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Development and Enhancement of A Single Bacterial Inoculum for Supplement of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium to Cereal Crops /
Montaser, Heba Taha Mohammed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبه طه محمد أحمد منتصر
مشرف / يحى عبد المنعم عثمان اللازق
مشرف / محمد نبيل عمر
مناقش / زينات كامل محمد
مناقش / يوسف على حمدى محجوب
Mycology. Fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers. Potassium fertilizers.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
116 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية العلوم - Department of Botany
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Microbiological studies can be summarized in the following points. 1- There is no antagonistic effect between these inoculants and there was an antagonistic effect against soil fungi. 2- B. polymyxa showed the highest dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activity while the mixture of the three Bacillus species showed even higher enzyme activities. 3- B. polymyxa and B. megaterium secreted the high amount of gibberilic acid and indole-3-acetic acid. Moreover, B. circulans produced the highest amount of carotenoids. 4- B. megaterium had ability to solubilize phosphate and B. circulans release potassium. 5- Field experiment showed improvements of growth parameters of wheat to biological and mineral NPK treatments. Biologically, B. polymyxa alone increased the growth parameters. However, the mixture of Bacillus strains resulted in highest increase in those parameters. A similar trend was recorded for mineral NPK as the half dose of nitrogen significantly increased growth parameters. Moreover, half dose and full dose of mineral NPK resulted in increasing in all growth parameters. 6- Yield and yield component parameters showed similar trend of growth parameters when treated with bacterial inocula or mineral NPK. 7- Enzymatic activities dehydrogenase and nitrogenase in wheat rhizospher soil were increased with either B. polymyxa or Bacillus species mixture. 8- Nitrogen percentage, nitrogen uptake and protein percentage in wheat grains and straw were significantly increased as a result of B. polymyxa, Bacillus strains mixture, half dose of nitrogen ,half and full dose of mineral of NPK application. 9- Similarly, phosphorus percentage and phosphorus uptake in wheat grains and straw were significantly increased as a result of half dose of phosphorus, full dose as well half dose of mineral NPK application. A pronounced increase was observed when B. megaterium and/or Bacillus strains mixture incula were applied. 10- Potassium percentage and potassium uptake in wheat grains and straw were also significantly increased as a result of half dose of potassium, full dose and half dose of mineral NPK application. Moreover, a pronounced increase was observed when B. circulans and/or Bacillus strains mixture incula were applied. 11- The availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the rhizosphere soil were related to mineral and biological NPK treatment. Available N, P and K were increased when nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, half dose and full dose of mineral NPK application as well as B. polymyxa, B. megaterium, B. circulans and/or Bacillus strains mixture application.