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Serum vitamin D and trace elements and their relations to the joint health in hemophilia children /
Abdel Nour, Beshoy Sedki Tamer.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بيشوى صدقى تامر عبد النور
مشرف / سهام محمد رجب
مشرف / الزهراء السيد أحمد شرف
مشرف / أمساء عبد السميع محمود
مشرف / نهي ربيع محمد بيومي
Pediatrics. Hemophilia in children vitamin D.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
135 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب الأطفال
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Hemophilia are hereditary blood diseases that occur as a result of deficiency or absence of factor VIII or IX respectively, sex-related diseases that account for the vast majority of the genetic deficiency of the factors and are divided into mild, moderate and severe according to clotting factors levels in the blood.
Symptoms resulting from these diseases include severe hemorrhage in the various organs of the body, and this may result in complications such as swelling of the joints, which is widespread among hemophilia patients and may contain elbow or knee joint, in addition, lack of movement for fear of bleeding may result in defect in bone density and a decrease in vitamin D.
Our goal is to assess the relationship between vitamin D in the blood and rare minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium with joint health and hemophilia severity in children.
Vitamin D is a necessary contributor of bone health and there are a few studies that have addressed vitamin D role in hemophilia patients, some of which have found that levels of vitamin D in hemophilia may be low and others have found no difference between them and healthy people.
The results were scheduled, graphically represented, analyzed and evaluated, and showed that there is an inverse association between vitamin D level in blood and joint health in hemophilic children A or B compared to healthy children of the same age, height, weight and environmental conditions. The reduced vitamin D in these children, the more severe the arthropathy. The results have also shown that there is an negative relationship between zinc and magnesium levels and joint health in hemophilia children, as in vitamin D. The results showed that there is no relationship between calcium or phosphorus levels hemophilic arthropathy, while there is a parcel relationship between the level of alkaline phosphate and the severity of arthropathy, meaning that the more severe the joint disorder is found, the higher the levels of alkaline phosphate in hemophilia children than in healthy children. Many previous studies, both inside and outside Egypt, are consistent with our study.
Therefore had to constantly check vitamin D levels and these elements with the obligation to give these children vitamin D and these elements to make up for their deficiencies.