : 12053600 Effect of planting space and date on the population of certain insect pests infesting sweet pea densities plants at qalyoubia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12053619 Efficiency of certain insecticides under modified atmospheres against some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 12053630 Effect of some organic and mineral sources on chemical and biological soil properties under different moisture contents /
رقم البحث : 12053638 Dry cultivation as an effective method for berseem irrigation management /
رقم البحث : 12053659 Trends of crop water productivity under egyptian conditions /
Vol 43 no 4 - Dec2005 - 01/12/2005
رقم البحث : 12038006 Symbiotic relationship of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with tomato plants and biological control of root-knot nematode /
رقم البحث : 12038015 Heterosis and combining ability in diallel cross among six egyptian and exotic varieties of Bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 12038030 Botanical studies on cotton (gossypium vitifolium l) plants grown under newly reclaimed soils as affected by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12038042 In vitro regeneration from cotyledons and transformation of watermelon using agrobacterium tumefaciens /
رقم البحث : 12038057 Histological and cytopathological effects of pvx,pvy and plrv viruses in infected potato leaves /
رقم البحث : 12039209 Effect of some plant extracts and essential oils of medicinal and aromatic plants on the incidence of pelargonujm root rot /
رقم البحث : 12039231 Physiological and histo-cytopathological changes in tomato yellow leaf curl geminwirus (tylcv)-infected tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 12039255 correlation and path coefficient analysis of yield characters in bread wheat (triticurn aestivum l /
رقم البحث : 12039274 Effect of addition of freeze dried from young green barley leaves on Hypercholesterolemic rats /
رقم البحث : 12039349 Effect of blanching temperature and time on the mechanical properties of some egyptian potatoes /
رقم البحث : 12039375 Physical, chemical characteristics and rheological behavior of date pulp /
رقم البحث : 12039425 Some physical properties of buffalo’s milk caseinate powders /
رقم البحث : 12041627 Effect of fat content, additives and storage temperature on the heat resistance of escherichia coli 0157:h7 in meat and meat products /
رقم البحث : 12041636 Evaluation of pigment produced from monascus purpureus for use as antibacterial agent against some spore forming bacteria /
رقم البحث : 12041640 Production and evaluation of highly protein bakery products by using legumes /
رقم البحث : 12041651 Production of intracellular emulsifjers from yeasts for using in dairy products /
رقم البحث : 12041659 Effects of natamycin as biopreservative on peanut butter quality /
رقم البحث : 12041678 Evaluation of lipase produced from debaryomyces hansenil and kluyverornyces marxianus var. lactis /
رقم البحث : 12041692 Quality attributes of common carp fish balls supplemented with some legume flours /
رقم البحث : 12041875 Effect of polysaccharides on the cooking quality and sensory characteristics of carp fish pattie /
رقم البحث : 12041904 Effect of fertilization and weed control on production and storage ability of garlic /
رقم البحث : 12041934 Effect of some viticulture practices on fruit quality at harvest and storabilty of thompson seedless grape /
رقم البحث : 12041953 Effect of some antitranspirants sprays on quality and storability of “canino” apricot fruits /
رقم البحث : 12041970 Effect of pre-harvest spraying with seaweed extract “acadian” and active dry yeast on “le conte” pear (pyrus leconte, rehd) fruit quality and cold storability /
رقم البحث : 12041994 Effect of Ba, Naa and Gamma irradiation on the production of three cultivars of carnation (dianthus caryophyllus l) through tissue culture /
رقم البحث : 12042015 Influence of some growth regulators on vegetative growth, flowering, chemical composition and show value of snapdragon (antirrhinum mains l) /
رقم البحث : 12042077 Effect of modified atmosphere packages on quality of snap beans /
رقم البحث : 12042105 Effect of different grafting methods on some important characteristics and mating success of carniolan f1 hybrid queens of honeybee /
رقم البحث : 12042220 Evaluation of chinmix, spintor and biorepel against the cotton bollworms in the field /
رقم البحث : 12042232 Some biological and biochemical effects of chitin synthesis inhibitors on pink bollworm pectinophora gossypiella (saunders) /
رقم البحث : 12042247 Response of peanut crop to foliar application of some micronutrients under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12036461 Effect of mineral nitrogen, farmyard manure and bacterial inoculation on two soybean cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12036495 Biological and chemical control of potato late blight disease /
رقم البحث : 12037032 Induction of root hair and nodule primordia on soybean and vigna by the nod signals lcos extracted from bradyrhizobium japonicum /
رقم البحث : 12037106 Effect of irrigation systems (surface and sprinkler) on development of ear and kernel rots disease and grain component in maize /
رقم البحث : 12037146 Effect of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on infection with Helminthosporium leaf spot in some maize genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12037188 Studies on photomorphogenesis in some economical plants :
رقم البحث : 12037312 Studies on photomorphogenesis in some economical plants :
رقم البحث : 12042703 تاثير إضافة مستويات مختلفة من السماد المركب على صنفين من البصل تحت ظروف وادى غبين /
رقم البحث : 12042712 بناء مقياس لاتجاهات المرأة الريفية نحو إقامة المشروعات الزراعية الصغيرة /
رقم البحث : 12042722 دراسة إقتصادية تحليلية لانتاج محصول الفول السودانى فى محافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 12037275 Studies on photomorphogenesis in some economical plants :
رقم البحث : 12036404 Performance of three soybean varieties under different population densities in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12036544 Role of biotic and abiotic agents on controlling alternaria fruit rots of tomato and pepper /
رقم البحث : 12037432 Evaluation of volatile and non volatile metabolites of the trichoderma spp. for root-knot nematode control /
رقم البحث : 12038002 Selection, characterization and use of ammonia producing bacteria for the control of meloidogyne sp /
Vol 43 no 3 - Spet 2005 - 01/09/2005
رقم البحث : 12014764 Effect of sow mulching with different thickness of polyethylene sheets on the incidence of strawberry root-rot and wife diseases /
رقم البحث : 12014769 A study on the range ecosystem of warn hams (Egypt) /
رقم البحث : 12014871 Effect of teucrium polium L. on diabetic rats /
رقم البحث : 12014872 A comparative study for properties of phytase from milled rice products /
رقم البحث : 12014873 Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene, 1- MCP on storability of guava fruits /
رقم البحث : 12014875 Effect of some microbial and mineral fertilizers on quality and storage ability of “Anna” apple fruits /
رقم البحث : 12014876 Physiological studies on Egyptian lime fruits :
رقم البحث : 12014877 Physiological studies on Egyptian lime fruits :
رقم البحث : 12014879 Fertility, fruit set and fruit physical and chemical properties as affected by SN/PL ratio and different pollinizers for three plum cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12014880 Studies on flowering dynamic, DROP and bud behavior in some seedless grape cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12014692 Productivity, growth characters and nutritive value of ryegrass (lolium multiflorum LAM.) under different regimes of cutting and nitrogen application /
رقم البحث : 12014882 Effect of sowing date and potassium fertilization on growth, yield and chemical composition of foeniculum vulgare mill plants /
رقم البحث : 12014883 Effect of application of Ca, S, Mg and urea on growth, yield and chemical composition of nigella sativa L., plants /
رقم البحث : 12014885 A contribution to the knowledge of lepidopterous insect species in Egypt with eight new-records /
رقم البحث : 12014887 Effect of application of agriculture organic wastes on properties of a sandy soil, and the impact on maize and barley grown on the soil :
رقم البحث : 12014888 Effect of application of agriculture organic wastes on properties of a sandy soil, and the impact on maize and barley grown on the soil :
رقم البحث : 12014889 Effect of surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems with different water salinity on the distribution of soil salinity and tomato yield in south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12014890 Utilization of some soil amendments as a sources of micronutrients in soil and their effect on yield of cowpea plants vigna angjculata L. in newly reclaimed soil /
رقم البحث : 12014892 اقتصاديات إنتاج واستهلاك الألبان فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12014894 استجابة اصناف من الذرة الرفيعة لكميات مختلفة من السماد النتروجينى تحت ظروف منطقة صنعاء بالجمهورية اليمنية /
رقم البحث : 12014682 Effect of irrigation intervals, nitrogen rates and spraying with zinc on yield and agronomic efficiency of nitrogen in maize /
رقم البحث : 12014898 أثر السياسات الزراعية على إنتاج أهم المحاصيل الغذائية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12014895 انتاج عسل النحل وجدواه الاقتصادية فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 12014899 دراسة اقتصادية لإمكانية سد الفجوة من محصول الذرة /
رقم البحث : 12014902 دراسة التكلفة الاقتصادية لمحصول القمح وتوقعاتها المستقبلية /
رقم البحث : 12014903 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لانتاج الالبان بمحافظة الغربية /
رقم البحث : 12014905 دراسة تحليلية لأثر التصحر على اهم المجموعات الغذائية فى الوطن العربى /
رقم البحث : 12014701 Effectiveness of utilization flat solar collector for drying grape in yemen /
رقم البحث : 12014713 Effect of water stress on yield and yield components for some sesame varieties and its relation with wilt disease /
رقم البحث : 12014723 Effect of stocking rates of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus L.) and grey mullet (mugil cephalus L.) on their performance in polyculture earthen ponds /
رقم البحث : 12014736 Studies on over- wintering of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fry /
رقم البحث : 12014749 Reproductive biology of orange-spotted grouper epinephelus coioides of the arabian gulf at Saudi Arabia /
Vol 43 no 2 - Jun 2005 - 01/05/2005
رقم البحث : 12032846 Growth and productivity of sugar beet, onion and gaelic grown alone and associations under different inter and intraspacing /
رقم البحث : 12033088 لتركيب الدقيق لمناسل سمك الهامور (epinephelus tauvina) خلال مراحل التحول الجنسى /
رقم البحث : 12033105 المحاصيل السكرية فى مصر الواقع والمأمول /
رقم البحث : 12033051 صفات الجودة لبعض الأقماح المنزرعة فى الجمهورية اليمينية وأثر إضافة مخلوط دقيق الحمص وفول الصويا على صفات الجودة للخبز المصنوع من دقيق بحوث 14 /
رقم البحث : 12033034 تأثير إضافة مستويات مختلفة من التسميد الكيماوى على النمو الخضرى والمحصول وجودة الدرنات على صنفين من البطاطس تحت ظروف بنى وليد /
رقم البحث : 12037525 Botanical studies on roselle plants (hibiscus sabdariffa l.) as affected by benzyladenine and/or decapitation /
رقم البحث : 12037544 Preparing some meat products using soybean seeds after removing the antinutritional matfers /
رقم البحث : 12037567 Rheological properties of milk protein products prepared from buffalo’s milk /
رقم البحث : 12037591 Rheological properties of mango and papaya nectarblends /
رقم البحث : 12037619 Evaluation of five varieties of jujube fruits for their processing suitability /
رقم البحث : 12032863 Components of genetic variance and their interactions with years in one maize population /
رقم البحث : 12037637 Production of fortified yoghurt using chufa milk and its utilization in cake making /
رقم البحث : 12041856 Studies on tue persistence and safety of a new lactobacillus ptantarum recombinant in vivo /
رقم البحث : 12041876 Production of barleria cristata l. as a dwarf flowering pot plant /
رقم البحث : 12041913 Effect of irrigation with saline water on seed germination, growth and chemical composition of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 12041940 Studies on the spears maturity in broccoli /
رقم البحث : 12041966 Effect of different packages on the storage ability of broccoli spears /
رقم البحث : 12041989 Effect of planting dates on the yield and quality of broccoli /
رقم البحث : 12042017 Relationship growth, yield of broccoli with increasing n, p or k ratio in a mixture of-npk fertilizers (brassica oleraceae var, italica plenck) /
رقم البحث : 12042041 Physiological response of rose geranium (pelargonium graveolens, l) to phenylalanine and nicotinic acid /
رقم البحث : 12042068 Influence of some antioxidants on growth, flowerheads and essential oil conten of matricaria chamomilla, l. plants /
رقم البحث : 12032872 Genotype x environment interaction and stability analysis for yield and quality of some sugar beet genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12042090 Effect of some preharvest treatments on the storage ability of “roumy ahmer” grapes /
رقم البحث : 12042192 Effect of postharvest treatments on storage ability and keeping quality of amaar apricot fruits /
رقم البحث : 12042218 Effect of gamma rays on seed germination and seedling growth of some timber trees /
رقم البحث : 12042252 Host preference and chemical control of phylloenistis citrdlla stainton (lepidoptera : gracilarhdae) in qalubia governorate /
رقم البحث : 12043684 Host preference and seasonal fluctuation of citrus leaf miner, phyiloenistis dtrelia stainton, population on the preferred host in relation to its parasitows and weather factors /
رقم البحث : 12043707 Population fluctuation of certain piercing sucking insect pests infesting marjoram in relation to associated predators and some weather factors at Giza governorate /
رقم البحث : 12043720 Determination of methomyl and profenofos residues on and in tomato fruits under field conditions /
رقم البحث : 12043752 Infestation and larval population of liriomyza bryoniae (kalt.) on some winter annual ornamental plants /
رقم البحث : 12043788 Effect of some insecticides deltamethrin, (cpy) clorpyropuos (cop) and demsisa extract (ambrosia maritima) fam: compositae on certain biological aspects of alive insects of pectinophoragossypiella (sanud.) And earias insulana (boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 12043809 Residual effect of some organic residues produced from biogas units on growth and nutrients utilization by wheat plants /
رقم البحث : 12032895 Heterosis, combining ability and gene action in f1 and f2 diallel crosses among six soybean genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12043830 Factors affecting soil water erosion in north western coast of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12043844 Indwidual and interaction effects of iron, manganese and cobalt, on corn growth. I- macronutrients uptake and distribution in different plant organs /
رقم البحث : 12032917 Role of Sensitized spleen cells in protection, bacterial dissemination and pathology in one-day-old chicks following salmonella typhimurium challenge infection /
رقم البحث : 12033001 Biodegradation of some petroleum pollutants in water and soil /
رقم البحث : 12033014 Stimulatory effect of some yeast applications on response of tomato plants to inoculation with biofertilizers /
Vol 43 no 1 - Mar 2005 - 01/03/2005
رقم البحث : 12008253 Effect of soil moisture depletion on growth, yield, and yield components of some maize varieties /
رقم البحث : 12008251 Effect of sowing date, nitrogen fertilizer and row space on yield and quality of sugar beet crop /
رقم البحث : 12008254 Seed viability and seedling vigor in relation to field emergence of some maize (zea mays, l.) genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12008255 Effect of some irrigation treatments on yield, yield components and seed quality characteristics of some faba bean (vicia faba L.) varieties /
رقم البحث : 12008256 Performance of some sudan grass (sorghum sudanense, piper (stapf) genotypes compared with the local hybrid (102) /
رقم البحث : 12008257 Yield productivity and stability of some promising forage pearl millet [pennisetum americanum (L.)leeke] genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12008258 Effect of relaying cotton on some crops under bio-mineral N fertilization rates on yield and yield components /
رقم البحث : 12008259 Growth and productivity of wheat as affected by some growth retardants under water stress conditions in newly cultivated sandy lands /
رقم البحث : 12008260 Adaptation studies on improving cotton plant under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12008261 Effect of preceding winter crops and intercropping on yield, yield components and associated weeds in maize /
رقم البحث : 12008262 Effects of dietary protein level on compensatory growth, carcass characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chicks /
رقم البحث : 12008264 The combined effect of organic fertilizer and supplementary feed on the growth performance of common carp(cyprinus carpio) fingerlings in rice fields /
رقم البحث : 12008265 Biological treatments of vernonia ( vernonia galamensis P.) for adaptation and better performance under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12008266 Effect of soil application of urea and ammonium sulphate on some physiological aspects and chemical compositions of sorghum plants /
رقم البحث : 12008267 Performance of biological seed treatment to control soilborne diseases and seedborne fungi of bean (phaseolus vulgaris) /
رقم البحث : 12008268 Dendrogram analysis of genetic distances based on quantitative characters and biochemical markers in some parental and hybrid tomato genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12008269 Physiological specialization in puccinia triticina and postulated genes of resistance in certain egyptian wheat cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12008270 Technological and biological uses of jerusalem artichoke powder and resistant starch /
رقم البحث : 12008271 Scales as a devised technique characterizing some fish samples /
رقم البحث : 12008277 Effect of some enzymes treatment on rheological behavior of strawberry juice and its concentrates /
رقم البحث : 12008278 Effect of spray with calcium and some post-harvest treatments on fruit quality and storability of guava fruits /
رقم البحث : 12008279 Decreasing the postharvest disorders of le-conte pear fruit /
رقم البحث : 12008280 The genetic performance of some continuously variable characteristics of pea under different locations /
رقم البحث : 12008281 Optimizing growth, ionic, physiological case and productivity of sweet pepper under salinity conditions /
رقم البحث : 12008283 In vitro selection of new olive NACL-salinity tolerant genotype using somatic embryogenesis induction and gamma mutation techniques /
رقم البحث : 12008282 Effect of different levels and sources of nitrogen on growth, yield and quality of potatoes grown under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12008284 Reducing the rutab percentage of zaghloul dates during storage to prolong the marketing season /
رقم البحث : 12008285 Effect of grafting substrates used in wet grafting method on the characteristics of produced virgin queens /
رقم البحث : 12008286 تحديد عوائد عناصر الانتاج الزراعى للمحاصيل الحقلية والخضر باستخدام نظرية أويلر للتوزيع /
رقم البحث : 12008287 قياس بعض دلائل التلوث الكيميائية للآبار الجوفية فى مدينة صنعاء /
رقم البحث : 12008288 فحص مؤشر النوعية البكترولوجية لمياه الآبار الأهلية فى العاصمة صنعاء /
رقم البحث : 12008289 دراسة اقتصادية لتكاليف انتاج محصول الذرة الشامية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12008290 اقتصاديات انتاج الفول البلدى بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 12008291 اتجاهات زراع الخضر نحو تطبيق بعض القرارات المرتبطة بالسياسة الزراعية فى مرحلة التحرر الاقتصادى بمحافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 12008292 دور الارشاد الزراعى فى تحسين العمليات الزراعية لمحصول العنب بمنطقة النوبارية /
رقم البحث : 12008760 Efficacy of diatomaceous earth dust under modified atmospheres against some stored grain insects /
رقم البحث : 12008766 Susceptibility of barley grain varieties to sitophilus oryzae (L.) and sitophilus granarius (L.) infestation /
رقم البحث : 12008780 Effect of certain non-chemical methods against some land snails /
رقم البحث : 12008786 Post harvest infestation of some egyptian barley varieties with trogoderma granarium everts /
رقم البحث : 12008798 New approaches for controlling the black cutworm agrotis ipsilon (HUFN.) (lepidoptera: noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 12008238 Effect of varieties planting densities and nitrogen fertilization levels on yield and yield components of sugar cane /
رقم البحث : 12008263 Preservation of surplus buffalo colostrum for milk replacer :
Vol 42 no 4 - Dec2004 - 01/12/2004
رقم البحث : 12018401 Morphology, taxonomy and biometry of macrosiphoniella absinthii linnaeus (homoptera : aphididae) female forms in egypt /
رقم البحث : 12018419 Interaction effect between phosphorus and selenium on their availability in soil and contents in soybean plants grown on alluvial clayey soil /
رقم البحث : 12018458 Implications of saline irrigation water and zinc applications on soil chemical properties and wheat plant /
رقم البحث : 12018547 Growth enhancement of wheat by supplementation of N, Fe, Mn, and Zn /
رقم البحث : 12010193 Breeding potential of essential oil yield in locally cultivated geranium (pelargonium graveolens l.) /
رقم البحث : 12009904 The relationship between foliar application and seed hardening treatments with some nutrients for adapted (vernonia galamensis p.) as a new plant under calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 12009925 Effect of plant density, skipping one irrigation and their interaction on growth characters, yield and chemical composition of grain sorghum /
رقم البحث : 12009962 Growth and yield attributes of some wheat cultivars in relation to missing an irrigation at different stages of growth in newly cultivated sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12009990 Morphological and biochemical identification of some new faba bean (vicia faba l) varieties /
رقم البحث : 12010029 Effect of water stress and potassium foliar application on the productivity of faba bean plants /
رقم البحث : 12010085 Effect of photoperiod length on growth and some physiological aspects of buffalo heifers /
رقم البحث : 12010121 Effect of photoperiod on productive and reproductive performance of primiparous buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 12010157 Evaluation of lr13 and lr24 genes in resistance to leaf rust in some egyptian wheat cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12010221 Environmental and nutritional parameters controlling the production of carotenoids by rhodotorula sp. and uses as food additives 1-using shake flasks as a batch and two stage batch culture techniques /
رقم البحث : 12010242 Physiologic specialization in puccinia graminis tritici and genes conferring wheat resistance in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12015178 Biological and serological studies on an isolate of maize dwarf mosaic potyvirus inffecting maize plant /
رقم البحث : 12015449 Amelioration of lead effects on phaseolus vulgaris yield, yield components and chemical constituents of dry seeds by some bio-treatments /
رقم البحث : 12018591 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لإنتاج القمح فى محافظة الإسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 12018667 دراسة إقتصادية لتطور إنتاج و إستهلاك القمح فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 12018685 التقييم الاقتصادى لنظم انتاج محصول الخيار فى الاراضى الجديدة /
رقم البحث : 12015219 Inheritance of stripe rust resistance in the wheat cultivar sakha 61 /
رقم البحث : 12015486 Kinetic parameters and stability of immobilized invertase enzyme on some different supports /
رقم البحث : 12015517 Anti-nutritional factors for germplasms of faba bean and peanut seeds and wheat/
رقم البحث : 12015555 Chemical studies on by-products of some vegetable oils /
رقم البحث : 12015599 Associative growth and antibacterial activity of some strains of lactic acid bacteria /
رقم البحث : 12015637 Production of low calorie muffin /
رقم البحث : 12015680 Brevibacterium linens as an adjunct starter culture in low fat ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 12015728 The implication of using soybean milk and probiotic bacteria for feta-like cheese making /
رقم البحث : 12016417 Siological and histopathological changes of rats as affected by feeding on cholesterol enriched diet containing probiotic soya feta like-cheese /
رقم البحث : 12016443 Effect of co2 addition to raw milk on its properties during storage in refrigerator /
رقم البحث : 12016479 Influence of some preservatives on cast uf-white soft cheese properties during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12016504 Beef sausage, and beef burger production by adding treated mung bean /
رقم البحث : 12016534 Active carbon and mono-saccharides production from some sugar crops by-products /
رقم البحث : 12016552 Improving properties of beef sausage by using polysaccharides /
رقم البحث : 12016579 The herbal effect on the behaviour of some food pathogenic or food spoilage bacterial strains /
رقم البحث : 12016624 Intracellular follow up as afected by a new bacterial system acting as antibacterial and releasing system of favourable bacterial productes important in food industry /
رقم البحث : 12016641 Chemical composition of ballota undulata (fresen.) benth. (family: lamiaceae) growing wildly in north sinai /
رقم البحث : 12016680 Studies on irrigation regimes on mango trees :
رقم البحث : 12017347 Studies on irrigation regimes on mango trees :
رقم البحث : 12017376 Effect of planting density and chemical and biofertilization on vegetative growth, yield and chemical composition of fennel (foenieulum vulgare, miller) :
رقم البحث : 12017420 Effect of planting density and chemical and biofertilization on vegetative growth, yield and chemical composition of fennel (foeniaslunt vulgare, miller) :
رقم البحث : 12017512 A comparative study on some roquette genotypes and their response to planting date and nitrogen levels /
رقم البحث : 12017541 Response,of onion plants to humic acid and mineral fertilizers application /
رقم البحث : 12017581 Effect of some pre-harvest treatments on improving quality and storability of crimson seedless grapes /
رقم البحث : 12017615 Effect of four citrus rootstocks on growth, flowering, yield and fruit quality of valencia orange cultivar /
رقم البحث : 12017762 Effect of summer pruning on yield, fruit quality and storage ability of thompson seedless and flame seedless grapes /
رقم البحث : 12017784 Effect of Bio and chemical fertilizers on growth, yield and chemical composition of potato (solanum tuberosst) under sand soil condition /
رقم البحث : 12017815 Study of the biological and physiological effects of the bio insecticide (spinosad) on
agrotis ipsilon (hufnagel) /
رقم البحث : 12017833 Certain aspects on reproductive potential and feeding capacity of two predators, coccinella undecimpunctata l and chrysoperla carnea (steph) /
رقم البحث : 12018293 Effect of different constant temperatures and two preferred vegetable host plants on certain biological aspects of cotton aphid, aphis gossyph glover, (homoptera, aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 12018363 Effect of cultural and chemical treatments on the olive scale insect, leucaspis riccae targ. (homoptera, diaspididae) and its parasito1d, aphytis libanicus traboulsi (hymenoptera, aphelinidae) /
Vol 42 no 3 - Sep 2004 - 01/09/2004
رقم البحث : 12033166 Effect of cattle manure and reducing mineral fertilizer on growth, fruit quality and nutrient content of pecan trees /
رقم البحث : 12033401 Genetic studies on cold tolerance in snap bean (pithseolus vidgaris l.) /
رقم البحث : 12033414 Effect of bulb size, pre-planting treatments and microelements on growth, flowering, bulb production and stem apex development of poliantizes tuberosa /
رقم البحث : 12033422 Effect of blo organic and chemical fertilization on growth essential oil productivity and chemical composition of ociniuni basilicum l. Plant /
رقم البحث : 12033455 Inheritance and nature of drought tolerance in common bean (phaseotus vulgaris, l) /
رقم البحث : 12033468 Effect of cycocel and maleic hydrazide on the production ofacacia saligna flowering pot plants /
رقم البحث : 12033495 Studies on productivity of some garlic cultivars under sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 12033511 Effect of minela and biological nitrogen fertilization on thompson seedless grape transplants. Leffect on vegetative growth /
رقم البحث : 12033529 Effect of mineral and biological nitrogen fertilization on thompson seedless grape transplants il effect on leap mineral content /
رقم البحث : 12033554 Effect of mineral and biological nitrogen fertilization on thompson seedless grape transplants :
رقم البحث : 12033610 Impact of acetone extract of certain plants on three insect species populations infesting maize grains and loss weight /
رقم البحث : 12033642 Laboratory studies of two commercl& formultions of bacillus thuringiensis (berliner) for activity against1st larval instanr of spodoptera littoralis (biosd) (lepidoptera noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 12033653 Efficiency estimation of isolated bacteria bacillus thuringiensis entwnacidu.c against cotton leafworm spodoptera littoralis boise) infesting sugar beet in comparison with two commercial bio-insecticide and insecticide profenofos /
رقم البحث : 12033676 Response of pea plants grown on a clay soil to rhizobium inoculation combined with mo and zn as foliar application /
رقم البحث : 12033683 Effect of withholding irrigation at different growth stages on prodijctwrfl’ of some soybean varieties /
رقم البحث : 12033664 Changes in nitrogen content in different soil layers after application of composted and fresh chicken manure and nitrogen mineral during maize and wheat cultivation in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12033697 دراسه مبدئيه لإنشاء حقول البرسيم الحجازى فى مواعيد زراعه وبمعدلات من التسميد العضوى المختلفه بدلتا تبن- لحج-اليمن /
رقم البحث : 12002741 The inheritance of resistance to leaf blight caused by helzninthospq,.iqrn turejegn, in superjor group of inbred lines of maize /
رقم البحث : 12002765 Tillage and weed control effects on soil properties, weed density and cotton yield /
رقم البحث : 12002953 Response of some peanut genotypes to intercroppjng with sesame in relation to yield and yield components /
رقم البحث : 12002975 Effect of different biofertilizers on productivity of some acacia species under waffi sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 12003015 Response of chickpea crop to biofertilization and foliar spraying with zinc under different levels of n and p fertilization in newly reclaimed sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12003060 Effect of different p sources and k levels on scheduling irrigation for a new introduced sunflower genotype /
رقم البحث : 12032822 Faba bean cult1vars fertilized with phosphorus assessed for precision and bias of yield estimation techniques, and for yield component power and sample size /
رقم البحث : 12032830 Seed characteristics as indicators 01 peanut seed quality /
رقم البحث : 12032861 Use of estrus synchronization and artificial insemination for thiproving fall-kidding of locally born syrian goats in suadi Arabia /
رقم البحث : 12032874 Effect of enzyme supplementation on performance, meat quality and economic evaluation of broiler chicks fed low protein diets /
رقم البحث : 12032897 Genetic aspects of age at first calving and longevity traits in a commercial holstein herd raised under egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 12032927 Some genetic parameters for some doe litter traits in tiouscat and californian rabbits raised in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12032944 Effect of foliar spraying by some micronutrients on growth, yield, chemical constituents and anatomical structure of cotton plants (Gossypium vitifolium L) :
رقم البحث : 12033116 Uses of polysaccharide in production of normal and light mayonnase /
رقم البحث : 12032976 Management of strawberry fruit rot disease by some inorganic salts /
رقم البحث : 12032996 Evaluation of some solid-substrate media on the propagation of~minitang in controlling scierotinia scierofjorgnn on bean /
رقم البحث : 12033026 Effect of using alternatwe combinations of glucono delta lactone with lactic starter culture on tile properties of ut-white soft cheese during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 12033033 Effect of processing methods, temperature and frozen storage on the rreological behaviour of orange juices and concentrates /
رقم البحث : 12033067 Hplc quantitatwe determination of stevioside sweetener in cola drinics and its usage in some food industries /
رقم البحث : 12033084 Functional and technological properties of some mung bean seeds products /
رقم البحث : 12033097 Antimicrobial antioxidative effects of carob powder and its effect on cake quality characteristics /
رقم البحث : 12033159 Optimization of flaxseed mucilage extraction and its functional characteristics /
Vol 42 no 2 - jun2004 - 01/06/2004
رقم البحث : 11992237 Protection effect of low-temperature on some snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) varieties green yield and some isozyme levels /
رقم البحث : 11992246 Effect of irrigation intervals, fertilization levels and their interaction on taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) :
رقم البحث : 11992257 Effect of irrigation intervals, fertilization levels and their interaction on taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) :
رقم البحث : 11992279 Genetic studies on fusarium wilt resistance in tomato /
رقم البحث : 11992289 Effect of leaf-tying and shading on heads quality and yield of summer chinese cabbage /
رقم البحث : 11992296 Effect of plant density and climatic conditions on some chinese cabbage cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11992307 Effect of different NPK treatments on growth, yield, quality and chemical componats of two potato cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11992311 Effectiveness of certain plant extracts on three insect species infesting stored maize grains /
رقم البحث : 11992359 Effect of genetic and culture control against Varroa destructor on population of varroa worker brood and adult bees during fall in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11992139 Quality attribuites of low — fat beef sausage containing different dietary fibers /
رقم البحث : 11992134 Effect of using fat mimetics on the rheological and sensory properties of low-fat ice cream /
رقم البحث : 11992132 Comparative study of consuming inulin, pectin and cellulose on fecal characteristics and plasma lipid profiles in rats /
رقم البحث : 11992131 Influence of some nutritive compounds support intracellular defence system against gamma irradiation damage in rats /
رقم البحث : 11992548 Genetic improvement and culture manipulation in comparison with chemicals to control varroa mite, Varroa destructor (acari - varroidae) /
رقم البحث : 11992575 Presence of coccoid insects on ficus nitida and the effect of three species of them on the anatomical structire of infested seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11992588 Effect of aonidiella aurantii infestation on leaf components and fruit quality of two orange varieties /
رقم البحث : 11992613 Survey and abundance of natural enemies of the cottony camellia scale, Pulvinaria floccifera (westwood) (homoptera: coccidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11992684 Influence of temperature on the effectiveness of controlled atmosphereres of various carbon dioxide concentrations or high nitrogen content on two stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11992707 Efficiency of applied rates and methods of cobalt on growth, yield and elemental composition of peanut plants grown on a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11992718 A comparative study on effect of foliar application of urea and some organic manure extracts on wheat yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11992741 تقدير كمية الألياف الغذائية فى غذاء البالغين بمدينة الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية /
رقم البحث : 11992032 Growth and forage yield of Atriplex canescens as affected by different soil amendments under saline condition of Wadi surd /
رقم البحث : 11992034 Estimates of general and specific combining ability of some yellow maize inbred lines using top-crosses /
رقم البحث : 11992040 Implication of historical weather data on wheat yield prediction sown under different sowing dates at middle Egypt region /
رقم البحث : 11992046 A diallel analysis among maize inbred lines for resistance to pink stem borer and grain yield under artificial infestation and non infestation /
رقم البحث : 11992052 Combining ability of new white inbred lines of maize with three testers tested over two locations /
رقم البحث : 11992061 Comparison between two types of testers for evaluating new white inbred lines of maize /
رقم البحث : 11992068 Predicting wheat yield at deltaregion under different sowing dates using historical weather data /
رقم البحث : 11992099 Response of wheat to nitrogen under different tillage systems /
رقم البحث : 11992108 Growth and yield of some wheat cultivars irrigated with saline water in newly cultivated land as affected by nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11992112 Response of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) to coated-urea carriers under Ras Sudr condition /
رقم البحث : 11992115 Some correction factors for milk yield and repeatability estimates for productive and reproductive traits of Friesian cattle in three commercial herds raised in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11992120 Identification of prevalent physiological races of wheat stripe rust vi north delta and some factors affecting disease severity /
رقم البحث : 11992123 Rapd-pcr based technique for detecting the conferred stripe rust resistant gene yr15 to the Egyptian commercial wheat cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11992124 Effect of some nutrients and growth substances on productivity of eggplant (Solanum melongenu var esculenta) growing under high temperature conditions /
رقم البحث : 11992127 Anthropometric evaluation of preschool children in Riyadh city (Saudi Arabia) /
Vol 42 no 1 - Mar 2004 - 01/03/2004
رقم البحث : 11987485 Evaluation of six sunflower cultivars in photosynthate partition and migration, growth, yield and its components in newly cultivated land /
رقم البحث : 11988579 Improving the quality of karish cheese by using fat replacers (inulin and pea fibers) /
رقم البحث : 11988699 Effect of nisin and ginger extract against natural microbial flora of meat patties during storage under low temperature /
رقم البحث : 11988770 Development of soybean isoflavones yoghurt-like product of potential health benefits /
رقم البحث : 11988855 Function properties of jew’s mallow mucilage and sodium alginate and their effect on dough and bread quality /
رقم البحث : 11988800 Utilization of some dairy by-products and over ripened yoghurt in producing jelly yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11988903 Effect of fertilization with K and Ca on vegetative growth, yield and quality of some snap beans cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11989473 Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration of kalamata olive from cotyledons /
رقم البحث : 11989515 Stock-scion relationship in olive at the nursery stage /
رقم البحث : 11989551 Effect of irrigation methods and potassium fertilizer levels on growth, yield and its quality of snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris L.) /
رقم البحث : 11987587 Breeding faba bean for environmental stress conditions :
رقم البحث : 11990198 Improving the efficiency of different NPK fertilization levels for strelitzia reginae ait plant by using active dry yeast /
رقم البحث : 11990243 Efficiency of herbicides at low concentration on some summer annual plants /
رقم البحث : 11990631 Response of snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris, L.) to nitrogen fertilizer source /
رقم البحث : 11990632 Inheritance and nature of resistance to two spotted spider mite in common bean /
رقم البحث : 11990635 Effect of irrigation with a saline water on paspalum vaginatum, SW. /
رقم البحث : 11990646 Studies on propagation of aspidistra elatior blume by tissue culture /
رقم البحث : 11990670 Evaluation of essential oils of some umbelliferous plants as natural nematicides against meloidogyne javanica /
رقم البحث : 11990682 Effect of low temperatures on eggs and larvae of mediterranean fruit fly and peach fruit fly inside fruits as a quarantine procedure /
رقم البحث : 11990695 Biological control of the two-spotted spider mite (acari : tetranychidae) with phytoseiulus persimilis (acari : phytoseiidae) on commercial cucumber in sharkia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11987827 Effect of dietary protein and energy levels on growth performance and economic efficiency of growing matrouh local strain chickens /
رقم البحث : 11990706 A preliminary biological control study on tetranychus urticae koch on rose bushes (acari : tetranychidae) /
رقم البحث : 11990715 Toxicity of spinosad as a potential novel bioinsecticide against tetranychus urticae Koch /
رقم البحث : 11990801 Effect of different organic wastes on content soybean grown in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11990847 A preliminary point out on selenium status in some crop residues /
رقم البحث : 11990871 Effect of biodegradation of some soil conditioners on soil properties under saline water conditions /
رقم البحث : 11990880 دراسة اقتصادية لتطور استهلاك الزيوت النباتية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11990895 الاستغلال الأمثل للموارد الزراعية بسيناء /
رقم البحث : 11990922 دراسة اقتصادية لحرف صيد الأسماك (الدبة والبوص) ببحيرة البردويل محافظة شمال سيناء /
رقم البحث : 11990676 Evaluation of certain strawberry varieties to pest infestation /
رقم البحث : 11987953 Biometry of the buffalo gravid genitalia and related uterine components at different stages of pregnancy /
رقم البحث : 11987963 Genetic and phenotypic parameters of some longevity and lifetime production traits in holstein-friesian cows raised in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11987967 Relationships of first lactation with lifetime production and longevity traits of holstein-friesian cows in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11987973 Rheological modeling of persimmon fruit (diospyros kaki l) processed by different methods /
رقم البحث : 11988007 Effect of skim milk clotting agents on kariesh cheese properties with special reference to calcium /
رقم البحث : 11988525 Effect of freezing and cooking on chemical composition and some biological quality on balady and imported beef /
Vol 41 no 4 - Dec 2003 - 01/12/2003
رقم البحث : 11981045 Effect of salinity and irrigation intervals on yield and chemical composition of some natural range plants under Ras sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 11981208 Some factors affecting on propegation of black carp, Mylopharylryngodon piceus under the Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11981225 Relationship between soil borne fungi and irrigation water quantity in sugarbeet fields /
رقم البحث : 11981244 Effect of bioagents, fungicides as well as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on :
رقم البحث : 11981294 Effect of bioagents, fungicides as well as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on :
رقم البحث : 11981298 Evaluation studies on multiplication of tobacco mosaic virus and potato virus Y in callus culture :
رقم البحث : 11981303 Serological and molecular detection of sugarcane streak geminivirus /
رقم البحث : 11981307 Production and stability of ras cheese slurry powder /
رقم البحث : 11981433 Functional characteristics of flaxseed, corn germ and canola protein products /
رقم البحث : 11981435 Effect of selected legume flours on the rheological properties, baking quality and staling of bread /
رقم البحث : 11981049 Allelopathic effects of Artemisia monosperma del on germination and seedling growth of some range plant species /
رقم البحث : 11981437 Effect of using some vegetable oils on characteristics of domiati like cheese /
رقم البحث : 11981442 Extending the shelf life of semi-dry date (siwi variety) /
رقم البحث : 11981449 Growth and yield responses of broad bean plants (Vicia faba L.) to some complete foliar fertilizer compounds /
رقم البحث : 11981461 Predicting yield of some orange varieties via determining nutrition status of trees during preceding year /
رقم البحث : 11981470 Effect of some sources of nitrogen fertilizers on pre- bearing and bearing valencia orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11981487 Interrelation - ships among various levels of nitrogen and potassium on jaffa orange tree yield an]) fruit quality /
رقم البحث : 11981052 Soybean varietal response to phosphorus under different cropping systems /
رقم البحث : 11981498 Some girdling forms for improving Jaffa orange tree yield efficiency and fruit quality /
رقم البحث : 11981510 Estimation of heterosis for yield, its components and some quality characters in some intra-specific crosses of fresh market tomato /
رقم البحث : 11981522 Preliminary study to select the best combiners and combinations to produce local variety of cherry tomato /
رقم البحث : 11981532 Life table parameters of the lesser cotton leafworm Spodoptera exigua HBN, as affected by different host plants /
رقم البحث : 11981559 Effect of spraying potassium sulfate on two aphid species infesting cotton and potato plants /
رقم البحث : 11981574 field and laboratory use of environmentally safe chemicals against white-fly Bemisia tabaci (gennandius) and leafhopper Empoasca discipiens (paoli) /
رقم البحث : 11981598 Biodegradation of aldicarb using two types of microorganisms isolated from Fayoum governorate soil /
رقم البحث : 11981077 Efficiency of applying biofertilizers to maize under different levels of chemical fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11981614 Efficiency of controlled atmosphere of carbon dioxide on the time to population extinction of some stored product insects inside three closed storage facilities /
رقم البحث : 11981629 Possible phytoextraction of zinc and cobalt by some plant species from contaminated arable soils in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11981640 Influence of humic acid on faba bean plants grown in cadmium polluted soil /
رقم البحث : 11981649 Response of hyper and non-hyper accumulator plants to nickel element /
رقم البحث : 11981655 Remediation role of humic acid on faba bean plants grown on sandy lead polluted soil /
رقم البحث : 11981661 دراسة اقتصادية للمشكلة السكانية بجمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11981669 أهم العوامل الاقتصادية المحددة لانتاج الذرة الشامية الصيفى فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11981088 Response of some faba bean (viciafaba, l.) Varieties to foliar fertilization with manganese and iron /
رقم البحث : 11981108 Effect of farm yard manure, mineral N and P fertilizer on wheat yield /
رقم البحث : 11981123 Simulating the effect of irrigation skipping on maize yield and its attributes /
رقم البحث : 11981158 Heritabilities, repeatabilities and permanent environmental effects for maternal traits in baladi red and new zealand white rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11981171 Dietary sulfur amino acid requirements for fingerlings nile tilapia (Orcochromis nilotieus) /
Vol 41 no 3 - Sep 2003 - 01/09/2003
رقم البحث : 11978567 Performance and stability of some promising triticale lines under different environments /
رقم البحث : 11980574 Soil application of some micro-flements with relation to yield and quality of sugar beet varieties (beta vulgaris l.) /
رقم البحث : 11980578 Production and purification of protease from bacillus subtilis and bacillus coagulans and use the enzyme for improvement and accelerating of domiati cheese /
رقم البحث : 11980580 Host resistance and cultural practices as control measures against faba bean necrotic yellows virus infection in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11980584 A study of some factors affecting callugenic frequency percentage (CFP) from anther culture of broccoli (brassica oleracea l. var. Italica) /
رقم البحث : 11980590 Effect of microbial transglutaminase on the microstructure and functional properties of freeze-driedbuffalo’s skim milk /
رقم البحث : 11982345 Inhibition of undesirable bacteria by garlic extract and its impact on uf- soft cheese properties /
رقم البحث : 11982347 Efficiency of fenugreek extract as a natural antioxidant in mayonnaise /
رقم البحث : 11982349 Oxidative stability of low calorie-free cholesterol mayonnaise /
رقم البحث : 11982350 Physical, chemical and sensory properties of juice and syrup produced from sugarcane cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11982351 Distribution of orotic and uric acids in cow milk and its products and effect of acidic and enzymic coagulation on these acids /
رقم البحث : 11978772 Genetic analysis of diallel crosses in corn underdifferent environments /
رقم البحث : 11982352 An attempt to improve the properties and nutritional value of kareish cheese /
رقم البحث : 11982353 The role of high - fiber bread on the reduction of cholesterol triglycerides, liver enzymes and histopathological alterations of experimental hypercholesterolemic / rats /
رقم البحث : 11982354 Effect of postharvest treatments with some safe compounds on fruit properties of valencia orange and marsh seedless grapefruit fruit during storage /
رقم البحث : 11982429 Effect of waxing;wrapping and storage temperature on storage life and fruit quality of valencia orange and marsh seedless grapefruit /
رقم البحث : 11982430 Response of some pecan cvs. to some irrigation regimes /
رقم البحث : 11985907 Effect of pruning levels and boron and urea sprays onfruit set, yield and fruit quality of olive trees /
رقم البحث : 11985936 Evaluation of some insecticides and their joint action against the cotton leaf worm, spodopter alittoralis (boisd.) on lettuce vegetable plant, laduca saliva l. /
رقم البحث : 11987394 Effect of cadmium and lead applied at different rates and methods on growth and elemental uptake of sugar beet plants /
رقم البحث : 11987346 Determination of the chitinolytic activity of ten subspecies of bacillus thuringiensis /
رقم البحث : 11987408 Soil clay minerals in the nile delta at varying altitudes and proximities to northern sediments brine lakes and the mediterranean sea /
رقم البحث : 11978780 Response of two soybean cultivars to methanol and nitrogen fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11987451 بعض الآثار الاقتصادية لسياسة الإصلاح الاقتصادى على اقتصاديات انتاج بعض محاصيل الحبوب الرئيسية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11978839 Fababean productivity as affected by zinc, phosphorus fertilizer and phosphorein /
رقم البحث : 11978849 Effect of harvest dates on quality and yield of some promising sugar cane varieties under south Egypt conditions /
Vol 41 no 2 - Jun2003 - 01/06/2003
رقم البحث : 11991747 Biological and nutritional values of temper likeproducts made from lupine and pea /
رقم البحث : 11992301 Production of some formulated food mixtures for use as food source for some minerals and vitamins deficiency /
رقم البحث : 11992319 Liquid-smoked poultry (chicken-turkey) fingers as new products /
رقم البحث : 11992340 Production of smoked poultry (chicken -turkey) thighs /
رقم البحث : 11992378 Response of washington navel orange trees to sources and rates of mineral fertilizer, blo-fertilizer and organic manure /
رقم البحث : 11992498 Response of washington navel orange trees irrigated with sewage water to rock phosphate and calcium super phosphate fertilizers enriched with the biofertilizer (phosphoren). On:
رقم البحث : 11992522 Response of washington navel orange trees irrigated with sewage water to rock phosphate and calcium super phosphate fertilizers enriched with the biofertilizer (phosphoren) on :
رقم البحث : 11992559 Effect of sowing date and chemical fertilization treatments on growth, yield and active constituents of moguat (giossostemon bruguieri, desf.) Plant /
رقم البحث : 11992675 Effect of sowing date and irrigation treatments on growth, yield and plant constituents of moghat (glossostemirn brugideri, desf.) Plants /
رقم البحث : 11992693 Effect of organic manure and npk fertilizers on the vegetative growth, flowering and chemical composition of some gladiolus cult1vars /
رقم البحث : 11992716 In vitro seed germination and micropropagation of beaucarnea recurvata tam /
رقم البحث : 11992724 Response of tomato plants grown in newly reclaimed sandy soils to bio and mineral fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11992737 Asustainable organic farming and soil pests /
رقم البحث : 11992751 Efficiency of natural product against the write fly benajsia tabgcj :
رقم البحث : 11993001 True spiders in egyptian fields /
رقم البحث : 11993020 Inribitory effect of certain soil fungal filtrates on meloidogyne incognita nematode on sugarbeet /
رقم البحث : 11992764 Efficacy of different biocide formulations against the cotton leafworm, spodoptera littorallc (boisd) /
رقم البحث : 11989404 Response of ratoon crop of some sucarcane varietiesto different doses of phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11989440 Evaluation of some local wheat varieties in yemen /
رقم البحث : 11989536 Effect of sowing dates on the performance of some wheat varieties and yellow rust infestation /
رقم البحث : 11990201 Selection in canola (brassica napus l.) Germplasm under conditions of newly reclaimed land :
رقم البحث : 11990795 Laboratory and yield evaluation of peanut seed quality /
رقم البحث : 11990859 Seedsed preparation and water stress in relation to maize yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11990911 Correlation and path coefficient analysis of some quantitative traits in flax (liniun usitatissinwm l.) /
رقم البحث : 11990921 Effect of intercropping onion with sugar beet and bo-nitrogen fertilization on their yields, yield components, chemical analysis and use efficiency /
رقم البحث : 11990935 Response of chickpea cultivars to irr1gation schedule and seed coating with cotoongen /
رقم البحث : 11990956 Performance of two maiz hybrids under irrigation intervals and eth ryl treatments /
رقم البحث : 11991308 Biological and economical investigations of silver carp (ilypophthalntkkt!zvs nwlitrix) cultured in cages at different stocking densities and manuring treatments /
رقم البحث : 11991332 Biological and economical studies of eel (anguila anguilta) culture in tanks /
رقم البحث : 11991376 Effect of lactation sequence and milking frequency on milk production and milk composition /
رقم البحث : 11991445 Quality evaluation of some fried chicken breast samples as takeaway foods /
رقم البحث : 11991562 Functional properties of set yoghurt prepared by microbial transglutaminase /
رقم البحث : 11991581 Effect of extraction temperature on tue rueological behaviour of anna apple pulp /
رقم البحث : 11991616 The characteristics of baby food blends based on anna apple pulp /
رقم البحث : 11991643 Changes of temperature and its relation with the poly phenol oxidase activity during processing of anna apple pulp /
رقم البحث : 11991692 Licorice as a partial substitute of sugar used in the formula of white layer cake and studies of its phytochemical components /
Vol 41 no 1 - Mar 2003 - 01/03/2003
رقم البحث : 12012630 Meat production from buffalo calves fed on different kinds of conserved green forages /
رقم البحث : 12012639 Growth performance, digestibility and blood constituents of Growing new zealand white rabbits as affected by incorporation of cassava leaves meal in rabbit diets /
رقم البحث : 12012656 Comparative study on efficiency of chemical fertilizers, manures and artificial feed as fish food in polyculture ponds /
رقم البحث : 12012672 Bacterial fertilizers as biocontrol agents for damping -off disease for sugarbeet /
رقم البحث : 12012684 Effect of some plant extracts and plant resistance inducers on potato verticillium wilt /
رقم البحث : 12012692 Biological and chemical control of stem canker and root rot disease of bean caused by rhizoctonia solani /
رقم البحث : 12012781 Effect of prolonged oral administration of carbaryl on fertility, liver and kidney function of albino rats /
رقم البحث : 12012866 Natural red anthocyanin pigment from acalypha leaves (acalypha marginata) and its uses in some food products /
رقم البحث : 12012905 Quality improvement of bolti (tilapia nilotica) sausage using microbial transglutaminase /
رقم البحث : 12012946 Use of some protein hydrolysates and probiotics in the production of therapeutic foods /
رقم البحث : 12012973 Evaluation of the use of saccharomyces boulardii and protein hydrolysate to produce a new functional food /
رقم البحث : 12012994 أثر المدارس الحقلية على معارف زراع المحاصيل الحقلية بمحافظتى سوهاج وأسيوط /
رقم البحث : 12012986 الآثار الاقتصادية للمكافحة البيولوجية لفراشة درنات البطاطس بمحافظة الغربية /
رقم البحث : 12015080 Yield and major chemical components in fruits of wild cactus pear var, “opuntia ficus-indica” grown in Yemen /
رقم البحث : 12015092 Influence of modification of some dietary fibres on rheological properties of wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 12015113 Physiological studies on jasminum sambac, ait. Plants :
رقم البحث : 12015126 Physiological studies on jasminum sambac, ait .plants :
رقم البحث : 12015146 Response of calendula officinalis, l. Plants to some agricultural treatments :
رقم البحث : 12015168 Response of mabrouka mango trees grown in sandy soil to potassium fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12015183 Effect of magnesium sulphate fertilization on yield and fruit quality of samany date palm /
رقم البحث : 12015207 Effect of sitofex (cppu) on fruit set, fruit quality of le conte pear cultivar /
رقم البحث : 12015239 Response of squash (cucurbita pepo, l) to nitrogen source, nitrogen level and bio-fertilizer application /
رقم البحث : 12015268 Encapsulation of somatic embryos of date palm (phoenix dactylifera l.) in synthetic seed coats /
رقم البحث : 12015352 Intercropping of snap bean and cucumber plants with okra under the conditions of newly reclaimed sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12015390 Influence of rearing season variation on egg production of the silkworm bombyx mori l. /
رقم البحث : 12015467 Effect of two biocides in controbvgftr54lling cassida vittata (vill.) and spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) infesting sugar beet plants /
رقم البحث : 12017205 Biodiversity of spiders in weeds of vegetable field margins in Menofiya governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12017263 Status and distribution of soil boron in representative physiographic units at El-Bahariya Oasis /
رقم البحث : 12017318 Effect of different sources of calcium and phosphorus on peanut plant grown on sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12017434 Efficiency of micronutrients application under different rates of anhydrous ammonia fertilizer on wheat plants /
رقم البحث : 12017559 A study on tile durability of deep plowing and loosening of a compacted calcareous soil in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12017634 Organic manure as soil conditioner for calcareous soils irrigated with saline water /
رقم البحث : 12017700 Selenium status in the desert soils :
رقم البحث : 12018351 Maximizing tolerance of plants grown on saline sand culture /
رقم البحث : 12018526 Minimizing of salinity hazards using proline amino acid on wheat and sunflower plants /
رقم البحث : 11993014 Comparative study for traits of some flax genotypes using factor and cluster analyses /
رقم البحث : 12018613 Response of fodder beet (beta vu/gait l) to different sources and levels of nitrogen under two levels of potassium fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12018682 Impact of amending calcareous soils with different organic wastes on availability of zinc and copper under different moisture levels /
رقم البحث : 12001011 Effect of some flax genotypes and harvesting dates on seed chemical composition, yield and fiber quality /
رقم البحث : 12005450 Prediction of maize kernel number through some weather parameters /
رقم البحث : 12005455 Prediction of optimum sowing date, irrigation water amounts for some maize cultivars in South Delta /
Vol 40 no 4 - Dec2002 - 01/12/2002
رقم البحث : 11980217 Effect of preceding winter crop (tomato), plant density, levels of nitrogen and foliar application with nutrients mixture on yield of maize /
رقم البحث : 11980491 Application of the hazard analysis critical control points system (HACCP) during processing of plain and filling biscuits /
رقم البحث : 11980659 Hydration kinetics and cooking quality of some Egyptian and imported legumes /
رقم البحث : 11980661 Preparation of some weaning-food mixtures and their nutritional evaluation /
رقم البحث : 11980665 Safety of wheat grains irrigated by treated sewage effluent water for human consumption /
رقم البحث : 11980668 Heavy metals pollution in bolti (oreochromis niloticus) fish as affected by the common cooking and processing methods /
رقم البحث : 11980672 New promising clones selected from some garlic “Allium sativum L.” cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11980677 Response of some garlic cultivars to temperature treatments before planting /
رقم البحث : 11980691 Response of khaya transplants to some soil media and biofertilization treatments /
رقم البحث : 11980694 Response of valencia orange and marsh seedless grapefruit to postharvest hot water dips and storage temperature /
رقم البحث : 11980704 Hygienic behavior in the Egyptian honey bee (Apis mellifera lamarckii) and in the Egyptian carnica in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11980220 Effect of plant densities and nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11980712 Availability of some nutrients in east owaynat soils cultivated with peanut /
رقم البحث : 11980719 Growth and nutrients uptake by barley plant grown on calcareous soils amended with different organic wastes /
رقم البحث : 11980740 Selective adsorption of potassium and calcium on soil clays and some clay minerals /
رقم البحث : 11980754 Effect of macro and micro-nutrients and farmyard manure on sugar cane /
رقم البحث : 11980775 Effect of exogenous gibberellic acid on growth characteristics and yield components of barley plant /
رقم البحث : 11980787 Effect of chemical and microbial pollutants in Helwan sewage water on physical and chemical properties of el- saff soil /
رقم البحث : 11980796 Reliability of adsorption parameters as a suitable means for assessing the availability of ammonium-n in some soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11980811 Main forms of potassium in soils of kalubia, and their relation to soil constituents and properties /
رقم البحث : 11980822 تقييم اقتصادى لإنتاج الذرة الشامية فى الوطن العربى /
رقم البحث : 11980234 Influence of irrigation intervals and harvesting dates on yield and yield components in jute /
رقم البحث : 11980251 Physical and mechanical properties of some Egyptian onion cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11980265 Evaluation the effect of installing scraps bamboo as a substrate for periphyton on growth performance and production of fish cultured in earthen ponds /
رقم البحث : 11980289 Effects of feeding regimes on primary productivity, water quality and growth performance of hand-sexed male monosex tilapia, oreochromis niloticus reared in freshwater pond cages /
رقم البحث : 11980336 Using of tomato and potato by-products as non-conventional ingredients in nile tilapia, oreochromis niloticusdiets /
رقم البحث : 11980378 Fingerprint patterns of fourteen globulins lupinus termis varieties using the fluorescence spectroscopy /
رقم البحث : 11980448 Effect of PH pickling media on properties of domiati cheese during storage /
Vol 40 no 2 - Jun 2002 - 01/06/2002
رقم البحث : 11976280 Response of some flax genotypes to bactarial inoculation and nitrogen levels under newly reclaimed land /
رقم البحث : 11976492 Evaluation of heterosis and combining abilities for body weight traits in chickens /
رقم البحث : 11976503 Influence of salinity and source of water on growth and protein content of Azolla pinnata and Azolla filiculoides under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976560 Influence of biofertilization with Bradyrhizobium and phosphate solubilizing bacteria and micronutrients application on growth and yield of soybean /
رقم البحث : 11976743 Anatomical modifications in broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Treated with glyphosate /
رقم البحث : 11976766 Surfactant (surface active compound) produced from an Egyptian bacterial isolate /
رقم البحث : 11976787 Tea extracts as possible natural food preservative for organic food /
رقم البحث : 11976810 Application of the hazard analysis critical control points system (HACCP) in tahina and halva tahina manufacturing /
رقم البحث : 11976825 Utilization of tempeh on some meat products /
رقم البحث : 11976852 Utilization of permeate as a medium for total milk bacterial count /
رقم البحث : 11976869 Utilization of permeate in making yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11976292 Maize grain yield as influenced by nitrogen levels with and without organic manure under different tillage systems /
رقم البحث : 11976897 Determination of thermal process schedule for canned dates /
رقم البحث : 11976920 Impact of potato puree as a cheese base replacement in the manufacture of processed cheese /
رقم البحث : 11976931 Response of guava seedlings to soil inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11976938 Effect of irradiated organic manure, and biofertilization on growth of volkamer lemon seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11976954 Inflorescence type of some orange cultivars in relation to cultivar, growth cycle, fruiting, fruit quality and ovary chemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 11976988 Study on the response of hedera helix to chemical fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11977009 Study on the response of Seindapsus pietus to chemical fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11977042 Improving productivity and fruit quality of washington navel orange trees by using some macro elements and GA3 sprays /
رقم البحث : 11977060 Response of navel orange trees to sour orange and volkamer lemon rootstocks under alluvial soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11977164 Influence of calcium and ethrel treatments on degreening and fruit quality of valencia orange /
رقم البحث : 11976300 Effect of planting dates and seeding rates on yield and its components of flax (Linum usitatissimum, L.) grown under newly reclaimed land /
رقم البحث : 11977170 Effect of irrigation intervals and sulphur application on the growth, yield and nutrative value of eggplant (Solanum melangena var. esculenta L.) /
رقم البحث : 11977183 Autecological studies on Fagonia cretica, L. affecting its active constituent /
رقم البحث : 11977870 Effect of soil salinity cycocel gibberelic acid and kinetin on growth and chemical composition of neem (Azadirachia indiea L.) seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11977879 Effect of some amino acids and mineral fertilizers on growth, chemical composition of Antholyza aethiopica plant /
رقم البحث : 11977884 Effect of spraying of some nutrient elements on vegetative and flowering of tuberosa plants /
رقم البحث : 11977891 Response of williams banana plants to potassium fertigation :
رقم البحث : 11977902 The effect of some factors on the acceptance of larvae and produced royal jelly in honeybee colonies /
رقم البحث : 11977916 Efficiency of certain plant extracts alone and under phosphine treatment against the lesser grain borer, rhizopertha dominica (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11977922 Relative potencies of some grain protectants and their combinations with carbon dioxide against the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.) /
رقم البحث : 11977934 Effectiveness of Petroleum ether extract of some plants alone and under controlled atmospheres of carbon dioxide against the cowpea beetle callosobruchus maculates (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11976314 Performance and water relations of some rapeseed genotypes crown in sand loamy soils under irrigation regimes /
رقم البحث : 11977948 Monitoring of resistance to insecticides, igr’s and interaction of their mixtures in field strains of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis boisd /
رقم البحث : 11977953 Rescent sources, resources and locations of parasitoids attaking whiteflies, diaspidids, coccids and pseudococcids (hemiptera) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11977969 Studies on feeding some substances as an activating feeding for queen rearing /
رقم البحث : 11977979 Effectiveness of certain methyl bromide alternatives against some stored products insects inside gastight bins /
رقم البحث : 11977989 Bitumen and polymer modified bitumen emulsions (cationic type) for sand dune stabilization /
رقم البحث : 11978002 Behaviour of hexavalent chromium in organic manure amended soils /
رقم البحث : 11978024 Irrigation with industrial waste water and effect on soil and on contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd and Ph in soil and maize plants /
رقم البحث : 11978038 أثر الفلاحة والرعى على بعض الخواص الحيوية للتربة فى بادية دير الزور /
رقم البحث : 11978069 الكفاءة الانتاجية والتصديرية لبعض النباتات الطبية والعطرية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11976334 Relative contribution of yield attributes to maize yield under different defoliation treatments /
رقم البحث : 11978054 دور الفطور الميكوريزية فى نمو بعض المحاصيل الخضرية باستخدام التسميد بالصخر الفوسفاتى السورى /
رقم البحث : 11976356 Evaluation of some new inbred lines of maize for combining ability /
رقم البحث : 11976367 General and specific combining ability and its interactions with two plant densities for yield,yield components ,protein content and total carbohydrates in bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 11976394 Evaluation of hulled sunflower meal as a dietary protein source for nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 11976463 Milk yield and growth rate as influenced by feeding olive pulp and acacia shrubs for awassi sheep under semi—arid conditions /
Vol 39 no 4 - Dec 2001 - 01/12/2001
رقم البحث : 12000351 Physical and chemical properties of carrot juice as affected by blanching, enzyme treatment and addition of ascorbic acid /
رقم البحث : 12000352 Effect of soaking and extrusion conditions on functional properties of legume seeds extrudates /
رقم البحث : 12000328 Selection in sesame under greenhouse and field conditions for improving yield and fusarium wilt resistance /
رقم البحث : 12000332 Effect of nitrogen fertilization under salinity conditions on some growth, physiological, chemical and anatomical characteristics of peppermint /
رقم البحث : 12000338 Response of the egyptian cotton plant to foliar spray with some macro-nutrients (NPK) and the growth regulator paclobutrazol (pp333) :
رقم البحث : 12000347 Growth and yield of maize plants as affected by Azospirillum inoculation in presence of different nitrogen sources /
رقم البحث : 12000363 Trials to improve propagation of some citrus rootstocks by using embryo culture techniques :
رقم البحث : 12000371 Effect of sodium chloride on some grape cultivars grown in vitro and in vivo /
رقم البحث : 12000518 Relation between using yeast and nitrogen application in flame vines /
رقم البحث : 12000557 Kinetics and pH envelopes of arsenite and arsenate adsorption on goethite /
رقم البحث : 12000572 Productivity and nutrient utilization of maize under drip irrigation systems /
رقم البحث : 12000517 Attempts for stimulating the availability of phosphorus in triple calcium superphosphate for flame vines by using some materials /
رقم البحث : 12000522 Investigation of flavonoids, volatil oils and antimicrobil activity of lotus polyphyllus, clarke /
رقم البحث : 12000525 Attempts for improving the productivity of grand Nain banana grown under sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12000530 Comparative study on the effect of some different composting media on the vegetative growth and chemical compositions of beaucamea recurvata l. /
رقم البحث : 12000533 Effect of preceding summer crops and nitrogen fertilization on the rates of infestation by tortoise beetle, cassida vittala (vill.) and beet fly, pegomya mixta (vill.) on sugarbeet in the new reclaimed areas /
رقم البحث : 12000536 Population density of tetranychus urticae (sayed) (tetranychidae, prostigmata) on maize plants in middle delta /
رقم البحث : 12000539 The use of wheat flour and some plant powders as natural products to control varroa jacobsoni honeybee colonies /
رقم البحث : 12000543 The use of some volatile oils as varroacides for controlling varroa mite-varroa jacobsoni oud in honeybee colonies in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12000581 Studies on micronutrient levels in some soils and their content in certain plants that grown on these soils /
رقم البحث : 12000576 Effect of some heavy metals on plant growth and its contents of these metals /
رقم البحث : 12000562 Mutual effects of arsenate and phosphate on :
رقم البحث : 12000548 Efficiency of lupine seed extracts with and without controlled atmospheres against some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 12000552 Effects of feeding on three host plant species on the biology of the cotton white-fly bemisia tabaci (genn.) (homoptera: aleyrodidae) /
رقم البحث : 12000372 Physiological studies on acclimatization in vitro grand nine banana /
رقم البحث : 12000373 Effect of different ratios of fertilizers on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of yucca aloifolia originator and philodendron domesticum L. /
رقم البحث : 12000374 In vitro shoot regeneration from petunia hybrida cv. ressist series leaf tissue /
رقم البحث : 12000361 Production of new fermented dairy cereal products (kishk) with different drying methods /
رقم البحث : 12000366 Trials to improve propagation of some citrus rootstocks by using embryo culture techniques :
رقم البحث : 12000368 Effect of irrigation deficit on vegetative growth, productivity, water use efficiency and root length density of three peach cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12000370 Physiological studies on branching and yielding of papaya plants /
رقم البحث : 12000322 Physiological response of two sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) cultivars to some growth retardants in newly cultivated sandy lands /
رقم البحث : 12000323 Productive efficiency of certain wheat cultivars biofertilizer with phosphate-solubilizing bacillus, azotobacter and yeast under varying levels of phosphorus /
رقم البحث : 12000324 Evaluation of some agronomic, yield component and technological characteristics in certain promising bread wheat lines /
رقم البحث : 12000326 Evaluation of some agronomic and quality characteristics for certain promising triticale lines /
رقم البحث : 12000329 Yield and water relations of some promising sesame lines grown in new reclaimed soils /
رقم البحث : 12000330 Behaviour of some sugar beet varieties under various levels of water stress /
رقم البحث : 12000331 Prediction of body weight using body dimensions of Egyptian baladi calves /
رقم البحث : 12000333 Efficiency of hydrogel to increase the survivals and growth of bitter almond (prunus amygdalus l.) and casuarina (casuarina equistifolia l) seedlings in arid regions /
رقم البحث : 12000334 The use of compost to replace mineral fertilizers in cultivation of cassava plant in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12000337 Factors affecting trichoderma potentialities for producing volatile substances suppressing grey mould pathogen (botrytis cinerea) /
رقم البحث : 12000339 Response of the egyptian cotton plant to foliar spray with some macro-nutrients (NPK) and the growth regulator paclobutrazol (pp333) :
رقم البحث : 12000340 Effect of GA3 on salt tolerance of damsissa plants (ambrosia maritima l) grown under saline condition /
رقم البحث : 12000341 Influence of some organic manure and mineral fertilizers on growth, yield, and chemical constituents of broad bean (vicia faba l.) plants grown under reclaimed soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12000343 Survival of microorganisms of multi-strains inoculant on different carriers /
رقم البحث : 12000344 Co-inoculation effect with rhizobium and azospirillum on growth, nodulation and yield of guar plant (cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) /
رقم البحث : 12000346 Evaluation of some nitrogenous commercial biofertilizer on the growth of some non-legumes /
رقم البحث : 12000348 Utilization of mango wastes in production of dietary fiber rich biscuits /
رقم البحث : 12000350 Production of ice cream fortified with antioxidants (lycopene and β-carotene) as a functional food /
Vol 39 no 3 - Sept2001 - 01/09/2001
رقم البحث : 11991373 Effect of nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of zinc on fiber and seed structure, yield and its components of flax (linum usitatissimum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11991399 Performance and yield stability of some durum wheat genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11991419 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer, rank foliar application and weed control on nt teosie (euchlena mexicana schrad) growth, yield and associated weeds and nematodes /
رقم البحث : 11991468 Crossbreeding components for some lifetime milk production and longevity traits in up-grading trials of domiati cattle with three dairy cattle breeds in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11990740 Integrated weed management in faba bean /
رقم البحث : 11991487 Growth responses of silver carp (hypophthalmichthys molitrix) cultured in cages to manuring at different stocking densities /
رقم البحث : 11991615 Controlling postharvest decay of navel orange fruits /
رقم البحث : 11992893 Growth and yield of cotton plant nations as affected by pix, ba, prep and their combination /
رقم البحث : 11992897 Anatomical responses of cucumber (cucumis sativus l.) plants to natural palm pollen extract application /
رقم البحث : 11992898 Improving the quality of karish cheese by addition of partially purified extracellular acid protease from penicillium roqueforti IMI 173224 /
رقم البحث : 11992900 The quality of cumin treated with gamma and microwave irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11992901 Effect of some heat treatments of buffalo’s milk on microstructure and rheological properties of its fat globules /
رقم البحث : 11992903 Effect of mepiquat chloride (pix) on the growth, yield, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates and nitrogen metabolism in tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11995466 Rootstock and cultivar effect on the growth yield and hormon , al bud content of plum trees /
رقم البحث : 11995512 Survey and evaluation of fruit cultivars for some fruit trees grown under siwa oasis conditions :
رقم البحث : 11990788 Response of the two common mungbean varieties to some weed control treatments /
رقم البحث : 11995539 Response of gladiolus plant to different complete fertilizer treatments under north Sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 11995584 Effect of potassium foliar spray on growth, flowering and chemical constituents of gladiolus plants under north sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 11995619 The response of gladiolus grandflorus, cv. rose supreme, to different growths substances with different method of application /
رقم البحث : 11995637 Influence of zinc and manganese treatments on vegetative growth, flowering and chemical composition of calendula officinalis plant /
رقم البحث : 11996732 Studies on some factors influencing the efficiency of insect traps /
رقم البحث : 11990891 Effect of water stress and potassium fertilization on yield and yield components of peanut (arachis hypagaea l.) /
رقم البحث : 11996770 Contribution of leucaenaprunings in trees to maize grown with leucaena trees in an alley cropping system /
رقم البحث : 11996812 Effect of long-term irrigation with sewage effluent on boron and molybdenum in some soils and plants of el-gabal el-asfar farm, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11996843 Heavy metals mobility and distribution under different soil conditions :
رقم البحث : 11996215 Joint action due to combination of bacterial insecticide, agerin with insect growth regulator or chemical insecticide on agrotis ipsilon (hufn)larvae (lepidoptera: noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 11996216 Effectiveness of some grain protectants alone / or under controlled atmosphere of carbon dioxide against the lesser grain borer, rhizopertha dominica (f.) (coleoptera : bostrychidae) /
رقم البحث : 11996222 Efficacy of petroleum ether extracts of black pepper and lupine seeds alone and under modified atmospheres against khapra beetle larvae trogoderma granarium everts /
رقم البحث : 11996232 Efficacy of some plant extracts alone and under phosphine treatment against the red flour beetle, tribolium castaneum (herbst) /
رقم البحث : 11996242 Survey and damage appraisal of rodents in certain field crops in Kalubia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11996250 Assessment and potential utilization of Egyptian honey bees (apis mellifera lamarckii) from Assiut governorate /
رقم البحث : 11996257 Characterization of Egyptian a. M. Carnica populations from the new valley of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11996265 Effects of mulching and holling on spider behavior :
رقم البحث : 11996551 Trials on the use of phosphine gas as alternative of methyl bromide for fumigation of the grains in the shounas against stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11996552 Trials on the use of phosphine gas as alternative of methyl bromide for fumigation of wheat grains in the concrete silos in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11990932 Effect of foliar application of zinc, nitrogen fertilization and bradyrhizobium inoculation on anatomical characters, yield and yield components of peanut (arachis hypogaea l.) /
Vol 39 no 1 - Jan 2001 - 01/01/2001
رقم البحث : 12093726 Heterosis, inbreeding depression and combining ability in a diallel cross of five faba bean genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12095382 Infiltration characteristics as affected by physical properties of south valley soil region, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12095401 Erodibility factor in relation to some physical and chemical properties of soil in the western site of south Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12095359 Growth and nutrients content of wheat plant as influenced by different sources of nitrogen and iron in some soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12095294 Behaviour of molybdenum under saline and sodic calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12095285 Residual effect of nutrients-enriched organic residues on growth and nutrients utilization by corn plants grown on a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12093735 Diallel analysis of some yield and technological characters among four faba bean genotypes with their crosses /
رقم البحث : 12095272 Effect of some composted residues and urea fertilization on wheat yield /
رقم البحث : 12095241 Validation of van genucuten’s model for predicting soil moisture retention curve in north sinai soils /
رقم البحث : 12095236 Biological and histopatijological effects of stemlizu4g gamma irradiation on gonads of tile cotton leafworm, spodopteralittoralis (boisd.) (lepidoptera: noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 12094946 A new record of the peach aphid brachycaudusschwarlziborner (homoptera: aphididak) on peach trees in north sinai governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12094921 Effectiveness of katel-sous, diatomaceous earth and their joint action against three species of stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 12093748 Variable response of timber tree seedlings to waterlogging condition /
رقم البحث : 12093761 Physiological studies on capsicum frutescens var. baccatum, (l.), irish, plant :
رقم البحث : 12093772 Improving growth and yield of mungbean cultivars by using three plant growth promoters in newly cultivated land /
رقم البحث : 12093683 Effect of variety and seed rate on yield and yield components of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) /
رقم البحث : 12093793 Physiological response of soybean (glycin max l. Merr) plants to brassinosteroids under some foliar fertilizer compounds in newly cultivated land /
رقم البحث : 12093809 Chemical and biological control of some soil-borne fungi infecting pea roots /
رقم البحث : 12093832 Maximizing gibberellic acid productivity by fusariurn moniliforme and its effect on saccharomyces growth /
رقم البحث : 12093850 Response of wheat plants grown in newly reclaimed saline calcareous soil as affected by soil conditioners and biofertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12093863 Disease incidence and yield of peanut as affected by gypsum amendment, soil moisture and fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12093878 Mitigation of dark induced senescence :
رقم البحث : 12093904 Studies on germination of Italian cypress (cupressus sempervirens) seeds /
رقم البحث : 12093921 Possibility sugarbezet root components affecting on infection by low potential damping-off fungi /
رقم البحث : 12093945 Physiological effects of paclobutrazol on drought tolerance in tomato varieties /
رقم البحث : 12093965 Effects of some fungicides, natural plant products and commercial biocides on nitrogenase activity, nitrogen content, total chlorophyll, oil content in presence of peanut root-rot patuogens /
رقم البحث : 12093690 Influence of preceding winter crops on yield, yield components and population of fusarium spp. and rhizoctonja solani of some summer crops /
رقم البحث : 12093985 Effect of cycocel spray on morphological characters and chemical composition of pelargonium zonal alt /
رقم البحث : 12094006 Effect of infestation with scale insects on morphological characters, anatomical structure and chemical contents of olea europea l. /
رقم البحث : 12094034 Effect of IAA on chemical constituents and yield of some sugar beet varieties /
رقم البحث : 12094046 Effect of marketing and storage conditions on chemical and microbiological changes of imported frozen meat /
رقم البحث : 12094066 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in some grilled and smoked foods /
رقم البحث : 12094080 Physical and chemical properties of palm kernel oil and its hydrogenated fractions compared with milk fat /
رقم البحث : 12094098 Utilization of some dairy by-products in the manufacture of reduced cholesterol ice milk /
رقم البحث : 12094120 Quality of uf-feta like cheese as affected by adding culture of propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. Shermani and lactobacillus rhamnosus lc 705 or potassium sorbat /
رقم البحث : 12094140 الآثار الاقتصادية المترتبة على البطالة فى مصر و الاسباب المؤدية لها /
رقم البحث : 12094565 Purification of a peptide antibiotic produced by Lactococcuslactis /
رقم البحث : 12093703 Effect of number of cuts and phosphorus fertilization on seed yield and its components of some Egyptian clover (trifolium alexandrinum, l.) cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12094566 Effect of garlic and fenugreek extracts on growth of some pathogenic organisms and quality of labneh /
رقم البحث : 12094568 Influence of zinc sulfate application on tree, leaf and fruit characters of three young citrus varieties grown on slightly alkaline clay soil /
رقم البحث : 12094571 Micropropagation of asparagus through lateral bud and shoot tip cultures /
رقم البحث : 12094577 In vitro studies on asparagus officinalis l /
رقم البحث : 12094589 Effect of some pruning methods on tree growth, yield and fruit quality of old yossefsoliman orange trees /
رقم البحث : 12094596 Factors affecting micropropagation of laurel(Laurusnobilis L.) /
رقم البحث : 12094655 Response of balady mandarin trees suffering from salt stress to soil amendments of gypsum and sulfur /
رقم البحث : 12094668 Effect of some media and slow release fertilizers on codiacumvariegatum l and philodendron domesticum l /
رقم البحث : 12094687 Effect of irrigation, sewage sludge and cement dust on the vegetatwe growth, flowering and chemical composition of gladiolus grown in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 12094702 Response of some gladiolus cultivars to organic manure and npk fertilizers in a sandy soil under sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 12093716 Diallel analysis of some important traits in inter and intraspecific cotton crosses /
رقم البحث : 12094712 Response of cantaloupe cultivars grown under Plastichouse conditions to plant graftin /
رقم البحث : 12094816 Effect of mineral fertilizers and sulphur application on growth, yield and quality of onion bul /
رقم البحث : 12094840 Micropropagation of gypsophila paniculatavar perfecta /
رقم البحث : 12094852 Biological studies on the true spider thanaflisatbini (audouin) (family pbilodromidae) on wheat aphid scbhizaphisgraminum (rondani) /
رقم البحث : 12094870 Intercropping pattern against bemisiatabaci (gennadius) infestation (homoptera: aleyrodidae) /
رقم البحث : 12095235 The infestation of tomato hybrids by the tomato white fly, bemisiatabacigennadius and its control /
Vol 38 no 4 - Dec 2000 - 01/12/2000
رقم البحث : 11916469 Heterosis in three-way and four-way crosses involving fayoumi, sinai, dandarawi, rhode island red and white leghorn /
رقم البحث : 11960928 Genetic analysis for body weight traits of a diallel crossing involving rhode island red, white leghorn, fayoumi and dandarawi chickens /
رقم البحث : 11916113 Effect of some intercropping patterns and plant density on growth and yield of faba bean (vicia faba l.) with canola (brassica napus l) /
رقم البحث : 11916152 Genetic variability and correlation coefficients of some quantitative traits in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) /
رقم البحث : 11916255 Evaluation of two new extra-long staple cotton genotypes and three commercial cultivars grown at north delta /
رقم البحث : 11916314 Maintenance and producing the nucleolus (breeder seed) of Giza 83 variety /
رقم البحث : 11995297 Pathological studies on stem rot and leaf spot disease of dieffenbachia /
رقم البحث : 11995298 Influence of iron sources and siderophore producing pseudomonas on crown-rot disease incidence and seed contamination of peanut with pathogenic aspergilla /
رقم البحث : 11995299 Effect of some fertilizers and growth regulators on botanical characters and yield of cotula cinerea del /
رقم البحث : 11995364 Botanical characters and yield and components of sweet basil (ocimum basilicum l) as affected by treatment with some fertilizers and growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11995366 Growth, yield and chemical composition of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l) plant as affected by specific isolated biofertilizers in relation to nitrogen application /
رقم البحث : 11995372 Effect of mineral and biofertilization on growth, yield, chemical constituents and anatomical structure of wheat (triticum aestivum l.) and broad bean (vida faba l.) plants grown under reclaimed soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11995374 Physiological and cytological responses of wheat plants (tritieum aestivum l.) to three plant growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11995392 Effect of cycocel (2- Chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride) on vegetative growth, flowering and yield of some chickpea cultwars (cicer ariethium,l) /
رقم البحث : 11995428 Sex expression in squash plant in relation to combined different nitrogen levels and biofertilizer application /
رقم البحث : 11995435 Effect of biological fertilization by rhizobium and phosphate dissolving bacteria on broad bean grown in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11995521 Improving growth and yield of some faba bean cultivars by using some plant growth promoters in newly cultivated land /
رقم البحث : 11995559 Epidermal features and floral morphology as taxonomic characters in some caesalpinoceous plants /
رقم البحث : 11995579 Root-rot and wilt of three cut-flower plants in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 11995592 Root-rot and wilt of three cut-flower plants in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 11995633 Mother plant selection in local germplasm of fennel foeniculum vulgare mill /
رقم البحث : 11995655 Effect of some polluted metals on the activity and kinetics of immobilized glucose isomerase (sweetzyme type-t) from streptomyces murinus /
رقم البحث : 11995883 Production of high fiber bread using corn cobs powder /
رقم البحث : 11995890 Effect of some processing techniques on some antinutritional factors contents (ANFs) of a new green bean (phaseolus vulgaris, variety XERA) /
رقم البحث : 11995898 Some quality attributes of tomato paste (cold-break) in relation to the concentration process /
رقم البحث : 11995909 Nutritional, biochemical and sensory evaluation of bagasse and corn cobs fiber sources /
رقم البحث : 11995918 Effect of home preparative procedures on diniconazole and pirimicarb residues in some vegetables /
رقم البحث : 11995924 Oxidative quality and cholesterol content of milk fat from fresh and fermented cream /
رقم البحث : 11996130 Enzymatic extraction of sesame seed oil and characterization of the products /
رقم البحث : 11996168 The potential use of some processing treatments to reduce, trypsin inhibitors activity and hemagglutinin of some legumes seeds /
رقم البحث : 11996169 Carcass composition and meat quality characteristics of mule duck /
رقم البحث : 11996172 Evaluation of postharvest handling for transit temperatures and periods of different cultivars of cut rose flowers,” rosa hybrida, l” /
رقم البحث : 11996175 Effect of air polution on the cultivated fruit trees by the desert motor ways /
رقم البحث : 11996177 Growth of ‘frantoio’ olive transplants under mycorrhizae inoculation, salinity irrigation and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11996178 Effect of salinity and some growth regulators on growth and leaf mineral content of ”manzanillo” olive transplants /
رقم البحث : 11996179 Studies of keeping quality in some onion cultivars (allium cepa l.) /
رقم البحث : 11996180 Anatomical studies on cucumber gerafting /
رقم البحث : 11996183 Autecological and eco-physiological studies on Phlomis aurea, Decne, and P. floccossa, D. Don. /
رقم البحث : 11996343 Improving growth and productivity of washington navel orange trees grown in newly reclaimed land by high density planting /
رقم البحث : 11996347 Studies on the influence of variying soil moisture regimes, phosphorus and potassium fertilization rates on common bean plants :
رقم البحث : 11996373 Studies on the influence of variying soil moisture regimes, phosphorus and potassium fertilization rates on common bean plants :
رقم البحث : 11996376 Studies on the fruit quality of some new citrus cultivars in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11996390 Laboratory evaluation of some local food attractants and natural odour materials for attraction of the mediterranean fruit fly, ceratitis capitata (wied.) /
رقم البحث : 11996404 Toxicity of certain botanical extracts to red spider mite and black bean aphid /
رقم البحث : 11996408 Determenation of estrase activity and organoposphorus insecticides resistance in aedes vigilax (skuse) (diptera:culicidae) from Australia /
رقم البحث : 11996410 Indigenous soil factors associated with zinc chlorosis in calcareous soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11996412 Effect of biogas manure on phosphorus and sulfur availability under saline and sodic conditions of calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11996415 Effect of some micronutrients spraying on growth, yield and mineral constituents of soybean plant /
رقم البحث : 11995295 Estimation of variance components and heritabilities for growth traits in the egyptian dokiu-4 chickens using animal models /
رقم البحث : 11964821 Effect of some feed additives to rations of growing sheep on growing performance, rumen fermentation, blood consistuents and carcass characteristics /
رقم البحث : 11996398 Repellency effect of certain botanical extracts against the red spider mite and black bean aphid /
رقم البحث : 11996394 Joint action and effectiveness of black pepper seeds extract with modified atmospheres against some stored product insects /
Vol 38 no 3 - Sep 2000 - 01/09/2000
رقم البحث : 11975633 Integrated analysis of the relative contribution of yield attributing variables by using specific statistical techniques in mungbean /
رقم البحث : 11975705 Variation in morphological, physiological and pathological characters of different isolates of Cephalosporium maydis /
رقم البحث : 11975731 Influence of cycocel (2- chloroethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) on the vegetative growth, photosynthetic pigments, flowering, abscission and yield of faba bean (Viciafaba, L) /
رقم البحث : 11975740 Biocontrol activity of Streptomyces fulvoviolaceus against Fusarium oxysporum and rhizoctonia solani pathogens of tomato /
رقم البحث : 11975759 Rheological properties of juice and concentrates of some tomato varieties /
رقم البحث : 11975778 The effect of some factors on quality of soyoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11975812 Comparative study on chemical and rheological properties of orange juice and its concentrates /
رقم البحث : 11975836 Evaluation of chemical composition, enzymes activity and thermal processing of orange nectar /
رقم البحث : 11975865 Effect of germinated fenugreek seeds (trigonella faenum graecum L.) On some fungal strains /
رقم البحث : 11975882 The use of nisin as antimicrobial and a food preservative /
رقم البحث : 11975897 Fortification of processed ras cheese with zinc salts /
رقم البحث : 11975636 Possibility of reducing chemical fertilization recommended for mungbean production using biofertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11975916 Antimicrobial effect of some plant essential oils against some of microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11975940 Influence of motor traffic contamination on leaf composition, fruit weight and fruit quality of anna apples and florida prince peach trees /
رقم البحث : 11975962 Relative tolerance of some citrus rootstocks to calcareous soil with special reference to bio and chemical phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11975977 Studies on pollen storage and pollen ultrastructure of some asiatic and oriental hybrid lily cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11975989 Inheritance of flower colour in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11976080 Salinity tolerance of allotetraploid citrus somatic hybrids and their diploid parents /
رقم البحث : 11976091 Effect of foliar application of different calcium forms on quality of anna apple fruit at harvest and during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 11976125 The effect of air pollution on fruits and fruit quality of some fruit trees cultivated adjucent to disert high Way /
رقم البحث : 11976134 Physiological studies on salinity tolerance of bitter almond seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11976141 The effect of some foliar fertilizers application on growth, bulb yield, quality and storageability of Giza 20 onion cultivar (Allium cepa L) /
رقم البحث : 11975643 Off-type cotton plants of Giza 80 and Giza 83 cotton cultivars and their effects on varietal deterioration /
رقم البحث : 11976146 An evaluation of the role of yellow sticky paper traps in the control of cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae /
رقم البحث : 11976155 Resistance devlopment of deltamethrin in Aedes vigilax (Skuse) (Diptera:Culicidae) from NSW, Australia /
رقم البحث : 11976164 Nucleic acids synthesis in the gamma-irradiated cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera Noduidae) /
رقم البحث : 11976239 Effect of sublethal doses of methomyl on certain biochemical aspects of albino rat, Rattus norvegicus bork males /
رقم البحث : 11976244 Relative susceptibility of nine potato varieties to aphid myzus persicae sulzer and potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella (zeller) infestation /
رقم البحث : 11976249 Detection of heavy metals in water drains and some plants irrigated from those in Giza governorate /
رقم البحث : 11976261 Extent of contamination hazards in El-gabal Els-asfar soils and plants resulting from long-term irrigation with sewage water /
رقم البحث : 11975646 Response of some faba bean varieties to water supply /
رقم البحث : 11975653 Effect of agricultural practices on root rot and wilt of sesame in Fayoum /
رقم البحث : 11975661 Effect of cultural practices and fungicides on the incidence of purple blotch disease of onion /
رقم البحث : 11975667 Soil moisture stress and uniconazole application effects on growth, yield and seed chemical composition of mung bean /
رقم البحث : 11975677 Some factors affecting xanthan production by local strain Xanthomonas campestris ICL2 /
رقم البحث : 11975689 Effect of temperature on xanthan production and its application in some food industries /
Vol 38 no 2 - Jun 2000 - 01/06/2000
رقم البحث : 12049875 Effect of seed irradiation with gamma rays and planting distances of guar (cyarnopsis tetragonolobus, l.) on :
رقم البحث : 12050572 Response of modern wheat plants to nitrogen nutrition :
رقم البحث : 12050759 Influence of some micronutrients under variable irrigation intervals on growth, yield, chemical composition and essential oil productivity of fennel (foeniculum vulgare, mill) plants /
رقم البحث : 12050827 Response of pimpinella anisum, l. to gamma irradiation and irrigation intervals /
رقم البحث : 12050928 Biofertilizers and their impact on forage yield and n- content of millet under low level of mineral fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 12050996 Antitranspirant effects on wheat plants grown under two levels of water supply /
رقم البحث : 12051803 Factors affecting fungal pretreatment of bagasse for thermomechanical pulping (tmp) /
رقم البحث : 12051863 Effects of hydrophilic polymer amendment and glycinebetaine on water relations abscisic acid, photosynthesis, growth and yield of pepper plants grown in sandy soil under different watering regimes /
رقم البحث : 12051952 Response of soybean plants grown under saline conditions to the bio-fertilizer “biogene” and iso-flavone “genistein” /
رقم البحث : 12052004 Effect of some bio agents and agricultural chemicals on fusarium wilt incidence and growth characters of gladiolus plants /
رقم البحث : 12049945 Effect of seed irradiation with gamma rays and planting distances of guar plant (cyarnopsis tetragonolobus, l) on :
رقم البحث : 12052060 Effect of some plant growth regulators on growth, yield components and some chemical constituents of cotton plant /
رقم البحث : 12052092 Response of naturally virus infected-tomato plants to yeast extract and phosphoric acid application /
رقم البحث : 12052137 The differentiation of albumin subunits composition of different lupine seeds cultivars by using sds-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and capillary electrophoresis /
رقم البحث : 12052192 Effect of microwave beating on the fatty acids composition and oil characteristics of some rapeseed varieties /
رقم البحث : 12052247 Studies on some preservation methods of Jew’s mallow leaves “moulokeia” /
رقم البحث : 12050005 Combining ability and correlation coefficients of some metric characters of maize (zen mays, l) during grain filling periods /
رقم البحث : 12052491 Ameliorative action of addition of nigella sativa l seeds and its product to fermented milk diets on hyperlipidemia /
رقم البحث : 12052465 Influence of packaging material and storage temperature on quality of milk exposed to fluorescent light /
رقم البحث : 12052576 Proteolytic and lipolytic activities of penicillium roqueforti in uf-retentate curd fortified with k-casein or sodium caseinate /
رقم البحث : 12052705 Rheological properties of strawberry juice and its products /
رقم البحث : 12052679 Production of probiotic strawberry fermented permeate beverages /
رقم البحث : 12050081 Genetic behaviour and relative importance of some yield components in relation to grain yield in maize (zea mays, l). /
رقم البحث : 12052475 Probiotic fresh skimmed milk (karish) cheese /
رقم البحث : 12052749 The effect of tactile and non tactile mechanical stimulation on the sweet pepper plants under protected cultivation /
رقم البحث : 12052773 Fertilization with manures and their influence on sweet pepper of plastic-houses /
رقم البحث : 12052826 Response of sweet pepper seedlings to physical impedance /
رقم البحث : 12052865 Effect of preharvest ga3, caci2 and boron treatments on quality and enzymatic browning in balady guava fruits /
رقم البحث : 12052911 Effect of some safe treatments on storability of peaches “florda sun & spring crest” /
رقم البحث : 12052957 Establishment of an aseptic culture of banana micropropagation in vitro /
رقم البحث : 12052974 Influence of rootstocks on dormancy and productivity of apricot trees /
رقم البحث : 12050186 Combining ability and nature of gene action in some inter-specific hybrids of cotton /
رقم البحث : 12053034 Growth, yield and fruit quality response in sweet pepper to varying rates of potassium fertilization and different concentrations of paclobutrazol foliar application /
رقم البحث : 12053095 Phasic saline water irrigation affect growth and tuberization in potatoes /
رقم البحث : 12053117 Dormancy of grapevines /
رقم البحث : 12053353 Physiological studies on the effect of some micronutrients foliar fertilization treatments on nutritional status, growth and fruiting of Washington navel orange trees /
رقم البحث : 12053392 In vitro propagation of communis pear rootstock /
رقم البحث : 12053513 Chemical loosening agents for hand-vibration harvest of “picual” olive /
رقم البحث : 12053660 Effect of polyethylene seal packaging on storage quality of le conte pear /
رقم البحث : 12053698 Laboratory studies on the effectiveness of certain biocontrol agents against some stored grain insects /
رقم البحث : 12050207 Effect of ridge width and plant distribution patterns on faba bean yield and some of its components /
رقم البحث : 12053895 Population dynamics of phyllognathus excavatus forster (coleoptera: scarabaeidae) in date palm orchards in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12053830 Efficacy of insecticides alternation use against bemisia tabaci (genn.) on tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 12053912 Studies on tolerance of some plants to salinity /
رقم البحث : 12050226 Effect of water deprivation during summer on physiological responses and some blood parameters of ossimi sheep and zaraibi goats /
رقم البحث : 12053903 Studies on royal jelly production by honeybee apis mellifera l. colonies in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12053804 Comparative studies between the effectiveness of some traditional and biocontrol insecticides against the greasy cutworm agrotis ipsilon(hufn.) (lepidoptera: noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 12053816 Effect of the distance between sex pheromone or light traps and spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) egg — masses on hatchability percentage in the cotton fields /
رقم البحث : 12053883 Efficiency of five fungicides against fusarium wilt fungus under laboratory and greenhouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 12053860 Side effects of certain fungicides on soil microorganisms in greenhouse cultivated with tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 12053841 Toxicological responses and biological studies of susceptible laboratory and resistant field strains of spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) (lepidoptera : noctuidae) to selected insecticides /
رقم البحث : 12050242 Effect of exposure to environmental heat stress on physiological responses and some blood constituents of ossimi ewes and Egyptian buffalo helpers /
رقم البحث : 12050544 Studies on mycotoxins produced by moulds in fruits /
Vol 38 no 1 - Mar2000 - 01/03/2000
رقم البحث : 11976494 Effect of relay intercropping of maize with potato on growth and yield of both crops /
رقم البحث : 11976625 Role of combined nitrogen in regulating the production of root flavonoids inducing nodulation genes by soybean plants /
رقم البحث : 11976633 Biochemical changes and specific protein synthesis related to fungal, bacterial and viral infection in tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11976638 High temperature tolerability in tomato :
رقم البحث : 11976720 Biological control of acremonium-wilt of grain sorghum caused by acremonium strictum /
رقم البحث : 11976723 Effect of irrigation intervals on downy mildew incidence, growth characteristics, productivity and quality of some summer forage crops /
رقم البحث : 11976726 Soluble protein and oxidative enzymes as index for detection of virus seed borne in faba bean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11976745 Optimization of alginate production by azotobacter vinelandii /
رقم البحث : 11976754 Response of squash plant (cucurbita pepo L.) grown in winter to some phosphorus compounds as seed-soaking materials /
رقم البحث : 11976789 Effect of some processing on certain antinutritional factors, in- vitro digestibility and amino acids content of mungbean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11976820 Immobilization and evaluation of the produced cellulase enzyme from different fungi /
رقم البحث : 11976509 Relative importance of some growth and yield characters of maize as affected by some agricultural practices under saline conditions at siwa oasis /
رقم البحث : 11976882 Production of fermented sausage from camel meat using transglutaminase /
رقم البحث : 11976933 Production and use of monascus purpureus as coloring agent in beef burger /
رقم البحث : 11976960 The nutritional quality of protein in soymilk- based non dairy ice cream, compared with regular ice-cream and cow’s milk, in relation to daily requirements of children and adults /
رقم البحث : 11976987 Occurrence of thiocyanate in some different mammalian’s milk in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11977003 Microbiological and compositional profile of market taizzy smoked cheese in yemen /
رقم البحث : 11977024 Production of bakery products using two sources of inulin /
رقم البحث : 11977065 Soft cheese like from soy milk /
رقم البحث : 11977122 Quality evaluation of vacuum packed soft cheese made from milk retentate /
رقم البحث : 11977136 Studies on the factors affecting yield and quality of tofu /
رقم البحث : 11977152 Phytochemical studies on lotus polyphyllus Clarke /
رقم البحث : 11976538 Response of three chickpea cultivars to late foliar spraying with urea as a supplement for early soil applied nitrogen in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11977167 Effect of cultivar and nitrogen level on the production of squash grown in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11977344 A study on productivity of some strawberry cultivation grown on different agricultural systems under cooled plastichouses /
رقم البحث : 11977354 Effect of nitrogen forms, and levels on yield and quality of cabbage (brassica oleracea var. capitata) /
رقم البحث : 11977368 Effect of polymeric coating and vegetable oil on navel orange fruits under cold storage /
رقم البحث : 11977381 Effect of chemical and biofertilizers on growth, seed and quality of new cv. of dry bean /
رقم البحث : 11977403 Effect of pollen grain sources on palm fruiting and date quality of hallawy and khadrawy date palms /
رقم البحث : 11977428 Effect of GA3 spray on vegetative growth and fruiting of “le-conte” pear trees /
رقم البحث : 11977444 Population density and flight activity of spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) and pectinophora gossypiella (saund.) moths using sex-pheromone and light traps /
رقم البحث : 11977458 A local outlook to available species of the superfamily coccoidea (hemiptera) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11976552 Effect of some preceding winter crops, nitrogen levels and zink foliar application on grain yield of maize (Zea mays, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11977473 Description and biological studies on aspidiotiphagus citrinus craw (aphelinidae : hymenoptera) :
رقم البحث : 11977482 Effect of different temperatures on biology of coleoscirus simplex (Ewing) (acarina : prostigmata: cunaxidae) /
رقم البحث : 11977497 Evaluation inhibition activity of eucalyptus globules extracts against cucumber germination as a model for dicotyledonous species /
رقم البحث : 11977514 Effect of maize husk ash and mustard seeds powder (brassica arvensis) as grain protectants on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11977527 Evaluation of rock phosphate, pirimiphos-methyl (actellic) and their mixtures as grain protectants against some stored products insects /
رقم البحث : 11977660 Influence of fumigation sheets condition on the efficiency of phospghine gas against stored grain insects /
رقم البحث : 11977675 Effect of melia azedarach fruits extract, neemazal-t, amitraz and their mixtures on spodoptera littoralis (boisduval) /
رقم البحث : 11977692 A trial to fast the decomposition of organic wastes /
رقم البحث : 11977897 Nutrition of wheat plant irrigated with saline water as affected by potassium addition and watering regimes /
رقم البحث : 11977908 Reutilization of drainage water in agriculture effect of salinity on some soil chemical properties, plant growth and availability of some plant nutrients /
رقم البحث : 11976562 Sesame performance as affected by seeding rate and nitrogen levels under drip irrigation system in newly cultivated sandy soil :
رقم البحث : 11977914 تعرض القادة الارشاديين المحليين لوسائل الاتصال الجماهيرية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات المؤثرة عليه تحت ظروف نظام السوق الحر فى محافظة المنيا بمصر /
رقم البحث : 11977919 دراسة تحليلية لتسويق الطماطم فى بعض المناطق الجديدة بمحافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 11976594 Response of faba bean plants (vicia faba L.) to treatment with brassinosteroids and uniconazole under new reclaimed soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976602 An assessment of the reproductive performance of wild and captive clarias gariepinas /
رقم البحث : 11976610 Study of carcass quality in local sheep /
رقم البحث : 11976618 Chromosomal behaviour, morphological variations and rhizogenic ability of calli in some irradiated faba bean (vicia faba l.) varieties /
Vol 37 no 4 - Dec 1999 - 01/12/1999
رقم البحث : 11911456 Productivity of sunflower under, weed control and prevention of seed loss by wild birds /
رقم البحث : 11975737 Biochemical and histopathological studies of osbac and pyriproxyfen insecticides and uniconazole (PGR) on lever and kidney of albino rat /
رقم البحث : 11975767 The combined effect of irrigations number and gypsum applications on faba bean (vicla faba l.) yield and its main components /
رقم البحث : 11975783 Assessment of some mango seedling varieties for salt tolerance /
رقم البحث : 11975806 Weed growth as affected by combination of soil solarization and chicken manure amendment under corn plantation /
رقم البحث : 11975850 Soil chemical composition and fungal populations as affected by a combination of soil solarization and chicken manure amendment /
رقم البحث : 11975874 دراسة إقتصادية لأهم العوامل المؤثرة على تلوث مياه نهر النيل فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11975886 نحو بناء و تطبيق مقياس أداء المرشدين الزراعيين فى العملية الإتصالية الإرشادية بمحافظتى البحيرة و الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 11975921 دراسة بيئة اتخاذ القرارات المزرعية و علاقتها ببعض الخصائص الإجتماعية و الاقتصادية و النفسية لزراع بعض قرى منطقة النهضة الزراعية بمحافظة الإسكندرية /
رقم البحث : 11975946 التوقعات المستقبلية لبعض صادرات مصر من النباتات الطبية و العطرية و كيفية حل المشكلات المتعلقة بها /
رقم البحث : 11916037 Biochemical studies on chick-pea and pea proteins /
رقم البحث : 11911460 Response of some wheat cultivars to va-mycorrhizal inoculation, mineral and bio fertilization with nitrogen /
رقم البحث : 11916052 Microbiological evaluation and the shelf life stability of tofu /
رقم البحث : 11916071 Effect of garlic, onion and sage oils on growth of food spoilage microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11916091 Effect of distilation time and storage period on the physicochemical properties of lemongrass oil /
رقم البحث : 11916103 Formulation of some low calory foods /
رقم البحث : 11916154 Utilization of sunflower flour in making pan bread /
رقم البحث : 11916181 Assessment the quality of reduced fat domiati cheese manufactured from skim milk powder fortified milk /
رقم البحث : 11916207 The antimicrobial and cytological effects of some spices on some important food borne pathogens and food spoilage microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11916249 Effect of preploom leaf removal on bud behaviour, productivity, and fruit quality of thompson seedless grapevines /
رقم البحث : 11916274 Effect of summer pruning on bud behaviour, growth and productivity of thompson seedless grapevines /
رقم البحث : 11911501 Biofertilization of forage sorghum in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11911508 Relationships between plasma blood parameters and some productive traits during growth, pregnancy and first lactation in cattle /
رقم البحث : 11911489 Effect of first post-sowing and last irrigation dates on yield and quality of sugar beet (beta vulgaris, l) in upper Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11911186 Effect of bio fertilizer and irrigation intervals on growth and yield components of some sorghum cultivars under salinity conditions at wadi sudr, south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11912995 Performance of friesian, holstein friesian and brown swiss cattle in the first lactation under the Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11913006 Effect of plasma cholesterol concentration under two levels of dietary fatty acids on productive performance of growing male goats /
رقم البحث : 11913015 Chromosomal analysis of Egyptian water buffalo lymphocytes kept under lead polluted and non-polluted areas /
رقم البحث : 11913078 Effect of some dormancy breaking compounds on blooming, fruit set, yield, yield components and physical and chemical properties of fruits of some apple cultivars :
رقم البحث : 11913108 Effect of some dormancy breaking compounds on blooming, fruitset, yield, yield components and physical and chemical properties of fruits of some apple cultivars :
رقم البحث : 11913128 Effect of some dormancy breaking compounds on leaves and fruits chemical composition of some apple cultivars :
رقم البحث : 11913145 Effect of some dormancy breaking compounds on chemical composition of leaves and buds of some apple cultivar :
رقم البحث : 11913159 Effect of bentonite and hydrogel on wheat plants grown under salinity conditions /
رقم البحث : 11913177 Designing a chimaeric gene for sugar cane (succharumofficinarum variety G,T. 54-C9) transformation to resist sugar cane mosaic virus infection /
رقم البحث : 11911191 Effect of cycocel (CCC) on yield and yield components of some safflower genotypes under saline conditions at wadi sudr, south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11913197 Micropropagation method for two varieties of sugarcane saccharum officinarum l. through axillary bud culture /
رقم البحث : 11914143 Partial replacement of chemical fertilizers by biofertilizers in mungbean ( vignaradiata l.) Production /
رقم البحث : 11914159 Epidermal structure and floral morphology of some genera of family solanaceae /
رقم البحث : 11914258 Studies on cassia acutifolla and delonixregia (morphology and anatomy) /
رقم البحث : 11914271 Bioremediation of some refined petroleum products and evaluation of the genetic toxicology of biodegradative broth /
رقم البحث : 11914284 Response of modern wheat plants to nitrogen nutrition :
رقم البحث : 11914300 Comparative study on glucosinolates, fatty acids and sterol composition in high, moderate and low erucic acid seed varieties /
رقم البحث : 11914349 Influence of soil salinity and potassium fertilizer on some biochemical aspects of sugar beet /
رقم البحث : 11911199 Combining ability studies under two nitrogen levels in different locations using 7 x 7 diallel of yellow maize (zea mays l.) /
رقم البحث : 11916748 Inheritance of tolerance to high temperature stress in pea (pisum: sativum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11911448 Growth and yield responses of fodder beet (beta vulgaris l.) to application methods for nitrogen and potassium fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11916819 Autecological and eco-physiological studies on lotus polyphyllus clarke /
رقم البحث : 11916843 Phytochemical studies on schouwia thebaica webb /
رقم البحث : 11916871 Some factors affecting micropropagation of the peach rootstock “hansen 536” /
رقم البحث : 11916894 Effect of saline irrigation water on three grape cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11916904 Effect of phosphorus and sulphur fertilizers levels on onion seed yield /
رقم البحث : 11916969 Effect of pruning severity on vegetative growth, nutrient contents, yield and fruit quality of “earligrande” peach at north Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11975691 Monthly changes in pinnae mineral content as a guide to pruning date and fertilization program of hayanv and samany date palms /
رقم البحث : 11975704 Population density and changes in flight activity of earias insulana (boisd.) moths /
رقم البحث : 11975721 Field trials against the soybean defoliators and their effects on entomophagous insects /
Vol 37 no 3 - Sep 1999 - 01/09/1999
رقم البحث : 11979458 دراسه اقتصاديه لكفاءه انتاج عسل النحل بالمملكه العربيه السعوديه /
رقم البحث : 11975700 Response of some wheat varieties to bifertilizer, mineral nitrogen and copper fertiloization /
رقم البحث : 11975823 Productivity of some chickpea varieties as influenced by plant density under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11975875 Yield and rust incidence under different seeding rates and nitrogen levels in some barley cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11976044 Effect of rearing system on buffalo meat production of calves over fed 120% of their requirement from 6 to 12 months of age /
رقم البحث : 11976069 Response of guava trees to some chemical substances sprays /
رقم البحث : 11976301 Effect of uniconazole on growth yield and seed chemical composition of salt-stressed sunflower plants /
رقم البحث : 11976391 Studies on uromyces fabae (pers.) De bary grown in axenic culture :
رقم البحث : 11976759 Effect of n and k fertilizers on wild mint plant grown under clay and calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976829 Response of mango trees to foliar spray with urea and some micronutrients under el-fayoum governorate conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976864 Effect of transferring ducks growth hormone gene and total dna on growth hormone level, protein and dna of japanese quails at three generations /
رقم البحث : 11976999 Development of new low fat processedcheese foods /
رقم البحث : 11977017 Some quality attributes of green tea /
رقم البحث : 11977071 Tea polyphenols content in different tea brands /
رقم البحث : 11977362 Processing of buffalo meat sausages with transglutaminase /
رقم البحث : 11977420 Some charactertics of probiotic ice cream /
رقم البحث : 11977464 Effect of mycorrhizal infection and phosphorus concentrations on onion plant /
رقم البحث : 11977519 Effect of molybdenum and boron foliar spray on growth, yield and quality of some pea cultivafts under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11977666 Effect of bud load on bud behaviour, yield and mineral content of thompson seedless grapevines /
رقم البحث : 11977694 Genetic studies on some economic characters in pepper (capsicum annum l) /
رقم البحث : 11978576 Ameliorating the performance of tuberose plants, as a new floricultural crop, in the western region of saudi arabia: a. Influences of date of planting, npk fertilization rates and application frequencies on vegetative growth, cut flower yield, flowering characteristics and flower qualities /
رقم البحث : 11978753 The response of growth and yield of antholyza aethiopica andr plants for chilling and foliar potassium and zinc application /
رقم البحث : 11978766 Overcoming of some tissue culture problems of (magnolia grandlflora, l. And (morus nigra, l. Var. M-s.) Trees /
رقم البحث : 11978826 Yield and quality of brassica alba plant ev relation to foliar application of some nutrients and sowing dates /
رقم البحث : 11978850 Efficiency of datura fruit extracts and their mixtures with malathion against the cowpea beetle (callosobruchus maculatus f /
رقم البحث : 11978963 Selected applications in tomato fields against the whitfly bemesia tabact gennadius /
رقم البحث : 11978974 Mites inhabiting apricot trees and its associate weed, bermuda grass, at fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11978991 Towards different agricultural practices and treatments for increasing predatory insects in cotton fields /
رقم البحث : 11979018 Response of cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) To certain bactericides (bacillus thuringiensis berliner /
رقم البحث : 11979086 Seasonal fluctuations of male moth catches of potato tubermoth phthorimaea operculella (zeller) /
رقم البحث : 11979109 Populations of functional groups of soil mesofauna in non-tuber vegetable crops in menoufiya /
رقم البحث : 11979130 Phenological synchronism for spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) Life cycle (lep. — noct.) /
رقم البحث : 11979144 Indigenous soil factors associated with soybean chlorosis in calcareous soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11979163 Levels of heavy metals in plant and soil around the industerial complex of shobra el-icheima, qalyoubia, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11979225 Utilization of nitrogen with some micronutrients as a foliar fetilization for broad bean crop /
رقم البحث : 11979236 Combined fertilization of phosphorus and zinc in relation to productivity and chemical composition of corn /
رقم البحث : 11979393 Effect of sulfur and saline drainage water application under different incubation periods on some soil chemical properties /
رقم البحث : 11979399 Land leveling and long furrows as water conservation for cotton crop grown in an entisol soil /
رقم البحث : 11979411 دراسه اقتصاديه لمعظمه قيمه الصادرات المصريه من البصل /
رقم البحث : 11979427 دراسه تحليله لإمكانيه فتح أسواق جديده لصادرات البطاطس المصريه /
رقم البحث : 11976253 Response of guava trees to some chemical substances sprays /
رقم البحث : 11975726 Response of growth and yield of some fara bean varieties (viciu faho l.) To uniconazole /
Vol 37 no 2 - jun1999 - 01/06/1999
رقم البحث : 11912750 The effects of wheat cultivars, seeding rates and weed control treatments on wheat yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11912761 Effect of wheat cultivars, seeding rates and weed control treatment on the associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11912734 Forage production of italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.) as affected by seeding rate, nitrogen fertilizer and cutting height under calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11912768 Grain sorghum response to bacterial inoculation and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11912774 Response of some wheat varieties to agrispon foliar application and nitrogen rates /
رقم البحث : 11912783 Forage yield and quality of fahl clover as affected by mixing with some winter grasses /
رقم البحث : 11912787 Evaluation of seven maize varieties (zea mays, l.) for some growth characteristics, grain yield and its quality /
رقم البحث : 11912800 Estimation of heterosis and combining ability in faba bean under two plant population densities :
رقم البحث : 11912816 Estimation of heterosis and combining ability in faba bean under two plant population densities :
رقم البحث : 11975651 Effect of nitrogen levels and manganese foliar application on grain yield of maize (zea mays, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11975656 Genetical and graphical analysis of auto fertility, yield and some of its components in faba beans /
رقم البحث : 11975659 Evaluation of divergent barley (hordeum vulgare u.) genotypes under certain environments /
رقم البحث : 11975672 Allelopathic effect of two multicut berseem (trifolium alexandrinum L.) varieties (Giza 15 and helaly) on some succeeding summer crops /
رقم البحث : 11975679 Integrated fish culture with farm animals /
رقم البحث : 11975692 Response of faba bean calli to culture filtrates of botrytis fabae after exposure of seeds to y-rays /
رقم البحث : 11975713 Fungal and aflatoxins contamination of corn kernels collected from eighteen maize cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11975729 Influence of the cultural factors on growth of toxigenic aspergillusflavus and aflatoxin production /
رقم البحث : 11975751 Inhibition of the toxigenic aspergillus flavus growth or aflatoxin production by using non-fungicidal chemicals, oils, fungicides and antagonistic fungi /
رقم البحث : 11975772 Effect of potassium and molybdenum fertilizers on rhizoctonia root-rot disease of faba bean plants with special references to growth characters /
رقم البحث : 11975788 Comparative morphological studies on some malvaceae and them taxonomic significance /
رقم البحث : 11975822 Differential expression and multiple allelism controlling the molecular forms of esterase loci in cucumis melo /
رقم البحث : 11975855 Evaluation of certain wheat entries against leaf and stripe rust diseases in north delta /
رقم البحث : 11975884 Tissue specific molecular forms and allelic frequency of peroxidase loci in F2 melon generations /
رقم البحث : 11975937 Inheritance of growth, quality and yield characters in melon (cucumis melo l.) /
رقم البحث : 11975965 Efficacy of trichoderma and non-pathogenic fusarium on fusarium and verticillium wilt of tomato /
رقم البحث : 11975983 Comparative study on DNA plasmid patterns from bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki, bacillus thuringiensis var aizawai and their hybrid /
رقم البحث : 11976000 Induction of better growth and sporulation of uromyces fabae (PERS.) de bary, grown in axenic culture /
رقم البحث : 11976014 Physiological studies on sweetmelon nutrition under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976068 Production of glucose and ethanol from some cellulosic residues using the produced cellulase enzyme from T. reesei, T. harzianum and A. niger /
رقم البحث : 11976086 Effect of type of starter on the properties of low fat Ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 11976097 Use of freeze or heat shocked cultures to accelerate the ripening of low fat Ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 11976105 Use of β-galactosidase and glucose isomerase for producing high sweetner fructose syrup from sweet whey /
رقم البحث : 11976112 Quality attributes of sweet potato drink /
رقم البحث : 11976116 Quality attributes of fish sausage as affected by adding dietary fibers /
رقم البحث : 11976129 Effects of potassium fertilization rates and application frequencies on vegetative growth, flowering and bulb production of tuberose plants (polianthes tuberosa, l.) cv. ”double” under field conditions /
رقم البحث : 11976137 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield of zaghloul date palms :
رقم البحث : 11976145 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield of zaghloul date palms :
رقم البحث : 11976152 Autecological and eco-physiological studies on noaea mucronata, forssk /
رقم البحث : 11976159 Biofertilization and organic manuring efficiency on growth and yield of caraway plants (carum carvi l.) /
رقم البحث : 11976233 Studies on fungal diseases infecting honey bee colonies in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11976238 Effectiveness of agrothrin (0.11 % pyrethrum) and its mixtures with some grain protectants against the cowpea beetle callosobruchus maculatus (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11976250 Soils of El-salam canal basin and their agricultural suitability /
رقم البحث : 11976259 Effect of nitrogen and micronutrient fertilizers and soil moisture on yield and uptake of some micronutrients by barley /
رقم البحث : 11976270 Effect of n and k fertilization on wheat yield and its composition under irrigation with saline water /
رقم البحث : 11976275 Growth yield, ionic response. translocation and enhancing the tolerance in barley plant under salinity stress /
رقم البحث : 11976288 Ions translocation in two local wheat varieties under salinity stress /
رقم البحث : 11976298 Response of green pod and seed yield of okra to some irrigation and organic and chemical fertilization treatments /
رقم البحث : 11976308 Effect of recent crop residues and previous applications of soil conditioners on sesame growth and yield /
رقم البحث : 11976361 Response of wheat growth grown in delta soils to gypsum amendments and sub-soiling practice /
رقم البحث : 11976370 Response of potato plants irrigated with different levels of saline water to organic manuring and n-fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11976388 Extent of soil deterioration following long-term irrigation with saline water /
رقم البحث : 11976399 إتجاهات الزراع نحو محطة الخدمة الآلية الزراعية ببعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية /
رقم البحث : 11976417 الجهود الإرشادية لتوعية الزراع بطرق الرى المتطورة بمحافظة المنوفية /
رقم البحث : 11976245 Susceptibility of certain date palm varieties to infestation by the white date palm scale. parlatoria blanchardii (TARG.) (homoptera, diaspididae) /
Vol 37 no 1 - Mar 1999 - 01/03/1999
رقم البحث : 11912222 Possibility of using of phosphatic fertilization to ameliorate the adverse effect of drainage water on growth, chemical composition and dry seed yield of beans /
رقم البحث : 11912243 المشكلات المعرفية لزراع القمح فى بعض قرى مركز ابو حمص بمخافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11912252 ادراك المرشدين الزراعيين لمفهوم الارشاد الزراعى بمحافظة المنوفية /
رقم البحث : 11912257 العوامل المحددة للعرض والطلب على الصادرات المصرية من البرتقال خلال الفترة 1980-1997 /
رقم البحث : 11912263 أنماط الاشراف المستخدمة فى العمل الارشادى الزراعى المحلى وأثرها على أداء المرشدين الزراعيين بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11912268 مشاركة الزراع فى بعض مشروعات التنمية الريفية فى بعض قرى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11912054 Biological control trials for controlling the potato tuberworm, phthorimaea operculella (zeller) (Lepidoptera : gelechiidae) /
رقم البحث : 11911113 levels of minerals in the blood plasma of sheep and goats during different seasons and under various physiological conditions :
رقم البحث : 11911117 levels of minerals in the blood plasma of sheep and goats during different seasons and under various physiological conditions :
رقم البحث : 11911091 Developing high yielding barley cultivars under different stress conditions /
رقم البحث : 11911093 Comparative studies on estimation of genetic parameters from two mating designs in maize /
رقم البحث : 11911094 Response of lentil to zinc, manganese under different levels of phosphorus fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11911101 A comparative study between spraying and seed haiwening with some nutrients for improving salt tolerance of fodder beet plants /
رقم البحث : 11911104 Evaluation of some introduced mungbean genotypes under Egyptian environmental conditions /
رقم البحث : 11911107 Diallel cross analysis of canola (Brassica napas L.) under different environments /
رقم البحث : 11911108 Effect of k-foliar application on growth, yield and chemical constituents of some sugar beet varieties under calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11911109 Effect of FE, MN, ZN and CU nutrients on growth, grain yield and quality of three maize varieties /
رقم البحث : 11911110 Wheat yield as affected by bio and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11911118 the influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycrrohizas on resestance of lupine plant to damping off diseases caused by fusarium oxysporum, fusarium solani and rhizoctonia solani /
رقم البحث : 11911142 Bacterial pod blight of guar in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11911144 Anatomical and chemical studies on the leaves of salix safsaf (forsk) /
رقم البحث : 11911706 Influence of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers rate on plant growth, green and seed yield of two cultivars of lettuce /
رقم البحث : 11911715 Inheritance of some fruit quality characteristics in tomato /
رقم البحث : 11911725 Effect of biofertilization by using mycorhizal fungus and rhizobium sp. Bacteria on the growth and macro nutrients of manzanillo olive seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11911741 Susceptibility of three varieties of bean (Phaseolus vulguris L.) to infestation with whitefly and aphids /
رقم البحث : 11911751 Abiotic factors affecting on the biology of Pachylaelaps reticulatus hafez and nasr (pachylaelapidae gamasida) /
رقم البحث : 11911772 Effect of verticillium lecanii and metarhizium anisopliae on the flat mite, cenopalpus lanceolatisetae /
رقم البحث : 11911841 Effect of food and temperature on the biology of zygoseius furcifer (berlese) (pachylaelapidae : gamasida) /
رقم البحث : 11911857 Toxicity of malathion versus other control agents against certain stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11911873 Influence of diet treatment with black pepper (piper nigrum L.) powder on the populations of sitophilus oryzae (L.) and tribolium castaneum (herbst.) /
رقم البحث : 11911688 Influence of some growth regulators on growth, flowering and chemical composition of pelargonium grandiflorum wild /
رقم البحث : 11911924 Effect of some ecological factors and the bioinsecticide (xentari) on the pink and spiny bollworms /
رقم البحث : 11911974 Efficacy evaluation of the biocide ecotech pro and the organophosphorus insecticide isometaphos for controlling the bollaworms, pectinophora gossypiella (SAUND.) And earlas insulana (BOISD.) /
رقم البحث : 11911990 Nematodes as natural food for two mesostigmatid mites /
رقم البحث : 11912012 Population abundance and certain reproductive potential aspects of spodoptera littoralis (BOISD.) Moths, caught by light traps /
رقم البحث : 11912087 Effectiveness of some plant extracts under modified atmospheres against tile cowpea beetle callosobruchus maculatus (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11912152 Effect of larval food weight, as a limiting factor on some biological aspects of bereaea cruentata (meigen) (diptera: sarcophagidae) /
رقم البحث : 11911299 Effect of water stress and two growth regulators (GA3 & CCC) on seedling growth and the internal structure of maize leaves /
رقم البحث : 11911300 Effect of foliar spray with benzyl adenine and gibberellic acid on growth, yield and some chemical constituents of fodder beet plant (beta vulgaris L) /
رقم البحث : 11911301 Immobilization of amyloglucosidase by using different supports /
رقم البحث : 11911302 Growth of certain bacteria as affected with the presence of crude extracts of some vegetables /
رقم البحث : 11911304 Improvement of sausage properties by using yoghurt culture /
رقم البحث : 11911319 The effect of different levels of protein and/or energy on growth rate, plasma proteins and bone growth in growing rats /
رقم البحث : 11911303 Rheological properties of soy protein isolate, total milk proteinate and casein co-precipitate /
رقم البحث : 11911321 Inheritance and nature of dominance for some economic characters of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrtis) /
رقم البحث : 11911320 Technological studies on papaya nectar and low sugar jam manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11911323 Effect of plant spacing and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of the plastic house tomato (Lycoperiseon ensuientum L.) /
رقم البحث : 11911322 Effect of planting date, hybrid and level of nitrogen fertilizer on the production of cucumber under plastic houses /
رقم البحث : 11911324 Effect of planting date and spacing on seed yield of cabbage /
رقم البحث : 11911325 In vitro production of potato (Solanum tuberosum) Microtubers :
رقم البحث : 11911326 Effect of soil inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi And phosphorus fertilization on growth of annona seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11911327 Chemical training of mango transplants /
رقم البحث : 11911329 Effect of some pre-sowing treatments on seed germination, growth and blooming of papaya /
رقم البحث : 11911330 Effect of chemical fertilization on cuminum cyminum L. oil constituents under North Sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 11911685 Effects of NPK fertilization levels on growth, flowering and chemical composition of pelargonium grandiflorum wield /
رقم البحث : 11912218 Potential reuse of marginal quality water for crop production in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11912220 Potential role of wastewater reuse for forestry and green belt /
رقم البحث : 11912221 The effectiveness of various nitrogen sources on growth and quality of lettuce in the sands of the central region of Saudi Arabia /
رقم البحث : 11912230 رضا الخريجين عن المنظمات والخدمات المجتمعية باحدى المناطق الجديدة (منطقة الزاوية الزراعية) بمحافظة كفر الشيخ /
Vol 36 no 4 - Dec1998 - 01/12/1998
رقم البحث : 11913973 Persistence of malathion, pirimiphos-methyl and diazinon in some fruits /
رقم البحث : 11913986 Ecological and biological studies on varroa jacobsoni oud., the serious ectoparasite of the honeybee apis mellifera l. (acari: gamasida, varroidae) /
رقم البحث : 11914553 Toxic effect of some plant extracts against the cowpea beetle, callosobruchus maculatus (f.) /
رقم البحث : 11914566 Studies on the effect of some plant extracts on the greater wax moth, galleria mellonella l. (lepidoptera : pyralidae) /
رقم البحث : 11914889 Response of some long spike wheat varieties to different levels of Zinc foliar application /
رقم البحث : 11914584 Effect of foliar application of zn, mn, and fe on yield, growth characters and chemical properties of cotton ”gossypium barbadense” cv. Giza 80 /
رقم البحث : 11914897 اتجاهات الشباب الريفي نحو بعض القيم الريفية و الزراعة في بعض قرى مركز أشمون محافظة المنوفية /
رقم البحث : 11914895 اتجاهات الزراع نحو بعض الممارسات الزراعية الإروائية لترشيد استخدام مياه الري في بعض قرى محافظة المنوفية /
رقم البحث : 11910222 Effect of cooking pre-treatments on flatus producing factors (raffinose family) in mung bean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11910210 Induction of genetic variabilities in some morphological and yield component characters of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) by Gamma rays /
رقم البحث : 11910207 Evaluation of the effectiveness of some local isolates of silicate bacteria /
رقم البحث : 11914893 الخصائص البنائية للتنظيم الإرشادي الزراعي في بعض محافظات جمهورية مصر العربية و علاقتها بمستوى أداء المرشدين الزراعيين /
رقم البحث : 11910201 Effect of soil moisture and vesicular- arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (vamf) on growth, chemical composition and yield of tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11914890 تأثير معدلات مختلفة من النيتروجين و مسافات الزراعة على خواص و مكونات محصول الذرة الشامية /
رقم البحث : 11914892 تأثير معدلات مختلفة من النيتروجين و مسافات الزراعة على خواص و مكونات محصول الذرة الشامية /
رقم البحث : 11914583 Effect of polyacrylamide polymers and guar compound on seedling emergence and soil structure stability under tomato plant growth /
رقم البحث : 11914579 Eeficiency of phosphine alone and in mixtures with carbon dioxide against three mite species of stored products /
رقم البحث : 11914578 Activity of a commercial preparation of bacillus thuringiensis (dipel 2x) against the adults of the lesser grain borer, rhyzopertha dominica (f.) and the granary weevil, sitophilus granaries (l.) on stored wheat grains /
رقم البحث : 11914574 Mites associated with onion at Fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11913978 Feasibility for controlling tetranychus urticae (KOCH) and aphis spp. by four trace elements and tedifol in relation to the associated predators /
رقم البحث : 11911307 Environmental impact assessment of common Egyptian beverages contained Caffeine /
رقم البحث : 11910234 Effect of using acidified ras cheese on processed cheese quality /
رقم البحث : 11908116 Effect of seed -dressing with fungicides on vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza infection and yield of lupin plant /
رقم البحث : 11910233 Evaluation of yoghurt on Ismailia market /
رقم البحث : 11910230 Effect of microwave heating on Yoghurt properties /
رقم البحث : 11910228 Production and evaluation of cellulase enzymes from trichoderma hamatum and rhizopus nigricans /
رقم البحث : 11907420 Graphical and numerical analysis of some quantitative characters in diallele crosses of Watermelon /
رقم البحث : 11907351 Combining ability analysis in some top crosses of Maize (Zea mays L.) /
رقم البحث : 11907375 Genetic analysis of some plant and main spike traits in two bread wheat triticum aestivum, L.) Crosses grown under normal and saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 11907397 Diallel cross analysis for some quantitative characters in bread wheat :
رقم البحث : 11907403 Response of some new pure lines of faba bean to irrigation treatments /
رقم البحث : 11907413 Effect of foliar application of Zinc on some new genotypes of Faba bean /
رقم البحث : 11907415 Heritability and gene effects for chocolate spot disease resistance, yield and its components in three Faba bean crosses /
رقم البحث : 11907416 Comparative study on the growth, forage yield and quality of seven Sudan grass genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11907417 Effect of sowing date and phosphate levels on dry matter accumulation and phosphorus content of Corn /
رقم البحث : 11907419 Effect of cultural practices on leaf spot and head rot of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11914582 Susceptibility of certain faba bean varieties to infestation with aphids and leafminer /
رقم البحث : 11914580 Evaluation of different wheat varieties (l) to infestation with aphidsand stored product insects (TRITICUM SPP.) /
رقم البحث : 11914572 Evaluation of acetone and petroleum ether extracts of lantana eamara leaves and delonix regia seeds against the cowpea beetle — callosobruchus maculates (f.) /
رقم البحث : 11911045 Protein quality and functional properties of modified and improved protein isolated from untraditional sources and casein /
رقم البحث : 11911052 Improving low fat ras cheese quality by using different mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria and some processing modifications /
رقم البحث : 11911054 Diversity of dietary lipid constituents as key factor influencing biological disposition and tissue distribution of fatty acids in rats /
رقم البحث : 11911064 Nutritional quality of some protein sources /
رقم البحث : 11911068 Cardiovascular disease and diet :
رقم البحث : 11911069 effects of drying on the ultrastructure, microbiological quality and leached solids of instant active dry yeast produced using different protective agents /
رقم البحث : 11911308 Growth and survival of bifidobacteria in ras cheese for use as a probiotic food /
رقم البحث : 11911310 Using of smoked Mozzarella cheese in the manufacture of processed cheese spread /
رقم البحث : 11911312 Utilization of some vegetable oils in Yoghurt manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11911313 Effect of some commercial fertilizers levels on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of some ornamental foliage plants /
رقم البحث : 11911314 Effect of gibberellic acid and ancymidol on the growth, flowering and chemical composition of antirrhinum maris l. plant /
رقم البحث : 11912902 Effect of paclobutrazol and benyzl adenine on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of c’odiaeum variegatum and cordyline terminalis /
رقم البحث : 11912905 Effect of picking frequencies and plant density, on pepper plant growth, fruit and seed yield, and net — return /
رقم البحث : 11912908 Comparative studies on description and evaluation of five new table grape cultivars under egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11912910 Growth and nutritional status of grape rooted cuttings as affected by the irrigation sources and mycorrhizal fungi inoculation /
رقم البحث : 11913946 Flowering annuals and the effect of saline water irrigation on their seed germination and chemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 11913957 Inheritance and nature of resistance to downy mildew disease in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) /
رقم البحث : 11913961 Persistence of three organophosphorus pesticide residues in some vegetables /
رقم البحث : 11913963 Efficacy of a modified atmosphere of nearly 99 % nitrogen plus i % oxygen on two species of stored products pests /
Vol 36 no 3 - Spet 1998 - 01/09/1998
رقم البحث : 11910828 Antifungal and antibacterial effects of propolis extract of yemeni bees /
رقم البحث : 11910830 Loss assessment of faba bean (vicia faba L) yield as affected by sowing date, cultivars and viral diseases under sana’a district conditions /
رقم البحث : 11910831 Biological control agents for damping-off and root rot diseases and their side effects on bean plants /
رقم البحث : 11910832 Effect of cultural practices on charcoal rot and root rot wilt diseases of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11910834 Integrated control management of some soil borne diseases of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11910835 Immobilization of β-glucosidase in ca-alginate gel /
رقم البحث : 11910836 Nutritional improvement of some legume proteins /
رقم البحث : 11910837 Survey foil lead level in fish, cattle and sheep and their products from kalubia governorate regions /
رقم البحث : 11910838 Fortification of fish fingers with dietary fibers /
رقم البحث : 11910839 Hypercholesterolemic effect of yoghurt and biogarde as administered to hypercholesterolemic albino rats /
رقم البحث : 11910840 Lead and cadmium contamination of some food substances /
رقم البحث : 11910841 Effect of curd frozen storage time on the quality of ras cheese made from buffaloe’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11910842 Lipase production using free and agar immobilized cells of micrococcus varians CAS4 isolated from cheddar cheese /
رقم البحث : 11910847 Pesticides residues in butter from el-beharah districts in Egypt and their stability during samna (ghee) processing /
رقم البحث : 11910848 Effect of microwave heating at different temperatures and pH values on some microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11910849 Effect of different growing media and urea application on some head lettuce cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11910853 Effect of ga3 and IAA on tolerance of spinach plants to different dilutions of sea water /
رقم البحث : 11910855 In vitro propagation of philodendron erubescens cv. red emerald /
رقم البحث : 11910857 In vitro preservation of some fruit germplasms /
رقم البحث : 11910860 The possibility of using the biofertilizer as a completely substitute of NPK-fertilizers in plant production /
رقم البحث : 11907519 Effect of preceeding crops and nitrogen fertilizer on sunflower and peanut in monoculture and in association /
رقم البحث : 11910862 Effect of preharvest applications of gibberellic acid hand thinning and ethrel on bunch characteristics quality of “flame seedless” grape and storability /
رقم البحث : 11910864 Cabbage plant growth, yield and quality as affected by fertilizers source :
رقم البحث : 11910866 Cabbage plant growth, yield and quality as affected by fertilizers source :
رقم البحث : 11910986 Genetics studies on heterosis in some single and double crosses of cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11910988 Inheritance of some fruit characteristics affecting shelf life of tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 11910989 Response of geranium to some cultural, media and fertilization treatments /
رقم البحث : 11910991 Studies on nucellar embryos of troyer citrange rootstock development and acclimatization of the regenerated plantlets /
رقم البحث : 11910992 Practical utilization of the juvenoids, methoprene and hydroprene in mass rearing of spodoptera littoralis for nuclear polyheorosis virus (NPV) production /
رقم البحث : 11910993 Studies on soybean genotypes resistance to the cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boisd), (Lepidoptera : noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 11910994 Penetration and metabolism (in vitro and in vivo) of the acaricide chloropropylate in two-spotted spider mite tetranychus urticaie koch (acari tetranychidae) /
رقم البحث : 11907537 Optimum plot size and shape for trials of maize /
رقم البحث : 11910996 Pharmacokinetics of amitraz and BTS-27271 N -(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N-methylformamidine in the bulb mite rhizoglyphus echinopus (fumouze and robin) (acari : acaridae) /
رقم البحث : 11910997 Studies on sugarcane pests :
رقم البحث : 11911023 Vapour action of buprofezin on the integument of the cotton whitefly, bemisia tabaci (genn.) /
رقم البحث : 11911024 Toxicity and joint action of neemazal with certain modified atmospheres against two species of stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11911025 Some factors affecting the commercial scale production of royal jelly secreted by honeybee (apis mellefera L.) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11911027 Manganese adsorption on soils and other adsorbents /
رقم البحث : 11910821 Expected and actual gains for yield, yield components and fiber quality in Giza 45 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11911029 Trace elements content in soil and plant as influenced by irrigation sources /
رقم البحث : 11911034 دور الإرشاد الزراعى فى حماية البيئة الريفية من التلوث فى بعض قرى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11911035 إدراك العاملين بالإرشاد الزراعى المحلى لأهداف الإشراف الإرشادى بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11911036 الرضا عن العمل الإرشادى الزراعى بين المرشدين الزراعيين وأثره على أدائهم لمهامهم الإرشادية بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11911037 الإحتياجات الإرشادية للزراع واتجاهاتهم نحو مقاومة حشرة صانعة انفاق أوراق الموالح ببعض قرى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11911026 Monthly population density and laboratory rearing of carpophilus hemipterus (L.) (coleopteran : nitidulidae) on onion prepared for exportation and dehydration /
رقم البحث : 11911022 An approach to identify chitin presence by cytochemical technique in the larvae of cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boise.) /
رقم البحث : 11911021 Morphological variations, hosts, distribution, and parasitoids of sycamore whitefly, bemisia afer (homoptera : aleyrodidae) /
رقم البحث : 11910998 Studies on sugarbeet pests :
رقم البحث : 11910823 Relative efficiencies of contemporary comparison and blup methods for sire evaluation using part and complete lactation records /
رقم البحث : 11910824 Productive performance of lambs fed diets containing dried broiler litter and date stone /
رقم البحث : 11910825 Effect of feeding ammoniated rice straw with el mufeed on performance of lambs /
رقم البحث : 11910826 Effect of paclobutrazol and uniconazole on growth, fiber and seed yield, oil chemical composition and other seed contents of flax plant (Linum usitatissimum L.) /
Vol 36 no 2 - Jun1998 - 01/06/1998
رقم البحث : 11902383 Effect of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza kinetin and benzimidazol on tomato plants in relation to the growth yield as well as the biochemaical alteration and the internal cytokinin concendtration /
رقم البحث : 11910338 Growth of pomegranate transplants as affected by different water regimes /
رقم البحث : 11910474 water requirements of “cannino” apricot under the condition of “el-khatatba” region /
رقم البحث : 11912482 Growth and yields studies of eight tomato (iycpoersicon esculentum, mill) cultivars grown tinder the desert cooling greenhouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 11912669 Performance of some insecticides against
subterranean termites infesting field crops in southern Saudi Arabia /
رقم البحث : 11912806 Population dynamics and time of activity of certain soil- inhabiting predaceous arthropods insecta andaraneida) recovered from pitfall traps in threeecosystems in western Saudi arabia /
رقم البحث : 11914243 field study on gallery shapes of the harvester termite anacanhotermes ochraceus (burmeister)(isoptera: hodotermitidae) from different localities in western saudi Arabia /
رقم البحث : 11914344 efficiency of neemazal against khapra beetle larvae trogoderma granarium everts /
رقم البحث : 11914443 susceptibility of cotton leafworm spodopteralittoralis (boise.) to neemazal, and some biological
observations resulted from larval treatment /
رقم البحث : 11914940 Efficacy of two plant extracts. neemazal-t and their mixtures with chlorpyrifos methyl against some insect pests of cabbage plants /
رقم البحث : 11914977 Chronic toxic effect of malathion on fish cabrohydrate metabolism /
رقم البحث : 11915043 Taxonomic revision of subfamily carabinae in egypt(coleoptera: carabidae)
رقم البحث : 11915065 Taxonomic revision of subfamily carabinae in egypt(coleopteran carabidae) ii tribe clivinini /
رقم البحث : 11916325 A list of acarid) mite species acari: astigmata described in egypt /
رقم البحث : 11916444 Role of carbon dioxide on the toxicity of phosphninte to larvae of two stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11902391 some attempts to change the production pattern of globe artichoke to meet the export requirements i. effects of soil conditioner and slow release
fertilizer application on growth. chemical composition. earliness, productivity and yield pattern of globe artichoke /
رقم البحث : 11916872 Solubility of the natural phosphate as affected by different organic matter compounds and inoculation with asperg illus niger /
رقم البحث : 11917076 Safe use of sewage sludge in agriculture /
رقم البحث : 11917161 Use of treated waste effluents for irrigation /
رقم البحث : 11917227 Response of potato plants to k-fertilization in sandy soils Saudi Arabia under drip irrigation /
رقم البحث : 11917286 growth and uptake of some nutrients of mangoseedlings as affected by different rates and sources of sulphur /
رقم البحث : 11903305 utilization of some natural plant extracts(of garlic & yeast) as seed-soaked materials tosquash (cucurhitapepo l) :
رقم البحث : 11904548 Chemical and bacteriological characteristicsof milk from foot - and mouth – diseas (fmd) infected cows /
رقم البحث : 11906315 Inheritance and nature of tolerance to the parasitic weed: broomrape(orobhanche crenata) in broad bean vicia faba /
رقم البحث : 11902417 some attempts to change the production pattern of globe artichoke to meet the export requirements ii. physiological changes in plant growth, biochemical composition. earliness and productivity of globe artichoke plants( wara scolymus. l.) following biofertilizer application /
رقم البحث : 11902423 effect of kinetin and benzyladenine on the growth chemical constituents of borago officinalis l plants /
رقم البحث : 11902648 utilization of some natural plant extracts (of garlic & yeast) as seed-soaked materials to squash(cucurbita pepol) :
رقم البحث : 11901265 performance of some faba bean genotypes
along with f, and f2 generations /
رقم البحث : 11901260 Direct and indirect selection for some yield and some fiber properties in giza 77 egyptian cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11901888 Chemotaxonomic and genetic fingerprinte on genus citrullus lanatus as cultivated and colocyathis sehrea as wh.d in egypt /
رقم البحث : 11903318 some attempts to change the proruction pattern of lobe artichoke to meet the export requirements :
رقم البحث : 11903888 Successful isolation, growth and sporulation of uromyces fabae in axenic cultures /
رقم البحث : 11903949 Effect of drought on some rice biochemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 11904011 Foliar application effects of mg on growth and chemical components of guar plants under salinity stress /
رقم البحث : 11904445 Enhancing domiatti cheese ripening by proteolytic / lipolytic preparation /
رقم البحث : 11904629 probiotic fat- free soft cheese from skim-milk powder /
رقم البحث : 11904729 some physico-chemical poroperties and sensoryevaluation of milk retentate ani) soft cheese curd /
رقم البحث : 11904854 polypijenol oxidase activity of some green olive fruits /
رقم البحث : 11905471 Enzymatic browning and inhibition in some green olive fruits /
رقم البحث : 11905523 Effect of irrigation systems and regimes in relation to farm yard manure levels on potato yield and quality in new reclaimed sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11905595 Rooting potentiality of somv olivecultivars inrelation to cutting length and number of leaves per cutting /
رقم البحث : 11905656 Micro-propagation of pistachio plants /
رقم البحث : 11910072 Plant growth, yield and chemical composition of Garlic plant as affected by irrigation frequency And npk fertilization /
Vol 36 no 1 - Mar1998 - 01/03/1998
رقم البحث : 11901567 Specific plant water relationships with special references to phreatophytes /
رقم البحث : 11901782 Yield and resource use efficiency parameters of potato-maize intercropping patterns /
رقم البحث : 11901794 Genetical analysis of some quantitative traits in soybean (glycine max l merr.) /
رقم البحث : 11901807 Effect of plant population densities on nitrogen use efficiency of some maize varieties /
رقم البحث : 11901828 Amino acid requirements and body composition of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) /
رقم البحث : 11901881 Physiological response of lavender (lavandula officinalis L.) plants to ascorbic acid and gibberellic acid /
رقم البحث : 11901882 Physiological effect of indoleacetic acid and kinetin on the growth, yield and chemical constituents of fennel (foenoculum vulgare mill) plants /
رقم البحث : 11901883 The effect of γ-rays and dimethyl sulphate on some vegetative traits of egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11901884 Compared effects of NO3 and NH4 uptake on growth. chemical composition and metabolism of snap bean (phaseol vulgaris) plants /
رقم البحث : 11901885 Genetic fingerprinting and taxonomic relations according to oil ratio in genus oenothera in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11901886 Cytotaxonomicaly studies on genus corchorus olitorius as cultivated and corhorus trilocularis as wild on Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11901586 Performance of wheat under nitrogen level, ethrel and seeding rate /
رقم البحث : 11901887 Wheat productivity as affected by seed irradiation with laser rays /
رقم البحث : 11901889 Physiological studies on increasing the salt tolerance of wheat and rice plants through calli treatment with gamma rays and sodium azide /
رقم البحث : 11901890 Physiological studies on life response of bean plant (phaseolus vulgaris l.) to foliar nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11901896 Response of cowpea to inoculation with effective strains of bradyrhizobium sp., and effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates on nitrogen fixation /
رقم البحث : 11901897 The response of two Egyptian cotton varieties to γ-ray and DMS treatments on some technological traits /
رقم البحث : 11901898 The composition and functional properties of goat casein and ß-casein /
رقم البحث : 11901899 Effect of acidulants type and salting method on some properties of mozzarella cheese /
رقم البحث : 11901900 Keeping quality of mozzarella cheese during storage /
رقم البحث : 11901901 Chemical and bacteriological evaluation of the common edible fish (mullet) and shellfish in Suez canal and timsah lake /
رقم البحث : 11901903 Properties of labneh-like products manufactured using acid and acid-rennet coagulation /
رقم البحث : 11901603 Response of two mungbean varieties under irrigation intervals and certain fertilization treatments /
رقم البحث : 11901904 Effect of using hydrogen peroxide and lactoperoxidase system as milk preservatives on some microflora of milk and histopathological changes of liver and kidney of rats /
رقم البحث : 11901905 Comparative studies on nutritional value, antinutritional factors and functional properties of some cottonseed and sunflower preparations /
رقم البحث : 11901960 Effect of some cottonseed and sunflower preparations on rheological properties of wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 11901968 The implications of cheese smoking on lactic acid bacteria and on histopathology of kidney and liver of rats /
رقم البحث : 11901972 Physiological studies on yield, quality and storageability of tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 11901982 Fruiting and fruit quality of hayany date palm crown under different locations and water qualities /
رقم البحث : 11901998 Effect of nitrogenous fertilizer rates and soil properties on growth and essential oil of Pelargonium graveolens, l. /
رقم البحث : 11901610 Gemmeiza 5, a new egyptian bread wheat cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11902062 Revision of the genus acarophenax newstead and duvall, 1918 (acari, tarsonemina : acarophenacidae) in tile world, with description of a new species from Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11902137 Key to the genera and species of tribe lixini of Egypt (coleoptera : curculionidae : cleoninae) /
رقم البحث : 11902183 Effect of successive wetting and drying cycles on selected soil physical properties /
رقم البحث : 11902212 Mineralogical studies on tile northern region of eastern desert in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11902230 دراسة اقتصادية للعمالة الزراعية فى محافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 11901626 Effect of intercropping wheat with lentil at varying nitrogen fertilization rates on yield and their components /
رقم البحث : 11902248 تحليل اقتصادى للموقف الراهن لإنتاج واستهلاك اللحوم الحمراء فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11902259 إنتاجية المشرفين الإرشاديين الزراعيين فى بعض محافظات جمهورية مصر العربية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات /
رقم البحث : 11902282 Production of developed full-fat processed cheese spread using UF-retentate and high protein SMP. /
رقم البحث : 11902363 Production of developed low-fat processed cheese spread using uf-retentate and high protein SMP. /
رقم البحث : 11902405 Effect of girdling on olive trees as a partial solution to biennial bearing /
رقم البحث : 11902160 Performance of some faba bean genotypes on some yield and its components and sensitivity for some insect pests /
رقم البحث : 11902117 Evaluation of bacillus thuringiensis biocides against palpita unionalis (Hubn) /
رقم البحث : 11902096 Efficiency of controlled atmospheres containing various carbon dioxide concentrations and nitrogen against the khapra beetle larvae trogoderma granarium everts., (coleoptera : dermestidae) /
رقم البحث : 11902071 Biological control of insects with insect parasitic nematodes /
رقم البحث : 11902049 A new larval species of the genus microthrombidium (acari, trombidiidae) parasitic on musca domestica (dipteral) form Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11901647 Adjusting the appropriate irrigation intervals as well as nitrogen and potassium fertilization levels for sugar beet under el-minia conditions /
رقم البحث : 11902041 Key to the families of egyptian chalcidoidea (hymenoptera) /
رقم البحث : 11902023 Effects of antioxidants and oxidative enzymes on the inactivation of bacillus thuringiensis for cotton leafworm by simulated sunlight- UV. /
رقم البحث : 11902013 Laboratory evaluation of melanin as ultraviolet screen for bacillus thuringiensis var entomocidus against spodoptera littoralis larvae /
رقم البحث : 11901670 Effect of some soil amendments and plant density on productivity of safflower in newly reclaimed sandy calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11901714 Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and foliar spray with ascorbic acid on sesame plant in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11901761 Effect of irrigation intervals and phosphatic fertilizer rates on mungbean plant under sandy soil conditions /
Vol 35 no 4 - Dec 1997 - 01/12/1997
رقم البحث : 11903724 In vitro propagation of pecan plants /
رقم البحث : 11903743 Growth patterns of annona seedlings under conditions of soil inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11903770 Sex expression of date palm in relation to some leaf chemical compositions /
رقم البحث : 11903989 Seasonal changes in leaf mineral content in relation to pruning date of sewi and zaghloul date palm /
رقم البحث : 11903999 Effect of some bud breaking materials on bud burst, growth, yield, fruit quality and endogenous hormones of “anna’ apples /
رقم البحث : 11904017 Fluctuations of rodent populations under newly reclaimed desert land environment /
رقم البحث : 11904066 Performance of borax, insecticides and its binary mixtures on some soil insects (cutworms and mole-crickets) /
رقم البحث : 11904103 Population density of soil mites associated with some field crops in qalubia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11904090 Effect of neem and datura plant extracts under modified atmospheres on certain stored products insects /
رقم البحث : 11904285 Susceptibility of honey bee workers, apis mellifera L. to nine different insecticides /
رقم البحث : 11904265 Effect of soil fertilizers on population density of soil acari concomitanted with certain field crops /
رقم البحث : 11904301 Toxicity of the botanical. Insecticide neemazal-w (powder contains 10% azadirachtin) alone, and in mixtures with two insecticides against the lesser grain borer-rhizopertha dominica (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11904326 Onion crop as affected by source and rate of nitrogen application /
رقم البحث : 11904343 Evaluation of nitrapyrin and dicyandiamide as means for improving nitrogen fertilizers efficiency in soils /
رقم البحث : 11904364 Changes occurring in soil structure and their influence on some heat budget parameters of air dry soils /
رقم البحث : 11904446 Effects of boron, zinc and phosphorus on sugar beet production in calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11904482 Effect of nitrogenous and biofertilizers on late wilt, downy mildew diseases and yield of maize /
رقم البحث : 11904505 Effect of phosphorus zinc and boron on nutrients composition and requirements of sugar beet in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11904911 دراسة تحليلية لكفاءة استخدام الأسمدة فى انتاج الخضر تحت الانفاق البلاستيكية فى محافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 11904711 تأثير معدلات مختلفة من النتروجين على تجميع المادة الرطبة والجافة ومحتوى النتروجين بأجزاء النبات خلال مراحل النمو المختلفة لنبات الشعير /
رقم البحث : 11904658 تأثير مستويات مختلفة من النتروجين على انتاجية نبات الشعير والتحليل الكيميائى للتربة /
رقم البحث : 11904626 Performance of some porous fences on sand drift control /
رقم البحث : 11900479 Estimating of Some breeding parameters in durum wheat under low rain-fed conditions in North Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11900488 Genetic analysis of diallel crosses in wheat under normal irrigation and drainage water conditions /
رقم البحث : 11900509 Genetical analysis of f2 diallel crosses in bread wheat under saline conditions of Wadi Sudr-South Sinai :
رقم البحث : 11900519 Evaluation of some herbicides in newly seeded alfalfa /
رقم البحث : 11900536 Performanc of newly developed faba bean (Vicia faba L) genotypes resistant to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) disease /
رقم البحث : 11901956 Identification of somaclonal Variations of Egyptian clover (Trifolium Alexandrinum L.) in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11901953 T3, cortisol and testosterone levels and some physiological parameters in relation to age and body weight in male buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11901949 Some non-genetic factors affecting milk, body traits and blood plasma components in cows /
رقم البحث : 11901948 Response of two Egyptian lupin cultivars to phosphorus fertilization and foliar application of zinc /
رقم البحث : 11901987 Effect of using some fungicides and seed inoculation with rhizobium leguminosarum on controlling root-rot incidence and plant growth of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11901979 Control of broad bean root-rot by tile adoption of some agricultural practice /
رقم البحث : 11901971 Yellow rust occurrence in Egypt on some Egyptian and exotic wheat germplasm in 1997 growing season /
رقم البحث : 11901969 Effect of zinc and manganese foliar fertilizers on wheat leaf rust disease infection , grain yield and biochemical content of leaves in the new land /
رقم البحث : 11901963 Some factors affecting rhziosphere fungal population of lupine plants /
رقم البحث : 11901959 Mango leaf-spot in Minia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11902005 Biological control of root-rot pathogens of broad bean using trichoderma spp /
رقم البحث : 11902017 Effect of seed treatment with fungicide (ridomil) combined with rhizobial inoculation on root-rot diseases and growth of faba bean plants /
رقم البحث : 11902027 Effect of some growth regulators and micronutrients on potato seed-sized tubers production /
رقم البحث : 11902033 Nitrogen requirements of bean plant (phaseolus vulgaris, L.) at various stages of growth /
رقم البحث : 11902056 The chemical structure of a melanoidin from lactose-cystine model system /
رقم البحث : 11902070 Influence of protective and antioxidant agents on storage stability of instant active dry yeast produced using fluid bed dryer /
رقم البحث : 11902082 Production of food grade exopolysaccharide from rhizobium, meliloti :
رقم البحث : 11902102 The control of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in meat by lactic acid bacteria and some food preservatives /
رقم البحث : 11902116 Production of food grade exopolysaccharide from rhizobium, melilotj :
رقم البحث : 11903526 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and fruit quality of “williams” banana in sandy soil under drip irrigation system /
رقم البحث : 11903507 Ecological and preliminary phytochemical studies on lycium arabicium boiss and lycium europaeum L. growing in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11903482 Effect of bio-and chemical fertilization on growth and production on cariandrum sativum, feoniculum, vulgare and carum carvi L. plants /
رقم البحث : 11903445 Effect of biofertilization and biological control on growth and chemical constituents of volkameriana seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11903407 Effect of using different packaging materials and storage temperatures on the quality and shelf life extension of fresh button mushroom (agaricus bisporius) /
رقم البحث : 11903387 Fish waste protein concentrate as a partial meat substitute in beefburger /
رقم البحث : 11902126 Fate of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (E. coli 0157:H7) during the manufacture and pickling of domiati cheese /
رقم البحث : 11903546 Effect of different planting media on growth and rooting of tissue culture banana plants /
رقم البحث : 11903574 Effect of calcium chloride and hydrated lime on keeping quality of sweet pepper and cucumber fruits /
رقم البحث : 11903598 Influence of chicken manure on growth, yield, fruit quality and storage ability of tomatoes /
رقم البحث : 11903675 Effect of date of flowering on bunch morphological characteristics and fruit production of date palm /
رقم البحث : 11903703 Studies on shoot-tip necrosis and growth index on in vitro communis pear /
Vol 35 no 2 - Jun 1997 - 01/06/1997
رقم البحث : 11897055 Effect of weed control and plant density of cotton on yield, some of its components, fiber properties and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11897059 Varietal response of yield, yield components and chemcial composition of wheat grains to nitrogen sources /
رقم البحث : 11897062 Studies on mung bean - grain sorghum intercropping /
رقم البحث : 11897065 Influence of seed size on seed viability, yield and yield components of soybean (glycine max l. merr) /
رقم البحث : 11897066 Genetic variability and path coefficient analysis of some agronomic characters in barley (hordeum vulgare l.) /
رقم البحث : 11897069 Effect of protein level and sexing on growth, feed conversion, body composition and body conformation of tilapia zillii /
رقم البحث : 11897070 Season of calving and its effect on birth weight and growth of buffalo calves reared in pens or hutches /
رقم البحث : 11897071 Molecular characterization of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus (tylcv) isolated from pepper collected in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11897072 An attempt to improve the quality of low fat domiatti and Ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 11897073 Effect of fat content and its substitution on some properties of frozen yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11897074 Antimicrobial activity of lactobacilli /
رقم البحث : 11897075 Detection and heat resistance parameters of listeria spp. in some foods /
رقم البحث : 11897076 Effect of some cultural practices and growth regulator treatments on growth of mango seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11897077 Effect of some nutrients on productivity of alphonso mangoes (mangifera indica, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11897078 Effect of saline water irrigation and cycocel on growth and uptake of some elements of taimour and alphonso mango seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11897079 Behavior of bent eisha date palms to spraying boron /
رقم البحث : 11897080 In vitro shoot proliferation, rooting and establishment of yucca aloifolia, Y. filamentosa, and Y. filamentosa var. variegate /
رقم البحث : 11897081 A comparative study on some weed control treatments in balady lime nursery /
رقم البحث : 11897083 Tree growth, fruiting and fruit quality of ’le conte’ pear in response to foliar spray with some micronutrients /
رقم البحث : 11897084 Effect of irrigation system and nitrogen levels on vegetative growth, yield, yield components and some chemical composition of tomato plants grown in newly reclaimed sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11897085 Evaluation of some anna apple pollinators by pollination test, pollen viability and cytological analysis /
رقم البحث : 11897091 Investigation on areas affected by aeolian sand deposits in Egypt and priorities for controlling activities /
رقم البحث : 11897092 Hydraulic conductivity of salt-affected soils in relation to their physical and chemical properties /
رقم البحث : 11897056 Inheritance of earliness and yield in some barley crosses /
رقم البحث : 11897068 Gene effects in corn under different nitrogen fertilizer levels /
رقم البحث : 11897090 Hosts distribution and vernacular names of whiteflies (homoptera : aleyrodidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11897089 Relation between fruits chemical constituents and number of ceratitis cap1tata pupae produced from the infested hosts /
رقم البحث : 11897088 Relative susceptibility of eight tomato cultivars to infestations with bemisia tabaci (GENN.) with special reference to the percentage of virus infection and total yield /
رقم البحث : 11897087 Abundance and fluctuation of insect population of order diptera at al-arish region, north of Sinai /
Vol 35 no 1 - Mar1997 - 01/03/1997
رقم البحث : 11899669 Toxic effects of extracts and powders of certain plants against the rice weevil -sitophilus oryzae (l)j /
رقم البحث : 11901480 Effectiveness of datura leave extracts and their mixtures with malathion against the cowpea beetle – callosobruchus, maculatus ( f.) /
رقم البحث : 11901600 Selectivity and joint action of melia azedarach L. fruit extracts with certain acaricides to tetranychus urticae koch and stethorus gilvifrons mulsant /
رقم البحث : 11901721 Efficacy of modified atmospheres containing various carbon dioxide concentrations against some mite species infesting stored commodities /
رقم البحث : 11903559 Pharmacokinetics of trichlorfon in resistant and susceptible strains of housefly musca domestica L. (Diptera : muscidaae) /
رقم البحث : 11903745 Micronutrients status in relation to some characteristics of salt-affected soils /
رقم البحث : 11903821 Classification and evaluation of some soils in North-West Sinai, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11904055 A comprehensive assessment of the effect of natural conditioners on some physical properties of soils using the statistical analysis in two factor factorial experiments /
رقم البحث : 11904196 أثر السياسة السعرية في تحقيق الكفاءة التسويقية للقطن في جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11898843 Manufacture of ras cheese from frozen materials /
رقم البحث : 11898850 Single cell protein from salted whey /
رقم البحث : 11898871 Quality evaluation of edible common salt produced in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11901412 Efficacy of a modified atmosphere of around 1% Oxygen plus 99% nitrogen on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11900630 Effectiveness of some plant extracts and powders against the lesser grain borer- rhizopertha domninica (f.) /
رقم البحث : 11899668 Effect of the extracts of Withania somnifera -leaves and fruits on some stored products insects /
رقم البحث : 11896342 Effect of phosphorus levels on forage yield of berseem and barley mixture /
رقم البحث : 11896334 Seed cotton yield, its components and the associated weeds as affected by Nitrogen fertilizer rates and Hoeing /
رقم البحث : 11896324 Response of some Soybean cultivars to plant population density /
رقم البحث : 11896310 Evaluation of six soybean genotypes under different population densities and two sowing dates /
رقم البحث : 11896288 Comparative study on five successive nuclei seed of dendera Cotton cultivar and the corresponding farmer’s seed in general use /
رقم البحث : 11896265 Combining ability and heterosis studies for yield and its components in some top crosses of soybean (Glycine max (L) (Merrill /
رقم البحث : 11894694 Response of Flax variety “Giza 8 “to different levels of phosphorus and Nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11894691 Inheritance of plant height, grain yield and its components in three barley crosses
(hordeum vulgare L.) /
رقم البحث : 11894688 Genetical studies on some economic characters in some “Wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11894677 Effect of Nitrogen fertilization on dry matter, Nitrogn accumulation and yield of corn genotypes differed in prolificacy /
رقم البحث : 11894668 Gene effect and heritability in Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merril) /
رقم البحث : 11894665 Response of some Maize cultivars to Nitrogen fertilization under north and middle delta conditions /
رقم البحث : 11896360 Components of genetic variance in synthetic variety of maize “moshtohor 2” with reference to expected gain from selection /
رقم البحث : 11896361 Phenotypic stability for grain yield and its contributing characters in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. Durum.) /
رقم البحث : 11896674 Ultrastructure of the ruminal mucosa of the buffalo calf (developmental changes during growth period) /
رقم البحث : 11896773 Effect of different transportation regimes and packing densities on water quality and survival of grey mullet (mugil cephalus) fry /
رقم البحث : 11896798 Testicular changes associated with onset of puberty in relation to season of birth in egyptian buffalo males /
رقم البحث : 11896841 Comparative studies on some peanut genotypes Growth behaviour 1 /
رقم البحث : 11896997 The response of soybean plants, crown under different water regimes, to antitranspirants application /
رقم البحث : 11897046 Growth patterns of Mango transplants
c.v. hindi bisinara under foliar spray with some growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11897082 Effect of different irrigation intervals on sugar beet growth, plant water relations and photosynthetic
pigments /
رقم البحث : 11897086 Accumulation of some organic and inorganic compounds in sugar beet plants in rfsponse to soil moistijre deficit /
رقم البحث : 11897189 Physiological response of faba bean plants ( viciafaba, L.) to water stress at different growth stages in relation to soil conditioners and ga3 application /
رقم البحث : 11897274 “Biochemical studies on a-amylase lnhtbitors in some legume seeds /
رقم البحث : 11897303 Cooking and sensory characteristics of chicken patties extended with some legume products /
رقم البحث : 11897389 Halawa tahinia for diabetics /
رقم البحث : 11898875 Evaluation of quality and safety 0f Mullet fish during iced, refrigerated and frozen storage /
رقم البحث : 11898880 Modified butter blend /
رقم البحث : 11898881 Response of banaty grape vines to application of the organic fertilizers filter mud and sludges /
رقم البحث : 11898882 The beneficial effects of biofertilizers on red roomy Grapevines (frills vi,4frra l) i- the effect on growth and vine nutritional status /
رقم البحث : 11899592 The beneficial effects of biofertilizers on red roomy grapevines (vitis vinifera l.)
: The effect on Berry set, yield and quality of Berries /
رقم البحث : 11899629 Effect of semperfresh coating on fruit quality and scald of leconte Pears at cold storage /
رقم البحث : 11899642 Effect of polyethylene seal packaging on storage quality of lemon and grape fruit /
رقم البحث : 11899666 New approaches for controlling the greasy cutworm.agrotis ipsilon huf. and the mole-cricket, gryllotalpa gryllotalpa fab.usjng alum/insecticides synergism /
Vol 35 no 3 - Sep 1997 - 01/03/1997
رقم البحث : 11984755 Effect of seeding date and seeding rate on growth and yield of wheat (triticum aestivum. L.) /
رقم البحث : 11990090 Presowing seed scarification to improve stand establishment of lupine in early field planting /
رقم البحث : 11990106 Effect of different levels of dry garlic meal supplemented to the diets on growth performances, survival and body composition of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 11990152 Using of ensiling palm kernel meal with broiler litter for feeding lambs /
رقم البحث : 11990228 Total replacement of fish meal by soy bean meal, with various percentages of supplemental l methionine, in diets for nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) fry /
رقم البحث : 11993788 Effect of sunflower oil meal versus broiler litter in sheep rations on performance and nutrients utilization /
رقم البحث : 11993808 Effects of including broiler litter and virginiamycin in growing friesian calves rations on performance , nutrients utilization, ruminal and blood parameters /
رقم البحث : 11993856 Effect of temperature and salinity on the survival of artemia larvae of various geographical origin /
رقم البحث : 11993936 Pathogens associated with vegetable seeds used in protected agriculture/
رقم البحث : 11993969 Characterization of an eggplant mosaic virus strain isolated from naturally infected eggplant in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11988841 Response of vicia faba l. to phosphorus fertilization and foliar spraying with urea and stimofol /
رقم البحث : 11994028 Changes in some reserve components during seed sprouting stage of specific medicinal plants 2. Fenugreek (trigonella foenum graecum,l.) /
رقم البحث : 11994003 Changes in some reserve components during seed sprouting stage of specific medicinal plants l black cumin (nigella saliva, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11994050 Changes in some reserve components during seed sprouting stage of two hibiscus species /
رقم البحث : 11994126 Control seed dormancy of citrullus colocynthis (l.) . Schard /
رقم البحث : 11994143 Response of sorghum to inoculation with azospirillum, organic and inorganic fertilization in the presence of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11994171 Effect of sodium azide on chromosome constitution in wheat, rye and triticale /
رقم البحث : 11994233 Comparison of antimicrobial activity of bacteriocins from some lactic acid bacteria, propionibacteria and enterococci against food borne bacterial pathogens /
رقم البحث : 11994687 Food utilizations of gelatin extracted from bolt( fish wastes /
رقم البحث : 11988870 Forage yield and weed biomass of Egyptian clover as affected by preceding crop residue tillage systems /
رقم البحث : 11994671 Quality of fried peanuts as affected by the intermittent frying in coconut oil /
رقم البحث : 11994705 The production of instant active dry yeast using fluid bed dryer /
رقم البحث : 11994775 Properties of commercial plain and flavoured frozen yoghourts /
رقم البحث : 11994806 Effect of using different smoking methods on the chemical, microbiological and sensory evaluation of domiati like cheese /
رقم البحث : 11994834 The antimicrobial activity of some phenolic antioxidants /
رقم البحث : 11994858 Effect of fertilization and ga3 on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of some foliage plants /
رقم البحث : 11997552 Effect of girdling, k foliar sprays and shoot pinching on banati (thomposon seedless) grapevines :
رقم البحث : 11997567 Effect of girdling, k foliar sprays and shoot pinching on banati (thomposon seedless) grapevines :
رقم البحث : 11998399 In vitro seed germination, callus formation and shoot proliferation of vinca rosea l /
رقم البحث : 11998440 Effect of water regime and fertilization on the vegetative growth and chemical composition of a new romanian strain of medicinal artichoke cynara scolymus l grown under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11988891 Correlation and path coefficient analysis of yield and its components in zero branching and normal branching types of Egyptian cotton gossypium barbadense. L. /
رقم البحث : 11998468 Response of budded almond transplants to some salinity treatments :
رقم البحث : 11998498 Response of budded almond transplants to some salinity treatments :
رقم البحث : 11998515 Trials for improving fruit set, yield and fruit quality of washington navel orange by applicaion of some growth regulators and yeast extract as a natural source of phytohormones /
رقم البحث : 11998540 Pollination effect and cytological analysis of pecual olive and some pollinator cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11998579 Improved leaf/fruit ratio, yield and quality of ann a apple by some ga3 and promalin treatments /
رقم البحث : 12001948 Studies on salt tolerance of hindy bissinara mango transplants /
رقم البحث : 12001962 Effect of uniconazole and cycocel sprays on growth, flowering, fruiting and fruit quality of ”le conte” pear trees /
رقم البحث : 12001983 Influence of hand hoeing and some herbicidal treatments on yield and quality of artichoke and its associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 12001998 Occurrence and activity of hymenopterous insects on sesame flowers with special reference to their effect on crop production /
رقم البحث : 12002022 Performance of different sprayers in relation to insecticidal activity against whitefly infesting eggplants in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11988904 Cutting systems of some introduced cultivars of cowpea /
رقم البحث : 12002040 Comparative study on the effect of two host plants on some biological aspects of gymnoscelis pumilat4 (hub.) (lepidoptera : geometridae) /
رقم البحث : 12002068 Effect of certain botanical protein extracts containing a-amylase inhibitors as natural potential control agents against the rice weevil sitophilus oryzae l /
رقم البحث : 12002097 Thrips infestation to onion plants in relation to onion variety, planting date and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12002138 Effectiveness of two plant extracts and their mixtures with insecticides against the red flour beetle tribolium castaneum ( her 3st.) /
رقم البحث : 12002761 Effect of sodium chloride and potassium sulfate on the adaptation of tomato plants to tolerate saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 12002806 Response of wheat to manganese application /
رقم البحث : 12002842 Soil amendming as a management practice for sustainable productivity under irrigation with saline water /
رقم البحث : 12002905 Relative accumulation of airborne heavy metals on ficus retusa l. In different locations in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11990012 Estimation of genetic effects for earliness and some agronomic traits in barley under water stress and non - stress condition /
رقم البحث : 12002951 Yield and composition of peanut as affected by npk and rhizobium inoculation in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 12002990 Effect of soil conditioners on thermal properties of dry soils /
رقم البحث : 12002118 Effect of lantana camara and nerium oleander extracts alone and in combinations with pirimiphos- methyl and / or fenvalerate against the rice weevil (sitophilus oryzae (l.)) /
رقم البحث : 11990047 Selection response for grain yield and its components in segregating population of bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 11990063 Inheritance of earliness and some yield attributes in four cotton crosses /
Vol 34 no 4 - Dec1996 - 01/12/1996
رقم البحث : 11894671 Effect of temperature degrees on seed germination and seedling vigour of different wild oat species /
رقم البحث : 11894685 Effect of crossing and grading domiati cattle with two european breeds in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894707 Effect of sex and age on daily weight gain, thyroxine hormone and some blood components in ossimi and crossbred (ossimi x rahmani) lambs /
رقم البحث : 11894708 Effect of oil sources on growth, feed conversion and body composition of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) /
رقم البحث : 11894709 Puberty and post-pubertal seminal changes leading to sexual maturity of winter and summer born buffalo males /
رقم البحث : 11894710 Improving the seedling emergence of coffea arabica, L. /
رقم البحث : 11894728 Interaction effect of rhizobial inoculation on viral and fungal infection in broad bean (vicia faba L.) /
رقم البحث : 11894731 Salt tolerance of sugar beet (beta vulgaris L.) :
رقم البحث : 11894734 Salt tolerance of sugar beet (beta vulgaris L.) :
رقم البحث : 11894735 Radio-deastringency of persimmon fruits /
رقم البحث : 11894736 Uses of irradiated particle sizes of wheat flour to produce macaroni /
رقم البحث : 11894674 An efficient regeneration system for sweet sorghum, sorghum bicolor L. minicli (variety tracy) /
رقم البحث : 11894741 Rennet coagulation properties of heated buffalo’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11894743 Evaluation of milk from different species to simulate human milk /
رقم البحث : 11894745 Influence of okara as a high fiber source in cake and pan bread quality /
رقم البحث : 11894746 Level of phytate removal from a formulated dough based on 87.5 and 72% wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 11894888 Dasheen mosaic virus infection of dieffenbachia and aglaonema in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894905 Nutritive and biological, values for some formulated children food mixtures /
رقم البحث : 11894926 Improving nutrition value of sweet lupine, better lupine and pea seeds by producing tempeh like products /
رقم البحث : 11895022 Effect of some magnesium treatments through fertigation on balady mandarin trees grown in sandy /
رقم البحث : 11894676 Forage yield and quality of berseem fahl and ryegrass mixtures at different seeding rates /
رقم البحث : 11895116 Comparative study of productivity, some physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of thirteen saudian and iraqui date palm cultivars (phoenix dactylifera L.) grown under middle Egypt conditions /
رقم البحث : 11895153 Influence of nutrition and planting density on growth and flowering of potted euphorbia pulcherrima willd /
رقم البحث : 11895558 Development of resistance to carbon dioxide and phosphine in the red flour beetle (tribolium castaneum, herbst) /
رقم البحث : 11894679 Effect of different harvest dates on grain quality of wheat (triticum aestivum L. em. thell) /
رقم البحث : 11895564 Improving calcareous soil productivity under saline water irrigation using soil amendments and biofertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11895565 Effect of some organic acids on soil properties /
رقم البحث : 11895566 Natural conditioners in relation to nutritional status of some soils /
رقم البحث : 11895567 Evaluation of some disposable wastes as sources of micronutrients in sustainable agriculture /
رقم البحث : 11895568 Extractable cadmium, nickel and lead from calcareous soils treated with different organic wastes /
رقم البحث : 11895569 Foliar application of ascorbic acid, magnesium and nickel to lentil plants grown in newly reclaimed soils /
رقم البحث : 11895570 Plant growth and utilization of macro-nutrients (and sodium) in salt-affected soils /
رقم البحث : 11895581 دراسة تحليلية لبعض المشاكل التى تواجه العاملين بالارشاد الزراعى بمحافظة الدقلهلية /
رقم البحث : 11894680 Response of determinate and indeterminate soybean cultivars to planting pattern and density /
رقم البحث : 11895584 تحليل اقتصادى لإنتاجية أصناف الأرز فى محافظة الدقهلية /
رقم البحث : 11895585 الكفاءة الإقتصادية للمزراع المنتجة لمحصول البصل الشتوى بمحافظة سوهاج /
رقم البحث : 11895181 Toxic effect of extracts and powders of some plants against the cowpea beetle (callosobruchus maculatus, F.) /
رقم البحث : 11895578 دراسة مقارنة لبعض الجوانب السلوكية المرتبطة باستخدام قادة الرأى من الزراع للأعلاف غير التقليدية فى تغذية المواشى بمركز طوخ بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11895586 Growth and yield response of two soybean cultivars to some micronutrients /
رقم البحث : 11895563 Susceptibility of the olive varieties for the infestation by dacus oleae (g.) as related to their physical and chemical properties /
رقم البحث : 11895562 Laboratory studies for increasing the efficacy of a bioinsecticide (delfin) against spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) larvae /
رقم البحث : 11895557 Effectiveness of lantana camara and nerium oleander extracts alone and in mixtures with two insecticides against rhizopertha dominica (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11895555 Effect of modified atmosphere of more than 99% nitrogen or enriched with carbon dioxide on mortality of some stored product insects, seed germination, chlorophyll and carotene contents of certain crop seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11894681 Effect of spraying iron and zinc on botanical, chemical characters, yield and its components of vicia faba L. /
رقم البحث : 11895553 Effect of cotton stem and animal dung ashes as grain protectants on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11894682 Response of some maize cultivars to different nitrogen sources /
رقم البحث : 11894683 Yield dynamics of some soybean varieties (glycine max l. merr. ) /
رقم البحث : 11894684 Growth and yield response of two faba bean (vicia faba L.) varieties to some complete foliar fertilizer compounds /
Vol 34 no 3 - Sep 1996 - 01/09/1996
رقم البحث : 11896391 Irrigation systems and nitrogen fertilizer in relation to yeild and quality of sugar cane varieties /
رقم البحث : 11896407 Effect of intercropping onion with cotton and chemical weed control on growth, yield and associated weeds in both crops /
رقم البحث : 11896408 A study on faba bean-weed interference /
رقم البحث : 11896409 Genetic system and prediction for yield and its attributes in four wheat crosses (triticum aestivum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11896410 Microbial content of sand dunes at Siwa oasis and Matrouh in the north western coast of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11896384 Yield and yield attributes of barley and faba bean as affected by different intercropping patterns and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11896411 Effect of tillage system and plant density under different phosphoric fertilization level on the productivity of faba bean (vicia faba .l) /
رقم البحث : 11899728 Effect of some intercropping patterns on growth and yield of maize and soybean /
رقم البحث : 11899736 Response of wheat and associated weeds to some weed control treatments and sowing methods /
رقم البحث : 11899740 Response of some maize varieties to plant density and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11899754 Raffinose oligosaccharides, proteins and some antinutritional factors in the seeds of two mungbean genotypes as affected by germination and processing /
رقم البحث : 11901187 Biochemical changes of some chemical constituents in chickpea seeds during germination and processing /
رقم البحث : 11901667 Evaluation of some new varieties of tomatoes and their suitability for processing /
رقم البحث : 11901678 Quality changes of strawberry anthocyanin after rutin treatment /
رقم البحث : 11901696 Formulation of high fiber muffin from some bran sources /
رقم البحث : 11901723 Changes in wheat flours and their baking characteristics as affected by storage and defatting /
رقم البحث : 11896385 Evaluation of some new sorghum-sudangrass hybrids for forage yield and quality under different environmental conditions in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11901745 Role of flour lipid fractions and wheat germ lipids in breadmaking /
رقم البحث : 11901776 Evalution of perforated polyethylene mulch on loamy sand soil under drip irrigated orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11901804 Regeneration of some bean cultivars via in vitro organogenesis after irradiation by gamma rays /
رقم البحث : 11901827 Effect of gamma radiation and NACL on cultured potato callus and cell suspension /
رقم البحث : 11902486 Genetics of esterase molecular forms and their tissue differential expression in cucumber generations /
رقم البحث : 11902504 Micropropagation of some ornamental plants :
رقم البحث : 11902526 Effect of some chemical substances sprays on fruiting and seed characteristics of guavas /
رقم البحث : 11902549 Survey and population dynamics of common true spiders in Egyptian cotton fields /
رقم البحث : 11902573 Comparative population densities of certain predatory species in two cotton field ecosystems in Uganda /
رقم البحث : 11903326 Taxonomical studies on five dermapterous species in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11896387 The relative efficiency of some experimental designs from optimum plot size and plots for evaluating faba bean yield /
رقم البحث : 11903327 Studies on sugarbeet pests :
رقم البحث : 11903690 Contribution of trap crops in the integrated control of insect pests of cotton in Uganda /
رقم البحث : 11903722 Seasonal abundance of aphis gossypii glover on cotton plants and their aphidivora associations /
رقم البحث : 11903756 The bioactivity of certain benzoylphenylureason the cottonleafwormspodopteralittoralis(boisd.) moths survival, longevity and fecundity /
رقم البحث : 11903796 Distribution of salts in newly reclaimed soils under sprinkler irrigation system /
رقم البحث : 11903816 Impacts of organic wastes on phosphorus availability and productivity of newly reclaimed calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11903841 Dry matter yield and nutrient uptake of corn as affected by some organic wastes applied to a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11903867 Response of viciafaba followed by zea maize to application of mineral fertilizers and organic industrial wastes /
رقم البحث : 11903885 Mobility of exchangeable cations in soil treated with ca-sulfate, mg-sulfate or k-sulfate /
رقم البحث : 11903920 Transport of iron, copper and zinc in a loamy sand soil treated with ca-sulfate, mg-sulfate or k-sulfate /
رقم البحث : 11896389 Effect of some irrigation systems and nitrogen fertilizer on growth characters of some sugar cane varieties /
رقم البحث : 11903963 تبنى الريفيات لاستخدام الطعوم السامه فى مقاومة الفئران بالمنازل وعلاقته ببعض خصائصهن الشخصية فى قرية الابراهيمية البحرية بمحافظة دمياط /
Vol 34 no 2 - june 1996 - 01/06/1996
رقم البحث : 11895107 Influence of certain herbicides in controlling broadleaved and grassy weeds in wheat fields /
رقم البحث : 11895146 Effect of some intercropping treatments of soybean with sugar cane on growth, yield and quality of both components /
رقم البحث : 11895171 Combining ability, heterosis, correlation and multiple linear regression for yield and its contributing characters in some bread wheat genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11895194 Growing long duration winter crop in cotton rotation /
رقم البحث : 11895223 Use of nitrogen and potassium fertilization levels by maize grown under three plant densities for grain yield /
رقم البحث : 11894748 Response of maize productivity to the growth retardant “uniconazole” under high nitrogen fertilization and plant density /
رقم البحث : 11895249 Response of some maize genotypesto nitrogen fertilizers levels /
رقم البحث : 11896166 Improving oestrous expression of Egyptian buffalo using different analogous of prostaglandin /
رقم البحث : 11896175 Induction of ovulatory oestrus and fertility in acyclic Egyptian buffaloes using herbal and hormonal treatments /
رقم البحث : 11896186 Effect of solar radiation on body reactions and semen characteristics of young friesian bulls /
رقم البحث : 11896197 Effect of dietary protein source and time of change from starter to finisher diets on performance of two broiler breeds under intensive production /
رقم البحث : 11896211 Effect of benlate and vitavax thiram fungicides on the physicochemical composition of infected or uninfected sesame plants with the causal organism of root-rot disease /
رقم البحث : 11896228 Influence of wheat inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi, phosphate solubilizing bacteria and azospirillum on its growth and soil fertility /
رقم البحث : 11896238 Efficiency of some organic manures and biofertilization with azospirillum brasilense for wheat manuring /
رقم البحث : 11896251 Physicochemical studies for preparing quick-cooking rice by using gamma irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11894749 Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilization treatments on growth, yield and quality of some fodder beet varieties /
رقم البحث : 11896259 Evolution oil perforated polyethylene mulch on loamy sand soil under drip irrigated orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11896271 Effect of irrigation frequency and fertilization on pea growth, yield, yield components and total uptake of some macronutrients /
رقم البحث : 11896276 Micropropagation of some ornamental plants :
رقم البحث : 11896300 Micropropagation of some ornamental plants :
رقم البحث : 11896365 Effect of certain medicinal plant extracts on the mortality of meloidogyne incognita /
رقم البحث : 11896366 Susceptibility of certain winter crops to atrazine herbicide and detoxification by charcoal, organic manure and bioactive agents /
رقم البحث : 11896367 Responses of cahllosobruchus maculatus (F.) and callosbruchus chinensis (L.) Adults to some grain protectants /
رقم البحث : 11896368 Predators of aphis gosswypii glover in Qalyoubja governorate including first record of a coccinellid in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11896369 Pattern of mobility and distribution of some heavy metals in some soils environmental significance of this pattern /
رقم البحث : 11896370 دراسة لبعض المتغيرات ذات العلاقة بالوعى البيئى لدى الزراع بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11896371 الاحتياجات التدريبية للمرشدين الزراعيين فى تقليل الفاقد من محصول الفراولة بمحافظة القليوبية والقيم التبؤية لبعض المتغيرات المرتبطة بها /
رقم البحث : 11896372 دراسة عن العوامل المرتبطة بمعارف المرأة الريفية المتعلقة بمكافحة الفئران بالمنازل الريفية /
رقم البحث : 11895051 Effect of certain herbicides on controlling weeds in barley fields /
Vol 34 no 1 - Mar 1996 - 01/03/1996
رقم البحث : 11893336 Integrated weed management in maize /
رقم البحث : 11894090 Environmental effect on yield and quality of five plant associations of the north western coast of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11893338 Performance of flax under some agronomic practices /
رقم البحث : 11894091 Physical, chemical and biological evaluation of white cake containing fructose sugar and dried fig powder /
رقم البحث : 11894092 Effectiveness of some food additives and preservatives on the shelf-life extension of bardawil lagoon bouri during chilled-storage in fresh or sea water-ice /
رقم البحث : 11894093 Properties of cultured buffalo’s cream manufactured with different starter cultures /
رقم البحث : 11894094 Organochlorine, organophosphorus, and carbamate pesticide residues in milk and their persistence during milk processing /
رقم البحث : 11894095 Physico-chemical and sensory properties of spaghetti substituted with different levels of wheat bran /
رقم البحث : 11894097 Production of sweety and high quality protein spreads from untraditional sources /
رقم البحث : 11894098 Improving the shelf-life of yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11894099 Response of six tomato cultivars to root-knot nematode infection and metribuzin application /
رقم البحث : 11894100 Biological aspects of gymnoscelis pumilata huebner (lepidoptera, geometridae) /
رقم البحث : 11894101 Onion planting dates and chemical control mesurers in relation to thrips tabaci Lind. infestation levels and the onion yield /
رقم البحث : 11893340 Evaluation of some exotic lines and two local varieties of groundnut in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11893351 Azolla and chemical as well as manual weed control methods in two rice varieties /
رقم البحث : 11893352 Some ewe reproductive and lamb growth traits in rahmani, ossimi sheep and their crosses /
رقم البحث : 11893355 The nutritive value of hydrolyzed feather and poultry offal meals in broiler rations /
رقم البحث : 11893342 Evaluation of some different genotypes of sesame (sesamum indicum L.) /
رقم البحث : 11893357 The use of hydrolyzed feather and poultry offal meals in broiler rations /
رقم البحث : 11893359 Effects of intensive inbreeding on some reproductive traits in japanese quail /
رقم البحث : 11893360 Partial and complete replacement of fish meal by poultry by product and feather meal in diets of nile tilapia (oreochromis niloticus) /
رقم البحث : 11893363 Effect of some growth co-factors on the rooting process :
رقم البحث : 11893365 Effect of some growth co-factors on the rooting process :
رقم البحث : 11893366 Effect of microwafe treatment on the antinutritional factors and proteins of field beans /
رقم البحث : 11894106 Sorption-desorption reactions of zinc and copper by some newly reclaimed soils in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894105 Interaction between phosphorus and zinc with regard to their availability in soils and their contents in plant /
رقم البحث : 11893344 Salt tolerance of some sand dune plants /
رقم البحث : 11894107 دراسة تحليلية لمعارف وممارسات واتجاهات الزراع نحو أساليب ترشيد استخدام مياه الرى فى محافظة القليوبية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات /
رقم البحث : 11894108 أثر التدريب على المعرفة الإرشادية للعاملين بالمستوى الاشرافى الزراعى فى محافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 11894109 امكانية تحسين الموقف التصديرى للبصل المصرى فى ظل اتفاقيه الجات /
رقم البحث : 11894104 Field evaluation for agromyzid leafminers infestation to cantaloupe and cucumber plants in northern Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11894102 Survey and host range of the leafminers of family agromyzidae in northern Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11893345 Laboratory evaluation of peanut seed quality /
رقم البحث : 11893348 Effect of nitrogen fertilization and weed control in flax /
رقم البحث : 11893350 Soybean yield as affected by nitrogen levels, rhizobial inoculation and different tillage systems /
Vol 33 no 4 - Dec1995 - 01/12/1995
رقم البحث : 11892450 Economic impacts of agriculture-policy reforms on the use of fertilizer nutrients in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892451 Influence of Tillage weed control and phosphorus fertilizer treatments on sunflower productivity and soil properties /
رقم البحث : 11892452 Faba bean yield and soil properties as affected by various tillage practices and weed control management /
رقم البحث : 11892453 Evaluation of various degrees of soil tillage on wheat yield, associated weeds and some soil properties /
رقم البحث : 11892454 Studies on feeding larvae of (oreochromis niloticus) using artificial diets national institute of oceanography and fisheries, Cairo, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892456 Plasma testosterone level and histology of testes and epididymis of ossimi male lambs in relation to age /
رقم البحث : 11892457 Body weights and measurements of ossimi and rahmani ossimi crossbred lambs as affected by some factors /
رقم البحث : 11892458 Preliminary study on the effect of bull exposure in the postpartum reproductive characteristics of Egyptian buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11892459 Anatomy and histology of the reproductive organs of repeat breeder buffalo heifers /
رقم البحث : 11892460 Inhibitory effect of some fungal growth products on bean common mosaic virus infectivity and seed germination of BCMV-infected bean plants phaseolus vulgaris L. /
رقم البحث : 11892461 Biological control of chickpea root-rot caused by fusorium solani /
رقم البحث : 11892462 Sun / shade influence on drought resistance of some plants grown under desert conditions /
رقم البحث : 11892463 A numerical taxonomic study of the genus conyza L. (asteraceae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892464 Effect of fenvalerate on total protein, trypsin inhibitor and other biochemical contents of broad bean and cowpea seeds during storage /
رقم البحث : 11892485 Effect of fenitrothion insecticide on biochemical contents of broad bean and cowpea seeds during storage /
رقم البحث : 11892487 Retarding wheat bread staling by adding keltrol and SSL. /
رقم البحث : 11892488 Effect of adding alpha-amylase and alpha-amylase ssl*mixture for retarding wheat bread staling /
رقم البحث : 11892489 Evaluation of ”labneh” produced by a new semi-mechanical method /
رقم البحث : 11892493 Characteristics of polyphenol oxidase from some apple cultivars grown in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892511 Effect of nitrogen sources and vitamin B1 on growth and yield of pea plants /
رقم البحث : 11892515 Effect of foliar sprays with some micronutrients on Washington navel orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11892517 Effect of foliar sprays with some micronutrients on Washington navel orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11892499 Morphogenetic responses and isoperoxidase variation of shoots derived from seedling explants of lettuce (lactuca sativa, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11892625 Efficiency of a new designed trap in attracting medflies ceratitis capitata (wied.) (diptera : tephritidae) /
رقم البحث : 11892626 Effective particle-size distribution of soil carbonates as determined by steady-state and sedimentation procedures /
رقم البحث : 11892627 Controlled release of urea fertilizer by water in paraffin oil micro-emulsion using triethanolamine trioleate ester as emulsifier /
رقم البحث : 11892628 Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on nutrients availability in waterlogged soils :
رقم البحث : 11892629 دراسة اقتصادية لبعض العوامل المؤثرة على انتاج البيض فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11892507 Biochemical and root system response to nitrogen sources and vitamin B1 in pisum sativum /
رقم البحث : 11892624 Seasonal abundance of some pests attacking olives and their control under el-qasr conditions, matrouh governorate /
رقم البحث : 11892623 Relative susceptibility of different potato varieties to infestation with insect pests /
رقم البحث : 11892622 Relationship between spiny bollworm males attracted to pheromone traps and larval infestation in cotton bolls /
رقم البحث : 11892621 Changes in fatty acids and hydrocarbons composition as bioindicators in the radiosterilized adults of the khapra beetle, trogoderma granarium /
Vol 33 no 3 - sep1995 - 01/09/1995
رقم البحث : 11890936 Impact of structural adjustment programmes on the performance of agricultural sector in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892154 Effect of different salens solutions on seed germenation, growth and chemical composition of zea mays(cv.) Giza 2 /
رقم البحث : 11892158 Response of sunflower plant to some growth regulators and different levels of Nitrogen fertilizer under sand soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11892630 Effect of ridge width, Potash fertilization and Zinc foliar application on yield and quantity of cotton cv. Mubarak /
رقم البحث : 11892897 Yield development and potentiality of Wheat in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892929 Screening lentil germplasm foradaptation to irrigation under field conditions /
رقم البحث : 11893901 Determination of weight losses of wheat stored in shounas of the principal bank of development and agricultural credit in various governorates in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11893889 Effect of different methods and dates of grafting on vegetative growth of Avocado seedlings Cv. Fuerte /
رقم البحث : 11893878 Characters of four American almond cultivars grown under Kalyubia conditions /
رقم البحث : 11893849 Effect of promalin on retained fruits and fruit quality of costata persimmon /
رقم البحث : 11893816 Utilization of sugar beet in extrusion products /
رقم البحث : 11893787 The feasibility of formalin detection in Yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11893770 Properties of yoghurt – like product (proghurt) manufactured by using propionibacteria and youghurt starter /
رقم البحث : 11893346 Effect of salting method on the Bulgarian white cheese quality /
رقم البحث : 11893339 Effect of dietary rapeseed oil on liver, kidney function and fertility in the rats /
رقم البحث : 11893335 The Mutualeffect of sulphur and Magnesium under Zinc application on maize at south Tahreer province /
رقم البحث : 11893320 Response of Corn to different irrigation systems in newly reclaimed soil /
رقم البحث : 11893107 A study on the effect of biological fertilization, Nitrogen rates and weed control on yield and its components of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11893314 Effect of Nitrogen and Copper fertilization on yield and quality of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11893300 Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer levels and weed control treatments on barley yield and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11893156 Response of Faba Bean to Phosphorus fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11893276 Effect of some post-emergence herbicides application on Wheat and weeds /
Vol 33 no 2 - Jun1995 - 01/06/1995
رقم البحث : 11910241 The influence of interaction between weed control methods and n fertilization levels on maize (zea mays l.) /
رقم البحث : 11910242 Growth and forage yield of italian rye grass as affected by different sources and rates of nitrogen fertilizer under calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11910243 Influence of salinity on chemical composition of some alfalfa cultivars (medicago sativa l.) /
رقم البحث : 11910244 Fodder sorghum yield and its components as affected by nitrogen and organic manure fertilization rates under siwa oasis conditions /
رقم البحث : 11910245 Chemical content of fodder sorghum plants as influenced by nitrogen and organic manure fertilizers under siwa oasis conditions /
رقم البحث : 11910288 Studies on some factors affecting seed and fibre properties of transplanted cotton /
رقم البحث : 11910293 Interacting effects of salinity and growth regulators on some chemical composition of wheat plants /
رقم البحث : 11910300 Accuracy of bimonthly and trimonthly milk recording systems for dairy cattle in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11910309 Aspirin induces resistance to powdery mildew in squash plants /
رقم البحث : 11910318 Effect of chemical control on the survival of erwinia amylovora and pseudomonas syringae in infected pears and the appearance of streptomycin resistant isolates /
رقم البحث : 11910331 Effect of some growth regulators on yield and yield components of wheat grown under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 11910379 Estimation of camel bones for obtaining fat /
رقم البحث : 11910424 Production of non-hygroscopic tomato powder /
رقم البحث : 11910444 Biological evaluation of whey kareish and ricotta cheeses /
رقم البحث : 11910461 Production of fortified pan bread and macaroni using edible legume flours /
رقم البحث : 11910484 Phenolic constituents of zygophyllum dumosum, boiss /
رقم البحث : 11910491 Seed germination of nigella sativa l. /
رقم البحث : 11910507 Response of two eggplant cultivars to nitrogen and potassium fertilization rates /
رقم البحث : 11910537 Development of resistance to phosphine, carbon dioxide and their mixture in two mite species infesting stored products /
رقم البحث : 11910587 Selection of the cowpea beetle callosobruchus maculatus (fab.) For resistance to phosphine, carbon dioxide and their mixture in the laboratory and biological observations on the resistant strains /
رقم البحث : 11910625 Application of tick decoys technology to control of hyalomma dromedarii (acari : ixodidae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11910246 Response of fodder sorghum growth to nitrogen and organic manure fertilizers under siwa oasis conditions /
رقم البحث : 11910705 دراسة تحليلية لإنتاج واستهلاك الزيوت النباتية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11894141 Consumption in functions and expenditure pattern of food in egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894181 Effect of planting date, n and p application levels on growth characters of giza 80 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11894199 Effect of planting date, n and p application levels on seed index, lint percentage and technological characters of giza 80 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11894203 Effect of planting date, n and p application levels on the yield of giza 80 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11894630 Growth and yield of maize (zen mars l.) as affected by nitrogen source and time of application /
رقم البحث : 11894659 Effect of nitrification inhibitor (nitrapyrin) and nitrogen level on growth and yield of maize /
رقم البحث : 11894664 Maize growth, yield and yield components as related to some agricultural practices /
رقم البحث : 11898123 Stepwies regression and response curve analysis for important yield factors in maize /
رقم البحث : 11898125 A factor analysis of plant variables related to seed yield in flax /
رقم البحث : 11898128 Statistical studies of some economic characters in certain soybean varieties /
رقم البحث : 11898130 Inhibitory action of nv’ and cd2+ on oil production and photosynthetic activity in maize ( zea mays l ) seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11898136 Effect of planting method, microsperma genotypes and their association with seedling disease on chickpea stand and yield /
رقم البحث : 11910606 Effect of addition of melia azedarach fruit dust to the diet on the populations of sitophilus oryzae (l) and tribolium castaneum (herbst.) /
Vol 33 no 1 - Mar1995 - 01/03/1995
رقم البحث : 11894113 Effect of intercropping safflower with fenugreek on Growth, yield and yield components of safflower(carthaungs tinctorias l.)/
رقم البحث : 11894114 evaluation of eighteen varieties clover /
رقم البحث : 11894134 tile performance of flax varietal characters contributing to straw and/or seed yield production /
رقم البحث : 11894136 Forage productivity of mono and mixed culture of Buffel grass and alfalfa under calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11894138 Live performance and carcass characteristics of najdi, naeimi, sackne and australian sheep breed-groups /
رقم البحث : 11893394 Prediction of optimum population density and row Spacing for cotton in different regions of egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894142 Inclusion of dehydrated broiler litter
In friesland calves diets :
رقم البحث : 11894144 Correlation coefficient between milk yield and either composition or some blood parameters in friesian x balady crossed cows /
رقم البحث : 11894153 Inclusion of dehydrated broiler litter in friesian calves diets :
رقم البحث : 11894189 Bacterial blight disease of pear is affected by Previous autumn infection and blooming date /
رقم البحث : 11894206 Induced resistance in squash plants against powdery mildew by cobalt and phosphate sprays /
رقم البحث : 11894284 Biochemical changes in grains of three wheat Cultivars stored after infestation by Some seed-borne fungi /
رقم البحث : 11894693 Isolation and culturing of spiroplasma citrt from stubborn affected lime trees in tile west ern region of saudi arabia /
رقم البحث : 11895594 Production of domiati - cheese utilizing uf retentate of salted whey and uf skim milk retentate /
رقم البحث : 11893413 Modeling the effect of sowing dates on egyptian Cotton /
رقم البحث : 11896395 Quality of absorbed oils and sensory characteristics of potato chips fried in cottonseed oil and palm olein during storage /
رقم البحث : 11896388 Quality evaluation of cottonseed oil and palm olein during intermittent frying of potato chips/
رقم البحث : 11896400 Irradiated and stored potato flour as substitute for Portion of wheat flour in shamy bread /
رقم البحث : 11897119 Effect of salting method on properties of ras cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered milk /
رقم البحث : 11897113 New ice cream chocolate product from sweet potato /
رقم البحث : 11897130 Functional characteristics of safflower seed protein Products /
رقم البحث : 11897645 Functional properties of some plant protein isolates and its utilization in ice-cream making /
رقم البحث : 11897647 Stability and viability of saccharomyces upon different subculturing techniques /
رقم البحث : 11897711 Effect of different levels of salinity on the growth,yield and volatile oil constituents of coriander (coriandrum sativum l.) plants /
رقم البحث : 11893415 Leaf characters and seed constituents of some Sunflower (jiei,.ianthus annuus, 1.) Varieties as Influenced by salinity /
رقم البحث : 11897780 Inheritance of colour in sweet pepper /
رقم البحث : 11897785 Effect of plant density as well as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer rate on growth, green pods and dry seed yield and quality of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11897863 Evaluation of the toxic effect of chinaberry (melia azedarach) on sitophilus oryzae /
رقم البحث : 11897964 determination of certain organochlorine and organosphorus pesticide residues in home produced tomatoes and cucumbers used for consumption in two egyptian governorates /
رقم البحث : 11897997 the effect of sulphur application and irrigation water salinity on nitrification and salt tolerance
of wheat plant /
رقم البحث : 11898029 دراسة تحليلية للمنتجات الحيوانية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11898088 التصنيف الاغلالى للاراضى وعلاقته بالتصنيف الفيزيقى وأثر ذلك على الدخل الزراعى /
رقم البحث : 11894112 Growth and yield of fenugreek(trigonella foenism groecarn 1.) As affected by intercropping wit!! Safflower plant(arthanuss tinctorin.l.)
Vol 32 no 4 - Dec 1994 - 01/12/1994
رقم البحث : 11891422 Evaluation of some long staple cotton genotypes for genotypic stability through a breeding program /
رقم البحث : 11891431 Fiber productivity with relation to leaf mineral status of specific agave species /
رقم البحث : 11891433 Alteration of A. B. subtilis sigma F. dependent gene in B. megaterium and its effect on the sporulation /
رقم البحث : 11891435 Control seed dormancy of opuntia ficus - indica /
رقم البحث : 11891439 Attenuation of TMV-infectivity and the biochemical genetic responses on tobacco plants as affected by acetylsalicylic acid /
رقم البحث : 11891444 Interaction between tobacco mosaic virus and powdery mildew in tobacco cultivar “Xanthi nc.” /
رقم البحث : 11891448 Manufacture of Ras cheese by direct acidification without starter /
رقم البحث : 11892161 Properties of pastrami manufactured from pre- aged and non pre-aged beef meat /
رقم البحث : 11892162 Processing of mechanically damaged bouri roes by canning /
رقم البحث : 11892163 Effect of using different emulsifiers, gelatin and carboxymethyl cellulose on the quality of ice cream /
رقم البحث : 11892164 Comparative study on the use of recombinant chymosin and calf rennet in the manufacture of Ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 11891423 Isolation and culture of plant protoplasts :
رقم البحث : 11892166 The use of recombinant chymosin in the manufacture of ultrafiltered Ras cheese /
رقم البحث : 11892167 Comparison study on rheological properties and baking quality of some Egyptian wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 11892168 The fatty acids composition and the chemical characteristics of some umbelliferae spices /
رقم البحث : 11892170 Some factors affecting the washing process to produce a good minced fish from mackerel (trachurus sp.) /
رقم البحث : 11892171 Production of lignin peroxidase from date seeds /
رقم البحث : 11892172 The antibacterial effect of garlic on some foodborne bacterial strains /
رقم البحث : 11892174 Response of mango trees to potassium fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11892175 Effect of soil moisture levels on evapotranspiration and the productivity of roselle plant /
رقم البحث : 11892183 Effect of carbamate, urea and cyanamide on thinning anna apple blossoms under arid conditions in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11891424 Effect of organic manuring on sugar beet at various growth rates in calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11892184 Effect of irrigation intervals and plant distances on the growth and seed yield of broad bean plants /
رقم البحث : 11892185 Effect of open and cross pollination on fruit set and fruit quality of anna apple /
رقم البحث : 11892186 Evaluation of four plant oils against newly hatched larvae of the cotton bollworms; pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) and earias insulana (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera : noctuidae) /
رقم البحث : 11892187 Studies on the molluscicidal activity of some plants of family araliaceae /
رقم البحث : 11892188 تحليل اقتصادى لدوال انتاج القمح بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11892189 دراسة تحليلية للدوال الانتاجية للأرز فى محافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11892190 تقييم اقتصادى وفنى لانتاج البلطى فى اقفاص عائمة بنهر النيل فى محافظة دمياط /
رقم البحث : 11892198 Determination of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in home-produced wheat during its transport from shounas to mills /
رقم البحث : 11892199 Molluscicidal properties of some plants /
رقم البحث : 11891425 Response of thirteen alfalfa cultivars to sodium chloride concentrations in irrigation water under greenhouse conditions /
رقم البحث : 11892209 Organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues in home-produced potatoes used for consumption in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892210 Studies on water-hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) grown in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892212 Differences in susceptibility of six cucumber cultivars to infestation by aphis gossypii glov., tetranychus urticae and bemisia tabaci as correlated to protein and amino acid contents of leaves /
رقم البحث : 11892214 Possible immunosuppressive effect of eimeria greniere infected guinea fowl the effect on vaccination with new castle disease virus K strain /
رقم البحث : 11892215 The effect of PGF2cx and/or L-tyrosjne on the puerperium in buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11892216 Effect of β-receptor blocker carazolol on the dropping and retention of placenta in she camel (C. dromedarius) /
رقم البحث : 11892213 Toxic effect of chinaberry tree melia azedurach, meliaceae on (rhizopertha dominica F.) /
رقم البحث : 11891426 The relative efficiency of different designs from optimum plot size and plots for evaluating soybean yield /
رقم البحث : 11892211 Laboratory study on effect of chinaberry tree fruits (Melia azedurach) on the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)) /
رقم البحث : 11892208 Effect of chinaberry tree (melia azedarach) fruits against the cowpea beetle (callosobruchus maculatus F.) /
رقم البحث : 11892207 Effect of parasitism by zele nigricornis (Walk.) on the larval hemolymph of spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 11891427 Performance of growing L, MBS and buffalo calves given flavomycin as a feed supplement /
رقم البحث : 11891428 In vitro oocytes maturation, fertilization and cleavage in Egyptian buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11891429 Effect of seed dressing with some fungicides and some agricultural practices on controlling broad bean root diseases caused by R. solani /
رقم البحث : 11891430 Manganese translocation system and its role on early stages of barley (hordeum vulgare L.) growth /
Vol 32 no 3 - Sep 1994 - 01/09/1994
رقم البحث : 11899705 Distribution and survival of Azospirillum brasilense in calcareous soils cultivated with sweet sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11899713 Relationship between environmental pollution and incidence of repeat breeder in buffalo-cows /
رقم البحث : 11899725 تحليل اقتصادى للفجوة الغذائية القمحية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11899732 دراسة تحليلية للعلاقات الانتاجية الاستهلاكية لأهم المحاصيل القولية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11899738 الاحتياجات المعرفية الارشادية للزراع الحائزين للجرار الزراعى بمحافظة القليوبية والقيم التنبؤية لبعض المتغيرات المرتبطة بها /
رقم البحث : 11899698 Effect of some foliar fertilizers, pesticides and their mixtures on white fly bemisia tabaci (Genn.) And their side effects on tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 11897375 Association and path coefficient analysis of some traits in bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 11897338 Productivity of groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) as affected by different population and nitrogen levels /
رقم البحث : 11897135 Correlation and path analysis for yield attributes in f2 and f3 segregating populations of five wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11897143 Analysis of yield variation in lentil (lens culinaris medik) /
رقم البحث : 11897160 Heritability estimates and selection for high- yielding and early-heading recombinants in segregating generations of five wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11897176 Genetic variability and heritability for agronomic traits in segregating populations of lentil (lens culinaris medik) /
رقم البحث : 11897194 Effect of weed control and rates of I.A.A. on productivity of faba bean and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11897208 Productivity of faba bean as influenced by weed control methods and plant densities /
رقم البحث : 11897224 Prediction equations for estimating yield of triticale based on some macro climatic and micro environmental factors /
رقم البحث : 11897236 Correlation and path analysis of some yield attributes in rice varieties /
رقم البحث : 11897263 Heterotic performance and combining ability in factorial crosses of bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 11897281 Relative importance of gene effects in the inheritance of grain yield and its contributing traits in bread wheat /
رقم البحث : 11897396 Studies on some factors affecting yield and yield components of transplanted cotton /
رقم البحث : 11897499 Possibility of paper making from sweet sorghum bagasse /
رقم البحث : 11897524 Nitrogen use efficiency of some maize genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11897530 Differential growth and yield response of some maize genotypes to nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11897538 Intercropping of sweet sorghum and sesame with different nitrogen fertilizer level :
رقم البحث : 11897544 Intercropping of sweet sorghum and sesame with different nitrogen fertilizer level :
رقم البحث : 11897555 Sugar beet response to city carbage compost and mineral fertilizer application /
رقم البحث : 11897563 Relative efficiency of multiple linear regression and experimental designs for evaluating the characteristics of corn yield /
رقم البحث : 11897658 Wheat lodging and growth characters as affected by some agricultural practices /
رقم البحث : 11897659 Yield and its components of wheat as affected by some agricultural practices /
رقم البحث : 11897661 Response of barley to IAA-presoaking grain treatment and nitrogen fertilization under Wadi-sudr conditions at south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11897663 Effect of some micronutrient and methods of their application on growth, yield and mineral composition of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11897666 Effect of micronutrients on growth, physiology, yields and chemical composition of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) /
رقم البحث : 11897668 Effect of alar-85 and cycocel on the morphology, physiology, yield and chemical composition of fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L.) /
رقم البحث : 11897670 Factors affecting body weight of heifers and milk traits of Russian black pied cows /
رقم البحث : 11897673 Amino acid requirements and composition of tilapia mossambicus (oreochromis mossambicus) /
رقم البحث : 11897674 Carcass traits and non-carcass components weight of ossimi and crossbred lambs in relation to pre-slaughter weight /
رقم البحث : 11897679 Studies on some productive traits in sheep :
رقم البحث : 11897680 Age at calving, days open and lactation length correction factors for total milk yield and repeatability estimates of some productive and reproductive traits in Egyptian buffaloes raised under desert conditions /
رقم البحث : 11897681 Effect of Cocci-Nel and lomoton dietary supplementation as herbal growth promoters on productive performance in broilers /
رقم البحث : 11897682 Pathological study on sunflower plant, chemical and biological control and seeds oil content /
رقم البحث : 11897747 The effect of germination on carbohydrate contents, trypsin inhibitors and protein digestibility (in vitro) of some local varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds /
رقم البحث : 11897748 Evaluation of some agricultural wastes as unconventional sources for oil production /
رقم البحث : 11897749 Protein content and amino acid analysis of the desert truffles /
رقم البحث : 11897750 Influence of gamma-irradiation on some organic acids in potatoes /
رقم البحث : 11897751 Hydrogen sulfide and related freshness parameters indexes for quality of frozen stored meat, fish and poultries /
رقم البحث : 11897886 Production of beef patties with tomato seeds and soybean meals /
رقم البحث : 11897899 Nutritional value of husk tomato seeds /
رقم البحث : 11897908 Evaluation of the nutritive values of whey, kareish and ricotta cheeses /
رقم البحث : 11897917 Evaluation of guar and leucaena gum preparations in the manufacture of yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 11897938 Molecular identification as expressed in peroxidase polymorphism of stone fruit rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 11897950 Response of pomegranate ( Punka granatum L.) Transplants to different soil moisture stress and growth retardant-cycocel (CCC) treatments /
رقم البحث : 11897959 Propagation of MM 106 apple rootstock by stool layering /
رقم البحث : 11899685 Branch induction of ”le conte” pear and ”orleans” apple trees by application of some growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11899691 Differences in gross structure of the main stem of some stone fruit stocks /
Vol 32 no 2 - Jun 1994 - 01/06/1994
رقم البحث : 11888274 Variety x environment interactions of cotton trials in north delta and upper Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11888275 Weed control in irrigated wheat field in Taiz area /
رقم البحث : 11888276 Weed control in wheat (triticum aestivum) grown under rain fed condition at IBB area /
رقم البحث : 11888279 Effect of five fungicides on rust (uromyces fabe) of broad beans (vicia faba) /
رقم البحث : 11888280 Effect of soil and foliar application of nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of wheat (T. aestivum L.) /
رقم البحث : 11888281 Effect of nitrogen and fertilizer and application fungicides on chocolate spot, rust diseases, yield, yield component of field bean under calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11888282 Effect of population density on yield of peanut arachis hypogaea L. /
رقم البحث : 11888284 Relative efficiency of incomplete block designs from optimum plot size and basic units for evaluating yield trials in wheat /
رقم البحث : 11888285 Effect of foliar application with urea on yield and yield components of cotton /
رقم البحث : 11888286 Intercropping sweet sorghum with sunflower :
رقم البحث : 11888287 Intercropping sweet sorghum with sunflower :
رقم البحث : 11888288 Possible effect of hydroxyquinoline as antitranspirant on water use efficiency of sweet sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11888289 Performance of some F5 segregation derived from four lentil crosses /
رقم البحث : 11888291 Induced variation in M2 generation of two rice varieties by gamma radiation /
رقم البحث : 11888292 Factors affecting the performance of Egyptian buffalo /
رقم البحث : 11888293 Effect of protein levels on excretion, retention and efficiency of nitrogen in red tilapia (oreochromis sp.) /
رقم البحث : 11888294 Superiority of domiati cattle graded by friesian and shorthorn /
رقم البحث : 11888295 Anatomical studies on vicia faba and lycopersicon esulentum mill to combined treatment with glyphosate and l-phenylalanine /
رقم البحث : 11888296 Effect of morphactin CF125 on the anatomical structure of vicia faba L. /
رقم البحث : 11888297 Growth and yield of maize plants as affected by bacterization with diazotrophs and supplementation with half the dose of n-fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11888364 Susceptibility of some wheat cultivars to alternaria triticina and the biochemical changes associated with infection /
رقم البحث : 11888384 The effect of school iodine-supplemented nutrition program on patterns of urinary iodine excretions growth and other biochemical parameters among Egyptian school children from the oasis /
رقم البحث : 11888425 Rheological properties of mayonnaise as affected by different oils /
رقم البحث : 11888472 Comparative effects of gamma and microwave radiation on the quality of black pepper /
رقم البحث : 11888515 Effectiveness of fruit bagging on yield and fruit quality of pomegranate (punica granatum, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11888572 Seedling emergence of citrullus colocynthis (L.) schrad as affected by some growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11888730 Effect of different planting substrates and dates on rooting potential of ficus infectoria cuttings /
رقم البحث : 11888778 Factors affecting foraging activity of microtermes yemenensis (isoptera : termitidae) /
رقم البحث : 11888856 Effectiveness of some plant products as faba-bean protectants against cowpea beetle, callosobruchus maculatus f. (coleoptera : bruchidae) /
رقم البحث : 11888912 Effect of carbon dioxide on the different stages of callosobruchus chinensjs (L.) and sitophilus granarius (L.) /
رقم البحث : 11889341 Toxic effect of neemazal-f (EC 5% azadirachtin) on cowpea weevils (callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and callosobruchus chinensis (L.) /
رقم البحث : 11889354 Efficacy of some plant wastes as soil amendments against meloidogyne incognita on sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11889367 Influence of preceding crops on population densities of heterodera zeae on corn /
رقم البحث : 11889390 Natural botanical extracts as repellents for the house sparrow, passer domesticus :
رقم البحث : 11889397 Natural botanical extracts as repellents for the house sparrow, passer domesticus :
رقم البحث : 11889486 استخدام الزراع لبعض المستحدثات الآلية الزراعية :
رقم البحث : 11889481 دراسة لمستوى الوعى البيئى لدى المرشدين الزراعيين بمحافظة القليوبية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات /
رقم البحث : 11889488 دراسة عن تنفيذ الريفيين لبعض الممارسات المزرعية الارشادية المستحدثة /
رقم البحث : 11889484 دراسة تحليلية لتقييم اداء المرشدين الزراعيين بمحافظة القليوبية /
Vol 32 no 1 - Mar 1994 - 01/03/1994
رقم البحث : 11977499 Stability parameters for grain yield of some maize genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11977513 Estimation of general and specific combining ability in maize under two different planting dates /
رقم البحث : 11977532 Genetic study on some top crosses in maize under two environments /
رقم البحث : 11977871 Comparative study on Egyptian wheat cultivars and their response to high temperatures /
رقم البحث : 11977876 Nutrient balance and interaction between Fe. Mn. Zn or Cu micronutrients and (n + p) macronutrients on forage sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11977880 Production of whole plant from plant cell through anther culture technique of rice under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11977886 Effect of intercropping forage sorghum and cotton on forage yield of sorghum and yield, yield components and fiber properties of giza 75. Cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11977892 Influence of wheat grains maturity at harvest on long term storability :
رقم البحث : 11977904 Performance and combining ability in diallel crosses of maize /
رقم البحث : 11977935 General and specific combining ability interactions with year in maize /
رقم البحث : 11976088 Effect of nitrogen and potassium on wheat yield under Wadi Sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 11978573 Productive and metabolic responses to force feeding to improve meat quality of pekin ducks of different ages and sex /
رقم البحث : 11978584 The rate of calcium and phosphorus absorption (in vivo) as affected by thyroid hormones in some local and foreign breeds of chickens /
رقم البحث : 11979228 Inclusion of animal manure silage in coats ration :
رقم البحث : 11979237 Effect of seed dressing and foliar spraying fungicides on severity of root rot and chocolate spot of broad bean under field conditions /
رقم البحث : 11979256 Fatty acid composition of soybean and sunflower oils as affected by some antioxidants during continuous heating and frying /
رقم البحث : 11980657 Manufacture of low fat low salt dietetic soft cheese using different lactic acid bacterial cultures /
رقم البحث : 11980660 Evaluation of certain oils for cake and mayonnaise making /
رقم البحث : 11980664 Changes in the properties of absorbed oil during deep fat frying of potato chips /
رقم البحث : 11980667 Prolongation of yoghurt shelf life using some preservatives /
رقم البحث : 11975903 Flower production and yield of groundnut under various concentrations of organic manure and water amounts /
رقم البحث : 11980669 Some nutrients affecting sweet cheese whey fermentation for lactic acid production /
رقم البحث : 11980679 Some nutrients affecting beet molasses fermentation for lactic acid production /
رقم البحث : 11980707 The production of low protein bread by using starch and pectin /
رقم البحث : 11981455 Electrophoretic patterns of cow’s and buffalo’s milk, yoghurt and domiati cheese proteins as affected by the preservation of milk with lp-system and hydrogen peroxide /
رقم البحث : 11981463 Studies on endogenous natural compounds in ficus retusa l tree /
رقم البحث : 11981477 Improvement of fruit set and productivity of tomato under plastic tunnels at north Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11981485 Shoot growth, leaf mineral contents, yield and fruit quality of banaty grapevines as affected by natural infection with pierces’s disease, with special references to production of disease free transplants /
رقم البحث : 11981540 Studies on viola odorata l. :
رقم البحث : 11981540 Studies on viola odorata l. :
رقم البحث : 11977353 Irrigation cycles in relation to yield and water relation for wheat /
رقم البحث : 11981572 Effect of pollen storage and receptivity of female flowers on fruiting and fruit quality of zaghloul dates /
رقم البحث : 11981967 Studies on viola odorata l. :
رقم البحث : 11982001 A comparative study for some cantaloupe hybrids in winter season under north sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 11982014 Physiological studies on cupressus sempervirens seedlings :
رقم البحث : 11985182 Physiological studies on cupressus sempervirens l seedlings :
رقم البحث : 11985187 Studies on the chromosomal behaviour and pollen grains viability of some sweet and sour orange cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11990006 Screening of some local and exotic wheat genotypes for aphid infestation and some plant characters in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11990037 The toxic effect of certain phytocompounds and biological preparations against the adult females of the house fly musca domestica l. /
رقم البحث : 11977389 Comparative studies between the promising families of some Egyptian extra-long staple cotton crosses, and some commercial cultivars grown at different locations :
رقم البحث : 11991209 Redescription of the female of holaspina solimani (metwali) with notes on the male (acari : parholaespididae) /
رقم البحث : 11991215 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on wheat aphids infestation, bioenemies and grain production /
رقم البحث : 11991293 Relationship between some physical and phytochemical properties of host leaves and the rate of infestation with bemisia tabaci (genn.) /
رقم البحث : 11991611 Infestation rates with bemisia tabaci (genn.) to different summer and winter vegetable crop plants /
رقم البحث : 11991730 Effect of two chemical pesticides in preventing damage caused by the hooded crow corvus corone surdonius to corn fields in upper Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11991755 Bird-nets :
رقم البحث : 11992624 Relationship between certain weather factors and bemisia tabaci populations on different host plants /
رقم البحث : 11992720 Effect of dipole moment on toxicity of some sulfonylurea derivatives against wheat /
رقم البحث : 11977419 Estimates of genetic variance for main spike characteristics in some wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11992773 Behaviour of phosphorus in waterlogged soils /
رقم البحث : 11992781 Inoculation and molybdenum spray effects on lupin and soybean in calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11992932 Comparative study of application techniques of mn, zn, and cu, as soil application or foliar spray, or seed- soaking to maize on a sand soil /
رقم البحث : 11992939 الاحتياجات المعرفية الارشادية لزراع الفراولة بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11992950 دراسة تحليلية للطرق الارشادية التى يفضلها زراع الموز بمحافظة القليوبية وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات /
رقم البحث : 11992962 دراسة لبعض المتغيرات ذات العلاقة بقيادة الرأى لدى زراع الخضر بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11977438 Combining ability over sowing dates for main spike characteristics in wheat /
رقم البحث : 11977451 Response of two triticale varieties to sowing dates and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11977463 Genetic analysis of diallel crosses in maize (zea mays, l.) over two years /
Vol 31 no 3 - sep 1993 - 01/09/1993
رقم البحث : 11889521 Effect of dropp and insecticidal treatments on yield and fiber properties of Giza 70 and mcnair 220 cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 11889527 Response of sunflower yield to nitrogen application rates under different methods of micronutrients application on sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11889662 Effect of mixture rate and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield and protein content of Egyptian clover-ryegrass mixture /
رقم البحث : 11889694 Response of sorghum to foliar application of micronutrients under conditions of Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11889698 Effect of water deficit and spraying with mepiquat chloride on yield and fibre properties of cotton (G. Barbadense) /
رقم البحث : 11889510 Evaluating the stability of some sugar cane varieties under different water table depths /
رقم البحث : 11890476 The effect of fat on the retention of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in laying hens /
رقم البحث : 11890486 Amino acid requirements and compositions of red tilapia (oreochromis sp) /
رقم البحث : 11890525 Algal vegetation along the eastern Egyptian mediterranean coast /
رقم البحث : 11890536 Foliar application of IAA and kinetin as well as interaction effects on growth, yield and some biochemical composition of guar plant under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 11890591 Studies on essential oil and some extracts of senecio desfontainei druce and their insecticidal activity against the cotton leaf worm spodoptera littoralis (boisd) /
رقم البحث : 11890625 Utilization of goats’ milk in blue-veined cheese making /
رقم البحث : 11890640 Rheological properties of salted milk coagulum :
رقم البحث : 11890705 Comparative study on the effect of garlic and onion oils on fat metabolism of high fat-high cholesterol fed rats /
رقم البحث : 11892647 Lactoperoxidase in camel milk and its effect on listeria monocytogenes /
رقم البحث : 11892648 The response of cauliflower plants CV. Snowball /
رقم البحث : 11889511 Response of the new cotton variety Giza 84 to different hill spacings and nitrogen levels /
رقم البحث : 11892649 Evaluation of some navel orange varieties grown in newly reclaimed lands under drip irrigation system /
رقم البحث : 11892650 Comparative study on pineapple and baladi orange varieties grown in newly reclaimed lands under drip irrigation /
رقم البحث : 11892651 Effect of pomeroy trifoliate orange as a dware rootstock compared to sour orange rootstock on growth, yield and fruit quality of parent navel orange /
رقم البحث : 11892859 Effect of plant spacing on the growth, flowering and chemical composition of marigold plants (tagetes spp.) /
رقم البحث : 11892964 Studies on some intervarietal crosses and hybrid vigor in pepper :
رقم البحث : 11893399 Studies on some intervarietai crosses and hybrid vigor in pepper :
رقم البحث : 11893403 Response of growth, oil percentage and oil constituents of rosmarinus officinalis l. To application of some growth substances /
رقم البحث : 11893409 Productivity, quality and storage ability of four onion cultivars grown under U.A.E. conditions /
رقم البحث : 11893423 Effect of irrigation, nitrogen sources and levels on strelitzia reginae ait (bird of paradise) :
رقم البحث : 11893424 Response of rangpur lime seedlings to foliar sprays with gibberellin and some mineral elements /
رقم البحث : 11889514 Mineral status of wheat grains as affected by phosphorus and potassium fertilization under different water regimes /
رقم البحث : 11893426 Effect of irrigation, nitrogen sources and levels on streltzia reginae ait (bird of paradise) :
رقم البحث : 11893429 Tolerance of aphis gossypii (GLOV.) to some chemicals including insecticides, detergents and oils /
رقم البحث : 11893430 Selective toxicity of certain insecticides against the different stages of the potato tuber worm, phthorimaea operculella (zeller) (lepidoptera : gelechiidae) /
رقم البحث : 11893433 Effect of some plant oils and actellic on infestation build up of callosobruchus maculatus (F.), COL. bruchidae on pea seeds /
رقم البحث : 11893436 Effects of a bioinsecticide of bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki on spodopetra littoralis (BOISD) /
رقم البحث : 11893440 الاحتياجات المعرفية الارشادية لزراع محصول الطماطم بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11893442 دراسة تحليلية للعوامل المؤثرة على انتاج بنجر السكر فى محافظة كفر الشيخ /
رقم البحث : 11893445 دراسة تحليلية لبعض المتغيرات المؤثرة على استخدام زراع المحاصيل الحقلية للمكينة الزراعية بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11889519 Physiological and yield responses of faba bean subjected to drought and insecticides controlling aphid infestation /
Vol 31 no 2 - Jun 1993 - 01/06/1993
رقم البحث : 11890468 An agricultural economic and statistical study of the new varieties of wheat in A.R.E /
رقم البحث : 11890520 Evaluation of the promising extra-long staple Egyptian cotton hybrids crown in different locations in 1991 season :
رقم البحث : 11890546 Breeding behavior of some characters in lines derived from an Egyptian cotton hybrid :
رقم البحث : 11890613 Breeding behaviour of some characters in lines derived from an Egyptian cotton hybrid :
رقم البحث : 11890662 Yield correlations in sunflower (helianthus annuus, l) /
رقم البحث : 11890859 Response of safflower yield to plant density and nitrogen level /
رقم البحث : 11890892 Effect of water stress on some safflower varieties /
رقم البحث : 11891223 Relationship between cotton fibers soluble sugar content and its physical and mechanical properties /
رقم البحث : 11892812 Effect of soil moisture and some fertilizer treatments on grain yield and protein content of some wheat varieties /
رقم البحث : 11892839 The biological yield and harvest index of some wheat varieties growth under different moisture regims and fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11892939 Evaluation and correlation studies in some introduced soybean cultivars under the Egyptian environmental conditions /
رقم البحث : 11893038 Importance of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on safflower /
رقم البحث : 11893464 Mineral concentrations in wool fibres and blood plasma of ossimi ewes during different reproductive phases /
رقم البحث : 11893503 Some physiological aspects of ossimi and ossimi crossbred lambs as affected bysurgical castration and ethinylestradiol implantation :
رقم البحث : 11893550 Testicular and epididymal sperm reserves in rhode island red, fayoumi and dandarawi cocks treated with eltroxin and carbimazole /
رقم البحث : 11893591 Semen quality, testosterone concentration and some body measurements in rams of different breeds /
رقم البحث : 11893622 Days-open adjustment factors and genetic evaluation for lactation traits in Egyptian buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11893688 Essential oils composition of wild growing juniperus phoenicea and salvia triloba and their antimicrobial and aflatoxigenic effect /
رقم البحث : 11893780 Long term preservation of dairy lactic acid cultures using honey as cryoprotective agent /
رقم البحث : 11893798 The antimicrobial effects of some essential oils on the growth of some microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11894373 Effect of slaughter age on physical, chemical and organoleptic properties of merino wether carcasses /
رقم البحث : 11894398 Effect of dehulling and germination on the chemical and functional characteristics of some legumes /
رقم البحث : 11894404 Physical and organoleptic studies of commercially available broiler carcasses in Riyadh /
رقم البحث : 11894413 Genetically engineered yeast acquired amylase gene from aspergilus niger /
رقم البحث : 11894441 Lysogeny among enterotaxin B producing staphylococci /
رقم البحث : 11894459 Effect of microwafe cooking on some meat properties /
رقم البحث : 11894473 Effect of microwaves on cream /
رقم البحث : 11894482 A study on the influence of some growth regulators and micronutrients foliar spray on fennel plant /
رقم البحث : 11894490 A comparative study on the effect of some growth regulators on ocimum basiticum L plants /
رقم البحث : 11894503 Effect of planting distance, pinching and zinc application on growth, flowering and carotene content of tagetes erecta /
رقم البحث : 11894549 Response of avocado seedlings to soil inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi /
رقم البحث : 11894560 Better tissue culture protocol for the multiplication of some peach rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 11894584 Effect of clean cultivation on growth, yield and fruit quality of ”banaty” grape vine /
رقم البحث : 11894612 Effect of plant density and potassium fertilizer as well as their interaction on growth, flowering and seed yield and quality of Giza 3 common bean CV /
رقم البحث : 11894621 Effect of phosphorus and zinc on the flower yield and carotene content of Calandula officinalis L /
رقم البحث : 11894739 Effect of pruning on yield and fruit quality in ”BALADI” mandarin (Citrus deliciosa, Tcnore) /
رقم البحث : 11894742 Evaluation of dancy mandarin as a new variety grown in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11895330 تحليل اقتصادى لتكاليف انتاج اللحوم الحمراء فى محافظة المنيا /
رقم البحث : 11895318 دراسة لبعض المتغيرات ذات العلاقة بمشاركة القيادات المحلية الريفية فى الأنشطة الارشادية الزراعية بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11895286 دراسة بعض المتغيرات ذات العلاقة بمعلومات زراع الخضر فى مجال استخدام المبيدات بمركز قليوب بمحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11895182 دراسة مقارنة للجدارة الانتاجية للمزارع المنتجة لمحصول الفول السودانى فى محافظة الشرقية /
رقم البحث : 11894979 Effect of some pheromones on the population of the pink bollworm Pectinaphoru gossypiella /
رقم البحث : 11895065 Analogy of three sampling techniques of sweep net, D- VAC and direct count for estimating larva and adult populations of Hypera brunneipennis boheman (coleoptera : curculionidae) associated with Egyptian clover /
رقم البحث : 11895087 potassium nutrition of potato plants under different designs of fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11895158 Status of phosphorus, cadmium and fluorine as influenced by soil characteristics and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11894961 Effect of three IGIs and their mixtures,three IGI/insecticide formulations, five insecticides and three chemical compounds on the fitness components of Spodoptera littoralis /
رقم البحث : 11894917 Bioresidual action of some insecticides against the potato tuber worm, phthorimaea operculella (zeller) under the field and storage conditions /
رقم البحث : 11894950 Studies on certain biophysiological parameters and chemical control of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littorulis (BOISD.) on sugarbeet /
رقم البحث : 11894590 Effect of volkameriana rootstock compared to sour orange rootstock on yield and fruit quality of valancia orange /
رقم البحث : 11894805 Effect of sulphur application yield, bulb quality and chemical constituents of onion plants under wadi sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 11894834 Studies on sugarbeet pests : III. Effect of infestation levels with cotton aphid aphis gossypii glover on sugarbeet yield /
رقم البحث : 11894852 Sunflower and maize in cotton plantations to increase the natural role of entomophagous insects /
رقم البحث : 11894885 Evaluation of mononchus sp. As a predator of meloidogyne javanica infecting tomato /
رقم البحث : 11894866 Biological activity of peganum harmalal Extracts towards the two spotted spider mite tetranychus urticae koch (acari: tetrany(hidae) /
رقم البحث : 11894904 The role of a native population of pasteuria penetrans in controlling the root-knot nematode, meloidogyne javanica infecting tomato /
رقم البحث : 11907316 Herbicides and their effects on growth and yield of grapevine /
رقم البحث : 11894598 Response of okra and associated weeds to some herbicidal treatments and hoeing /
Vol 31 no 4 - Jun 1993 - 01/06/1993
رقم البحث : 11905919 Inheritance of eslstance to late willt disease in maize caused by cephalosporium mayduis /
رقم البحث : 11905937 Influence of source and rates of nitrogen fertilizers on yield and yield components of maize /
رقم البحث : 11905961 Effect of soil moisture stress and foliar application of zinc on some maize varieties :
رقم البحث : 11905990 Effect of soil moisture stress and foliar application of zinc on some maize varieties :
رقم البحث : 11906396 Estimates of genotypic and environmental Variances and Covariances in lines derived from an egyptian cotton cross /
رقم البحث : 11906416 A comparison between four statistical procedures of relating yield components in a set of corn varieties /
رقم البحث : 11906857 Study on associations and selection efficiency of some characters on durum wheat tinder drought conditions /
رقم البحث : 11906883 Evaluating of some introduced bread wheat groups for heading. Maturity and grain yield under drought conditions /
رقم البحث : 11906918 Genetic analysis of some plant characters. Yield and its components in three wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11906934 Seedcotton yield and lint yield variations in two cotton varieties as determined by stepwise regression /
رقم البحث : 11906960 Effect of boron and iron application on productivity of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11907290 Effect of intercropping sesame with cotton and sesame density on yield and yield components of both crops /
رقم البحث : 11907317 Effect of soil moisture stress and foliar application of zinc on some maize varieties :
رقم البحث : 11907466 Relay intercroppinc maize with potatoes and succession wheat /
رقم البحث : 11907489 Response of soybean to foliar application of bentazone and some micronutrient /
رقم البحث : 11907506 Yield response of faba bean to ga3 time of application in relation to phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11907528 Response of maize (zea mayes, l.) To nitrogen fertilizer and foliar application with zinc /
رقم البحث : 11907575 Some physiological aspects of ossimi and ossinii crossbred lambs as affected by surgical castrai’ion and ethinylestra-diol impi antation:
رقم البحث : 11907640 Some piiysiologicai aspects of ossimi and ossimi crossbred lambs as affected by surgical castration and ethinylestradiol implantation :
رقم البحث : 11907674 Inheritance of resistance to stem rust in wheat at different locations in egypt /
رقم البحث : 11907694 Primary and secondary phasis of enzymatic clotting of buffalo milk as affected by temperaiurf /
رقم البحث : 11907746 Propolis effect on some dairy lactic acid bacteria /
رقم البحث : 11907772 Effect of salt stress on anatomical structure of peach plants /
رقم البحث : 11909999 Persistence of paclobutrazoi. In the progeny of coriander plants /
رقم البحث : 11910019 Response of safflower to nitrogen fertilization and it’s effect on some different chemical constituents /
رقم البحث : 11910051 Sodium and chlorides accumulation in leaves of six citrus rootstocks and salt symptoms /
رقم البحث : 11910065 The ability of tomato plants to tolerate low temperature injury during flowering stage due to treatment with some growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11910079 Evaluation of some cucumber varieties under protected cultivation conditions at north Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11910100 Effect of nursery period and some growth regulators on yield and quality of onion /
رقم البحث : 11910110 Growth responses of epipremnum to kristtion and some growth retardants :
رقم البحث : 11910127 Growth responses of epipremnum to kristion kristtalon and some growth retardants :
رقم البحث : 11910148 Growth responses of epipremnum to kristtion and some growth retardants :
رقم البحث : 11910155 Efficacy of plant crude extracts Acillus thuringiensis methomyl and their combinations against oxycarenus hyalinipennis costa /
رقم البحث : 11910519 The eficacy of thiram and it’s combination with prometryne on certain pests and yield components of sugarbeet /
رقم البحث : 11910552 A new species of the genus cunaxoides from the netherlands (acari: cunaxidae) /
رقم البحث : 11910580 Efficacy of some insecticides against tortoise beetle cassida vitta7a vill on sugarbeet /
رقم البحث : 11910600 A new species of the genus bdellodes from the netherlands (acari: bdellidae) /
رقم البحث : 11910623 Effect of thuricid “hp” on larvae of spodoptera littoralis (boisd) and resulting subsequent stages /
رقم البحث : 11910641 Toxicity of certain insecticides of different groups against the house fly musca domestica l poul /
رقم البحث : 11910684 Efficiency of granular formulations in controlling the house fly larvae musca domestica in poul try dropping and cattlefeces /
رقم البحث : 11910693 Effect of weed control on the whiteely bemissia tabaci (genn.) Infesting tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11910704 تحليل اقتصادى لاستخدام الأسمده فى إنتاج الطماطم الصيفى فى مركز طوخ بمحافظه القليوبيه /
رقم البحث : 11910714 دراسه ميدانيه لبعض الأدانيه لمدرسى التعليم الفنى الزراعى بمحافظتى الدقهليه ودمياط /
رقم البحث : 11910722 معوقات استخدام الزيارات والاجتماعات الارشاديه من وجهة نظر المرشدين الزراعين بمحافظتى الدقهليه والقليوبيه /
رقم البحث : 11905760 Relative of fectiveness of selection index and single trait selection for improving yieled and its components in cotton /
رقم البحث : 11905783 Comparative studis between the promising families of some egyptian extra-long staple cotton crosses, and some c0mm erciiai, cultivars grown at different locations :
رقم البحث : 11905879 Fffect of nitrogen fertili zer rates on yield and yield components of two cultivars of melon intercopped with cotton /
رقم البحث : 11905890 Effect of gibberellic acid and pix on growth and yield of wheat plants crown under different levels of soil moisture /
Vol 31 no 1 - Mar1993 - 01/03/1993
رقم البحث : 11886914 Effect of cutting and nitrogen fertilization lats on productive efficiency of wheat and barley /
رقم البحث : 11886924 Significance of potassium application on soybean plants grown wider drought conditions /
رقم البحث : 11886925 Effect of seeding rate and thinning date on Egyptian cotton giza 75 c.v. under late sowing :
رقم البحث : 11886927 Cotton yield and fiber properties as affected by nitrogen and phosphorus levels and time of nitrogen applications /
رقم البحث : 11886928 Study of some wool physical characteristics of ossimi ewes /
رقم البحث : 11886929 Biological control of sclerotinia rot disease on some vegetable crops in Egypt under greenhouse and field conditions /
رقم البحث : 11886930 Studies on biological control of sclerotinia rot disease of some vegetable crops with reference to the histological effect of trichoderma harzianum on the sclerotia of the pathogen /
رقم البحث : 11886931 The crown gall disease of chrysanthemum and its control /
رقم البحث : 11886932 Effect of soil depth, burial time and antagonistic fungi on decay of Sclerotium rolfsii sclerotia /
رقم البحث : 11886933 Bochemical studies on improvement of soybean flour proteins /
رقم البحث : 11886915 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer rates and cutting on forag, grain and straw yields of wheat and barley /
رقم البحث : 11886934 Effect of microwave heating and soaking soybean seeds in either water or sodium sulfite on protein quality /
رقم البحث : 11886935 Effect of microwave heating on chicken’ fat and protein /
رقم البحث : 11886936 The using of biochemical analysis of nucleic acids and protein in taxonomical studies of studies of some vicia species /
رقم البحث : 11886938 Effect of EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) on catharanthus roseus (L.) G. don. :
رقم البحث : 11886941 Effect of EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) on catharanthus roseus (L.) G. don. :
رقم البحث : 11886926 Effect of seeding rate and thinning date on Egyptian cotton giza 75 c.v. under late sowing :
رقم البحث : 11886942 Response of olive seedlings to different water regimes /
رقم البحث : 11886992 Effect of chelated multimineral sprays on minerals content and yield of navel orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11886996 Effect of foliar application with chelated iron on mineral content and yield of navel orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11886999 The influence of intercropping system on guar and basil productivity /
رقم البحث : 11886916 A study of the physical structural and chemical constituents of some cotton cultivars and hybrids /
رقم البحث : 11887005 Effect of manganese treatments on seed yield and volatile oil content of foeniculum vulgare, dulc /
رقم البحث : 11887007 Clonal propagation of mature guava trees through in vitro technique /
رقم البحث : 11886918 Effect of seeding rates and weed control on associated weeds of broadcast seeded rice /
رقم البحث : 11887012 Comparative studies on productivity and nutritional status of some peach cultivars grown at el –sheikh zewayed, north Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11887020 Effect of ca level in soil and post-harvest CaCl2 treatments on storability of “anna” apple fruits /
رقم البحث : 11887147 Micropropagation of seed-derived plants of watermelon (citrullus lanatus), cv. “sweet favourite F1 hybrid” /
رقم البحث : 11887152 Effect of medicinal plant extracts on the cheese skipper piophila casei (l.) (diptera, piophilidae) and survey of fungi species associated with the larvae and pupae /
رقم البحث : 11887180 Diseases of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum l.) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11886919 Effect of seeding rates and weed control on growth and yield of rice /
رقم البحث : 11887220 Varietal resistance to purple lined borer chilo agamemnon bies and relative differential yield loss of certain local sugarcane varieties in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11887225 Effect of soils insecticides on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11887232 Effect of some insecticides on seed germination, growth rate and chlorophyll content of some crop seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11887237 Acute and chronic toxicities of neemazal-f against some stored phoduct insects /
رقم البحث : 11887262 Toxic effect of fenugreek (trigonelia foenum groecum L.) and fennel (foeniculum vulgare L.) extracts alone and in mixtures with two organophosphorus insecticides against rhizopertha dominica (F.) /
رقم البحث : 11887244 Effect of phosphine on germination of some crop seeds, growth rate and chlorophyll content of their seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11887252 Laboratory studies on the toxic effect of some plant seed extracts on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11887311 Urea form plyometric structure as affected by addition of micronutrients /
رقم البحث : 11887313 Effect of polyacrylamide and mineral fertilizer on growth and mineral composition of maize plants /
رقم البحث : 11886920 Effect of some growth regulators on yield and its components of sorghum plants /
رقم البحث : 11887315 Transformation of p applied to some soils as influenced by time /
رقم البحث : 11887316 Heavy metals and trace elements in soils and plants as affected by irrigation with sewage and industrial waste waters /
رقم البحث : 11887319 دراسة تحليلية لمجالات وأنشطة العمل الارشادى الزراعى المحلى فى مركز شربين محافظة الدقهلية /
رقم البحث : 11887215 Changes induced by gamma radiation in the larval hemocytes of spodoptera littoralis (boise.) /
رقم البحث : 11886921 Effect of salinity treatments on growth, yield, physical, mechanical and structural properties of fibres in giza 75 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11886922 Evaluation of the promising extra-long staple Egyptian cotton genotypes grown in different locations in 1991 season :
رقم البحث : 11886923 Field bean yield as affected by phosphorus, zinc and manganese application /
Vol 30 no 4 - Dec 1992 - 01/12/1992
رقم البحث : 11892241 Effect of some winter crope preceding canon mod nitrogen
levels on yield mid sara yield components of
giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11892266 Effect of precooking treatment and cooking of faba bean
on its nutrrnitional value /
رقم البحث : 11892271 Flavor compounds of Egyptian balady bread fortified with soybean flour /
رقم البحث : 11892272 Effect of h2o soaking and alkali treatment on lentil
cooking and nutritional properties /
رقم البحث : 11892274 Ultrafiltration of orange juice /
رقم البحث : 11892275 Separation and evaluation of artichoke protein concentrate /
رقم البحث : 11892276 Separation and evaluation of artichoke protein concentrate /
رقم البحث : 11892277 Utilization of soy milk in production of
roquefort like cheese /
رقم البحث : 11892279 Effect of dehulling. Soaking and blanching
on physical, chemical and functional properties
of some legumes /
رقم البحث : 11892281 Studies on flower bud development of “le conte” pear /
رقم البحث : 11892282 Effect of saponin addition into soil on growth and flowering
of some annulas and some chemical and physical characters of
soil /
رقم البحث : 11892245 Giza 83” a new long-staple egyptian cotton variety
cultivated in middle and upper egypt /
رقم البحث : 11892284 Fruit drop. yield and fruit quality of balady lime trees
(citrus aurantifolia l.) In response to
foliar ga3 and 2,4-d sprays /
رقم البحث : 11892285 Tomato fruit yield and quality as well as nitrate
accumilation as affected by plant density
and npk fertilization level /
رقم البحث : 11892286 Effect of foliar spray of thiamine (vitamin B) on
vegeta tive growth and volatile oil of tagetes minut l /
رقم البحث : 11892288 Effect of ga3 application on seed yield, fixed and volatile
oil in nigella sativa l /
رقم البحث : 11892289 Effect of plant density of growth yield and tomatien
content in two varieties of tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11892290 In vitro. Evaluation of honey , royal jelly and propolis
as additive subsitotesto the culture medium
of williams banana plantlets /
رقم البحث : 11892654 Genetic studies on okra (abelmoschus esculentus l. moench)
inheritance of germinability /
رقم البحث : 11892655 Genetic studies on okra (abelmoschus esculentus l. moench)
Ii-inreritance of dry seed yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11892656 Relative susceptibility of gamma irradiated cotton leaf
worm. Spodoptera lottoralis (boisd.) To some plant extracts /
رقم البحث : 11892659 Biometrical studies in native honeybess of western region of saudi arabia /
رقم البحث : 11892246 Evaluating some herbicides and their combination. ( rates
on weed control growth and productivity of faba bean :
رقم البحث : 11892661 Effect of host plants on the life cycle of the whitefly
bemisia tabac i and the potential of two parasitoids
encarsia deserti’ and eretmocerus cal ifornicus /
رقم البحث : 11892662 Effect of pollen traps on honeybees flight activity /
رقم البحث : 11892663 Seasonal abundance and population fluctuations of
some leaf insects attacking forage maize
plants at zagazig region /
رقم البحث : 11892665 Residues of growth regulator cultar in fruits and leavs of vine crop /
رقم البحث : 11892667 Detkrmination of certain chlorina ted and organophosphorous
pesticides residues in potatoes and orange /
رقم البحث : 11892669 Effectiveness of dill seed powder (anethum gra veolens, l.)
on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11892670 Joint effect of coriander seed extract with insecticides on
lesser grain borer (rhiizophertha dominica f.) And rust
flour bettel adults (tribolum castaneum herbst) /
رقم البحث : 11892248 Response of some maize varieties to nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11892671 Toxic effects of pul verized) black pepper (piper niggrum. L)
on some stored product insects /
رقم البحث : 11892673 The toxicity of chamomilla l extract and in
mixture with malathion and pirimiphos methy against
tribolium castaneum and rhizopertha dominica /
رقم البحث : 11892674 A study of ureaform using x-ray technique /
رقم البحث : 11892675 Effect of na rural soil conditioners on sons prysical
properties of sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11892676 Improvement of sandy soil structure through synthetic
polymers /
رقم البحث : 11892677 Effect of sewage sludge application under different irriga
tion intervals on wheat production in fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11912948 Effect of organic materials on wheat in salt-affected soils :
رقم البحث : 11912994 Effect of organic materials on wheat in salt-affected soils :
رقم البحث : 11913130 التوجيه الاقتصادى لاستخدام الموارد الزراعية فى انتاج بعض المحاصيل الطبية والعطرية فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11892249 Response of some barley cultivars to different rates of
nitrogen fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11892250 Chromosomal and growth behaviour in callus culture of zea mays l /
رقم البحث : 11892251 Genetical and cytological studies on zea mays l Tissue
culture under specific conditions /
رقم البحث : 11892259 Response of tyfon plant (brassica impa l.) to the foliar
application of some plant growth regulators under nitrogen
fertilization at wadisudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 11892264 Ruminal changes in lactating goats fed berseem and leucamena leucocephala /
Vol 30 no 3 - Sep 1992 - 01/09/1992
رقم البحث : 11914464 Effect of foliar Fertilization of nitrogen and phosphorus on seed yield and its components of faba bean /
رقم البحث : 11916069 Rheological properties of cows milk concentrated by ultrafiltration /
رقم البحث : 11916766 Effect of added phosphate and citrate on the buffer capacity of cow and camel milks /
رقم البحث : 11916853 Utilization of camel and cow fatty products in camel milk ice-cream /
رقم البحث : 11973676 Amino acids contents and protein quality of fresh and processed mussels /
رقم البحث : 11973700 Effect of processing on levels of pesticide residues in some foods /
رقم البحث : 11973745 Comparative studies on some banana cultivars regarding fruit physico-chemical properties /
رقم البحث : 11973770 Comparative studies on the effect of cytokinins and cytokinin like substance on growth index of banana (williams cv.) via tissue culture techniques /
رقم البحث : 11973831 Effect of paclobutrazol and cycocel sprays on “le conte” pear trees :
رقم البحث : 11973870 Effect of paclobutrazol and cycocel sprays on “le conte” pear trees :
رقم البحث : 11974015 A comparative study on some citrus seedling rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 11914475 Interaction of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in relation to flowering of sugar cane /
رقم البحث : 11974027 Effect of cycocel foliar spray on vegetative growth, chemical composition, flowering, yield and quality of pea plants grown under salinity stress /
رقم البحث : 11974033 Effect of ga 3 foliar spray on plant growth, chemical composition, flowering, pod yield and chemical composition of green seeds for pea plants grown under salinity stress /
رقم البحث : 11975638 Morphogenetic responses of different pepper seedling explants (cv. Early California wonder) cultured in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11975654 Effect of some growth regulators on the growth, oil percentage and constituents of alpinia nutans. (hort) /
رقم البحث : 11975675 Effect of different phosphorous and zinc applications on growth and flowering of gerbera jamesonii, (hook) plants /
رقم البحث : 11975645 Effect of different gelling agents and medium types on micropropagation and growth indices of volkamer lime rootstock /
رقم البحث : 11975647 Chemical training of “le conte” pear transplants /
رقم البحث : 11914487 The effect of phosphatic fertilizer and weed control methods on growth and yield of faba bean (vicia labs l -) /
رقم البحث : 11975682 Biological aspects of controlling snail hosts of bilharziasis using wild and cultivated plant extracts /
رقم البحث : 11975693 Effect of different water sources on infectivity, development and reproduction of meloidogyne incognita and rotylenchulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11975698 Effect of ascorbic acid and l-arginine on controlling meloidogyne incognita as influenced by soil temperature /
رقم البحث : 11975707 Effect of mix-cropping, density of some weeds and sunflower on meloidogyne incognita reproduction /
رقم البحث : 11975762 Effect of soil conditioning on some chemical properties of salt affected soils /
رقم البحث : 11975780 Cytogenetic change under the effect of we medicinal plant (croton tiolium) /
رقم البحث : 11975800 Toxo-pathological effect of smoke furies polluted air in dogs /
رقم البحث : 11975829 دراسة اقتصادية لتكاليف أهم المحاصيل الحقلية بجمهورية مصر العربية ومحافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11914502 Effect of oral administration of l-tyrosine on the quality of ram semen /
رقم البحث : 11914519 Identification of a strain of cucumber mosaic virus isolated from naturally infected philodendron selloum /
رقم البحث : 11916001 Interaction between virus infection and fungal diseases in bean plants (phaseolus vulgaris, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11916010 Zinc seed-hardening of some wheat cultivars in relation to growth behavior and some biochemical constituents under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 11916018 Immobilization and kinetics of amyloglucosidade (amg 200 l) on chitin /
رقم البحث : 11916025 New approach for using wheat germ in cookie production /
Vol 30 no 2 - Jun1992 - 01/06/1992
رقم البحث : 11885649 The production of low protein bread /
رقم البحث : 11885784 Relationship between adding flavour age cp and fatty acids content of ras cheese manufactured from different milk types /
رقم البحث : 11886212 Optimization of fermentation conditions for ethanol production from milk permeate /
رقم البحث : 11886306 Alcohol production from supplemented milk permeate by yeast /
رقم البحث : 11886455 Effect of gamma irradiation on the survival and productivity of lactose fermenting yeasts grown in milk permeate /
رقم البحث : 11886584 Properties of cows whey protein concentrate fortified with iron recovered from salted whey /
رقم البحث : 11886670 Production of ras cheese from milk with high solids not fat /
رقم البحث : 11886763 Effect of adding b-galactosidase on the quality of ras cheese manufactured from milk with high solids not fat /
رقم البحث : 11886794 Gelation behaviour during storage of buffaloes uht milk /
رقم البحث : 11888514 Changes in physico-chemical properties of local market uht milk of egyptian market during storage /
رقم البحث : 11888656 Maintenance of vitamin c content of guava juice powder /
رقم البحث : 11888800 Properties of dextranase isolated from bacillus sphaericus and penicillium roqueforti /
رقم البحث : 11888924 Changes in the concentration of hcn during drying and storage of plums, apricots and grapes samples /
رقم البحث : 11889081 Microwave treatment as a method of inhibiting the alpha amylase inhibitors of lentil, white bean and soybean /
رقم البحث : 11889194 X-ray analysis and infrared spectrum of sausage and chicken patties manufactured with or without protease inhibitor /
رقم البحث : 11889723 Histological structure of beef sausage and chicken patties manufactured with or without protease inhibitor /
رقم البحث : 11889807 Effect of chickpea and soybean incorporation into egyptian ”falafel” on the sensory characteristics and protein quality of the resultant product /
رقم البحث : 11889927 Effect of nitrogen rates and sources on balady mandarin trees in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11890034 Effect of rate and date of nitrogen fertilization on yield, fruit quality and leaf minerals composition of balady mandarin trees in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11890093 Effect of plant density and fertilization levels on the growth and flowering of carnations /
رقم البحث : 11890441 تحليل وقياس أثر التمويل الائتمانى على القطاع الزراعى فى محافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11890433 An investigation on ephemeral fever (three-days sickness) in cattle at qalyubia governorate (egypt) /
رقم البحث : 11890423 Effect of soil compaction on sore soil physical properties and forage yield of egyptian clover (trifolium alexandrinum) /
رقم البحث : 11890415 Land capability evaluation of soils of el-safe area /
رقم البحث : 11890410 New genus and species of acarophenacidae (acari : tarsonenina)
from egypt /
رقم البحث : 11890408 Effect of cutting and weather factors on the population of hypera brunneipennis boh. And its parasitoid bathyplectes curculionis thoms. In alfalfa at nubaria /
رقم البحث : 11890405 Effect of different fertilizer treatments on growth and root distribution of young washington navel orange trees grown in sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11890153 Influence of water regime and kinetin on the growth and flowering of carnation /
رقم البحث : 11885299 Response of fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graceum l.) and pea (pi sum sativum l.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators :
رقم البحث : 11883131 Determining characters contributing to seed cotton yield in some intervarietal and interspecific lines using stepwise regression analysis /
رقم البحث : 11883588 Effect of rates and application treatments of nitrogen
Fertilizer on sunflower (ffelianthus annuus, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11884068 Effect of rats and application treatments of nitrogen fertilizer on sunflower (helianthus annuus, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11884135 Effect of urea treatment on chemical composition, in vitro dry majaen disappearance and degradability of dry ratter and cell wall constituents of some poor quality roughages /
رقم البحث : 11884235 Effect of sodium hydroxide or/and urea treatments on utilization of corn stalks by sheep /
رقم البحث : 11884383 Pectinolytic, cellulolytic and oxidative enzymes activities in vitro and in vivo in relation to pathogenicity of some grapevine leaf spot pathogens /
رقم البحث : 11884518 Effect of mineral oils and dimilin on the ability of phage f116 to transduce prototrophy in an auxotrophic psevdomonas aeruginosa strain /
رقم البحث : 11885145 Response of fenugreek (trigonella foenum-graceum l.) and pea (pisum sativum l.) to foliar spray with some growth regulators :
رقم البحث : 11885399 A strain of bean yellow mosaic virus affected iris plants (iris tectorum) in egypt /
Vol 30 no 1 - mar1992 - 01/03/1992
رقم البحث : 11890155 Influence of decomposing dry leaf powders on rotylenchulus reniformis reproduction and growth response of soybean /
رقم البحث : 11890404 Mineralogical composition of the soils derived from igneous and metamorphic rocks in the south western of sinai /
رقم البحث : 11890407 Effect of the mis-use of some organic iodin disinfectants in poultry farms /
رقم البحث : 11884286 Evaluation of some new synthetic varieties of maize under different plant densities /
رقم البحث : 11884459 Effect of some agronomic practices on sunflower Production :
رقم البحث : 11886187 Effect of buffaloes fasting on milk yield and composition and its blood precursors /
رقم البحث : 11886504 Effect of whey proteins preparation on their functional properties :
رقم البحث : 11886879 Utilization of rape seed oil meal extract and glutamic acid to increase propionibacterial b12 synthesis in whey permeate /
رقم البحث : 11886884 Alcohol production by selected yeast strains grown in milk permeate /
رقم البحث : 11886892 Effect of frozen storage of abomasum on the activity of calf rennet extracts /
رقم البحث : 11886893 Organoleptic and biological study on cinamon peanut cookies made from wheat flour and peanut flour /
رقم البحث : 11888075 Antifungal activity of liquorice water extract in relation to different saponin concentrations /
رقم البحث : 11888267 Effect of some micronutrient elements on growth flowering and tuberous-root production Of dahlia pinnata„ l /
رقم البحث : 11888300 Effect of some growth regulators on fruit Retention and quality of sugar apple trees (annona squamosa l /
رقم البحث : 11888311 physiological studies on livistonia chinensis, r .br /
رقم البحث : 11889278 biology and life tas of the sugarbeet beetle cassida vittata villble (coleoptera, chrysomelidae) /
رقم البحث : 11889525 effect of weeding on infestation by the sugarcane stem borer sesamia cretica led/
رقم البحث : 11889920 Influence of salt concentration of sea water on egg hatching and infectivity of the root knot nematode and reniforn nematode on sunflower roots /
رقم البحث : 11890066 Varietal response of potato to meliodogyne javanica and rotylenchulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11890409 دراسة تحليلية للعوامل الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المؤثرة على انتاجية الاراضى الزرعية :
رقم البحث : 11883160 Evaluation of some sunflower cultivars grown under three plant densities /
رقم البحث : 11883455 Variance and covariance components in intervariatal and interspecific cotton hybrids /
رقم البحث : 11883887 Relationships between yield and morpho-physiological characters in maize (zea mays l) /
رقم البحث : 11883889 Effect of phosphatic fertilizer and foliar spraying with zinc on growth, yield and chemical composition of soybean (glycine max l) /
رقم البحث : 11883890 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer levels and time of application on grain and forage yield of barley In egypt /
رقم البحث : 11883894 Influence of some weed control treatments and nitrogen fertilizer on soybean /
رقم البحث : 11884153 Effect of some agronomic practices on sunflower production :
رقم البحث : 11884846 Manure and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer effects on growth and yield of some sunflower cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11885048 Productivity of flax variety ”giza 6” as affected by some weed control treatments and seeding rates /
رقم البحث : 11885241 Effect of dietary enzyme complex With and without antibiotic supplementation On the performance of broiler chickens /
رقم البحث : 11885362 Tissue culture combined with thermo or chemotherapy for elimination of potato virus x (pvx /
رقم البحث : 11885979 Elimination of potato virus x and comparable of m1crotuber productivity of some Infected potatoes in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11885980 Virus-free carnation plants through tissue culture technique /
رقم البحث : 11885981 Selection of high yielding mutants of cowpea vigna sinensis after gamma-irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11885982 The influence of ammonium sulphate and plant residues on n-mineralization and related microbial changes in soils residues in soils /
رقم البحث : 11885987 Effect of dietary fats on lipid constituents in egg and serum of local hen strain dokki /
رقم البحث : 11886869 Effect of whey proteins preparation
On their functional properties Iii- emulsification and foaming /
رقم البحث : 11886886 Changes in cheese proteins, peptides and amino acids of ras cheese during ripening /
رقم البحث : 11886383 Effect of whey proteins preparation On their functional properties :
رقم البحث : 11888146 Utilization of corn giuten meal and soy flour for processing some food items /
رقم البحث : 11888182 Evaluation of two new introduced mango cvs :
رقم البحث : 11888265 Trials to improve germination of manzanillo olive seeds /
رقم البحث : 11888269 Effect of some growth regulating chemicals on growth, flowering and tuberous-root production of dahlia pinnata’l /
رقم البحث : 11888270 Effect of some growth regulators sprays
On chemical constituents of leaves shoots and buds of pairi and ewais mango /
رقم البحث : 11889076 Sex ratio mating ability and 00genesis for three species of corn borer moths caught in light traps at sharxia region /
رقم البحث : 11889188 Effect of prey density on predaceous effictency and oviposition of agistekus eisertus gonzaleza (cari : stignaeidae /
رقم البحث : 11889508 Biological studies and description of developmental stages of lasioseius zaheri nasr (acari : ascidae) /
Vol 29 no 4 - Dec 1991 - 01/12/1991
رقم البحث : 11894666 Effect of sowing dates and varieties on productivity of maize Yield and yield components /
رقم البحث : 11894667 Response of sunflower to weed control and plant spacing /
رقم البحث : 11894670 Analysis of litter weight in rabbits in a diallel crossing scheme involving four local Egyptian and exotic breeds /
رقم البحث : 11894672 Chemical chances of sons onion cultivars in relation to pink root rot disease /
رقم البحث : 11894675 Combining ability, correlation and path coefficient analysis of f.’ diallel hybrids in barley /
رقم البحث : 11894678 Composition and infrared spectra of humic and fulvic acids in soil organic matter /
رقم البحث : 11894716 Effect of plant sterols as antioxidants on the rate of deterioration of heated cottonseed oil /
رقم البحث : 11894718 Effect of refining processes on the physicochemical properties and non saponifiable matter of some edible oils /
رقم البحث : 11894853 Effect of manganese, copper and mercury ions on immobilized glucose isomerase enzyme activity /
رقم البحث : 11894578 Evaluating three patterns of intercropping cotton and forage cowpea /
رقم البحث : 11894884 Determination and characterization of glucosinolate constituents in rapeseed meal (brassica napus, french variety, lesira 145) /
رقم البحث : 11894913 Bacteriological and chemical studies of kariesh cheese locally manufactured in assiut governorate /
رقم البحث : 11895165 The effect of light on the riboflavin content of buffaloes and cows milks /
رقم البحث : 11895211 Studies on the isolation and identification of fungi from corn and rice grains on some selective media /
رقم البحث : 11895237 Effect of processing on the quality of dietetic “balady” orange juice jellies /
رقم البحث : 11895262 Biological study on ire effect of supplementing wheat flour with fish protein concentrate /
رقم البحث : 11895282 Effect of processing off the quality of diatetic citrus juice blend jellies /
رقم البحث : 11895360 The effect of harvesting time. blanching and freezing on enzyme activity of some green bean varieties /
رقم البحث : 11894564 Effect of sowing dates and nitrogen fertilizer rates on soybean yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11895395 Plant vegetative growth, chemical composition, yield aid quality of carrot roots as affected by n x-fertilization and foliar spray of zinc and molybdenum /
رقم البحث : 11895455 Soils factors affecting propagation of plum by hardwood cuttings /
رقم البحث : 11895464 Effect of plant density on earliness and yield of tomato (lycopersicon esculentum, mill) /
رقم البحث : 11895483 Seasonal changes in rootability and rooting substances of olive cuttings /
رقم البحث : 11895517 Effect of some growth regulators on bud burst respiration rate and some endogenous compounds of leconte pear dormant buds /
رقم البحث : 11895522 Studies on fanleaf - like disease, a new grapevine (vitis vinifera l.) disease in Egypt associated with mollicute - like organism (mlo):
رقم البحث : 11895531 Germination of coffea arabica seeds in response to some pee-sowing seed treatments /
رقم البحث : 11895538 الدالات الإنتاجية لاستخدام الأسمدة الأزوتية لمحصول قصب السكر فى محافظات إنتاجه الرئيسية /
رقم البحث : 11895541 التجارة الخارجية للبطاطس المصرية /
رقم البحث : 11894607 Effect of seed soaking in zinc solutions and irrigation intervals on yield, yield components and fiber proper ties of Giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11894596 Effect of plant density and defoliation on yield, yield components and fiber quality of giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11895589 Effect of different rates of nitrogen fertilization on flowering, fruit set. Yield and fruit quality of annona trees /
رقم البحث : 11895590 Effect of different levels of potassium fertilization on flowering, fruit set, yield and fruit quality of annona trees /
رقم البحث : 11895608 Stumulating root growth of grape hardwood cuttings by using endomycorrhizal fungi /
رقم البحث : 11895610 Effect of pee-planting storage treatments on rooting of “beauty” plum hardwood cuttings /
رقم البحث : 11895611 Effect of decomposing dry leaf powders on the incidence of root galls and the growth of tomato /
رقم البحث : 11895614 Reaction of some Egyptian cotton cultivars to the reniform nematode, rotylenchulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11895616 Effect of latex extracts of some cactuses plant species in controlling meloidogyne javanica infecting sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11895618 Interaction between the vesicular – arbuscular Mycorrhiza glomus macrocarpus and meloidogyne incognita infecting cowpea /
رقم البحث : 11895622 Toxicity of the bioinsecticide, dipel on the potato tuber-moth Larvae phthorimaea operculella (zeller) and those parasitised by apanteles litae nixon var. Operculeiae /
رقم البحث : 11895624 Studies on residues of some organophosphorus insecticides on tomato plants /
رقم البحث : 11895627 Efficacy of a microbial insecticide (dipeles) and deltamethrin against the cabbage worm pier is rapae (lepidoptera pieridae) on cabbage plants /
رقم البحث : 11895631 Accumulation of micronutrients and heavy metals in sandy soils irrigated with sewage water /
رقم البحث : 11895637 Effect of quality and quantity of irrigation water on soil chemical properties and chemical composition of sorghum plants grown on a clayey)’ soil /
رقم البحث : 11895621 Effect of different grains and seeds flour on the rearing of ephestia xuehniella zell, and corcyra cephalonica (stainton) used for mass production of natural enemies /
رقم البحث : 11894617 Effect of topping and nitrogen level on yield, yield components and fiber properties of cotton cv Giza 75 /
رقم البحث : 11894623 Effect of zinc and phosphorus foliar application on yield and its components of faba bean /
رقم البحث : 11894648 Effect of sewage sludge on some sunflower and barley characteristics /
رقم البحث : 11894658 Effect of seed soaking in potassium permanganate and phosphorus fertilization on yield, yield components and fiber quality of cotton cv Giza 75 /
Vol 29 no 3 - Sept 1991 - 01/09/1991
رقم البحث : 11883926 Effect of sewage sludge as a fertilizer on growth, yield and its components of soybean and the following wheat plants /
رقم البحث : 11884810 Effect of cane orientation on growth and fruiting of thompson seedless” grapevines :
رقم البحث : 11884816 Clonal propagation of some citrus rootstocks by stem hardwood cuttings /
رقم البحث : 11884129 Effect of chemical defoliation on cotton yield and some fiber properties :
رقم البحث : 11884171 Response of cotton plant to phosphate and zinc fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11883962 Effect of chemical defoliation on cotton yield and some fiber properties :
رقم البحث : 11884211 Studies on the effect of foliar and soil applications of some commercial, fertilizers on yield and some fiber properties of the cotton :
رقم البحث : 11884255 Studies of the effect of foliar and soil applications of some commercial fertilizers on yield and some fiber properties of the cotton :
رقم البحث : 11884290 Genetic studies on egg production in dokkt-4 chickens /
رقم البحث : 11884324 Meat production performance of ossimi and ossimi crossbred lambs as affected by surgical castration and ethinylestradiol implantation :
رقم البحث : 11884351 Meat production performance of ossimi and ossimi crossbred lambs as affected by surgical castration and ethinylestradiol implantation :
رقم البحث : 11884385 Genetical analysis of f2 diallel cross in barley /
رقم البحث : 11884654 Chemical studies on conditioning and pasta quality of some wheat varieties /
رقم البحث : 11884668 Some physicochemical properties of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin of buffaloes and goats milk /
رقم البحث : 11884675 Buffaloes’ milk for infantile feeding /
رقم البحث : 11884685 Plant growth, yield and chemical composition of some garlic cultivars as affected by NPK fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11884688 Effect of cane orientation on growth and fruiting of “thompson seedless” grapevines :
رقم البحث : 11884835 Reaction of cowpea cultivars to root knot nematode meloidogyne incognita in relation to soil type /
رقم البحث : 11884836 Effect of some fertilizers on development of meloidogyne incognita and growth of cowpea /
رقم البحث : 11884837 Resistance and susceptibility of olives to meloidogyne incognita and rotylenchulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11884838 Rotylenchulus reniformis and soybean response to ascorbic acid /
رقم البحث : 11884839 دراسة اقتصادية للمزايا النسبية لبعض زروع التجارة الخارجية المصرية /
Vol 29 no 2 - jun 1991 - 01/06/1991
رقم البحث : 11889343 New agro techniques in transplanting cotton in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11889447 Effect of preceding crops and planting methods on growth, yield and yield components of cotton /
رقم البحث : 11889449 Genetic analysis of seed yield and its components in field beans (vicia flea, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11889451 Cultivars, harvesting dates and their effect on yield and quality of sugar beet /
رقم البحث : 11889453 Intercropping cotton with soybean :
رقم البحث : 11888471 Effect of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)and nicotin-amide adenine adenine dinucleotide (NAD) on maize grain yield and N-P-K uptake in grains /
رقم البحث : 11889454 Intercropping cotton with soybean :
رقم البحث : 11889456 Intercropping cotton with soybean :
رقم البحث : 11889471 The effect of phosphatic and zinc fertilization on growth and yield of faba bean plant /
رقم البحث : 11889472 Nature of growth in white pekin ducks /
رقم البحث : 11889473 Evaluation of carnation cultivars to infection with motte virus and root-knot nematode (meloidogyne incognita) /
رقم البحث : 11889475 Effect of different enzymes on the chemical and rheological properties of gouda cheese during ripening /
رقم البحث : 11889478 Protein and fat degradation during gouda cheese ripening as affected by different enzymes /
رقم البحث : 11889485 Comparative study of some compositional, phystical and technological properties of Egyptian cow, goat and camel milk /
رقم البحث : 11889491 Studies on the chemical nature of the metabolites of fusarium moniliforme and aspergillus flavus contaminated the Egyptian corn /
رقم البحث : 11889492 Production of sour protein milk peanut and corn meals blends /
رقم البحث : 11888520 Effect of bacteria inocula and nitrogen fertilizer on maize plants /
رقم البحث : 11889493 Fermentation of peanut and fasolyah milk using lactic acid bacteria /
رقم البحث : 11889494 Salt penetration in frozen stored aquacultures fish species and its relation with organolyptic properties after smoking /
رقم البحث : 11889495 Studies on some spices used in saudi arabian foods :
رقم البحث : 11889497 Studies on some spices used in Saudi Arabian foods :
رقم البحث : 11889498 Studies on growth of pecan seedlings :
رقم البحث : 11889501 Studies on growth of pecan seedlings :
رقم البحث : 11889502 Improving fruit grown and Development of manfaloti pomegranate trees grown on sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11889505 Effect of potassium fertilization and foliar application of certain micro-nutrients combinations on growth, yield and chemical composition of garlic plants /
رقم البحث : 11889506 Life tables of proctolaelaps deleoni nawar, childers and abou-setta at different temperatures (gamasida: ascidae) /
رقم البحث : 11889507 Pathogenesis and immune response pattern of standard and variant salmonella pullorum strains /
رقم البحث : 11888557 Effect of storage conditions (T°C and RH %) and packaging materials on germination percentage of onion and sunflower seeds /
رقم البحث : 11888617 Influence of intercropping patterns and foliar spray with Micronutrients on growth and yield of faba bean and onion /
Vol 29 no 1 - Mar1991 - 01/03/1991
رقم البحث : 11882637 Response of sunflower (helianthus annuus, L.) to irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11882640 Combining ability of some quantitative characters in 5 x 5 diallel of sugar beet (beta vulgaris l.) /
رقم البحث : 11882643 Component analysis of seed yield in sugar beet (beta vulgaris L.) /
رقم البحث : 11882645 Productivity of some fodder beet cultivars as influenced by organic and mineral fertilizers under saline conditions of south Sinai /
رقم البحث : 11882647 Studies on the response of some soybean varieties to intercropping with cotton /
رقم البحث : 11882649 Genetic and environmental variation in seed yield, seed size and cooking quality of lentil /
رقم البحث : 11882652 The efficiency of three conventional selection indices in corn /
رقم البحث : 11882655 Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer levels on sunflower (helianthus annuas, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11882657 Response of wheat plants to different CCC concentrations applied at different growth stages /
رقم البحث : 11882659 Studies on the genetic behavior of some parental lines of maize and their single crosses under different environmental factors /
رقم البحث : 11882661 Effect of water table and soil type on sugar crops :
رقم البحث : 11882662 Inheritance of some economic characters in egyptian cotton cross (Giza 68 x c.b. 58) x Giza 77 /
رقم البحث : 11882664 An in situ method for estimating dietary nitrogen degradability in the rumen /
رقم البحث : 11882666 Studies on some productive traits in sheep :
رقم البحث : 11882666 Studies on some productive traits in sheep :
رقم البحث : 11882667 Attempts to transfer antibiotic production into azotobacter chroococcum via garlic DNA extract /
رقم البحث : 11882668 Evaluation of cassava flour prepared by different traditional processes in Burundi /
رقم البحث : 11882671 Studies on utilization of wheat germ in the production of enriched bread /
رقم البحث : 11882675 Yield and storage ability of soybean seeds as affected by ethephon application and ripening period /
رقم البحث : 11882676 Herbicidal effects on the chemical composition and protein components of cowpea seeds /
رقم البحث : 11882677 Studies on Egyptian human milk /
رقم البحث : 11882678 Reliability of using California mastitis test reaction for the early diagnosis of mastitis in Egyptian cows /
رقم البحث : 11882811 Influence of milk kind, heat treatment and the level of salt in milk on salt diffusion and some characteristics of domiati cheese /
رقم البحث : 11882830 Plasmid profiles of several pediococcus strains /
رقم البحث : 11882850 Manufacture of domiati cheese from hydrolyzed lactose milk /
رقم البحث : 11882871 Effect of partial replacement of beef with lung on the nutritional value and storage stability of fresh sausage /
رقم البحث : 11882899 Cellulase production from cellulolytic fungi grown on peanut-hull wastes /
رقم البحث : 11882941 Occurrence of toxigenic fungi on Egyptian corn /
رقم البحث : 11882975 Bioassay study on the mycotoxicology of fusarium moniliforme in Egyptian corn /
رقم البحث : 11883040 Changes in soybean and sunflower oils during continuous heating and frying /
رقم البحث : 11883080 Effect of some mineral oils sprays on purple scale insect control, growth, flowering and fruit quality of “Washington” navel orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11883126 Effect of fertilization and spraying with some growth regulators on growth, flowering, yield and fruit chemical constituents of tomato /
رقم البحث : 11883196 Plant regeneration from embryogenic callus op V. vinifera CV. thompson seedless /
رقم البحث : 11883245 Genetic manipulation through somatic hybridization between V. vinifera CV. thompson seedless and v. rotundifolia cv. carlos grape protoplasts /
رقم البحث : 11883266 Effect of irrigation level and concentration of b-9 foliar application on strawberry plants grown in sandy soil :
رقم البحث : 11883292 Effect of irrigation level and concentration of b-9 foliar application on strawberry plants grown in sandy soil :
رقم البحث : 11883314 Effect of irrigation level and concentration of b-9 foliar application on strawberry plants grown in sandy soil :
رقم البحث : 11883363 Behavior of anna, a newly introduced apple cultivar, under different rates and methods of nitrogen applications /
رقم البحث : 11883400 Yield and quality of anna apple cultivar fruits as affected by application of copper, zinc and iron nutrients /
رقم البحث : 11883431 Effect of IBA and riboflavin on rooting of hardwood stem cuttings prepared from suckers of pyrus communis l. /
رقم البحث : 11883523 Effect of endomycorrhizal fungi, root-knot nematode and phosphorus fertilization on growth of meet-ghamr peach seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11883868 Eight methods for ventilation the confined honeybee colonies during the application of insecticides /
رقم البحث : 11883872 Response of cotton bollworm, pectinophora gossypiella saund. and earias insulana boise to seed neem kernel pure oil /
رقم البحث : 11883873 Inhibition of feeding rates and utilization efficiency in spodoptera littoralis larvae by two compounds with anti-ecdysone activity /
رقم البحث : 11883875 عملية اسراع تسوية الجبن الراس ( الرومى) باستخدام الانزيمات ونتائجها الاقتصادية :
رقم البحث : 11882670 Meat production performance of ossimi and ossimi crossbred lambs as affected by surgical castration and ethinylestradiol implantation :
رقم البحث : 11883870 The relative susceptibility of five maize varieties to natural infestation with three insect pests at Zagazig region, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11883871 Evaluation of neem seed oil as tuber protectant against phthorimaea operculella zell (lepidoptera, gelechiidae) /
Vol 28 no 4 - Dec 1990 - 01/12/1990
رقم البحث : 11905213 Effect of number of ccc spraying on some barley varieties /
رقم البحث : 11906923 Development of the mammary gland of the Egyptian buffalo heifers /
رقم البحث : 11906959 Production of fatty liver in the local geese /
رقم البحث : 11907002 Some factors affecting egg quality in dokki-4 chickens /
رقم البحث : 11907028 A study on productive traits in Egyptian buffaloes /
رقم البحث : 11907099 Effect of dietary protein level, fiber level breed and other factors on rabbits performance :
رقم البحث : 11907145 Effect of dietary protein level+ fiber level, breed and other factors on rabbits performance :
رقم البحث : 11907185 Effect of dietary protein level, fiber level, breed and other factors on rabbits performance :
رقم البحث : 11907291 Effect of planting date and fertilization level on :
رقم البحث : 11907494 Effect of soaking onion transplants in growth regulators on the percentage of infection with neck rot disease and chemical contents of onion bulbs /
رقم البحث : 11905429 Effect of cycocel and potassium sulphate on yield and fruit quality of le-conte pear trees /
رقم البحث : 11907525 Performance of selected fungicides against root and crown rot of strawberry caused by rhizoctonia solani f.sp. fragariae as affected by the application of recommended fertilizer and nematicide /
رقم البحث : 11907827 Quinolizidine alkaloids of Egyptian lupin seeds lupinus termis (var. Giza 1 and Giza 2) /
رقم البحث : 11909221 Isolation and characterization of new-oligosaccharides from lima bean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11909705 Lipopolysaccharide isolated from bacillus polymyxa-1231-atcc. 842 /
رقم البحث : 11909758 Comparative study on the anticholesteremic action of some vegetable proteins as ingested to albino rats /
رقم البحث : 11909810 High fiber bread /
رقم البحث : 11905586 Effect of water table on sugar crops :
رقم البحث : 11909892 Functional properties of soybean meal as affected by ethephon application and ripening period /
رقم البحث : 11910014 Utilization of permeate (milk by-product) in bread making /
رقم البحث : 11910060 Process for the production of drink fermented milks /
رقم البحث : 11910092 Preparation of leafy protein concentrate (lpc) from pea haulm /
رقم البحث : 11905620 Correlation between stalk weight and some morphological characters in the plant crop and first ratoon of some sugar cane varieties at Alexandria /
رقم البحث : 11911761 Comparative efficacy of some organic manures on controlling meloidogyne javanica on okra /
رقم البحث : 11905648 Physiological response of barley plant to ga3 and iaa applied as grain treatment /
رقم البحث : 11911783 Effect of dry tea dregs, as soil amendment, on gall formation by meloidogyne javanica and growth of sunflower (helianthus annus l.) /
رقم البحث : 11911981 Ultrastructure of antennal sensilla of callosobruchus maculatus (f.) (coleoptera: bruchidae.) /
رقم البحث : 11912018 Morphology of antennae and fine structure of their sensilla in the german cockroach blattella germanica (l.) (dictyoptera: blattellidae) /
رقم البحث : 11912310 Laboratory assessment of the effect of juvenile hormone analogue s-31183 when added to some pesticides on tetranychus urticae koch /
رقم البحث : 11912316 The use of artificial and natural diets in rearing agistemus exsertus (acari: stigmaeidae) /
رقم البحث : 11912330 The role of abrus precatorius alkaloid on settling, reproduction and development in tetranychus urticae koch /
رقم البحث : 11905673 Diallel analysis of yield and other agronomic characters in maize (zea mays, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11912344 Control of stem-end of mango fruits /
رقم البحث : 11912665 دراسة فى العلاقة بين كليات الزراعة الاقليمية والارشاد الزراعى /
رقم البحث : 11912710 دراسة تحليلية لأثر الحقول الارشادية على انتاج محصول الأرز /
رقم البحث : 11912765 Effect of foliar application of some micronutrients under different levels of n-fertilization on yield and nutrient content of wheat plant /
رقم البحث : 11912732 بعض العوامل المرتبطة باتجاه الزوجات الريفيات نحو التعليم :
رقم البحث : 11912678 ادراك المرشدين الزراعيين لأهمية استخدام المطبوعات الارشادية فى العمل الارشادى /
رقم البحث : 11912813 Effect of applied soil conditioner on sandy soil characteristics and wheat production /
رقم البحث : 11911075 Influence of pre-dip treatment of bolti fish in solutions containing sodium alginate during irradiation and storage /
رقم البحث : 11911206 Studies on the production of jerked beef /
رقم البحث : 11911233 Plant regeneration from sour orange and rangpur lime undeveloped ovule cultures /
رقم البحث : 11911258 Influence of succinic acid 2,2-dimethyl hydrazide (sadh) on fruiting and storage ability of anna apple fruits /
رقم البحث : 11911262 Studies on growth and fruiting of some newly introduced grape cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11911263 Growth criteria of tomato transplants as affected by seed-cold treatments /
رقم البحث : 11911264 Tomato plant growth and chemical composition as affected by seed-cold treatment and rate of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11911265 Tomato plants flowering, fruit setting and yield as affected by seed-cold treatment and rate of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11911268 Quality of tomato fruits as affected by seed-cold treat and rate of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11905750 Gene action and prediction of some yield attributes in four wheat crosses (triticum ae tivum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11911271 Effect of water regime and level of npk fertilization on carrot :
رقم البحث : 11911333 Effect of water regime and level on npr fertilization on carrot :
رقم البحث : 11911334 The influence of seedling size and gibberellic acid (ga3) on growth, yield, flowering and seed production of leek (allium porrum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11912838 Effect of gibberellic acid and chelated iron and zinc on berseem grown on an alluvial calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11905698 Genetic variability, character associations and path coefficient and its implications in some genotypes of maize (zea mays l.) /
رقم البحث : 11907717 Identification of a strain of watermelon mosaic virus 2 (wmv-2) isolated from naturally infected squash (cucurbita pepo, l.) plants grown in Kalubia governorate, A.R.E. /
رقم البحث : 11911010 Gliadin proteins from giza-159 wheat cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11912300 Date varieties and palm height in relation to infestation with date stone beetle, coccotrypes dactyliperda f. (coleoptera: scolytidae) /
رقم البحث : 11912294 Host-plants, temperature and juvenoids as factors affected the voracity of spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) Larvae for food consumption /
رقم البحث : 11906868 Postnatal development of the male genital system of growing Egyptian buffalo calves with special reference to testosterone concentration in blood plasma /
رقم البحث : 11911362 Cytological effects of the insect growth regulator (igr) fenoxycarb on mitotic cells of onion allium cepa /
Vol 28 no 3 - Sep 1990 - 01/09/1990
رقم البحث : 11886991 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer source and width and depth of application on growth, yield and yield components of fodder beet /
رقم البحث : 11890319 دراسة تحليلية لرأى المرشدين الزراعيين فى أولوية مهام القادة الارشاديين المحليين فى نشر الافكار والممارسات المزرهية المستحدثة فى محافظتى الشرقية والقليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11890325 التنسيق بين الجهاز الارشادى المحلى والوحدات المجمعة بمحافظة المنيا /
رقم البحث : 11890329 إتجاهات المزارعين نحو الجمعيات التعاونية الزراعية فى الريف المصرى :
رقم البحث : 11887003 Response of some maize varieties to cycocel and it’s application methods under the high level of nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11887006 Studies on the growth, forage yield, chemical composition and nutritive value of forage rapeas influenced by seeding rate and nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11887018 Evaluation of gin stand-loss cotton fiber /
رقم البحث : 11887064 Mechanical and structural properties as affected by different group lengths in some Egyptian cotton cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11887078 Effect of weed control method and nitrogen level on growth and yield of Giza 75 cotton and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11887096 Effect of weed control method and irrigations number on growth and yield of field bean (vicia faba l.) /
رقم البحث : 11887119 A study on intensive feeding of growing Bouscat rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11887141 Evaluation of poor quality roughages treated with ammonia for feeding rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11887158 T3/T4 ratio in relation to growth rate of Egyptian buffaloes during the second year of age /
رقم البحث : 11887235 Effect of crossing Egyptian baladi goat with French alpine on milk production and
pre-weaning kid performance /
رقم البحث : 11887247 Micropropagation of dahlia pinnata plants /
رقم البحث : 11887354 Leaf spot diseases on certain cereal forage crops in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11887370 Stalk and root rots of certain cereal forage crops in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11887380 Host-specific toxins of certain leaf spot, stalk-and root-rot fungi infecting cereal forage crops /
رقم البحث : 11887397 Peanut diseases in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 11887434 Effect of maturity on the oligosaccharides of five local legume seeds /
رقم البحث : 11888584 purified ether extract of peppermint as natural antioxidant for irradiated meat /
رقم البحث : 11888693 Growth, yield and quality of table beet as affected by planting and harvesting dates /
رقم البحث : 11888744 Plant regeneration from root apices of some citrus rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 11888803 Studies on seed germination of some citrus rootstocks /
رقم البحث : 11888857 Inheritance of powdery mildew disease and its nature of resistance in cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11888898 Inheritance of downy mildew disease and its nature of resistance in cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11888994 Effect of some growth regulators on persimmon :
رقم البحث : 11889249 Effect of some growth regulators on persimmon trees :
رقم البحث : 11889275 Effect of GA3, NAA and CCC foliar application on fresh herb; dry seed yield, volatile oils content and quality of coriander plants (Coriandrum sativum var dulce, L.) /
رقم البحث : 11889313 The inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid on meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato /
رقم البحث : 11889346 Survey and population dynamics of insects attacking safflower, (carthamus tinctorious), in Giza region, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11889379 Susceptibility of different legume seed varieties to the infestation of callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (coleoptera bruchidae) /
رقم البحث : 11888446 Evaluation of some kinds of cheeses from legal standard point of view /
رقم البحث : 11888487 Chemical properties of taizi like-smoked cheese /
رقم البحث : 11889559 Effect of two host plants on the biology of etiella zinckenella treit /
رقم البحث : 11890343 استخدام الطرق الارشادية فى بعض المحاصيل الزراعية بقرية ناى مركز قليوب – قليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11890337 أسباب غياب التنسيق بين الارشاد الزراعى والاجهزة الخدمية فى محافظة القليوبية /
رقم البحث : 11890336 الكفايات الأدائية للمرشدين الزراعيين وأثرها على مشاركة القادة المحليين فى العمل الارشادى بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11889604 Cheiroseius aegyptiacus N. SP. (acari: gamasida: ascidae) from Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11889643 Survey and relative abundance of insects attacking onion, in field and store with the accompanied natural enemies at Giza and Assuit regions /
رقم البحث : 11889663 Empirical models for predicting wheat yield in relation to the density levels of the greenbug, schizaphis graminum rondani (homoptera: aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 11889744 Response of safflower to available soil moisture and amendments levels on a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11889806 Effect of organic amendments on barley and sunflower grown on a calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11889855 Changes in N, P and K status in soils resulted from deterioration or reclamation /
رقم البحث : 11889889 Significance of some plant growth parameters as affected by natural soil sodicity /
رقم البحث : 11890248 Effect of the increase in contents and fineness of CaCo3 in soil on ryegrass growth and its P and K uptake /
رقم البحث : 11890263 Phosphorus availability in saline soils as affected by organic materials /
رقم البحث : 11890290 Boron-zinc and boron-manganese relationships in peanut plant /
رقم البحث : 11890303 دراسة اقتصادية واجتماعية للعوامل المؤثرة على اختيار الزراع للأصناف الجديدة من محصولى القمح والأرز بمحافظة البحيرة /
Vol 28 no 2 - jun 1990 - 01/06/1990
رقم البحث : 11882690 Effect oFgumboro virus on the immune response of
chickens vaccinated with fowl pox-vaccine /
رقم البحث : 11882691 Studies on crude wheat germ produced as a by—product of milling industry /
رقم البحث : 11882692 مشروع تنميه المرأه الريفيه :
رقم البحث : 11882693 دراسه لبعض العوامل المؤثره على استخدام المرشدين الزراعيين لجهازى التسجيل الصوتى والعرض السينمائى /
رقم البحث : 11882696 أثر التحضر على بعض عناصر الاتزان البيئى والاجتماعى فى الريف المصرى /
رقم البحث : 11882698 دراسه اقتصاديه لتنميه الوحده الانتاجيه الحيوانيه كوسيله لمواجهه العجز فى البروتين الحيوانى فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11879081 Studies on a new intercropping system for maize and cotton in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11879085 Effect of preceding crop and nitrogen level of yield
and yield components of giza 80 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11879092 Wheat as a preceding crop for cotton /
رقم البحث : 11879095 Effect of population density on the growth, yield
and nutritive values of some fodder beet varieties /
رقم البحث : 11879099 Growth, chemical composition and yield of barley plants
as affected by k—fertilizer and moisture levels /
رقم البحث : 11879102 Effect of some swelling agents on fiber and yarn
properties for some egyptian cotton cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11879105 Effect of maicronaire levels on cotton
fiberproperties /
رقم البحث : 11879110 Intrinsic and extrinsic colours op cotton
grades ofegyptian varieties /
رقم البحث : 11879112 Connotation of the3-digit colour grade code
determinedby the HVI and its relation to colour
attributes op cotton grades op egyptian varieties /
رقم البحث : 11879116 An approach to transfer and assemble of okra—leaf sbapeand cleistogamic flower in egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11879125 Comparative analysis of certain genotypes of flax /
رقم البحث : 11879126 Effect of three growth regulators on the cytological
behavior and some plant characters of cotton /
رقم البحث : 11879127 Effect of three growth regulators on the cytological
behavior and some plant characters of cotton /
رقم البحث : 11879128 Netabolic activation or chemical substances
by cell free plant extracts /
رقم البحث : 11879130 Response of vitamin b12 and some lipotropic agents
to the productive performance of low4arn parent stock
breeders and the incidence of fatty liver
hemorrhagic syndrome /
رقم البحث : 11879135 Effect of different extraction methods on the
saponifiable and unsaponifiable content of
rapeseed oils /
رقم البحث : 11879136 Effect of maturity and neat treatments on
trypsin inhibitor in soybean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11879137 Acceleration of ras cheese ripening
by using pancreatic extract /
رقم البحث : 11879138 Manufacture of zabady by increasing the total
solids with different methods /
رقم البحث : 11879139 Frozen yoghurt manufacture from hydrolyzed lactose milk /
رقم البحث : 11880096 Yoghurt manufactured from hydrolyzed lactose milk /
رقم البحث : 11880098 Evaluation of local uht milk during storage
II— biological evaluation /
رقم البحث : 11880099 Evaluation of local hut milk during storage
i— chemical evaluation /
رقم البحث : 11880100 The effect of hannilase rennet in the manufacture
/ of domiati cheese made from cow’s milk
رقم البحث : 11880101 Effect of using some commercial lipolytic enzymes
on romi cheese ripening /
رقم البحث : 11880103 changes induced in proteins of soft cheeses during
pickling at low temperatures /
رقم البحث : 11882648 Effect of frozen storage on lipid stability in chicken muscles /
رقم البحث : 11882658 Effect of maturity on the physical, chemical properties and aroma compounds of apricot juice /
رقم البحث : 11882660 Some canned products from none utilized shark meat /
رقم البحث : 11882663 Proximate composition and fatty acids profile of salted small-sized sardine /
رقم البحث : 11882669 Rice—wheat germ protein isolate as meat substitute in beefeurgers /
رقم البحث : 11882672 Technological aspects for drying some
local plum cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11882679 Characflrization of wheat flour and wheat germ alpha—amylase /
رقم البحث : 11882680 Vegetative growth, mineral status and yield of
sultant fig trees grown in rain-fed orchards in north-western coast of egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882681 Effect of planting date and spacing on read and seed yield of cabbage /
رقم البحث : 11882682 Evaluation of gorwth, yield and chemical composition of some carrot cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11882683 Effect of potassium levels and some micro—elements on potato yield and quality /
رقم البحث : 11882684 Effect of boron on growth, yield and accumulation
of sugars and carbohydrates in bulbs of onion :
رقم البحث : 11882685 Improvement of globe artichoke propagation /
رقم البحث : 11882686 Effect of vernalization on yield and head characters of globe artichoke /
رقم البحث : 11882688 Influence of planting date and nitrogen fertilizer
on cowpea seed yield under the conditions of sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11882689 Response of cowpea plants to foliar spray with some growth regulators /
Vol 27 no 4 - Dec1989 - 01/12/1989
رقم البحث : 11883521 Effect of different levels and forms of nitrogen fertilizer on wheat /
رقم البحث : 11884397 Cotton cultivar response to shortening the growing season and removing the tips of cotton plants /
رقم البحث : 11884429 Effect of foliar and soil application of some micro-nutrients of growth and yield of sordan plants under calcareous soil of maryut /
رقم البحث : 11884463 Growth response of sunflower plants to irrigation intervals phosphorus and potassium fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11884480 The mode of action of glyphosate interaction effect with aromatic amino acids on seedling development of lentils (lens esculenta l.) /
رقم البحث : 11884504 Comparative study on some flax cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11884524 The deleterious consequences of premature defoliation on fiber quality of late-grown cotton /
رقم البحث : 11884548 Influence of drought at the late growth stages on grain yield of triticale, bread and durum wheat genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11884588 Physical, structural and mechanical fiber properties for some extra-long Egyptian cottons as affected by carding and combing processes /
رقم البحث : 11884629 Comparative study on tenacity ratio, actual elongation and slippage rate for Egyptian cottons as affected by some chemical treatments /
رقم البحث : 11884651 Effect of chemical treatments on fiber and yarn quality in Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11883556 Effect of applied nutrients on production of sugar beet (beta vulgaris, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11884658 Seasonal variation in some traits of some Egyptian cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 11884672 Estimates of genetic and environmental variabilities in soybeans (glycine max’. L.) /
رقم البحث : 11887337 Relative efficiency of some statistical and experimental designs in flax /
رقم البحث : 11887340 Relative efficiency of incomplete block designs in evaluating soybean yield /
رقم البحث : 11887339 The relative efficiency of different designs from optimum plot size and basic unit for evaluating flax seed yield /
رقم البحث : 11887341 Effect of dietary energy levels and manganese supplementation on performance and body composition of fayoumi spent hens /
رقم البحث : 11887344 Effect of dietary protein and energy levels on the perpormance and body composition of fayoumi roasters /
رقم البحث : 11888506 Effect of some agricultural practices on the occurrence of wilt and/or root-rot pathogens of gerbera jamesonii, hook /
رقم البحث : 11888531 Evaluation of some new organic compounds on the control of alternaria leaf spot of gerbera jamesonii, hook /
رقم البحث : 11883579 Effect of phosphorus and zinc levels on yield and quality of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11890224 Comparative study of bacteriophages infection virulence, cellulase and pectinase activities in erwinia carotovora and e. Atroseptica /
رقم البحث : 11890247 Varietal reaction and chemical control of frogeye leaf spot of soybean in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11890267 Vitamin a, b1 and b2 contents of domiati and tallaga cheese during ripening /
رقم البحث : 11890282 Evaluation of some local and introduced banana cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11890298 Effect of some growth regulator sprays on growth of pecan seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11890307 Growth and alkaloidal content of catharanthus roseus l.g. don, grown in vitro as affected by pretreatments with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium salts /
رقم البحث : 11890318 Breaking dormancy of lilium bulblets produced in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11890326 In vitro propagation of lily (lilium longiflorum) as affected by salt concentrations /
رقم البحث : 11890563 Effect of foliar applications of mo, cu and zn on growth, mineral contents and yield of pea /
رقم البحث : 11883609 Nitrogen fertilization and its effect on yield and components of soybean /
رقم البحث : 11890544 Studies on catharanthus roseus l.g. don. Fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11890735 Chemo-physical changes of irradiated tomatoes under controlled atmosphere storage /
رقم البحث : 11890789 Effect of planting date and some fungicides on powdery mildew infection, vegetative growth and yield of cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11890820 Evaluation of some onion cultivars for yield, quality and storage ability of bulbs /
رقم البحث : 11891392 Field studies with sex pheromone of the ceratitis capitata, weld on citrus trees (tephritidae, diptera) /
رقم البحث : 11891895 Typhlodromus balanites (acarina: phytoseiidae) as a predator of the gall mite eriophyes dioscoridis (acarina: eriophyidae) /
رقم البحث : 11891914 Some chemical changes in properties of soil irrigated with drainage water /
رقم البحث : 11883635 Interaction effect of zinc and phosphorus on seed yield and quality of soybean /
رقم البحث : 11891943 Effect of irrigation with drainage water on some physical properties of soil /
رقم البحث : 11891979 Water infiltration behaviour as affected by column diameters and dry soil crumb sizes /
رقم البحث : 11892011 Studies on the water consumptive use for lupines crop /
رقم البحث : 11891960 Soil clay contents-comparison methods /
رقم البحث : 11891393 A preliminary study for monitoring and determination the economic threshold levels of the medfly, ceratitis capitata wied (tephritidae, diptera) /
رقم البحث : 11891394 Control measures of corn leaf aphid, rhopalosiphum maidis (fitch), and the effectiveness of rate of infestation on the yield in north valley, Egypt (aphididae: homoptera) /
رقم البحث : 11891391 Effect of some environmental factors on the male captures of pectinophors gossypiella (saund) in pheromone traps /
رقم البحث : 11883733 Effect of plant density and nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11884339 Effect of phosphorus level and pix (mepiquate chloride) on yield and yield components of giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11884364 Effect of water stress and hueing on yield and yield components of giza 75 cotton variety /
Vol 27 no 3 - Sept 1989 - 01/09/1989
رقم البحث : 11880032 Effect of irrigation and fertilization on lentil :
رقم البحث : 11880033 Effect of irrigation and fertilization on lentil :
رقم البحث : 11880034 Effect of GA3 and IAA on growth and yield of some maize varieties /
رقم البحث : 11880035 Evaluation of some wheat herbicides /
رقم البحث : 11880036 Response of some faba bean cultivars to different concentrations of GA3 and IAA /
رقم البحث : 11880037 A study on intercropping lentil and barley under different nitrogen rates /
رقم البحث : 11880038 Influence of boll age and picking date on the physical and chemical properties of Egyptian cottonseed /
رقم البحث : 11880039 Anatomy of alfalfa leaflet as affected by NPK-fertilization and saline irrigation /
رقم البحث : 11880040 Response of yield and its components of irrigated wheat with saline water to some agricultural practices /
رقم البحث : 11880041 Effect of some nutrient compounds as foliar application on the growth and yield of maize plants /
رقم البحث : 11880042 Growth and yield response of oilseed rape (brassica napus l.) to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11880043 Response of broad bean to zinc application /
رقم البحث : 11880044 Studies on genetic variability, correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and its components in Egyptian cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 11880045 Correlation and path coefficient studies in maize /
رقم البحث : 11880046 Evaluation of some new synthetic varieties of maize /
رقم البحث : 11880373 دراسة تقييميه لبعض الجوانب الاقتصادية لاستخدام الصوب الزاعية فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11880364 تحليل قياسى لانتاج وتسويق البطاطس فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11880345 التقدير القياسى للدوال الاستجابية العرضية للفول البلدى فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11880295 Clay minerals association and status of trace elements in some soils subgroups of fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11880309 دراسة تحليلية للمشاكل الانتاجية والتسويقية لمحصول المانجو فى جمهورية مصر العربية مع اشارة خاصة لمحافظة الاسماعيلية /
رقم البحث : 11880248 The dynamic process of the soil-root interface /
رقم البحث : 11880204 Moisture retention of a sandy soil as affected by the application of some soil conditioners and amendments /
رقم البحث : 11880047 A factor analysis of plant variables related to yield in corn /
رقم البحث : 11880223 The use of drainage water for irrigating cotton /
رقم البحث : 11880049 Estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters for weaning and preweaning body weights and gain in bouscat and Giza white rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11880048 Urea as a protein supplement in rabbit diets /
رقم البحث : 11880186 Water loss through evaporation from a sandy soil as affected by shales application /
رقم البحث : 11880050 Reaction to root and pod rot diseases of peanut (arachis hypogaea l.) /
رقم البحث : 11880051 Pathogenic fungi isolated from anise fruits affecting its keeping quality /
رقم البحث : 11880052 Effect of powdery mildew disease on fruit characteristics and yielding ability of some new melon cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11880053 Assessment of varieties and lines for horizontal resistance to rice blast disease /
رقم البحث : 11880054 Effect of sodium chloride and sodium carbonate on auxin and growth inhibitor contents of lupinus termis during seed germination and plant growth /
رقم البحث : 11880055 Chemical evaluation of different soybean genotypes /
رقم البحث : 11880056 Effect of germination on some biochemical changes in seeds of different soybean varieties /
رقم البحث : 11880057 Biochemical studies on the effect of sodium nitrite on hemoglobin fractions, cytochrome c-system and growth rate of albino rats /
رقم البحث : 11880058 Method for the determination of aldoses and uronic acids by capillary gas-liquid chromatography /
رقم البحث : 11880059 Effect of milk processing on the unsaponifiables and phospholipids of milk fractions /
رقم البحث : 11880060 Frozen mille feuille dough, effect of freezing, storing and baking on the dough properties /
رقم البحث : 11880061 Evaluation of some ”le conte” pear trees /
رقم البحث : 11880063 Studies on germination of annona seeds /
رقم البحث : 11880062 Effect of sowing date, mechanical and chemical treatments on germination of olive seeds /
رقم البحث : 11880064 Some micromorphological studies on surface of leaves from olea cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11880065 Vegetative and floral studies on mandarin’s group in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11880066 Effect of NPK fertilization on vegetative growth, flowering and chemical composition of chrysanthemum carinatum, L. /
رقم البحث : 11880067 Response of broad bean to irrigation frequency with drainage water under different levels of phosphorus fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11880068 Weed control in wheat using some postemergence herbicides/
رقم البحث : 11880069 Comparative effectiveness of some fungicides applied pre- or post harvest for controlling stem-end rot of citrus fruits /
رقم البحث : 11880137 Certain technological parameters of bombyx mori L. cocoons dried for killing pupae by different thermal regimes /
رقم البحث : 11880144 Evaluation of four rearings of univoltine bomyx mori l. around the ybart sing to acid-treatment procedures for ificial hatching of eggs /
رقم البحث : 11880151 Effect of sulfur application on the bionomics of the stunt nematode tylenchorhynchus clarus, allen, l955 /
رقم البحث : 11880164 Concentration and method of application of some plant growth substances in relation to tomato growth and infectivity with the root-knot nematodes, meloidogyne SPP. /
رقم البحث : 11880157 Influence of plant growth regulators on sunflower growth and infectivity with the ring nematode, criconemoides SPP. /
رقم البحث : 11880167 Suitability of some barley and wheat cultivars to heterodera zeae /
رقم البحث : 11880175 Population fluctuations of liriomyza congesta (becker), aphis craccivora koch and bruchus rufimanus boh. attacking broad bean leaves or seeds at Zagazig, Egypt /
Vol 27 no 2 - jun 1989 - 01/06/1989
رقم البحث : 11883711 Effect of n-levels and plant density on yield and some agronomic characters
in maize (zea mays, l..) /
رقم البحث : 11883689 Response of soybean to nitrogen levels molybdenum and inoculation /
رقم البحث : 11883663 Effect of plant population and nitrogen levels on rapeseed oil quality and quantity /
رقم البحث : 11883602 Residual effect of some cotton herbicides on succeeding wheat and Egyptian clover /
رقم البحث : 11883393 Effect of planting methods, plant densities and weed control on faba bean and associated weeds :
رقم البحث : 11883581 Effect of some cotton herbicides on growth, yield and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11883544 Effect of planting methods, plant densities and weed control on faba bean and associated weeds :
رقم البحث : 11883348 Effect of planting methods, plant densities and weed control on faba bean and associated weeds :
رقم البحث : 11883274 Evaluation of some cassava (manihot esculenta grantz.) Varieties introduced by tissue culture /
رقم البحث : 11883731 Response of wheat plants to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in newly reclamed area /
رقم البحث : 11883928 Some factors affecting self, cross and artificial pollination in two oil rapeseed species /
رقم البحث : 11883938 Estimation of optimum plot size and shape for faba bean yield trials /
رقم البحث : 11883961 Relative efficiency of some experimental designs in faba bean yield /
رقم البحث : 11884025 Analysis of variance to the repeated measurement with autocorrelated errors /
رقم البحث : 11884105 True metabolizable energy and nutritional evaluation of fat sources and levels in broiler diets /
رقم البحث : 11884200 Effect of dietary lipid on performance and nutrients utilization in turkey /
رقم البحث : 11884607 Contraction rate and proteins solubility of bolti and karmout fillets during rigor mortis /
رقم البحث : 11884586 Survey of microorganisms capable of producing extracellular dextranase /
رقم البحث : 11884562 Elimination of undesirable materials from rapeseed (brassica napus) seeds by aqueous solution treatments /
رقم البحث : 11884428 Carbohydrate composition of three local varieties of beanut Arachis hypotlea :
رقم البحث : 11884400 Structure of an acidic polysaccharide produced by bacillus polymyxa – 1231 /
رقم البحث : 11884371 Chemical control of nematodes associated with mango trees in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11884334 Some physiological aspects of atrazine herbicide on zea mays, corchorus olitorius and portulaca oleracea plants :
رقم البحث : 11884295 Some physiological aspects of atrazine herbicide on zea mays, corchorus olitorius and portulaca oleracea plants :
رقم البحث : 11884268 Comparison between two different methods for available lysine determination /
رقم البحث : 11884248 Effect of variable calorie protein ratio on performance of growing rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11884625 Dietary intake of university female students in Cairo /
رقم البحث : 11884643 Salt tolerance in European and American grape plants as affected by micro-nutrients /
رقم البحث : 11884657 Micro-nutrients influence on salt tolerance of guava and olive seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11884665 Effect of some chemical treatments and cold stratification on germination of pecan seeds /
رقم البحث : 11884674 Effect of some chemical treatments and cold stratification on germination of walnut seeds /
رقم البحث : 11884684 Response of roselle plant (hibicus sabdariffa, l.) To irradiation treatments /
رقم البحث : 11884893 Response of ocimum basilicum, l. To the new fertilizer agrispon /
رقم البحث : 11884905 Effect of nitrogen level on growth, yield and chemical composition of common bean /
رقم البحث : 11884925 Studies on the effect of certain common bean cultivars on plant growth, yield and chemical composition /
رقم البحث : 11884919 Effect of n source on growth, yield and chemical composition of common bean /
رقم البحث : 11884933 Effect of water quality and nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield and chemical composition of lettuce (lactuca sativa, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11884950 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and foliar spray of zinc and iron on growth and yield of cabbage plants as well as the nutritive value of leaves /
رقم البحث : 11884959 Response of garlic to sulphur and phosphorus applications /
رقم البحث : 11884971 Some treatments affecting flowering and seed production of carrot :
رقم البحث : 11884983 Screening and host suitability studies of sesame (sesamum indicum l.) Genotypes to root-knot nematode, meloidogyne javanica, (treub) chitwood /
رقم البحث : 11884996 Reaction of sesame, sesamum indicum L, genotypes to the infection of reniform nematode, rotylenchulus reniformis linford & oliviera /
رقم البحث : 11885012 Green marine algae as a source of natural products :
رقم البحث : 11885025 Efficacy of certain insecticides against field strains of the Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (BOISD.) during 1983 cotton season /
رقم البحث : 11885033 Laboratory studies on the biology and feedings habitis of three macrochelid mites (acari: gamsida: macrochelidae) /
رقم البحث : 11885058 Biological studies and prey range of two predaceous soil mites (acari: gamasida) /
رقم البحث : 11885079 Effect of temperature and humidity of the development of phytoseiulus persimilis (acari: phytoseiidae) /
رقم البحث : 11885116 Transmission of fungal diseases by two oribatid mites and the role of tyrophagus putrescentiae in controlling soybean root rot and onion white rot /
رقم البحث : 11885224 Occurrence of feather mites on some domestic birds in the farm of faculty of agriculture at Giza /
رقم البحث : 11885265 إستخدام تحليل الانحدار فى تقدير انتاجية الموالح بجمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11885332 إستخدام اسلوب العينات فى تقدير انتاجية الموالح بجمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11885366 دراسة تحليلية لتقدير انتاجية العنب لجمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11885402 التوسع الزراعى الافقى والرأسى بمحافظة البحيرة /
رقم البحث : 11884226 Response of dietary lipids and their mixtures to nutrients utilization and the performance Of arbor acres broiler chicks /
Vol 27 no 1 - Mar1989 - 01/03/1989
رقم البحث : 11902249 Influence of minimum tillage on grain sorghum productivity and soil properties /
رقم البحث : 11902108 Effect of phosphorus and stimofol fertilization on the productivity of lentil under sandy soil condition /
رقم البحث : 11902261 Yield stability op some newly relased bread wheat varieties /
رقم البحث : 11902273 Development of wheat production in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11902120 Effect of plant density and phosphorus on yield and yield components of giza 75 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11902583 Studies on gene action in across of egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11902600 components of some genotypes through a breeding programme for egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11902614 Comparative ability of some maize (zea mays, l.) genotypes to germinate under varid osmotic pressures /
رقم البحث : 11902132 Growth and leaf characters of rape seed (brassica napus l.) in relation to nitrogen and plant density /
رقم البحث : 11902148 Effect of plant population density on faba bean (vicia faba l..) seed yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11902170 Fertilizing value of anhydrous ammonia as a source of nitrogen for cotton /
رقم البحث : 11902221 Response of soybean to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium :
رقم البحث : 11902623 Effect of inorganic sulfur supplementation on broiler chicks performance /
رقم البحث : 11902855 Effect of fish meal and/or methionine supplementation on the performance of broiler chicks /
رقم البحث : 11902874 Factors affecting bacterial growth in the rumen of four different species /
رقم البحث : 11902898 poultry manure and activated sewage sludge as supplementary feeds in rabbit rations /
رقم البحث : 11902922 Nutritional evaluation of methionine sources in broiler chick diets /
رقم البحث : 11902939 Effect of ambient temperature on some nutrients utilization of indian river broiler chicks /
رقم البحث : 11903673 Genetic and phenotypic parameters of lifetime production traits in friesian cattle in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11903712 The effects of N-starvation, limitation, and recovery on the growth criteria and nitrogen metabolism of the cyanobacterium phormidium fragile /
رقم البحث : 11902228 Response of soybean to nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium :
رقم البحث : 11903747 Biological and chemical control of fusarium wilt in watermelon and their effect on chemical properties of plant roots /
رقم البحث : 11903783 The use of biogas - outlet effluent as a growth medium for n2- fixing blue- green algae /
رقم البحث : 11903800 Isolation and identification of guar seed (cyamposis tetragonoloba) gum /
رقم البحث : 11903818 Effect of humid and dry heat treatments on the quality of the oil and cake of rapesseed ’Brassica Napus’ /
رقم البحث : 11903834 The distribution of fructans in onions /
رقم البحث : 11903857 Studies on mineral content, free and protein amino acid, oil properties and fatty acid composition of safflower seeds /
رقم البحث : 11903889 Proteolytic action of pepsin and trypsin in vitro on the casein and paracasein from buffalo’ s, cow’s and reconstituted milk /
رقم البحث : 11903965 Effect of using some stabilizers in yoghurt manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11903990 A trial for making yoghurt drink /
رقم البحث : 11904013 Acceleration of domiatti cheese ripening /
رقم البحث : 11902238 Evaluation of some soybean herbicides :
رقم البحث : 11904280 Effect of cacI2 temperature and ph on tee precipitation of soy milk protein /
رقم البحث : 11904354 The quality characteristics of grapefruit juice as affected by method of extraction and maturity stage /
رقم البحث : 11904375 The quality characteristics of orange juice as affected by method of extraction and stage of maturity /
رقم البحث : 11904391 Chemical and microbial studies on pickling of sinai olives :
رقم البحث : 11904418 Effect of heat treatment and different types of yeast on bread quality and bread staling /
رقم البحث : 11904433 Influence of processing treatments on some chemical changes in spinach /
رقم البحث : 11904453 Effect of soaking treatments on some chemical properties and nutritive value of black beans (phaseolus vulgaris) /
رقم البحث : 11904490 Effect of some micro-nutrients foliar spray on plant growth,chemical composition, flowering and dry seed yield of peas (pisum sativum, l.,) /
رقم البحث : 11904515 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and ethrel spray on growth, chemical composition, flowering and seed yield and quality of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11904527 Effect of some herbicides and chelating micro-untrients on growth and yield of onion /
رقم البحث : 11902243 Evaluation of some soybean herbicides :
رقم البحث : 11904553 Influence of food quantity on developmen and female fecundity of eutogenes punctata and soliman (cheyletidae: acari) /
رقم البحث : 11904573 A new species of the genus ololaelaps berlese (laelapidae: acari) /
رقم البحث : 11904588 Response of tetranychus urticae koch to natural oils /
رقم البحث : 11904606 Green marine algae as a source of natural products :
رقم البحث : 11904621 Influence of molybdenum on the root knot nematode meloidogyne javanica infecting broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11904641 A preliminary study on the structure of some soils in egypt /
رقم البحث : 11904653 Residual effect of canals clearance and organic materials on sandy soil Properties and yield of lentil crop under varying irrigation intervals :
رقم البحث : 11904679 Residual effect of canals clearance and organic materials on sandy soil properties and yield of lentil crop under varying irrigation intervals :
رقم البحث : 11904693 Ammoniation of aflatoxins-contaminated rations :
رقم البحث : 11904709 تحليل إقتصادى قياسى للواردات من أنواع الفاكهة في دولة الكويت /
Vol 26 no 4 - Dec 1988 - 01/12/1988
رقم البحث : 11897521 Effect of some weed management schemes on the yield of rape seed under different levels of nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11897553 Response of growth and yield of soybean plants to micronutrient fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11899727 Effect of some trace elements and gibberellic acid spraying on yield, mineral contents and oil of soybean seeds /
رقم البحث : 11899748 Influence of atrazine on linseed oil /
رقم البحث : 11899787 Effect of certain herbicides and their mixtures on sesame seed oil /
رقم البحث : 11900466 The response of cotton plant to some nutrients and cycocel /
رقم البحث : 11900496 Effect of nitrogen application rates and dates on yield and yield components of giza 80 cotton variety when sown late /
رقم البحث : 11900544 Effects of zn and mn-chelate fertilizers on yield, yield components and nutrient uptake of field bean plants in highly calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11900615 Influence of potassium and chelated iron fertilizers on yield, yield component and elements content in seeds of field bean (vicia faba) in calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11901200 Effect of phosphate, zinc and iron, on Egyptian lupin (lupinus termis forsk) in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11901306 Studies on physical, chemical and technological properties of Egyptian cotton fiber varieties /
رقم البحث : 11901313 Correlation and path coefficient analysis for yield and its components in f2 and f3 generations of an interspecific cotton cross /
رقم البحث : 11901368 Effect of cleaning machinary on cotton fiber and yarn quality /
رقم البحث : 11901568 Breeding of a new promising safflower lines obtained by irradiation under calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11901664 Iron metabolism and migration from phosvitin to transferrin during egg laying period /
رقم البحث : 11902488 Changes in hybrids susceptible and tolerant maize cultivars during common smut (ustilago maydis [d.c.] cda.) Infection :
رقم البحث : 11902499 Effect of milk total solids on yoghurt properties /
رقم البحث : 11902522 Elucidation of ras cheese as manufactured by the traditional primitive method in small private factories /
رقم البحث : 11902546 Rate and extent of proteolysis of goat’s and cow’s casein and paracasein complex by pepsin and trypsin as affected by some factors /
رقم البحث : 11902572 Comparative study on fat globule membrane of buffalo, cow, goat and sheep raw milk /
رقم البحث : 11902592 Effect of pasteurization, sterilization and freezing on fat goluble membrane materials of buffalo and cow milk /
رقم البحث : 11902618 Studies on Egyptian fennel seed oil /
رقم البحث : 11902639 Studies on some factors affecting the chemical composition of neroli oil /
رقم البحث : 11902925 The effect of some factors on the chemical composition of bitter orange flowers concrete and absolute /
رقم البحث : 11904299 Effect of preparation methods on chemical and functional properties of some rapeseed protein products /
رقم البحث : 11904206 Changes of microbiological and chemical properties of chicken meat products (fine chest, sausage and luncheon) during frozen storage at (-18°c) for 10 months /
رقم البحث : 11904367 Utilization of some cannery wastes in microbial protein production /
رقم البحث : 11904400 Citrus fruit DROP in relation to endogenous growth substances :
رقم البحث : 11904500 Effect of soaking seeds of pea (pisum sativum, l.) in some micronutrient solutions on growth, yield and quality of pea /
رقم البحث : 11904560 Effect of soaking cloves in some micronutrients solutions and nitrogen fertilizer soil addition on growth, yield and chemical composition of garlic plants /
رقم البحث : 11904650 Evaluation of trichoderma harzianum isolate in controlling fusarium wilt of watermelon in comparison with chemical control /
رقم البحث : 11904734 Effect of cycocel and b-nine on growth and flowering of senecio cruentus, l. /
رقم البحث : 11904775 Effect of certain groups of insecticides on the abundance of predators in cotton fields /
رقم البحث : 11904811 Honey bees as good pollinators for Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11904937 Effect of temperature and relative humidity on bionomics of the lady bird beetle, cydonia vicina subsignata pic. (coleoptera: coccinellidae) /
رقم البحث : 11897442 Response of soybean and peanut plants to soil application of molybdenum /
رقم البحث : 11904973 Chemical composition of plants grown on soil ammended with sewage effluent /
رقم البحث : 11904991 Response of groundnut to irrigation intervals in a sandy soil treated with shaffed straw and canal spoil /
رقم البحث : 11904996 دراسة تحليلية لبعض العوامل المرتبطة بدرجة تبنى زراعة الليمون البلدى للمارسات المحسنة فى مركز سنورس بمحافظة الفيوم /
رقم البحث : 11902978 Effect of some factors on the yield of neroli oil and bitter orange flowers concrete and absolute /
رقم البحث : 11901920 Factors affecting bacterial growth in the rumen of four different species /
رقم البحث : 11901922 Inheritance of protein content and amino acid lysine in grain sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11902378 Diallel genetic analysis of grain yield and protein content in some crosses of grain sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11902381 Production of lipase by rhizobium japonicum /
رقم البحث : 11902389 Cholesterol decomposition by aspergillus fumigatus (69) isolated from a human skin in relation to heavy metals, nitrogen sources, amino acids and vitamins /
رقم البحث : 11901269 Effect of soil and foliar application of phosphorus fertilizer on yield and chemical contents of flax plants /
رقم البحث : 11901271 Physiological response of groundnut to urea application /
رقم البحث : 11902393 Changes in hybrids susceptible and tolerant maize cultivars during common smut (ustilago maydis (d.c.) cda.) Infection :
رقم البحث : 11904205 Nutritional and microbiological evaluation of some canned baby foods /
رقم البحث : 11897472 Effect of manganese application on soybean and peanut /
رقم البحث : 11897498 Utilization of biofertilizers in field crop production :
Vol 26 no 3 - Sep 1988 - 01/09/1988
رقم البحث : 11911102 Effects of varying soil moisture levels, boligrow and poudrette additions on vegetative growth, dry matter production, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency for corn on sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11911103 Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal association and phosphorus fertilization on the growth of citrus aurantium l. in a sandy soil /
رقم البحث : 11911105 Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal association and phosphorus fertilization on the growth of citrus aurantium l. in calcreous soil /
رقم البحث : 11911106 The role of arguspersicus in transmitting staphylococcus aureus among chickens and its possible public health importance /
رقم البحث : 11904314 Yield analysis of broad bean as influenced by plant population density /
رقم البحث : 11911114 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلة لمشروع الاقراض الالى الزراعى بمحافظة الغربية /
رقم البحث : 11911116 أمكانية التطبيق الاقتصادى لمعاملات التسميد العضوى و الكيماوى و الاراضى المتدهورة بناحية الصالحية بمحافظة الفيوم /
رقم البحث : 11911115 تحليل اقتصادى للتغيرات التى تعرض لها توزيع الدخل الاسرى فى مصر استنادا الى بيانات ميزانية الاسرة /
رقم البحث : 11907173 Biochemical effects of some natural food-stuff colours on hyperglycemic rats /
رقم البحث : 11904287 The relative importance of some growth characters to phenotypic and genotypic seed yield variations in broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11904408 Preliminary studies on intercropping maize with cotton /
رقم البحث : 11904462 Effect of topping dates and nitrogen levels on yield and yield components of giza 75 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11904602 Effect of cultivar and fertilization on fodder beet silage :
رقم البحث : 11904048 Effect of plant density and fertilization on yield of safflower /
رقم البحث : 11904622 Effect of cultivar and fertilization on fodder beet silage :
رقم البحث : 11904703 Differential response of fodder beet cultivars to potassium bisulfate as an antioxidant preservent agent for beet silage /
رقم البحث : 11905091 Temporal changes in quality characteristics of stored fodder beet silage /
رقم البحث : 11905092 Effect of conditioning treatments on the quality characteristics of fodder beet silage /
رقم البحث : 11905172 Stability characteristics of some soybean cultivars(clycine max l. merr.) growing in differentenvironments /
رقم البحث : 11905209 Response of some barley genotypes to irrigationwater deficiency /
رقم البحث : 11905897 Response of some grain sorghum varieties to different sowing dates and plant population densities /
رقم البحث : 11905930 Effect of irrigation intervals and nitrogen fertilization rates on water use efficiency in maize field experiments /
رقم البحث : 11905957 Selection in the mutated generations for improving boll weight in Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11904072 Effect of seeding rates and some weed control on yield, yield components and associated weeds of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11906373 Effect of dietary oil and fat levels on production of meat rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11906402 Effect of chromosome arm, gene location and inbreeding on gene conversion in N. crassa /
رقم البحث : 11906420 Studies on the induction of parthenogenetic seed in sesame (seasmum indicun, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11907161 Aspergillus rot of green olive fruits /
رقم البحث : 11907192 The biochemical roles and hypocholesterolemic potential of annatto, chlorophyll a mid curcumin pigments in hypercholesterolemic rats/
رقم البحث : 11907208 Biochemical aspects of common natural and synthetic food stuff colouring agents /
رقم البحث : 11907499 Biochemical studies on the effect of some foodadditives on metabolic reactionsin the experimental animals /
رقم البحث : 11907512 Acceleration of domiati cheese ripening by using pancreatic extract /
رقم البحث : 11907533 Preparation of powdered pancreatic extract with different methods /
رقم البحث : 11904104 Effect of variety, seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizer on wheat /
رقم البحث : 11907541 A study on preparation of pancreatic extract and its stability during storage /
رقم البحث : 11907702 Physicochemical properties and chemical composition of basil oil /
رقم البحث : 11907727 Studies on chicken pepsin :
رقم البحث : 11907754 Antioxidant effect of plant material extra on the stability of soybean soil /
رقم البحث : 11907879 Effect of supplementing wheat flour with fish protein concentrate :
رقم البحث : 11904273 Increasing the efficiency of P fertilizer by mixing ordinary calcium super-phosphate with seeds of field bean (viola faba l.) /
رقم البحث : 11907918 Production of the inverted sugar from glucose syrup :
رقم البحث : 11907932 Production of the inverted sugar from glucose syrup :
رقم البحث : 11909728 Effect of plant density and pruning of the growth and flowering of rouge meilland and baccara roses /
رقم البحث : 11909749 Effect of plant density and GA3 on the growth and flowering of rouge meilland and baccara roses /
رقم البحث : 11909789 Effect of fertilization and soil modification on the growth and flowering of rouge meilland and baccana roses /
رقم البحث : 11909812 Effect of some growth regulators on growth, yield and chemical constituents of artichoke plants cynara scolymus, l. /
رقم البحث : 11909836 Interactive effect of plant spacing, nitrogen fertilization and boron spray on seed yield productivity of onion /
رقم البحث : 11911078 Suceptibility of thirty weeds to the infection by the root-knot nematode, meloidogyne incognita /
رقم البحث : 11911080 Effect of phenamtphos and oxamyol on meloidogyne incognita and growth of egg-plant and cow pea /
رقم البحث : 11911092 The combined effect of irrigation and fertilization on potato crop production /
رقم البحث : 11911095 Effect of the number of sprays of some micronutrients on the growth, yield and mineral composition of broad bean plants /
رقم البحث : 11911096 Wheat yield as affected by organic matter additions to a newly reclaimed soil /
رقم البحث : 11911097 Salt tolerance of some plants at germination stage /
رقم البحث : 11911098 Effect of nitrogen and manganese application on growth yield and mineral composition of rice plants /
رقم البحث : 11911100 Effect of organic materials, canal spoil and irrigation intervals on certain sandy soil properties and yield of sunflower /
Vol 26 no 2 - Jun - 01/06/1988
رقم البحث : 11894220 The nuthitional value of algae for broiler chicks /
رقم البحث : 11896376 Comparative study or three geeanlull cultivthrs obtatind true dippereiw countries Growth and yield of herb and oil /
رقم البحث : 11896377 A comparative study of two spearmint cultivars obtained from different countries growth yield of herb and oil content /
رقم البحث : 11896386 The combined effect of nematode and certain fungi on soybean, lentil and cricjzpea /
رقم البحث : 11896390 Effect of some organic acids on egg hatcuability of meloidogne incognita and rotylencbulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11896392 Susceptibility op soe4e plower bulbs to the irpection by the root-knot nenai’ode, neloidogyne incognita /
رقم البحث : 11896394 Response of the reniform nematode, rotylenchultjs reniformis infected tomato to some growth regulators applied as foliage spray /
رقم البحث : 11905528 Tee effect of potassium fertilization on tuber mineral content and plavonoid glycosides in poke weed phytoloacca americana l /
رقم البحث : 11894162 Effect of some cultural treatments on yield and its components in rape seed (brassica napus l.) At mariut /
رقم البحث : 11894168 Responce or some maize varieties to nitrogen yertilizati0n ii- grain yield and some asronomic traits /
رقم البحث : 11894170 Response op some wheat verieties to nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11894173 Effect of planting methods and weed control on maize /
رقم البحث : 11894174 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and defoliation on cotton flant :
رقم البحث : 11894177 Effect of nitrogen feptilizer and defoliation on cotton plant :
رقم البحث : 11894180 Evaluation of some broad bean cultivars under two plmfl population densities :
رقم البحث : 11894184 Evaluation of some broad bean cultwars under two plant population densities :
رقم البحث : 11894198 Wheat yield and yield components as related to sowing dates and seed rates as kicroclimatic modipiers /
رقم البحث : 11894201 Wheat puenological stages requirements of temperatures and light /
رقم البحث : 11894197 Effect of intercropping maize with cotton on yield and yield components of maize and fiber properties of cotton /
رقم البحث : 11894202 Stress-strain curves of single cotton yarns as affected by count and twist multiplier /
رقم البحث : 11894205 Stability parameters for pod yield in peanut (araceis bypogaea, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11894219 Diallel analysis of some quantitative traits in nine inbred lines op maize /
رقم البحث : 11894221 Effect of urea and level of crude protein in high concentrate diets on runen ciliate protozoa population /
رقم البحث : 11894222 Nutritonal studies on four annual fodder crops nutritive value with reference to yield /
رقم البحث : 11894318 Compatibility relations and cytological behaviour in six lycopersicon species /
رقم البحث : 11894326 Peroxidase isozymes variation in lycopersicon species /
رقم البحث : 11894334 Taxonomic studies on some species of sal via clustivated in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11894341 Factors affecting growth and anylase production by halotolerant aspergillus funiculosus /
رقم البحث : 11894377 Biochemical cilanges in some fruits at different ripening stages /
رقم البحث : 11894405 Capsaicin content of some hot pepper varieties /
رقم البحث : 11894442 Effect of varieties and maturity stages on soil composition of soybean /
رقم البحث : 11894455 Chemical studies on diaidehyde starch /
رقم البحث : 11895587 The effect of hydrogen ions, calcium and sucrose concentrations on viscosity of orange peel and prickly pear pectin solutions /
رقم البحث : 11895588 Effect of cold storage on some physic-chemical and bacteriological properties and rennet coagulation of goat’s milk as compared with cow’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11895591 Chemical composition and functional properties of rapessed protein concentrates and isolates as affected by extraction methods /
رقم البحث : 11895937 Rreological and chemical changes taxing place due to addition op rice bran, wheat pollm{ds and ascorbic acid to wheat flour /
رقم البحث : 11895972 effect of grower conditions and substrate of tee production of oceratoxin a aspergillus ocuraceus /
رقم البحث : 11896002 Efect of soaking treatments on the quality attributes of soaked legumes and the chemical oxygen demand of waste-water /
رقم البحث : 11896083 Enzymic system for production of fructose from sucrose and glucose /
رقم البحث : 11896121 Effect of some commercial fertilizers on growth yield and chemical content of artichoke plants (cynara scolymus /
رقم البحث : 11896150 Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers as well as seed vernalization on growth, chemical composition, yield and quality of broad bem /
رقم البحث : 11896374 Effect of salinity on chemical composition of the soil and on the growth of geranium plants /
رقم البحث : 11903894 Some vegetative growth characters of wheat plants as affected by sowing dates and seeding rates /
رقم البحث : 11903918 Phenology of paba bran under some microcijimatic modifications /
رقم البحث : 11903954 Effect of mutagens on the genetic behaviour of sore qualitative characters in corron (gossypium barbadense l.) /
رقم البحث : 11904019 Genetic studies op some economic cearacbtens in the egyptian cotton cross giza 70 x giza 45 /
رقم البحث : 11904040 Genetic studies op some economic characters in the egyptian cotton cross giza 77 x giza 45 /
رقم البحث : 11904082 Effect of gauge length and loading rate on the determination of single yarn mechanical properties of egyptian cottons /
رقم البحث : 11904107 Effect of bleaching with various concentrations oF sodium hypocelorite on fiber and yarn tensile properties oF some egyptian cotton cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11904293 الوظائف والمسالك للابل فى جمهوريه مصر العربيه /
رقم البحث : 11904309 دراسه تحليله للعلاقه بين الجهاز الارشادى الزراعى ومراكز البحث العلمى على المستوى المحلى /
رقم البحث : 11904768 Effect of soil appijction of fe-edta and spraying with some micronutrient solutions on growvh mineral composition and yield of soybean /
Vol 26 no 1 - Marc 1988 - 01/03/1988
رقم البحث : 11897200 Influence of climatic conditions and parent material on the physicochemical properties of the soils /
رقم البحث : 11892658 Effect of soybean planting methods on tie efficiency op herbicids :
رقم البحث : 11892845 Effect of soybean planting methods on the efficiency of herbicides :
رقم البحث : 11892882 Effect of weed competition at different periods throughout the growth of soybean on growing and yield /
رقم البحث : 11892985 Effect of certain herbicides on linseed oil quality and quantity /
رقم البحث : 11893087 Functional bread making properties of some oilseed flours /
رقم البحث : 11893532 Action of growth regulators on sesame yield and its components /
رقم البحث : 11893631 Effect of salinity levels and temperaure on germination seedlind emergance atnd some growth characters in Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11893691 Effect of planting time and nitrogen fertilizer source on flax production /
رقم البحث : 11893762 Yield and yield components of safflower in relation to nitrogen fertilization and plant density at Mariut /
رقم البحث : 11893815 Effect of npk-fertilization on growth and yield of alfalfa under wadi sudr conditions /
رقم البحث : 11893865 Effect of rate and time of foliar nitrogen fertilization on Egyptian wheat production /
رقم البحث : 11894021 Intervarietal competitive abilities in the Egyptian cottons for high nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11894030 Evaluation of intervarietal competition of Egyptian cottons under high population density /
رقم البحث : 11894223 Root distribution, yield and yield components of some faba bean cultivars (vicia faba l.) as influenced by population density /
رقم البحث : 11894224 Studies on the effects of some physical and chemical mutagens on induced variability in cotton /
رقم البحث : 11894236 Analytical study for genotypic stability of some newly released Egyptian cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 11894237 The use of some oil seed meals in broiler diets /
رقم البحث : 11894238 Rumen parameters of lactating goats as affected by different concentrate roughage ratios /
رقم البحث : 11895556 Chemical composition of nitrogenous excreta of argas (p) arboreus, dermacentor andersoni and hyalomma dromedarii /
رقم البحث : 11895560 Biochemical studies on maize infected with late wilt disease /
رقم البحث : 11895703 Evaluation of formulated infants and children foods based on local ingredients /
رقم البحث : 11895780 Influence of alginate film on the changes of smoked fish during storage /
رقم البحث : 11895846 Comparative study on fish paste prepared from carp and catfish and preserved by pasteurization and sterilization /
رقم البحث : 11895904 Fatty acid composition of mango pulp oil /
رقم البحث : 11895943 Effect of storage of avocado fruits on fatty acids composition and unsaponifibale matter /
رقم البحث : 11896088 Comparison of some converntional and controlled release nitrogen sources for grapevines grown on calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11896149 Anatomical study on abscission in olive fruits treated with ethephone :
رقم البحث : 11896219 Studies on the vegetative and floral morphology of some pecan cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11896258 Descriptive studies on some persimmon cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11896272 Foliage and floral considerations in five orange cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11896280 Effect of irrigation with drainage water on peas (pisum sativum, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11896456 Effect of irrigation with drainage water on peas (pisum sativum, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11896477 Effect of spraying artichoke plants (gynara scolymus l.) with Fe, Mn or Zn in chelated forms on growth yield and chemical composition /
رقم البحث : 11896507 Some factors influencing behaviour of tolclofos methyl fungicide in soils /
رقم البحث : 11896580 Isolation and identification of like phermon compounds from Egyptian plants /
رقم البحث : 11896676 Resistance of some soybean cultivars to three Egyptian population of rotylenchulus reniformis /
رقم البحث : 11896729 The biological effects of some plant extracts of family euphorbiaceae on larvae of spodoplera littoralis (boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 11896769 Preliminary phytochemical studies on some euphorbiaceae plants and their effect on larvae of spodoptera littoralis /
رقم البحث : 11896803 Effect of some euphorbiaceae plants as antifeedants against spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 11896833 Factors affecting the abundance of the egg-mass and larval populations of the cotton leafworm spodoptera littoralis (boisd.), in cotton fields /
رقم البحث : 11896866 Suppression of field population of the cotton leafworm spodoptera littoralis with sex-pheromone traps in cotton /
رقم البحث : 11896914 A computrized method for treating the particle size distribution data /
رقم البحث : 11896945 Mineralogical composition of the sand fraction and its relation to soil development of some soils of the eastern side of the Nile valley, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11896986 Effect of soil conditioners applied in combination with farmyard manure on plant growth /
رقم البحث : 11897001 Effect of soil applied fe-edta in combination with foliar spray of some micronutrients on growth and mineral composition of corn plants /
رقم البحث : 11897173 Some chemical and mineralogical properties of alluvial soils at river Odra /
رقم البحث : 11894245 Effect of different concentrate roughage ratios on some blood parameters of lactating goats /
رقم البحث : 11894289 Physiological studies on the mode of action of glyphosate in comparison to the effects of abscisic acid and cytokinins in datura plant /
رقم البحث : 11894910 Comparative study on the chemical constituents of unparasitized seedling roots of typical host and some trap crops of orobanche crenata forsk /
رقم البحث : 11894960 Effect of lead ion on electron flow in isolated spinach chloroplasts /
رقم البحث : 11895222 In vitro effects of lead, mercury and cadmium on o< -amylase activity /
رقم البحث : 11897310 Effect of breed and castration on some physical and chemical characteristics of chevron /
رقم البحث : 11897268 The effect of changes in feeding programs during dry and early lactation periods on the blood parameters of freisian cows /
رقم البحث : 11895654 Reducing of tannins and trypsin inhibitor activity for improving invitro protein digestibility of some Egyptian dry legumes /
رقم البحث : 11897244 Use of gelatine as stabilizer for newcastle disease virus vaccines and its comparison with skim milk :
Vol 25 no 4 - dec1987 - 01/12/1987
رقم البحث : 11878918 Biochemical dynamics of blood enzymes, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in normal and abnormal rats feed on certain red pigment /
رقم البحث : 11879084 تأثير أنواع محاريث مختلفة عند زراعة بعض اصناف الحنطة على الصفات الفيزياوية والحيوية للتربة الديمية فى العراق /
رقم البحث : 11879042 Protein rich cream :
رقم البحث : 11879046 The growth of penicillium roquefort in blue cheese made from recombined milk: 2-free amino acids and transmission electron microscopic study /
رقم البحث : 11879047 Reduction of ochratoxin ’A’ in bean and cowpeas during processing /
رقم البحث : 11879049 Detoxification of aflatoxin ”B1” in bean and cowpeas during processing /
رقم البحث : 11879051 Quality attributes of fresh and processed strawberry varieties /
رقم البحث : 11879083 The effect of soil conditioners with or without gypsum on aggregate and pore size distribution of a saline-sodic soil /
رقم البحث : 11879082 Clay mineralogy in relation to lithology, topography and depositional environments of the soils of north and north-western Sinai peninsula, ARE /
رقم البحث : 11879079 Salt movement in soils as related to water table salinity and clay content in some Egyptian soils /
رقم البحث : 11879078 Micromorphological studies of calcareous soils in the mediterranean coastal belt between maryiut and burg el-arab area of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11879077 Nutrient balance of iron, manganese and zinc in corn plants grown on calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11879076 Micromorphological studies on some saline soils /
رقم البحث : 11879075 The residual effect of soil conditioners on some physical properties of calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11879053 Effect of harvesting method, picking stage, transporting containers and cold storage temperature on keeping quality of meet-ghamr peach fruits /
رقم البحث : 11879055 Effect of some prestorage treatments on the shelf life of meet-ghamr peach fruits /
رقم البحث : 11879058 Phytochemical and toxicological investigation of sonchus oleraceus L. /
رقم البحث : 11879061 IX - Chemical investigation of pyrrolizidine alkaloids of senecio aegyptius l. /
رقم البحث : 11879066 Effect of some fungicides on sex expression and yield of squash and cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11879062 Pyrrolizidine alkaloids of moltkiopsis ciliate /
رقم البحث : 11879063 Effect of some potassium sources on broad bean (vicia faba l.) under calcareous soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 11879067 Vegetative growth, yield and quality of cauliflower curds as affected by soaking seedlings in some micro-nutrients /
رقم البحث : 11879064 Effect of foliar application with urea and borax on growth, yield and chemical composition of broad bean /
رقم البحث : 11879068 Effect of plant density and fertilization on yield and quality of tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 11879071 Effect of chlorpyrifos on soil microarthropoda fauna in kafr el-sheikh region /
رقم البحث : 11879072 Effect of some inorganic fertilizers on reproduction of rotylenchulus reniformis in relation to soil type /
رقم البحث : 11879069 Evaluation of some myrtaceae plant leaves as protectants against the infestation by sitophilus oryzae and sitophilus granarius L. /
رقم البحث : 11878151 Effect of date and method of application of some herbicides on cotton crop (gossypium barbadense l.) and associated weeds :
رقم البحث : 11878152 Effect of date and method of application of some herbicides on cotton crop (gossypium barbadense l.) and associated weeds :
رقم البحث : 11878153 Effect of nitrogen levels at late planting dates on yield and its components of giza 75 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11878154 Effect of transplanting cotton seedlings on yield and its components in giza 75 cotton cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11878155 Effect of nitrogen levels, number of plants per hill and thinning dates on yield of Giza 70 cotton variety /
رقم البحث : 11878156 Effect of defoliation and detasseling on maize yield under three plant density /
رقم البحث : 11878157 Response of soybean to foliar nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11878158 Effect of zinc, iron and magnesium, on yield and yield components of Giza 2 maize variety /
رقم البحث : 11878159 Changes in the growth after seed irradiation in Egyptian cotton /
رقم البحث : 11878160 Carcass traits in fattened rabbits as affected by protein level, vitamin b supplementation and coprophagy prevention /
رقم البحث : 11878161 Fattening performance, feed efficiency and digestibility in rabbits as affected by protein level, vitamin b supplementation and coprophagy /
رقم البحث : 11878162 Digestibility and feeding values of two cuts of napier grass using buffalo steers /
رقم البحث : 11878163 Studies on the induction of parthenogenetic seeds in guava (psidium guajava) and papaya (carica papaya) /
رقم البحث : 11878164 Studies on the induction of parthenogenesis in okra (hibiscus esculentus l.) /
رقم البحث : 11878165 Histological changes in the leaves of some leguminous plants as affected by salinity and growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11878167 Influence of GA3 and CCC on growth, yield and accumulation of N, P, K, Na+, Cl and total soluble carbohydrates in sorghum bicolor grown under saline conditions /
رقم البحث : 11878168 Effect of phosphorus, zinc and GA3 on growth, yield and some chemical constituents on cotton plants grown on calcareous soil /
رقم البحث : 11878169 Scanning electron microscopic study on the induction of hypersensitivity in soybean hypocotyls inoculated with fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli /
رقم البحث : 11878641 Induction of hypersensitivity in soybean hypocotyls to fusarium solani F. SP. phaseoli :
رقم البحث : 11878672 Effect of clomiphene citrate on gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH) in experimental rats /
رقم البحث : 11878707 Comparative chemical study on natural butter fats and some hydrogenated oils from the local Egyptian market /
رقم البحث : 11878753 Chemical composition and trypsin inhibitor activity of soybean mutant types induced by gamma irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11878784 Identification of nitrogen herbicide metabolites under different conditions /
رقم البحث : 11878913 Dynamic changes of protein, nucleic acids and thyroid hormones in normal, hyperglycemic and hypercholesterolemic rats as affected by natural red pigment /
Vol 25 no 2 - jun1987 - 01/06/1987
رقم البحث : 11882824 Evaluation of nutritive value of crode olive cake /
رقم البحث : 11878684 Seed-borne fungi of maize (zea mays l.) with special reference to fusarium moniliforme sheld and nigrospora oryzae (berk. & br.) petch /
رقم البحث : 11878743 Effect of some herbicides as plant growth regulators on the yield and chemical constitution of zea maize grains :
رقم البحث : 11878765 Effect of some herbicides as plant growth regulators on the chemical constitution of zea maize grains /
رقم البحث : 11878811 Effect of some foliar compounds on the yield and on some of the biochemical constituent of barley plants /
رقم البحث : 11878857 Effects of nac1 salinity on some biochemical constituents of vicia faba /
رقم البحث : 11882860 Effect of natural red pigment on the oxidative pentose phosphate shunt and energy metabolites in different organs of normal :
رقم البحث : 11882892 The influence of natural red colourant of food on glycolytic pathway in normal and diseased animals /
رقم البحث : 11882962 Chemical studies on sisal leaves lignin using spectroscopic analyses /
رقم البحث : 11883015 Comparative study on the influence of alginate and pyrophosphate on the pehydration capaity and quality of sun-dried /
رقم البحث : 11883057 Nutritional value of some local and imported canned fish /
رقم البحث : 11883146 Effect of nitrogen and gibberellic acid application on shoot growth, leaf chemical composition and fruit quality of peach /
رقم البحث : 11883117 Effect of nitrogen application of shoot growth, flowering, fruit set and some endogenous compounds in peach buds /
رقم البحث : 11883189 Development of complete plantlets from lateral bud of asparagus in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11883230 Interactional effect of plant density and naphthaline acetic acid foliar spray on growth, flowering and seed production and quality of eggplant (solanum melongena, l.) /
رقم البحث : 11883260 Effect of phosphorus fertilizer and gibberellic acid spray on growth, chemical composition, flowering, and seed production and quality of cowpea /
رقم البحث : 11883288 Effect of some micro-nutrients foliar spray and salinity stress on peas (pisum sativum, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11883317 Effect of some micro-nutrients foliar spray and salinity stress on peas (pisum sativum, l.) :
رقم البحث : 11883347 Effect of cycocel and gibberellic acid on yield and quality of garlic /
رقم البحث : 11883397 Effect of larvae exposure to sublethal doses of insecticides on pupae and adults of pectinophora gossypiella (saunders) /
رقم البحث : 11883437 Relative susceptibility to different insecticides and effect of their sublethal doses on the full grown larvae of the pink bollworm, pectinophora gossypiella (saunders) /
رقم البحث : 11883533 Effect of fenvalerate and irradiation with gamma rays on the cotton leaf worm spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 11883558 Preliminary field observations of agdistis staticis (milliere) (lepidoptera, pterophoridae) on economic and wild plants /
رقم البحث : 11883574 Ovipositional inhibitor,antifeeding and insecticidal properties of the essential oil of lemon grass plant leaves (gymbopogen citratus) against the lesser cotton leafworm spodoptera exigua (HBN) /
رقم البحث : 11883595 Interactions in plant between cadmium and other elements /
رقم البحث : 11883979 Salt tolerance of three wheat varieties /
رقم البحث : 11884011 Controlling of caecal coccidiosis by anticoccidial drugs and slaked lime in oilers /
رقم البحث : 11884128 القرية المصرية :
رقم البحث : 11884158 فعالية حوافز وعلاوات التوريد فى رفع إستجابة الزراع لنظام التوريد الحيازى الإجبارى لمحصول الأرز /
رقم البحث : 11884179 دراسة إقتصادية تحليلية لمستقبل التوريد الحيازى للأرز الشعير فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11884205 دراسة تحليلة للانتاجية الفدانية لمحصول البطاطس فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 11877377 Effect of nitrogen fertilization on growth and yield of safflower /
رقم البحث : 11877424 Comparative study on the effect of sowing method, seeding rate and herbicidal treatments on weeds associated with fava bean and economic evaluation /
رقم البحث : 11878227 Agronomic and economic evaluation of different cotton rotations applied in middle Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11878247 Effect of fertilization on yield and fiber properties of some cotton cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11878283 Yield and fiber propertiets of cotton var :
رقم البحث : 11878298 The relative contribution of yield components to lint yield in two cotton groups /
رقم البحث : 11878345 Effect of sowing date on yield components and lint properties of the cotton varieties /
رقم البحث : 11878387 Cotton grade components and their interrelation ships in egyptian cottons /
رقم البحث : 11878421 Induced variability in local safflower cultivar giza ”1° under sinai conditions by gamma-rays /
رقم البحث : 11878453 Study of cotton fiber fineness and maturity parameters on air-flow instruments in some cotton grades /
رقم البحث : 11878495 The importance of yarn appearance components in the egyptian cotton grades /
رقم البحث : 11878532 Investigation on cotton fiber and yarn tensile properties using different test speeds /
رقم البحث : 11878564 Studies on genetic variability and expected genetic gain in two crosses of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11878594 A comparative study on some antibiotics used as growth promoters in feeding growing rabbits /
رقم البحث : 11878629 Incidence of oidiopsis taurica on castor bean plant in Egypt /
Vol 25 no 1 - Mar 1987 - 01/03/1987
رقم البحث : 11882775 Effect of nitrogen and some micronutrients on wheat /
رقم البحث : 11882814 Effect of antitranspirants on seed yields and water-relations of sesame crop /
رقم البحث : 11882917 Influence of plant population and different soil moisture contents on plant characters and quality of maize /
رقم البحث : 11883680 Estimation of heterosis, inbreeding depression, potence ratio, gene action and epistasis in the interspecific cross of cotton, dandra x dpl 703 /
رقم البحث : 11883546 Heterosis and genetic parameters for agronomic and yield traits in top crosses between a constant single cross parent and diverse white inbred lines of maize (zea mays l.) /
رقم البحث : 11883462 Genotypic stability analysis for grain yield of maize (zea mays l.) :
رقم البحث : 11883377 Genetic behaviour of some characters in a wheat cross under salinity conditions /
رقم البحث : 11883076 Evaluation of thirty-one inbred lines of maize (zea mays l.) /
رقم البحث : 11877333 Response of maize plant to inoculation with azotobacter and azospxrilium, nirogen and organic fertilization rates /
رقم البحث : 11886177 The chemical composition and some properties of buffaloes and cows milk produced by small Egyptian farmers /
رقم البحث : 11886288 Keeping quality of butter as affected by gamma irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11883168 Component analysis of grain yield variation in some maize inbreds and their top crosses /
رقم البحث : 11883305 Importance of dominance relations mid heritability estimates for some characters at early stage of wheat growth /
رقم البحث : 11877349 Comparative study on growth analysis and grain yield of some wheat cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11890074 Improving the consistency of yoghurt manufactured from dried skim milk /
رقم البحث : 11889797 Evaluation of sausage and meat patties supplemented with fungi “spicaria elegans” /
رقم البحث : 11889728 Tue effect of fermentation and baking on chemical analysis, phytic acid and mineral contents of Egyptian balady bread /
رقم البحث : 11878484 Effect of nitrogen fertilization and inter-row spacing on yield and its attributes of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11889656 Sausages as prepared from beef and bolti flesh /
رقم البحث : 11889082 Evaluation of locally processed luncheon /
رقم البحث : 11888816 Effect of maturity on green soy bean properties /
رقم البحث : 11888541 Technical methods to improve quality attributes of raisin /
رقم البحث : 11888449 Chemical and microbiological analysis of commercially canned sausage and luncheon /
رقم البحث : 11888399 Rheological and sensory chbracteristics of doughs and balady bread sased on wheat, sorghum, millet and defatted soy flours /
رقم البحث : 11888382 Physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of doughs and bread prepared from different crain flour mixtures /
رقم البحث : 11885783 Protein fractionation and characterization of some legumenous seeds /
رقم البحث : 11885678 Effect of different methods of extraction of tee protein patterns of stored and fresh onion seeds, evaluated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis /
رقم البحث : 11884992 Heterosis, inbreeding depression, potence ratio, epistasis and gene action in the interspecific cross of cotton (family 37/80 x dpl 70) /
رقم البحث : 11885028 Factors affecting antibiotics production by two strains of streptomyces spp. isolated from soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11885075 Screening of some antibiotics productive strains of streptomyces sp. and tee best medium for antibiotics production /
رقم البحث : 11885222 Pectolytic, cellulolytic and oxidative enzymes production by botrytis allii and aspergillus niger in vitro and in vivo /
رقم البحث : 11885412 Epidermal structure of some leaves of polypodiaceae /
رقم البحث : 11885621 Changes in metabolism and enzymatic activity in violet plants due to fungal infection /
رقم البحث : 11890332 Effect of solvent fractionation process on some animal fats /
رقم البحث : 11890509 Fractionation of some local animal fats /
رقم البحث : 11890579 Thermal evaluation of blanching process of green beans and Egyptian mallow /
رقم البحث : 11878560 Phenology mid yield of corn under modified microclimate at GIZA, ARE /
رقم البحث : 11890683 Cereal and legume, alpha-amylase inhibitors and their importance in special dietary food preparations /
رقم البحث : 11890766 Studies on preparation of improved cheese/slurry for ras cheese manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11890822 Histological study on graft union of guava seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11891051 The productivity of eggplant as affected by foliar application of some microelements /
رقم البحث : 11891091 Response of potato plants to different forms of micronutrient foliar fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11891203 Effect of nitrogen and gebberellic acid on growth, flowering and seed yield and quality of Giza-3 common bean cv. /
رقم البحث : 11891265 Applying magnesium to soybeans on a Kaliobiya clay soil and assessing its interaction with phosphorus fertilizer /
رقم البحث : 11892620 Morphological studies and classification for soils at west Nubaria area /
رقم البحث : 11892614 Soil water relations in sandy soils under sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems /
رقم البحث : 11892247 Soil structure factor as a function of soil properties in some soils of Sharkia governorate, A.R.E. /
رقم البحث : 11878689 Associations between microclimatic variables and corn stover and grain yields /
Vol 23 no 1 - Mar1985 - 01/03/1985
رقم البحث : 11896518 Seed propagation of some shrubs and trees of leguminoseae /
رقم البحث : 11896579 Effect of some growth regulator substances on the propagation of ficus elastica var. decora roxb /
رقم البحث : 11896590 Comparative study on yielding ability and quality of some imported carrot cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11896597 The relation between the susceptibility to powdery mildew and oxydative enzymes activities in cucumber (cucumis sativus l.) /
رقم البحث : 11896620 Phosphorus deficiency and its effect on some mineralsa and trace elements in serum and milk of sheep /
رقم البحث : 11896646 The effect of intravenous regional anesthesia on the camel’s blood /
رقم البحث : 11896663 Search for antivirals from actinomycetes :
رقم البحث : 11896707 Biochemical changes in chick embryos infected with a virulent strain of newcastle disease virus /
رقم البحث : 11893374 Effect of foliar application of urea on barley(hordeum sp. L) /
رقم البحث : 11893384 Effect of hoeing and thinning date on maize (zea mays, L.) and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11893467 Study on the effect of igran herbicide on nodulation, yield of faba bean, residual effect and associated weeds /
رقم البحث : 11894401 Effect of some growth retardants on growth, yield and some chemical constituents of cotton plants /
رقم البحث : 11894417 Evaluation of some varieties and lines of wheat (t. aestivum l.) under different nitrogen rates /
رقم البحث : 11894499 Response of bread wheat, durum wheat and triticale to nitrogen fertilizer treatment /
رقم البحث : 11894510 Estimates of genotype x environment interactions in exotic lines of wheat and their implications in selection under sinai conditions /
رقم البحث : 11894515 Genotype - environment interaction in wheat yield trials /
رقم البحث : 11894554 The effect of purified diet on the growth rate and blood picture in guinea pigs /
رقم البحث : 11894565 Effect of insect protein on certain blood parameters,slaughtering and carcass characters /
رقم البحث : 11894575 Improving the nutritive value of some poor quality roughages by physical and chemical treatments :
رقم البحث : 11894588 A study of the effect of feeding napier grass to lactating buffaloes on milk production and composition using different levels of concentration /
رقم البحث : 11894781 The significance of anatomical characters in the water economy of some desert plants /
رقم البحث : 11894807 Variations in internal structure of some xerophytes as compared to non - xerophytic plants /
رقم البحث : 11894821 Response of anatomical structure of tomato seedling to cromosome doubling /
رقم البحث : 11894837 Genetic effect of gamma irradiation on some quantitative characters in sesame (sesamum indicum l.) /
رقم البحث : 11894849 Genetic studies on an interspecific cross in squashes (cucurbita sp.) /
رقم البحث : 11894878 Photochemical reactions of O ,O- diethyl 0-3 ,5, 6- trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate /
رقم البحث : 11894900 Biochemical studies on the isolated fractions of different varieties of rice /
رقم البحث : 11894915 Structural investigation of water- soluble lima-bean (phaseolus limensis) seed polysaccharides :
رقم البحث : 11894949 Chemical studies on the essential oils of some citrus plants /
رقم البحث : 11894964 oxidative degradation of sulprofos /
رقم البحث : 11894985 Chemical studies on proteins and lipids of date seeds /
رقم البحث : 11895672 Flavonoid constituents of clarika elegans dougl (onagraceae) /
رقم البحث : 11895713 Some aspects of new technology of cold cured domiati cheese i.e., tallaga cheese /
رقم البحث : 11895734 Evaluation of certain u.s. corn inbred lines for their resistance to infestation with the corn leaf aphid, rhopalopsiphum maidis (fitch) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11895791 Natural enemies of the greater wax moth, galleria mellonella l. with reference to the bionomics of the braconid apanteles galleriae (wilkinson) /
رقم البحث : 11895833 Biocycle of bracon hebetor say hymenoptera; braconidae) on the greater wax-moth, galleria mellonella l. (lepidoptera; galleridae) /
رقم البحث : 11895878 Evaluation of several media for mass rearing of house fly larvae to produce economic source of insect protein for poultry /
رقم البحث : 11896001 The common harmful pests found on sugar best plants in alexandria region :
رقم البحث : 11896035 The synergistic action of senna - glycosides combined with certain insecticides against the cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis, boisd /
رقم البحث : 11896064 Evaluation of the toxic activity of certain phenylarsonic and benzylarsonic derivatives controlling the taflah aphid, aphis nerii (homoptera, aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 11896480 Mineral composition, fruit set, june drop, and fruit quality as associated with position on Washington navel orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11896496 Control of flowering and fruiting by foliar applications with gibberellic acid and cycocel in bailadi lime trees /
Vol 22 no 4 - Dec 1984 - 01/12/1984
رقم البحث : 11882715 Rate of parasitism in certain species of aphids infesting some cultivated and uncultivated plants in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882716 Assessment of damage to cotton plants as an indication of the efficacy of nuclear polyhedrosis virus in controlling the cotton leafworm infestation (spodoptera littoralis) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882717 Status of copper and zinc in soils of El-Fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11882718 Status of iron and manganese in El-Fayoum soils /
رقم البحث : 11882720 Effect of combined application of some micronutrients on the chemical composition of wheat /
رقم البحث : 11882721 Role of osmotic potential on soil moisture retention /
رقم البحث : 11882722 Brucellosis in goats in Menoufia, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882724 Hydatidosis, prevalence in animal attendants in Sharkia governorate, with special reference to different diagnostic procedures /
رقم البحث : 11882725 Efficiency of common insecticides as bactericides on some micro-organisms of public health importance /
رقم البحث : 11882727 Effect of environmental conditions on the survival of some pathogenic microorganisms /
رقم البحث : 11882728 A study on growth rate of squabs from one day old up to four weeks /
رقم البحث : 11882709 Contemplation on the design of a sprinkler irrigation unit appropriate for small holdings /
رقم البحث : 11882711 Distribution and seasonal, abundance of the soil mites associated with cotton in Menoufia governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882712 Influence of soil contamination with acaricidal sprays on the magnitude of mites inhabiting cotton fields in Menoufia governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882713 Population dynamics of soil inhabiting mites in cotton treated with certain soil pesticides in Menoufia governorate, Egypt /
Vol 22 no 3 - Sep 1984 - 01/09/1984
رقم البحث : 11884864 Systems of soil management under washington navel orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11884864 Systems of soil management under washington navel orange trees :
رقم البحث : 11884866 Growth, flowering and chemical composition of tomato plants as affected by micronutrients foliar application /
رقم البحث : 11884867 Effect of soaking seeds in different concentrations of cu, MN OR ZN on cucumber plant (cucumis sativus) /
رقم البحث : 11884868 Effect of some micronutrients and commercial foli fertilizers on tomato yield and fruit quality /
رقم البحث : 11884859 Anaerobic bacteria in commercially canned baby foods and other products /
رقم البحث : 11884869 Effect of seed sowing and seedling protection methods on germination, growth and quality of tomato transplants /
رقم البحث : 11884870 Winter sweet pepper production as affected by CCC, ETHREL, NAA, or sucrose foliar sprays as well as plastic cover /
رقم البحث : 11884871 The response of summer sweet pepper plants to micronutrients foliar spray /
رقم البحث : 11884872 The heat accumulation units required for flowering, fruit setting and fruit picking of okra /
رقم البحث : 11884873 Anatomical studies on datura innoxia as affected by salinity and growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11884874 Physiological studies on growth, chemical composition and alkaloids of datura innoxia :
رقم البحث : 11884875 Physiological studies on growth, chemical composition and alkaloids of datura innoxia : 2
رقم البحث : 11884876 Physiological studies on growth, chemical composition and alkaloids of datura innoxia :
رقم البحث : 11886959 Foliar application of some commercial fertilizers on chrysanthemum morifolium, ram /
رقم البحث : 11886960 Flower delaying and plant characters in chrysanthemum morifolium, ram. Possibly by nucleic acids /
رقم البحث : 11884861 Aerobic bacteria in commercially canned baby foods and other products /
رقم البحث : 11886961 Effects of erythromycin and 5-fluorouracil on chrysanthemum morifolium, ram. In relation to growth and flowering /
رقم البحث : 11886962 Effect of water regime on the growth and chemical composition in capsicum annuum l. /
رقم البحث : 11886963 Effect of water regime and different concentrations of PBA and NPA on chemical composition in capsicum annuum l. /
رقم البحث : 11886964 Effect (PBA) and (NPA) on branching and fruiting of capsicum annuum l. Grown under different water regimes /
رقم البحث : 11884862 Role of nile fish lipids in development of rancidity and warmed-over flavor during cold storage /
رقم البحث : 11884863 Effect of chemical additives on stability of raw and cooked duck and goose blends /
Vol 22 no 2 - Jun - 01/06/1984
رقم البحث : 11890482 Utilization of whey proteins in some dairy products i- in processed cheese manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11890534 Composition and some properties of the barki sheep’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11890587 Utilization of whey proteins in some dairy products ii- in ”ras” cheese manufacture /
رقم البحث : 11889856 Effect of gamma radiation on growth, essential oil content and composition of melissa officinalis l., grown in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11890627 Acceleration of the manufacture of white soft cheese from unsalted low-fat milk scalding and pressing the curd /
رقم البحث : 11890720 The ecological importance of the mineral composition of some desert plants /
رقم البحث : 11890772 Effect of irrigation water and fertilization on yield and water use efficiency of corn plants in fayoum governorate /
رقم البحث : 11891028 Effect of gamma radiation, some growth regulators, benlate and vapor gard on physical properties of ”hindi be-sinnara” mango fruits during storage /
رقم البحث : 11891058 Effect of some post-harvest treatments on chemical properties of ”hindi be-sinnara” mango fruits during storage /
رقم البحث : 11891099 Effect of some growth regulators on yield, physical characteristics and chemical constituents of fayoumi grapes /
رقم البحث : 11892999 دراسه اقتصاديه للتكاليف التسويقيه للطماطم بالقاهره /
رقم البحث : 11889801 The growth, oil and rutin contents and coumarin of some ruta species as affectd by gamma radiation /
رقم البحث : 11889988 Fiber properties of some cotton cultivars inoculated with some phytopathogenic fungi under different levels of relative humidity /
رقم البحث : 11890234 Nitrogen fractions and amino acids of soybean seeds as affected by different levels of zn and mn fertilization /
رقم البحث : 11890255 Chemical studies on orange peel oil /
رقم البحث : 11890275 Effect of gibberellic acid on the proteins and amino acids content of vicia faba plants /
رقم البحث : 11890295 Biochemical studies on normal and irradiated tomato fruits /
رقم البحث : 11890309 The hypocholesterolemic effect of b-pyridyl carbinol (ronicol) /
رقم البحث : 11890320 Effect of certain insecticides of amylases on the carbohydrate Contents and actt phosphorylase enzymes in potatoes plants /
رقم البحث : 11890327 Effect of lactation period and milking time on some properties and composition of the barki sheep’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11890464 Studies on si-cola beverage in Egypt III- hygienic evaluation of the production-line /
رقم البحث : 11890470 The electrophoretic patterns of the egyptian human milk protein fractions/
رقم البحث : 11890849 Inheritance of resistance to flax rust caused by melampsora with an attempt to detect nature of this resistance /
رقم البحث : 11890926 Genetic studies on some economic characters in flax /
رقم البحث : 11890960 Inheritance of some economic characters in an interspecific tomato hybrid /
رقم البحث : 11891171 Effect of some growth regulators on yield and physical characteristics of zaghloul date fruits /
رقم البحث : 11891241 Effect of some growth regulators on fruit chemical constituents of zaghloul date /
Vol 21 no 1 - Mar 1983 - 01/03/1983
رقم البحث : 11879086 Studies on gene effects of some quantitative characters in wheat crosses /
رقم البحث : 11879087 Heritability estimates of yield and its attributes of some wheat crosses in sequent generations /
رقم البحث : 11879088 Response of corn and soybean to some intercropping systems and chemical herbicides under Egyptian conditions /
رقم البحث : 11879089 Associations between growth attributes of barley and grain yield under different seeding dates /
رقم البحث : 11879090 Barley grain yield and its components as affected by seeding and harvesting dates /
رقم البحث : 11879091 Effect of N level on flowering, seed and fiber yield of some introduced and local flax varieties /
رقم البحث : 11879093 Response of two maize varieties to different plant densities in relation to weed control treatments /
رقم البحث : 11879094 Optimal level of selenium for both layers and broilers /
رقم البحث : 11879096 Effect of lysine and methionine supplementation in all-plant protein rations on the performance of turkey chicks from 2 up to 8 weeks old /
رقم البحث : 11879097 Lysine and sulfur amino acids requirements for growing turkey /
رقم البحث : 11879098 Bacterial stalk rot of maize, isolation, identification and some physiological studies /
رقم البحث : 11879100 Effect of water regime and nitrogen fertilizer on some mineral contents, yield and amino acid contents of garlic plant /
رقم البحث : 11879101 Effect of CCC on nucleic acid contents of maize, summer squash plants and senescent bean leaf segments kept in darkness /
رقم البحث : 11879103 Histological and chemical studies on the reproductive organs of roselle plant (hibiscus sabdariffa l.) /
رقم البحث : 11879104 The nature of growth and flowering of roselle plant (hibiscus sabdariffa l.)/
رقم البحث : 11879107 Effect of the cold and room temperature treatments on the flower bud initiation, growth, and flowering of tulip bulbs /
رقم البحث : 11879109 Studies on some faba bean (vicia faba, l.) mutants induced by gamma-irradiation /
رقم البحث : 11879111 Biochemical studies on yeast lipases /
رقم البحث : 11879115 Effect of gamma radiation on the chemical constituents and stability of geranium oil during storage /
رقم البحث : 11879114 Effect of gamma irradiation on the chemical constituents and the stability of soybean seed oil /
رقم البحث : 11879113 Kinetic studies on the mutarotation of D (+) glucose in solutions of different sodium and potassium salts /
رقم البحث : 11879117 Studies on the production of cultured buttermilk in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 11879118 The keeping quality of cultured buttermilk as affected by the addition of potassium sorbate and delvocid /
رقم البحث : 11879119 Effect of feeding system of friesian cows on milk yield and its properties /
رقم البحث : 11879120 Effect of stage of lactation and seasonal variations on the phospholipids and unsaponifiable matter contents of Friesian cows milk /
رقم البحث : 11879121 Size and number of fat globules of Friesian cow’s milk as affected by stage op lactation and seasonal variations /
رقم البحث : 11879122 The use of monocalcium phosphate in the manufacture of white soft cheese from heat treated milk /
رقم البحث : 11879143 Effect of feeding cows on different roughage :
رقم البحث : 11879144 Effect of feeding cows on different roughage :
رقم البحث : 11879145 Chemical composition of human milk proteins /
Vol 20 no 1 - mar 1982 - 01/03/1982
رقم البحث : 11882752 Effect of some organophosphorus insecticides on soil microflora /
رقم البحث : 11882769 Mobility and persistence of mephosfolan in soil and plants /
رقم البحث : 11882783 Movement and persistence of methomyl in soil and plants /
رقم البحث : 11882794 Insecticidal efficiency of prepared methomyl granules using certain Egyptian carriers against cotton leafworm and mosquito larvae /
رقم البحث : 11882877 The toxic effect of certain insecticides against Cotton leafworm spodoptera littoralis /
رقم البحث : 11882953 أثر تناول السكروز وفيتامين ب 12 قبل المجهود على الآداء البدنى للناشئين /
رقم البحث : 11883002 دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لانتاج الطماطم فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11880253 Chemical composition, nutritive value and sensory evaluation of Egyptian falafel enriched with soybeans /
رقم البحث : 11882283 Genetic identity and genetic distance of cholinestrase and aliestrase enzymes in sub-populations of drosophila melanogaster /
رقم البحث : 11882848 Joint action effects of combination between different insecticidal groups against cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis /
رقم البحث : 11882919 Biochemical and biological control of rhizoctonia solani infected cotton seedlings by trichoderma Viride and their host parasite relationships /
رقم البحث : 11880121 Genetic variability inter- and intra-populations of maize and expected gain from selection for resistance to European corn borer (ostrinia nubilalis, hubner) /
رقم البحث : 11880122 Phenotyping and genotyping characteristic of sunflower line produced VIA SIB crossing and selection /
رقم البحث : 11880126 Effect of harvesting date on oil yield and its components of sunflower /
رقم البحث : 11880129 Nitrogen and boron effects on growth and yield components of wheat plants /
رقم البحث : 11880139 Productivity of irrigated soybean cultivars as affected by row spacing and seeding rate /
رقم البحث : 11880177 Inheritance of earliness and some morphological characteristics in some cotton crosses /
رقم البحث : 11880153 Inheritance of yield and some of its components in some cotton crosses /
رقم البحث : 11880228 Evaluation of different barley genotypes in Two locations and three years :
رقم البحث : 11880489 Freeze drying of eggs :
رقم البحث : 11880466 A statistical index defining the texture quality of food materials /
رقم البحث : 11880454 Seasonal changes in the yields and properties of jasmine concrete and its absolute /
رقم البحث : 11880437 Lipid type and methionine interrelationships for growth rate and lipotropic action of growing rats /
رقم البحث : 11880355 Calcium and zinc requirements and their interactions /
رقم البحث : 11880321 The influence of dietary lipid upon the growth rate and serum fatty acids of growing rats /
رقم البحث : 11880292 Effect of animal fat source on lipid fraction contents in blood, tissues and organs of albino rats /
رقم البحث : 11880504 Production and evaluation of bolti fish meals :
رقم البحث : 11880515 Hormonal seasonal changes in peach bud :
رقم البحث : 11881964 Effect of vernalization of broad bean seeds on plant vegetative growth , flowering and yielding ability /
رقم البحث : 11881994 A appraisal of some new sweet potato varieties in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11882098 Nutritional status of pea plants in relation to gibberellin and phosphorus application /
رقم البحث : 11882131 Foliar application of gibberellin and superphosphate in relation to growth rate and dry seeds yield of peas /
رقم البحث : 11882157 Gibberellin and phosphorus treatments in relation to growth and green pods yield of peas (pisum sativum L.) /
رقم البحث : 11882336 Cytological studies on some interspecific tomato crosses /
رقم البحث : 11882365 Inheritance of some characters of tomato fruits and chlorophyll content in four lycopersicon species /
رقم البحث : 11882512 Effect of some phosphorus insecticides on non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria /
رقم البحث : 11882546 Effect of cytrolane on the nodulation of some legumes /
Vol 18 no 1 - Mar 1980 - 01/03/1980
رقم البحث : 11870044 Dehydration of spinach /
رقم البحث : 11870337 Fate of carbendazim, benomyl and thiophanate-methyl in three isolates of botrytis cinerea /
رقم البحث : 11870350 Degradation of carbendazim benomyl and thiophanate-methyl in soil /
رقم البحث : 11870382 The developing countries in world trade /
رقم البحث : 11870409 The effect of chloromequat (ccc) on the growth and flowering of tuberose :
رقم البحث : 11870320 Preliminary studies on the effect of cotton root bark and gossypol on egg laying and fertility of eggs of the house fly musca domestica l. (diptera: muscidae) /
رقم البحث : 11870487 Effect of potassium fertilization on leaf nutrient content of valencia orange trees grown in sandy soils /
رقم البحث : 11870696 Mites associated with sugar beet in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11870739 Soil mites associated with some crops in Sinai peninsula /
رقم البحث : 11870791 Polyacrylamide gel preparation by ionizing radiation for conditioning soil /
رقم البحث : 11869657 On - farm evaluation of improved varieties in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11869691 Relationship between some economic characters in grain sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11869716 The inheritance of some economic characters in grain sorghum /
رقم البحث : 11869737 Effect of gamma radiation on a citric acid producer strain of aspergillus niger /
رقم البحث : 11869797 Isolation of macrophomina phaseolina from sunflower seeds and studies on isolated fling] causing damping-off, root rot and charcoal-rot of sunflower plant (helianthus annus l.) in ARE /
رقم البحث : 11869876 Tee use of reconstituted skim milk in the preparation of fermented milk /
رقم البحث : 11869763 Effect of fertilization on infection of sunflower plant (helianthus annus l.) with damping-off and charcoal-rot diseases and yield components in ARE /
رقم البحث : 11870662 Population fluctuations of liriomyza congesta (becker) (diptera; agromyzidae) and abundance of its larval parasites in Kalubia /
رقم البحث : 11870599 Gustation and olfaction in lepidopterous insects /
رقم البحث : 11870540 Some ecological and biological studies on the main pests attacking onion in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11869958 Studies on physicochemical properties and chemical composition of bitter orange peel oil /
رقم البحث : 11870006 Studies on the physiochemical properties of Egyptian marjoram oil /
Vol 17 no 2 - jun1979 - 01/06/1979
رقم البحث : 11870217 Yield and its attributes of barley cultivars as influenced by cycocel and irrigation treatments /
رقم البحث : 11870219 Growth and hill yield of rice crop as influenced by nitrogen fertilizer hill spacing and time of harvest /
رقم البحث : 11870223 Yield and yield components of wheat crop as influenced by irrigation and cycocel treatments /
رقم البحث : 11870225 Correlation and path coefficient analysis between yield and yield attributing components in wheat /
رقم البحث : 11870228 Effect of first irrigation dates and levels of water on the yield, yield components and chemical content, of clover trifolium alexandrium L /
رقم البحث : 11870208 Effect of climatic factors on growth, yield and evapotranspiration ratio in some wheat cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11870229 Effect of 21-9 on growth chemical contents and yield of Egyptian clover /
رقم البحث : 11870232 Chlormequat induced morphological and anatomical modifications and changes in amy lase and invertase activity in wheat plants (Giza 133) grown in pots /
رقم البحث : 11870235 Chelated and un chelated iron and zinc influence on growth and chemical composition of pea seedlings grown in soil mixed with calcium carbonate /
رقم البحث : 11870238 Nitrogen influence on salt tolerance of broad bean, barley, and pea seedlings grown in sand culture /
رقم البحث : 11870241 The effect of storage on the protein of wheat grains /
رقم البحث : 11870242 Physicochemical properties and chemical compusitios of vetiver oil /
رقم البحث : 11870244 Studies on the effect of some growth regulators on yield and quality of cauliflower /
رقم البحث : 11870247 The effect of ghloromequat (CCC) on the growth and flowering of tuberose :
رقم البحث : 11870250 Effect of some climatic factors on the growth and alkaloid contents of datura stramonium VAR Inermis safford :
رقم البحث : 11870252 Effect of some climatic factors on the growth and alkaloids contents of datura stramonium VAR Inermis safford :
رقم البحث : 11870210 Comparative studies of Giza 155 and mexibac cultivars of wheat :
رقم البحث : 11870255 Tulip production as affected by chlormequat chloride (CCC) treatments /
رقم البحث : 11870258 Effect of GA3 and ethephon on the yield and quality of sewy date fruits (phoenix dactylifera l.) /
رقم البحث : 11870259 Studies on some characters of meat production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870261 Studies on some characters of meat production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870263 Studies on some characters of meat production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870264 Studies on some characters of egg production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870266 Studies on some characters of egg production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870267 Studies on some characters of egg production of local turkey in north Iraq :
رقم البحث : 11870268 Monthly activity of honey-bees in wax secretion /
رقم البحث : 11870271 Food gathering activity of honey bees in Moshtohor region /
رقم البحث : 11870212 Effect of sowing dates on plant characters, yield and yield components of some soybean cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11870272 Behavior of honey bee workers olv major pollen sources in Giza region /
رقم البحث : 11870317 دراسة تحليلية لاقتصاديات انتاج واستهلاك البصل فى مصر /
رقم البحث : 11870324 دراسة التغيرات السعرية لبعض السلع الزراعية بمحافظة أسيوط /
رقم البحث : 11870216 Effect of fertilizer elements on some agronomic characters and yields of some groundnut cultivars /
Vol 17 no 1 - Mar1979 - 01/03/1979
رقم البحث : 11867532 Effect of planting dates, watering intervals and nitrogen rates on maize :
رقم البحث : 11867548 Effect of planting dates, watering intervals and nitrogen rates on maize :
رقم البحث : 11867569 Effect of planting dates, watering intervals and nitrogen rates on maize :
رقم البحث : 11867677 Total nitrogen uptake and its distribution between maize organs /
رقم البحث : 11867702 Some chemical constituents of henna leaves :
رقم البحث : 11867852 Effect of conservation of the aphid parasite aphidius matricariae hal. (hymenoptera; aphidiidae) on adult longevity, mortality and emergence /
رقم البحث : 11867887 on the biology of aphid1us matricariae hal. (hymenoptera; aphidiidae), parasite on myzus persicae (sulz. ) (homoptera, aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 11867948 Brood rearing activity of the honey bee in relation to pollen gathering and some weather factors in middle egypt /
رقم البحث : 11867988 Chemical composition of local foods with relation to egyptian food habits /
رقم البحث : 11868066 Effect of adding hydrogen peroxide to milk as preservative on the oxidative rancidity of the resultant butter /
رقم البحث : 11869406 A comparative study of quantity elasticity and expenditure elasticity for sugar and tea in 1958/59 and 1972 /
رقم البحث : 11869394 Urea transformations in sandy calcareous soils /
رقم البحث : 11869383 Environmental conditions and sugar cane diseases in iraq /
رقم البحث : 11868259 Effect of organic amendment and fungicidal application on the population of soil microflora and infection with the late-wilt disease of maize /
رقم البحث : 11868250 Studies on intergeneric hybridization in some myrtaceous fruit plants /
رقم البحث : 11868233 The effect of some chemicals on pollen development and fertility in some grape cultivars and their possible use in grape breeding /
رقم البحث : 11868227 Stylar excision as a mean of overcoming self incompatibility and crossability barriers genes in some fruit plants /
رقم البحث : 11868215 Wide hybridization in some fruit species and genera /
رقم البحث : 11868134 Effect of different production methods on the keeping quality of samna /
رقم البحث : 11868151 Effect of severity and time of pruning on fruit quality of meet ghamr peach cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11868167 Studies on foliar application of certain commercial fertilizers on rose production during winter and spring periods /
رقم البحث : 11868180 Suppression of the dominant gene (l-) responsible for seedlessness in grapes using growth regulators /
رقم البحث : 11868201 Trials on the induction of apomic tic seeds in some fruit crops /
Vol 16 no 1 - Mar1978 - 01/03/1978
رقم البحث : 11870251 The economics of financial management in agriculture /
رقم البحث : 11870257 Economics of price stability and trend analysis of price indexes /
رقم البحث : 11870262 Effect of method of insecticidal treatment on the response of cotton leaf worm to n- 2596 /
رقم البحث : 11870265 Retardation of butter autoxidation by phenolic antioxidants /
رقم البحث : 11871311 Relationship between flavour and chemical assessments of autoxidation in butter /
رقم البحث : 11870226 Critical periods of weed competition in cotton /
رقم البحث : 11871344 The activity and viability of streptococcus lactis growing on. Soymilk medium /
رقم البحث : 11871353 The effect of heat treatment history of milk on domiati cheese /
رقم البحث : 11871369 Effect of ethephon on yield and fruit quality of cucumber /
رقم البحث : 11871370 Gibberellic acid as suppressor of the gene causing polyembryony in some sweet orange and mandarin varieties and its possible uses in breeding programs /
رقم البحث : 11871372 Physiological studies on fruits of some avocado cultivars :
رقم البحث : 11871374 Physiological studies on fruits of some avocado cultivars :
رقم البحث : 11871377 The amino acid composition of different types of wool and its relationship to some wool physical properties /
رقم البحث : 11871380 Production of oxytetracycline by streptomyces rimosus as an animal feed supplements /
رقم البحث : 11871384 Effect of changing dietary tetracycline on growth rate, carcass quality and tetracycline residues in different tissues of pekin ducks /
رقم البحث : 11870236 Effect of terbucarb on broad bean plant /
رقم البحث : 11871385 Effect of locally produced tetracycline levels on fayoumi chicks performance /
رقم البحث : 11871388 The changes in Dna, Rna and protein contents in different tissues of white baladi chicks at different dietary lysine levels /
رقم البحث : 11871392 Studies on some nutritional requirements for two local breeds of rabbits during reproduction and growing periods /
رقم البحث : 11871399 Effect of tetracycline supplementation on growth rate, carcass quality and tetracycline residue in different tissues of turkey breeds /
رقم البحث : 11871408 Effect of liver meal as animal protein source on feeding growing chicks /
رقم البحث : 11870260 Studies on the cotton leafworm spodoptera ttoral’s boisd.) larvae surviving field application lit with certain insecticides /
رقم البحث : 11870240 Studies on some phosphorous relations and availability in various soils of Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11870243 Solubility of phosphates as affected by calcium carbonate and humic acids /
رقم البحث : 11870246 Gas-chromatographic analysis of the volatile oil of perovskia artemisioides boiss /
رقم البحث : 11870254 Estimated economic impact from an integrated dairy industry project atom mostorod /
Vol 15 no 2 - jun 1977 - 01/06/1977
رقم البحث : 11867445 Effect of some agricultural practices on stalk-rot incidence and yield of maize :
رقم البحث : 11867564 Quality of cotton as affected by rate and time of nitrogen application at various planting dates /
رقم البحث : 11867571 A study of transformation of PP-DDT under the effect CF certain treatments as revealed by gas chromatography /
رقم البحث : 11867608 Evaluation of certain pesticides against land snails /
رقم البحث : 11867675 Major phospholipid fractions of goats’ milk /
رقم البحث : 11867706 Acid development in cows’ and buffaloes’ butter in relation to fat oxidation /
رقم البحث : 11867970 The effect of freeze-drying on the behaviour of some lactic-acid cultures variously treated /
رقم البحث : 11867989 Effect of management system on milk yield and composition of friesian cows in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11867651 Effect of storage on residues of anthio : s- (n- formyl-n- methyl-carbamoyl methyl) dimethyl phosphoro thiolothionate, on and in orange fruits /
رقم البحث : 11868033 Detection of fat deterioration in some dairy products /
رقم البحث : 11868071 Oxidative rancidity in samna produced from milk treated with hydrogen peroxide /
رقم البحث : 11868123 Effect of different rates of irrigation on navel orange trees, yield and fruit quality /
رقم البحث : 11868093 Studies on camel meat tenderization /
رقم البحث : 11868145 Yield and grade of onions as affected by irrigation frequency and stage of maturity /
رقم البحث : 11868163 Antimicrobial substance from chlorella kessleri L. /
رقم البحث : 11868184 Constituents of unsaponifiable matter in chlorella kessleri L. /
رقم البحث : 11868196 A preliminary structure of chlorella kessleri L. Polysaccharide /
رقم البحث : 11868213 A laboratory method for testing virulence in erwinia amylovora strains /
رقم البحث : 11868223 Effect of sodium chloride salinity on the biosynthesis of amino acids of plant seedlings /
رقم البحث : 11868232 Photoelectric estimation of sperm concentration in ossimi and saidi ram semen and the effect of the number of motile sperms per service on the fertility of ewes /
رقم البحث : 11868243 Evaluation of the protein quality of Egyptian sesame meal /
رقم البحث : 11868256 Effect of fungicides on damping-off of squash and cucumber on microbial flora and fungal counts /
رقم البحث : 11868647 دراسة تحليلية لأسعار الارز فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
Vol 15 no 1 - Mar1977 - 01/03/1977
رقم البحث : 11868416 Studies on mycological fat production /
رقم البحث : 11868417 Effect of fungicides on damping-off of squash and cucumber :
رقم البحث : 11868418 Studies on storage molds in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 11868415 Comparative study on tile effect of some different carriers of phosphorus fertilizers on the yield and quality of trifolium alexandrinum L. and following zea mays L. /
رقم البحث : 11868420 Effect of storage period on peroxidase activity from frozen fruits and vegetables /
رقم البحث : 11868422 Evaluation of some rapid techniques for determining milk total solids /
رقم البحث : 11868423 The validity of <<pro- milk tester>> for determining the protein contents of Egyptian buffaloe’s and cow’s milk /
رقم البحث : 11868426 Effect of adding sodium citrate to buffaloes’ milk on chemical and organoleptical properties of RAS cheese /
رقم البحث : 11868427 Effect of diluting the whey during scalding process on the chemical and organoleptic properties of RAS cheese /
رقم البحث : 11868429 Effect of some feeding systems and individuality on milk fat constants /
رقم البحث : 11869027 A study on the performance of a chisel plough clod crusher combination /
رقم البحث : 11869042 Evaluation of combining abilities from diallel crosses of pure breeds in chickens /
رقم البحث : 11869056 Effect of pruning time on flowering, setting, fruit quality and yield of meet ghamr peach cultivar /
رقم البحث : 11869070 Effect of pinching rack on fruit quality of some grape cultivars /
رقم البحث : 11869082 Essential amino acid index of some common’ Egyptian feedstuffs /
رقم البحث : 11869303 Abundance and seasonal fluctuation of bemizia tabaci on different vegetable plants in three localities at sharkia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11869302 Influence of honey bees pollination in seed set of helianthus annuus L. /
رقم البحث : 11869300 A study on the availability of some micro minerals with sheep utilizing different feedstuffs :
رقم البحث : 11869301 A study on the availability of some micro minerals with sheep utilizing different feedstuffs :
رقم البحث : 11869299 A study on the availability of some micro-minerals with sheep utilizing different feedstuffs :
رقم البحث : 11869304 Biological responses of aphis gussyph, aphis craccivora and myzus persicae to different plant hosts /
Vol 14 no 1 - Marc1976 - 01/03/1976
رقم البحث : 11870339 Response of wheat plant to fertilization at Minia :
رقم البحث : 11870349 Cell division and enlargement and stem elongation in wheat as affected by chlorcholinechloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA 3) /
رقم البحث : 11870359 Response of two wheat species to gamma irradiation in successive generations /
رقم البحث : 11870374 Decomposition of humus and some organic manures in soil and its effect on soil microflora /
رقم البحث : 11870391 Studies on the microbiological and chemical properties of barley rhizospiiere as influenced by irrigation with different water qualities /
رقم البحث : 11870301 Response of six soybean varieties to phosphatic fertilizer at Wadi Jizan region (Saudi Arabia) /
رقم البحث : 11870401 An interesting induced dwarf mutant in field beans (vicia faba l.) /
رقم البحث : 11870419 Effect of insecticides on the population of entomophagous predators of cotton pests /
رقم البحث : 11870429 Field trials for screening of certain soil pesticides for the control of cotton pests in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11870454 Pressure DROP through small fabric filters for trickling systems /
رقم البحث : 11870494 A quick method for isolating rhizoctonia solani from soil /
رقم البحث : 11870526 Use of antibiotics as an aid in control of spoilage of canned foods /
رقم البحث : 11870555 Bacteriological flow sheets and identification of major spore-former contaminants in some Egyptian canned products /
رقم البحث : 11870578 Determination of thermal process time. Of Egyptian canned foods /
رقم البحث : 11870582 Soils of the western depressions, A.R.E Characterization of kharga and dakhla oases soils /
رقم البحث : 11870603 Studies on some aspects of the chemical composition of tilapiao and paugil mia /
رقم البحث : 11870308 Response of mexican wheat cultivars ’to nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers /
رقم البحث : 11870616 Studies on urea hydrolysis effect of biuret on urease activity in vitro /
رقم البحث : 11870629 Effect of package and storage on freeze-dried fish /
رقم البحث : 11870637 Carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus deposits of egypt relationships in calcareout lacustrine /
رقم البحث : 11870661 A comparative study on the availability of two forms of fe-nutrition, and its subsequent efeect on growth and uptake of some macro elements in calcareous soils using barley plants /
رقم البحث : 11870672 Comparative stuimes on fruit development, quality and bunch characteristics at harvest of some Egyptian date cultivaas /
رقم البحث : 11870691 بعض الجوانب التسويقيه لتجاره الموز المصرى بسوق روض الفرج بالقاهره /
رقم البحث : 11870694 Effect of pruning severity on thompson seedless vines yield and fruit quality /
رقم البحث : 11870723 بعض العوامل المحدده للطاقه الانتاجيه للموز المصرى /
رقم البحث : 11870745 Effect of some citrus rootstocks on vegetative growth of anioun orange trees /
رقم البحث : 11870764 Effects of (CCC), urea and ethephon spraying on the branching, flower yield and flower quality of «rouge meilland» roses /
رقم البحث : 11870318 Effect of seed size and depth of sowing on growth and yield of mexican wheat /
رقم البحث : 11870798 Ecological and biological studies on the tomato fruitworm heliothis armigera hb in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 11870832 A study of some genetic aspects in two strains of chicken and their crosses /
رقم البحث : 11870867 Efficiency of conversion of food to wool at three nutritional levels of energy by ossimi and said Sheep /
رقم البحث : 11870903 Epidemiological studies on dermatomycosis infection in people democratic republic of Yemen /
رقم البحث : 11870934 A comparative study on methods for measuring available phosphorus in soils of el-Minia governorate /
رقم البحث : 11870947 Suction potential changes of cotton leaves as affected by soil salinity and water regime /
رقم البحث : 11870332 Determination of optimum sowing time for mexican wheat cultivars /

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