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فاعلية برنامج إرشادي معرفي قائم على اليقظة العقلية في تنمية بعض أساليب المواجهة المعرفية– الانفعالية لدى ضحايا التنمر الإلكتروني من طلاب الجامعة /
حسن، عبير حامد محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبير حامد محمد حسن
مشرف / يوسف عبدالصبور عبداللاه
مشرف / إيمان محمد أبو ضيف
مناقش / هالة خير سناري
مناقش / فتحي عبدالرحمن محمد الضبع
الصحة النفسية 103018
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
219 ص :
الصحة النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية التربية - الصحة النفسية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 242

from 242


The current study aimed to identify the differences in the average scores of victims of cyberbullying, which are due to their differences in the gender variable (males/females) among the study sample ,Effectiveness of Mindfulness - Based Cognitive Counseling Program in Developing some Cognitive- Emotional coping Styles among the study sample, and its continued effectiveness after the follow-up period for two months, and the current study relied on methodological pluralism, It combined the Descriptive method and the semi -experimental method, and the basic sample of the study consisted of (200) male and female students who were victims of cyberbullying, whose ages ranged between (18-23) years, with an average age of (20.59) years, and a standard deviation of (1). 25 years old, and The sample of the semi-experimental study consisted of (20) female victims of Cyberbullying at the Faculty of Education - Sohag University, whose ages ranged between (19-23) years, with an average age of (20.90), and a standard deviation of (1.17), and they were divided equally into two groups; One of them is the counseling group, and the other is the control, The study used the scale of victims of cyberbullying among university students (prepared by Omnia El-Shennawy, 2014), and the cognitive-emotional coping styles scale for university students victims of cyberbullying, and the cognitive program based on mindfulness in developing some Cognitive- Emotional coping Styles among Victims of Cyberbullying of university students (prepared by the researcher), and the results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the average scores of the victims of cyberbullying in the study sample due to their differences in the gender variable (males/females), in the direction of females, The results also Effectiveness of Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Counseling Program in Developing some Cognitive- Emotional coping Styles among Victims of Cyberbullying of university students, And its continued effectiveness after the follow-up period for two months.
Keywords: Mindfulness- Based Cognitive Counseling Program, Cognitive-Emotional Coping Styles, victims of Cyberbullying, University Students.