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Traditional versus prescribed method (marjoram)
for relieving Premenstrual Syndrome among
Students at the Faculty of Nursing /
Uosif, Amira Morsy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Amira Morsy Uosif
مشرف / Aziza Ahmed Attia
مشرف / Nevin Samir Metwally
مناقش / Ahmed husseiny salama
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
194 P. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض الام والرضع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 194


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), is a condition in which one or
more of the various symptoms that affect a person’s life style, job
and daily life is seen and disappears after the menstruation. The
symptoms ranging from physical ,emotional and behavioral
symptoms (Yamamoto et al, 2009).
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is particularly common
problem in young girls (Anamika et al, 2008). PMS leads to
capacity loss of the individual, economic losses, increase in
accident potential, and health problems such as anxiety,
depression and suicide that has extreme negative effect on quality
of life (Haywood et al, 2007).
At least (85%) of women who menstruate has at least one
premenstrual symptom. Premenstrual syndrome may be more or
less intense with each menstrual cycle. Many women suffer from
severe symptoms, which interfere with their everyday life, and
some are even debilitating. These problems tend to peak in late
20s and early 30s (William .2008 ).
This study was conducted in Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams
University. The studied sample consisted of (152) student girls
from the different fourth educational years. Three tools of data
collection were used first was structured interviewing
questionnaire sheet to collect the demographic data, menstrual
history, and students’ methods for reliving PMS. Also collect the
sample knowledge about marjoram. Second was prospective
record of the impact and severity of menstrual symptoms (PRISM
calendar) to assess PMS. Third was following up card.
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Results of the present study revealed that:
The student’s age ranging from, (17-23) years old with mean
age (20.1±2) of control group comparing with. (20.2±2) years old
of intervention group. Regarding to, residence the control groups
were living in urban and rural areas by (44.3%, 55.7%)
respectively as compared with (50.6% and 49.3%) in intervention
group. Also the student chi square indicated that there is no
statistically significant different between control and intervention
Moreover, more than half (55.1%) of all female students have
PMS, either the majority of students have physical symptoms
(49%, 39.5%) of control& intervention group respectively. While
(34.1%) of control used different traditional methods for reliving
PMS. on the other hand (65.7%) of intervention group was used
different traditional methods for reliving PMS before taking
marjoram in the study. While this study revealed that methods
were, that tight belt, exercises, warm shower, warm fluids, warm
compresses, rest & sleep . In addition (74.9%) of control &
(64.3%) of intervention group used different herbs for relieving
Furthermore there was no significant significance was found
regarding using methods for reliving PMS and family income &
place of residence. Regarding symptoms of PMS the most
common psychological symptoms was irritability (63.8%).
Regarding physical symptoms the most common one was fatigue
(82%). Regarding social symptoms aggressive was (44.7%).
moreover, there was no statistical significant difference found
between control and intervention group regarding using of herbs
for relieving PMS.
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There was no statistical significant difference between two
groups regarding physical symptoms except backache was more
in control group, while menstrual cramp and nausea were more
in intervention group.
Regarding psychological symptoms there was statistical
significance regarding all psychological symptoms between two
groups except crying, restlessness and low self image.
Regarding to, social symptoms there was no statistical
significant difference was found between two groups regarding
all social symptoms of PMS except aggressive was increased in
intervention group.
Regarding to, the effect of marjoram on relieving PMS there
was an effect on almost of physical symptoms. The most
symptom that improved was headache as (22.5%) strongly
decreased and (52.5%) were moderately decreased. While
nausea was slightly improved, only (8.8%) was moderately
improved. Moreover acne was still present not improved.
In relation to psychological symptoms the improvement was
markedly observed in anxious as (55.6%) was strongly
decreased and (25.9%) were moderately decreased. But the
improvement was limited regarding appétit up (14%) were
strongly decreased and (26%) were moderately decreased.
while low self image was still present
Concerning to social symptoms the effect of marjoram was
minimal comparing with other PMS symptoms and most one
was the aggressive (10.7%) were strongly decreased and (25%)
were moderately decreased. While neglect housing activities
(11.1%) were strongly decreased and (11.1%) of them were
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moderately decreased. Moreover decrease social activities still
The current study concluded that :
This study concluded that, there was an Improvement in
almost of PMS (physical psychological and social) as reported
by female students in the intervention group who utilizing the
marjoram (three months) than who don’t used.
In addition the most physical symptoms that decreased was
menstrual cramps. While nausea was slightly improved.
Moreover acne was still present. In relation to psychological
symptoms the improvement was markedly observed in anxious.
But the improvement was limited regarding appétit up. While
low self image was still present. Concerning to social
symptoms the effect of marjoram were minimal comparing with
other PMS symptoms and most one was the aggressive .While
neglect housing activities was slightly decreased. Moreover a
decrease social activity was still present.