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فاعلية استخدام السيكودراما فى تعديل بعض جوانب السلوك غير التكيفى لدى ضعاف السمع /
سعيد عبد الرحمن عبد الرحمن،
عبدالرحمن, سعيد عبدالرحمن
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سعيد عبد الرحمن عبد الرحمن
مشرف / شاكر قنديل
مناقش / حمدان فضة
مناقش / شاكر قنديل
الصحة النفسية.
تاريخ النشر
2004 .
عدد الصفحات
246ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية عام - صحة نفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 257

from 257


Study Terms: ~ •.:~. r .
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. , ,’.~.--”,...i.,.~~” ’~:_”. -{._~ .;~ ..<» ’T”~ 1- Hearing Impaired ” ... -:.”,) : f./”::{~’ \~
.. Is the person who had lost hi; hearing, partially, sin~ his bi~. or ~/Y’, ~\(
acqurrmg the language. But he Can successfully, recerve Cogrutive ;an~I .} .’
linguistic experiences, through what is left from his hearing,either by usinl·· ~
hearing aids or without it.’ .
2 - Maladaptive Behavior:
I~;’!he’behavior which expresses ’the person inability to respond to the
natural environment, characterized by (introversion, and articulation disorders)
3 - Introverted Behavior:
It is passive behavior, not Social. It is a destructive behavior in which
the individual tends to keep a way from others, and has a great desire to live in
isolation and passiveness. He has tremendous shy that leads to his lack of
confidence and disParticipation with his fellows in their activities. All that lead
to’ be self centered person.
,’- -.
4- Aniculation Disorders :
Are disorders articulated expressing the lacking of being able to have
good verbal communication with others, that Suit his mental and real age. This
is. as a result of replacing or articulating’ some letters in the place of others or
elision others letters or a deformity in speech that leads to bad articulation;
consequently there will be a disability in the speech understanding to others.
5 - Psychodrama:
It is one of group thQrapies, which is based on L~taneity -in
Performance, where the patient acts Some of his past or preseritareven future
Situations in the frame of the therapeutic group . He. expresses himself through
acting on the stage freely, where he has the chance of emotional Catharsis and.
of knowing his problems and imprQvinghjsSkills and his reactions”; by the
help of Using multi techniques ’Of-Psychodrama. {
Sample of the Study:
It consists of twenty pupils who are hearing impaiied, whose ages
arranged from (9 - 12) years, in ’average (10.8) years, from the school of hope
for deafness and heariag impaired in Zagzig, in the 41h; 5th and 6111 grades, who
are suffering from disorders in some aspects of adaptive behavior. they were
divided into two groups, one is experimental and the other is COOIrollinggroup
”he same age, intelligent and; in social cultural and economical level, and in
verted behavior unit and in Articulation Disorders: These are 2 group.
or 310
Summary of the study ------~~.-.---”-,--”--- ---_.; ~Y~~i:’~
I - Experimental group: - Consists of 10 pupils ( 7 males and 3 females)
~ - Controlling group: - Consists of 10 pupils (7 males and 3 females)
Articles o(The Studr.
1 - The test of drawing man, of Good Enough _ Harris.
(Mustafa Fahmy, 1979)
2 - The measure of the social culture and economical level.
(Hemdan Faddah ,1997)
3 - The measure of Introversion for Hearing impaired children.
(The Researcher)
4 -The form of Articulation and speech disorderS(Abd El-Aziz Elshakhs,1997j.
i5mp-airTehde schedule of introversion and Articulation Disorders for Hearing
children ( The Researcher).
6 - The program of Psychodrama ( The Researcher ).
Results o(the studr.
1 - There is a significant difference, At the standard (0.0 I), between the
average of the marks of the 2 groups ( experimental and controlling) in the
Introverted behavior, for the Hearing impaired children, After the
application of the program, in favor of the experimental group.
2 - - There is a significant difference, At the standard (0.01), between the
average of the marks of the 2 groups ( experimental and controlling) in the
Articulation disorders, for the Hearing impaired children, After the
application of the program, in favor of the experimental group.
3 - There is a significant difference between the average of the marks in the 2
Applications for the experimental groupe after program and foIIow up) in
introverted behavior.
4 - There is a significant difference between the average of the marks in the 2
Applications for the experimental group (after program and follow up) in
the Articulation disorders.
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