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Improving Image Segmentation Using Deep
Learning-based Approaches /
Mohamed, Abdallah Reda Abdallah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالله رضا عبدالله محمد
مشرف / محمود إبراهيم خليل
مناقش / محمد حامد صدقي
مناقش / هدي قرشي محمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
107 P. :
هندسة النظم والتحكم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - قسم هندسة الحاسبات والنظم
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This thesis presents an in-depth exploration of the field of panoptic segmentation, a central task in computer vision that combines instance and semantic segmentation to provide a unified, pixel-wise classification of an image. Panoptic segmentation plays a crucial role in numerous applications, from autonomous driving to medical imaging, by enabling a comprehensive understanding of complex scenes. Despite its potential, achieving real-time performance while maintaining high accuracy remains a significant challenge in this field. This research aims to address this challenge by focusing on the optimization of a pioneering model in panoptic segmentation, the “You Only Segment Once ”(YOSO) architecture.
A novel adaptation, referred to as the “Real-Time YOSO ”(RT-YOSO) model, introduces substantial modifications to the YOSO architecture. The RT-YOSO model aims to enhance real-time performance without sacrificing the accuracy of panoptic segmentation. To achieve this, the proposed approach replaces the original Residual Networks (ResNet) backbone with the more computationally efficient Short-Term Dense Concatenation (STDC) networks. Furthermore, it incorporates an instance-aware cropping mechanism, which significantly contributes to the model’s real-time performance. These modifications aim to strike a balance between inference time efficiency and panoptic quality (PQ), a critical aspect of image segmentation.
The thesis unfolds across five chapters, each contributing a unique perspective and playing a unique role in the narrative:
1. In Chapter 1: The introduction encapsulates the background, motivations, objectives, contributions, and structure of the thesis. It sets the stage, offering readers a glimpse into the intricate world of image segmentation and its inherent challenges.
2. In Chapter 2: Dives into the background and problem statement, unfolding the preliminaries in computer vision, with a focus on image classification and segmentation. It distinguishes between various segmentation tasks and outlines their historical and recent advancements.
3. In Chapter 3: Elaborates on the theoretical foundations that offer insights into the building blocks of panoptic segmentation, performance measures for computer vision models, and the datasets instrumental in this field. A particular focus is placed on the STDC backbone architecture.
4. In Chapter 4: The methodology takes center stage, detailing the deep dive into
YOSO, the exploration of Feature Pyramid Aggregator (FPA), and the unveiling
of the Separable Dynamic Decoder (SDD). It introduces RT-YOSO, underscoring the enhancements and modifications that set it apart and outlines the experimental setup and implementation details.
5. In Chapter 5: Encapsulates the conclusions and offers insightful suggestions for future directions, paving the way for subsequent innovations in the panoptic segmentation field.
In conclusion, the thesis presents a significant contribution to the field of real-time panoptic segmentation by proposing a novel and efficient adaptation of the YOSO architecture. The RT-YOSO model offers a promising solution to the challenges of real-time panoptic segmentation, demonstrating the potential of deep learning-based approaches for improving image segmentation in real-world, time-sensitive applications.
Keywords: Image Segmentation, Panoptic Segmentation, Deep Learning, Real-time Processing, Scene Understanding.