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Influence of Liquid Enzymes Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Parameters and Muscle Fatty Acids in Broilers /
Ghallap, Mahmoud Adel.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود عادل غلاب
مشرف / سعد زغلول الدامراوي
مشرف / احمد علي صالح
مناقش / نبيل محمد حسن المدني
Animal Production.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
51 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الزراعة - الانتاج الحيواني
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This study was carried out in a broiler farm under the supervision of Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kaferelsheikh University and Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Local Experimental Animals Care Committee and conducted in accordance with the guidelines of Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt (Number 4/2016 EC) to addition of exogenous enzymes to the broiler chicken’s diets aids in proper digestibility that produces the building blocks (fatty acids, monosaccharides, and amino acids) of lipid, carbohydrates, and protein. Therefore, the current study was carried out to assess the impact of various commercial multi-enzyme on performance and expression of intestinal nutrients transporter genes, feed utilization, blood biochemical profiles and immune response of Ross x Ross broilers. One hundred and twenty one-day old Ross x Ross were equally divided randomly according to their weights into four equal experimental groups with three replicates of 15 birds each. Each replicate was kept in a designated area of 1.5×2m floor pens until they reached 42 days of age. Experimental designed. Treatment T1 Control without any additives in water T2 Basal diet - NSP liquid enzymes supplemented in water with 2, ml/ L water. T3 Basal diet - NSP liquid enzymes supplemented in water with 4, ml/ L water. T4 Basal diet - NSP liquid enzymes supplemented in water with 8, ml/ L water. Body weight was recorded individually and body weight gain was calculated weekly to the nearest 0.1g throughout the experimental period. Feed consumed (g) per each replicate per period was calculated by subtracting the amount of feed left from that supplied. Feed conversion ratio was calculated as the number of grams of feed consumed to produce one gram body weight during the period. Mortality and the clinical health status of all birds were monitored daily and mortality percentage for each replicate per period. At the end of the feeding trial, all birds were fasted for 12 hrs prior to final sampling. three birds from each replicate were randomly selected weighed, slaughtered by slitting the jugular vein of the birds in the morning, then after slaughter and complete bleeding scalded and defeathered. Carcasses were eviscerated manually and weighed. Liver, spleen, thymus, burse, gizzard and digestive tract were removed carefully and weighed. All organs weights were expressed as percentage of body weight and subjected to arcsine transformation. At the end of the experiment, five birds from each replicate were slaughtered after fasting for 12 hrs. Ten ml of blood were obtained from each birds in a sterile centrifuge tube containing heparin (20 IU/ml) for determine some blood constituents. Palmatice, oleic and linolenice acids contents in breast muscle were analysed according to (Ceylan and Aksu 2011). Ten-grams of breast meat and 40 ml of 0.1 N HCl were homogenized for 45 s at 4◦C then centrifuged 15,000 × g for 50 min at 4 ◦C. The data (means ± SEM, standard error) were analyzed by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncan to compare the means between individual treatments using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) version 8.02 for Windows at P<0.05 level. The results indicated that: 1- The effect of addition of liquid enzymes on performance traits: The addition of NSP liquid enzymes in water significantly (p < 0.05) increased body weight gain and improved FCR. On the other hand, the feed intake was decreased. The inclusion of liquid enzymes in the present study improved the growth performance in broilers, and this improvement might be related to the enhancement of nutrient digestibility by NSP enzyme supplementation. Growth performance was great by 8 ml/ L liquid enzyme supplementation in water. 2-The effect of addition of liquid enzymes on blood parameters:- Plasma total protein, globulin, and HDL-cholesterol were significantly increased by adding 2, 4, 8ml/L of liquid enzymes in drinking water. On the other hand, plasma total cholesterol was significantly reduced; however, plasma GOT, GPT, albumin, triglycerides, and glucose and, LDL-cholesterol were not affected. Regarding the plasma lipid profile. the addition of NSP liquid enzymes in water decreased plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol, and increased HDL-cholesterol. These modifications in plasma lipids might be related to a low numerical feed intake. Liver function indicators (plasma GOT and GPT) were not significantly affected. 3. The effect of addition of liquid enzymes on carcass, gizzard, liver, heart, carcass: Breast muscle relative weights were significantly increased by added NSP liquid enzymes in water, while abdominal fat relative weight was significantly decreased in both low-energy diets compared to the control. However, carcass, gizzard, heart relative weights were not affected by added NSP liquid enzymes in water. 4. the effect of addition of liquid enzymes on muscle content of fatty acids, and liver MDA content. Addition of NSP liquid enzymes in the water on the muscle content of fatty acids, and liver MDA content. Liver MDA content was not affected, while muscle oleic and linolenic acid content were significantly increased by feeding. However, the muscle contents of palmatic acid were not significantly influenced by dietary treatments. Regarding muscle lipid peroxidation index, the liver MDA content was significantly reduced. However, the muscle contents of oleic, and linolenic acids were significantly increased by dietary treatments. Conclusion Based on the data presented above, it could be concluded that the addition of NSP liquid enzyme in drinking water by 8 ml/L water might be involved in growth performance, lipid per oxidation and modified plasma and muscle lipids profile in broilers.