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Psychiatric Disorders among first degree family members of borderline patients /
Kandil, Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ابزاهيم احمد قنديل
مشرف / أيمن عبدالفتاح الحداد
مشرف / عفاف سين العابدين رجب
مشرف / أحمد نبيل رمضان
Neuropsychiatry. Borderline personality disorder.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
105 p. :
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب المخ والأعصاب والطب النفسي
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Borderline personality disorder is a common psychiatric disorder, estimated to affect 2% to 6% of adults. Borderline personality disorder is associated with high levels of mental health service use and often serious psychosocial impairment, rendering it a major public health problem.
Surprisingly, little is known about the role of familial factors (including both environmental factors in common to members of the same family and genetic factors) in the causation of borderline personality disorder, particularly in contrast to the extensive literature of family and twin studies available for many other psychiatric disorders.
Family studies that find a heightened risk of a psychiatric disorder in the first–degree relatives of patients with that disorder are an important means of validating a psychiatric diagnosis. With respect to borderline personality disorder, a lot of studies have assessed the rate of psychiatric disorder in the first–degree relatives of patients borderline personality disorder.
The aim of work of the current study was to assess psychiatric disorders among first degree family members of borderline personality disorder and to assess stress levels, suicidality and quality of life among first degree family members of borderline personality disorder. To elucidate this, aim a total of 123 of 1st degree relatives of borderline personality disorder patients were included in the study. The results: The mean age of the studied borderline patient was 29.4 ± 3.456 years ranged between 18 to 35 years. There were female predominance about 110 (89.43%) in the studied cases The mean age of the studied, first-degree relatives was34.6 ± 2.790 years, there were female predominance about 88 (71.5%) in the studied cases, more than half (77%) of the studied cases were married, 48% of them were illiterate and 38.2% of them were working. In the present study, only 15( 12.2%) of the first-degree relatives had history of psychiatric problems and 11 (9%) had history of consanguinity There were 11 (9%) of the first-degree relatives had history of alcohol, and also Substance use disorder. Borderline personality disorder in 7 (5.7%) of them and Bipolar disorder in 6(4.9%) of them. There was a statistically significant difference in between presence or absence of Psychiatric disorders in the studied patients as regard to History of psychiatric problems and consanguinity. There was a statistically significant difference in between presence or absence of personality disorders in the studied patients as regard to History of psychiatric problems and Education. There was a statistically significant difference in between presence or absence of psychiatric disorders, personality disorders in first-degree relatives and Stress level There was a statistically significant difference in between presence or absence of psychiatric disorders, personality disorders in first-degree relatives and Beck scale (BSS) for suicide Regression analysis was conducted for factors associated with presence of Psychiatric disorders among first-degree relatives, History of psychiatric problems, Stress level and Beck scale (BSS) for suicide were the significant risk factor in univariable analysis. In multivariable analysis, revealed that only Beck scale (BSS) for suicide was significant risk factor for presence of psychiatric disorders among first-degree relatives.