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Effect of Virtual Reality on Distraction of Children Attention During Dressing of Second Degree Burns /
abdelrahman, Hend elzoghpy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هند الزغبي عبدالرحمن رخا
مشرف / صباح محمد شرشور
مناقش / رحمة سليمان بهجت
مناقش / باسمة ربيع عبدالصادق
Pediatric Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
86 p. :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية التمريض - Pediatric Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Burn is an injury to the skin or underlying tissue in child , Burn considers as a one of the most traumatic injuries of childhood. Besides the physical trauma of the burn injury , children also experience a significant level of anxiety related to hospitalization and painful medical procedures such as regular burn dressing changes . Procedures related to dressing change and wound care have been described by children as “the most traumatizing and frightening part of their experience of having a burn”. Furthermore, the pain experienced during burn dressing changes may cause distress to not only pediatrics but also their caregivers and this painful experience can serve as a stressor that significantly impacts child‟s post-injury health outcomes . The latest research shows that repeated use of opioid medication for acute pain management is likely to increase the risk of long-term opioid use and risk of opioid addictions, So non pharmacologic alternatives have risen to the forefront of pain management research. Methods such as hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy, and distraction are now standard protocol in some hospitals ,Multiple studies have demonstrated that virtual reality (VR) distraction is clinically beneficial when compared with the current standard of care and provides a much more immersive distraction than standard techniques, such as muscle relaxation and toys .In addition to their efficacy, VR games are also rated by children as enjoyable, user friendly, and having no or minor side effects.