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الجوانب التنموية للإستخدامات السلمية للطاقة النووية نحو مشروع قانون عراقي جديد :
اللامي، نعمان حافظ سلمان.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نعمان حافظ سلمان اللامي
مشرف / رضا عبدالسلام إبراهيم
مناقش / إبراهيم عبدالله عبدالرؤوف
مناقش / حازم السيد حلمي عطوه
مناقش / كمال حسين لطيف الربيعي
الاقتصاد السياسي. الاقتصاد - تشريعات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
422 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الحقوق - قسم الاقتصاد السياسى والتشريعات الاقتصادية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 422

from 422


There is no doubt that nuclear energy is considered one of the proven options as a clean and reliable source of energy and an important project for developing countries’ economies and improving the quality of life.This activity also requires many regulatory frameworks related to safety, security, nuclear capacity development and safeguards, technological challenges, and the successful implementation of nuclear energy programs that require serious preparatory efforts, as well as legislative frameworks for nuclear activities, in addition to establishing national infrastructure for this vital activity. Which is linked to many applications such as human health, energy, agriculture and health, environmental protection, and human well-being through the effective use of nuclear science and technology for peaceful uses in increasing food production using nuclear technology to achieve sustainable development, that is, building a sustainable future for the well-being of peoples and peace for the future. Iraq’s realistic nuclear trends date back to the early 1950s, through Iraq’s efforts to contract with the Soviet Union to purchase a reactor for research purposes with a capacity of 2 megawatts (with basic technologies and supplies) and its supporting technologies in Baghdad Governorate. The Russian reactor was given the name (July 14 Reactor). In keeping with the revolution of leader Abdul Karim Qasim on July 14, 1958 and the fall of the monarchy in Iraq, its operating capacity was later increased to (5) megawatts.Iraq had signed with France to purchase two research reactors, which were called the Tammuz 1 and Tammuz 2 reactors. The first had a capacity of 40 megawatts and operated with light water and used enriched uranium. The second was a miniature of the Tammuz 1 reactor, with a capacity of half a megawatt. These two reactors operated under Supervision by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to ensure their peaceful use, and when it was decided to actually operate the two reactors at the beginning of the year 1981 AD, the treacherous Zionist aggression took place on June 7, 1981 AD against the two reactors, in which the Iraqis’ dream was destroyed by aerial bombardment and sixteen F-15 aircraft. ) and (F16).