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Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction among Nurses \
El-naggar, Doaa Mohammed Ibrahim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دعاء محمد إبراهيم النجار
مشرف / حريصة محمد الشيمي
مشرف / نعمة فتحي سعد
مناقش / حريصة محمد الشيمي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
252 P. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - علوم التمريض
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Organizations are social systems where human resources are the most important factors for effectiveness and efficiency. They need effective managers and employees to achieve their objectives. Organizations cannot succeed without their personnel efforts and commitment (Ahmed, 2014).
Employee’s job satisfaction is the key variable that impacts the performance of organizations. In highly competitive global businesses must strive to identify factors that influence the performance and job satisfaction of employees. One such factor is organizational justice; which describes the individual’s perception of the fairness of treatment received from an organization and their behavioral reactions to such perceptions (Fernandes and Awamleh, 2011).
The aim of the present study is to investigate the organizational justice, job satisfaction among nurses working at Ain Shams University hospitals and Find out the relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction among nurses working at the study setting. Research hypothesis was “there is a relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction among nurses working at Ain Shams University Hospitals”.
A descriptive Correlational design was used in the conduction of this study. This study was carried out at Ain Shams University Hospitals (Medical Ain Shams University, Surgical El-demerdash, Obstetric and pediatric hospitals). A total number of 216 nurses (40 head nurses and 176 staff nurses) have been recruited in the study. Simple random and systematic sampling techniques were used in recruiting the calculated number of respondents for this study (Sample size). Two tools were used for data collection. The first one was nurses’ organizational justice questionnaire was adopted from the related literature (Ahmed 2014) and the second was job satisfaction questionnaire was adopted from review of related literature (Hussain 2007).
The main study findings were as the following: -
 The highest percentages (90%) of head nurses were female, and their age ranged from 30-40 with mean age of 39.18±7.67. Moreover, majority (95%) of head nurses had a bachelor’s degree in nursing, and slightly less than three quarters (72.5%) of them was married.
 While, the result showed that the highest percentages (84.7%) of staff nurses were female, and their age ranged between20-40with mean age of36.98±10.07. Also, slightly less than three quarter (74.4%) of staff nurses had technical institute degree in nursing, and slightly more than half (51.7%) of them was married.
 40% of head nurses had experience in nursing between10-20yearswith mean16.78±7.43, and slightly less than three quarter (70%) of them had more than 1000-pound salary.
 Furthermore, slightly more than three fifths (62.5%) of head nurses had more than 200 pound incentive. While, majority (32.4%) of staff nurses had experience in nursing between less than10-30years with mean17.48±10.0, and slightly more than three fifths (62.5%) of them had more than 1000 pound salary. Moreover, majority (40.9%) of staff nurses had more than 200 pound incentive.
 The highest percentages of job satisfaction were observed among staff nurses in the interpersonal hospital relation, and the job appreciation and recognition (54.5%, 33.5%), and the same was found with the head nurses (75%, 35%). The lowest percentages of job satisfaction were found in the items related to salary and incentives for both staff nurses and head nurses (7.4%, 15%) consequently.
 The highest percentages of staff nurses and head nurses (88.6%, 90%) perceive that the organizational justice is low.
The present study findings showed that there is a statistically significant and positive relationship between organizational justice and nurses’ job satisfaction.
The main recommendations were summarized as the following:-
 Design systems and procedures that assure organizational justice.
 Further research is suggested to investigate the effectiveness of implemented programs in improving nurses’ job satisfaction and organizational justice.