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Efficacy of Commercial Vaccines in Protection Against Different Infectious Bronchitis Viruses in Chickens /
El Baz, Ali Mohamed Mahmoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / على محمد محمود الباز
مشرف / آمال أنيس مهدي عيد
مناقش / محد عبد العزيز السيد لبده
مناقش / حنان محمد فتحي عابدين
Commercial Vaccines. Chickens.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
161 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الزقازيق - كلية الطب البيطرى - طب الطيور والأرانب
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Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is one of the most highly contagious, acute diseases affecting respiratory and urogenital tract of chickens resulting in economic losses in the poultry industry worldwide including Egypt. In a trial to investigate the existing occurrence of IBV in broiler chickens and evaluate a vaccine regimen to protect against field Var2 IBV, a total of 130 chicken flocks suffering from respiratory and renal affections were examined.
Clinically examination of the collected chickens showed general signs of an illness in the form of depression, off-food, huddling together under the heat source, and ruffled feathers present in all flocks along with respiratory troubles including (sneezing, coughing, rales, gasping, and nasal discharges) were observed. Whitish diarrhea was observed in 94 flocks. Other signs like cyanosis in comb and wattles and greenish diarrhea in 9 and 36 flock respectively. Mortality rates ranged from 1-33.3%.The PM revealed tracheitis, bronchitis, and congestion of the lungs in all flocks. Caseated plugs at tracheal bifurcation were present in 120 flocks. In addition, CRD lesions (fibrinous pericarditis, perihepatitis, and air sacculitis) were present in 72 flocks. Renal damage in the form of nephrosis and nephritis in 76 and 54 flocks respectively with urate deposition were recorded. While, general congestion was recorded in 41 flocks and enlarged with ulcerated cecal tonsils were in 25 flocks with enteritis in 25 flocks.