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Work related stress and its effect on mental health among employees of Ain Shams University hospitals /
Ibrahim, Noha Magdi Ali.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهى مجدى على ابراهيم
مشرف / محسن عبد الحميد جاد الله
مشرف / سحـــر خليــل قنديــل
مشرف / دينا أحمد جمال الدين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
208p. :
علم الأوبئة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - قسم طب المجتمع والبيئة وطب الصناعات
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 208


Occupational stress is an exploding phenomenon nowadays especially in Egypt. The impact of which costs for the employees and organization severely.
Work-related stress in developing countries is often made worse by a broad spectrum of factors outside the work environment from gender inequalities, poor paths of participation and poor environmental management of industrial pollution to illiteracy, parasitic and infectious diseases, poor hygiene and sanitation, poor nutrition, poor living conditions, inadequate transportation systems and general poverty.
This study aims to measure the prevalence of work related stress among a sample of employees of Ain Shams University hospitals, determine its risk factors and to measure the effect of work related stress and socioeconomic status on the occurrence of depression, anxiety and stress among a sample of employees of Ain Shams University hospitals.
A Structured interview questionnaire was used to collect data from 462 employees of different of Ain Shams University hospitals. The questionnaire included:
Section I: Socio-demographic data of the studied Socio-demographic data of the studied employees
Section ΙI: Assessment of work related stress
Section ΙIΙ: Assessment of mental health
Concerning characteristics of the studied employees the mean age of employees was 43.4 ± 10.9 years, about two thirds (63%) were women, most of them were married (80%) and of urban residence (87%). Almost half of the sample was university graduates (46%) and nearly three quarters were administrative employees (74.5%) and of middle social class (79.2%).
Regarding prevalence of work related stress: More than one third (32.3%) of the employees experience moderate level of work related stress. However, only 7.6% had dangerous level of stress.
Regarding prevalence of mental health problems: The proportion of severe and extremely severe levels of depression, anxiety and stress were 20.8%, 34.6% and 17.6 respectively.
Regarding risk factors of work related stress: There was statistically insignificant difference between gender, socioeconomic status, and work related stress (p>0.05). But there was a statistically significant difference between different age groups, marital status and work related stress (p <0.05). Engineers had the highest proportion of being calm, while workers suffered more from moderate stress (p=0.005). In all other forms of stress there was no difference between the four groups.
Regarding risk factors of Depression: Regarding age, 59.5% of employees of age above 50 had mild to severe depression compared to 67.6% and 71.8% of age below 25 and 25-50 respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between different age group and depression (p <0.05). Moreover, there was a statistically significant difference between work related stress and depression (p <0.001); more than half of the studied employees (60%) who experienced dangerous level of work related stress had severe depression.
Regarding risk factors of Anxiety: Regarding gender, 39.9% of women has severe anxiety compared to 25.7 % of men. There was a statistically significant difference between gender and anxiety (p<0.01). There was a statistically significant relation between work related stress and anxiety as nearly 52% of employees who experienced severe stress had severe anxiety (p <0.001).
Regarding risk factors of stress: There was statistically significant association between age and stress level (p=0.005). Nearly half (48.6%) of employees experiencing dangerous level of workplace stress had severe stress. Moreover, (33.7%) of employees experiencing severe workplace stress had severe mental stress symptoms. There was a statistically significance difference between work related stress and mental stress among the studied employees (p <0.001).
And these results comply the necessity of Implementation of health education campaigns for employees on how to manage stress at work and inform them with the ill- health consequences of it.