اختيار الموقع            تسجيل دخول

المؤلفين المشاركين
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed
  عدد المقالات  : 6

Effects of Intervention Training Module Regarding Hospital Nurse’s Preparedness for Patient’s Blood Transfusion
 Abeer El-Said Hassane El-sol - جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض
Hanan Mohammed Mohammed - جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض
Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض

الكلمات الدالة  Blood transfusion, blood transfusion reactions, Blood transfusion safety, Training module for nurses.
الصفحات  102-116
تم النشر في  : nternational Journal of Novel Research in Healthcare and Nursing
تم النشر بتاريخ  : 01/04/2017
الملحقات  : 16.docتحميل

The Effectiveness of Application of Kangaroo Mother Care on Preterm Infants in Intensive Care Units at Khartoum State Hospitals – Sudan
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - جامعة دمنهور - كلية التمريض
Maysa Saber Mohamed Ismail - جامعة دمنهور - كلية التمريض

الكلمات الدالة  Kangaroo mother care, preterm infants, neonatal care
الصفحات  1-19
الملحقات  : rundll32.exeتحميل

Parents’ Knowledge and Beliefs about COVID-19 Vaccine Among Children at Al-Baha City- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - جامعة دمنهور - كلية التمريض
Maysa Saber Mohamed Ismail - جامعة دمنهور - كلية التمريض

الكلمات الدالة  Coronavirus Disease 2019 is a respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome – coronavirus2. In 2019, COVID-19, a novel coronavirus, has triggered a new respiratory ailment pandemic in Wuhan, China. In December 2020, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has begun the distribution of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination for children, making it the first Arab country to do so. Studies have shown that many variables impact parents’ decisions to vaccinate their children. Aim: was to assess parents’ knowledge and beliefs about the COVID-19 vaccine for children at Al-Baha city- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Design: Descriptive cross-sectional research design was conducted using simple random sampling on 268 parents at Al-Baha city- KSA, who have children aged between 12-18 years old, during the period from September to December 2021. Tools of data collection: Questionnaire sheet which consists of three parts Part I: to assess socio-demographic characteristics of the studied sample. Part II and III to determine parents’ knowledge and belief concerning the covid-19
Beliefs; Children; COVID19 vaccines, Knowledge, Parents’

الصفحات  1-30
الملحقات  : rundll32.exeتحميل

Assessment of Parents’ Awareness regarding their Children Mental Health Status in Eastern Region- KSA
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - Albaha University, Saudi Arabia
Amira Mohammed Saad Mohammed . - Albaha University, Saudi Arabia
Magda Mubarak Merghani. - Albaha University, Saudi Arabia
4. Salma Moh Gomaa. - Albaha University, Saudi Arabia

الكلمات الدالة  children, mental health status, parents’ awareness
الصفحات  1-8
تم النشر بتاريخ  : 15/12/2021
الملحقات  : rundll32.exeتحميل

Routine Phototherapy Vs Aluminum Foil Associated Phototherapy : Effect on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia /
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - -----اختيار الكلية----

الصفحات  1-10 p.
تم النشر في  : MNJ
تم النشر بتاريخ  : 01/04/2024
الملحقات  : ~$$https.docتحميل

Routine Phototherapy Vs Aluminum Foil Associated Phototherapy : Effect on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia /
 Ragaa Gasim Ahmed Mohmmed - جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض

الصفحات  1-10 P.
تم النشر في  : MNJ
تم النشر بتاريخ  : 01/04/2024
الملحقات  : ~$$رسائل.docتحميل


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