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The Association between Suicidality
and Impulsivity among Adolescents
with Substance use Disorders /
Elghamrawy,Emad Abdelwahab.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Emad Abdelwahab Elghamrawy
مشرف / Safeya Mahmoud Effat
مشرف / Mahmoud Mamdouh Elhabiby
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الامراض العصبية و الطب النفسى
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The current study is a cross sectional case–control
study. It was carried out at the Adolescents‘ substance
abuse outpatient clinic, Helwan psychiatric hospital. The
sample consisted of 2 groups; a case group, where 4o male
adolescents with age range of 12-18 years diagnosed as
having substance use disorders were included in the study.
The second group was a control group which includes 40
volunteers of male adolescents matched for age,
socioeconomic class and education with the case group.
All participants in both groups were assessed using
The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for
Children and Adolescents (MINI-KID) for Clinical
diagnosis of substance use disorder and any co-morbidities,
the Arabic version was used, Barratt impulsiveness scale
version 11(BIS-11) was used to assess the Impulsivity, in
terms of 3 domains; Motor, Planning, and Attention
impulsiveness with 30 items scored on a 4-point scale
ranging from 1=rarely/never, to 4= almost always/always
using the Arabic version, Suicide Probability Scale (SPS)
The scale is composed of 36 items that describe particular
feelings and behaviors. The respondent indicates how often each statement applies to him or her, using a 4-point scale.
The Arabic version was used.
As regards association between impulsivity and
suicidality in the adolescents with substance use disorders
our results showed positive correlation in-between with
statistically significant difference. Regarding relation
between impulsivity and eduction among adolescents
with substance use disorders, this study found
significantly higher impulsivity grades by Barratt
Impulsiveness Scale (BIS 11) in cases with lower
educational levels with statistically significant difference.
Also as regards Relationship between impulsivity
in adolescents with substance dependence and others
with substance with substance abuse this study found
significantly higher impulsivity levels in cases with
substance dependence compared with cases with substance
abuse, While regarding suicidality grades by suicidality
probability scale (SPS) were significantly higher among
cases with substance abuse compared to cases with
substance dependence (Assessed by MINI KID Mini
International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and
Adolescents). Regarding suicidality grades in adolescents with
substance dependence compared with adolescent with
substance abduse in the case group suicidality were
significantly higher among cases with substance abuse
compared to cases with substance dependence (Assessed by
MINI KID Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview
for Children and Adolescents).
Suicidality grades by suicidality probability scale
(SPS) were significantly higher among cases with
substance abuse compared to cases with substance
dependence (Assessed by MINI KID Mini International
Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents)
Also as regard adolescent with substance use disorder
using Hashish either as monosubstance or their main
substance among polysubstance had significantly higher
suicidality grades on suicidality probability scale (SPS)
compared to the other adolescents in the cases groups who
had different substance use profile with statistically
significant difference.
Regarding to association between suicidality in
patients using polysubstances with their main substance
Tramadol, This study found that adolescent with substance
use disorder using poly substances with Tramadol as theirmain substance had significantly higher suicidality grades
on suicidality probability scale (SPS) compared to the other
adolescents in the cases groups who had different substance
use profile.
On the other hand this study found no association
between neither impulsivity nor suicidality among
adolescent using polysubstance with their main substance
Alcohol or clonazepam or heroin.