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فنيات التصوير فى شعر معروف الرصافي /
دسوقي، محمد علي محمد علي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد علي محمد علي دسوقي
مشرف / سمير السعيد حسون
مناقش / محمد سيد أحمد أحمد
مناقش / السيد نعيم شريف محمد ناصر
الأدب العربي. النقد االعربي. الشعر االعربي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
235 ص. ؛
الأدب والنظرية الأدبية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة العربية وادابها
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 235

from 235


The image is not something new on the page of Arabic thought, it is ancient in Arabic literature, poetry itself has been introduced, the reader of Arabic poetry since ancient times finds it has been celebrated with many ingenious poetic images in which the poet embodied his feelings and expressed his own vision of existence, and then it is a message between the creator and the recipient through a figurative poetic language charged with emotional emotions. And this language in poetry is not just the accumulation of words in ready-made templates, but images that represent concrete meanings and tangible symbols reflecting the psychology and experience of the poet, so the poet was keen to choose the appropriate vocabulary to express his findings, and on this, ”” the artistic image is a prominent feature of the literary work, and one of the original components of – The viewer who looks at the artistic image in ancient Arabic poetry finds that it is based on a set of means and components that distinguish it from the image in modern poetry ””. The artistic image is one of the basic components of the poem, as it is ”” through which the poet displays his feeling, his feeling towards what he expresses, the writer or poet sees things and realizes the reasons for the splendor and failure, and then presents them to us as a concrete reality, and when he presents them to us, he is not content – often – with silent presentation, but a pictorial or stereoscopic explanation ””. When the writer seeks to highlight what he wants from the meanings, he reaches this only through the image, using to highlight the meanings of the various means of the science of the statement, such as analogy, metaphor and metaphor, which are the very elements that make up the image, each of these means aims to highlight what the creator wants from the meaning, there is no wonderful meaning that the creator sought to highlight and broadcast to the recipient except it was through a wonderful picturesque image, and a creative moving imagination. I mean fiction , ”” that force that acts in meanings to produce beautiful images, and a poet cannot produce this image unless he has a cultural stock of landscapes, scenes and various images, helps him to draw his image and achieve his goal ””. The ancient Arab criticism has drawn attention to the importance of the image, although it does not address it as it is in the modern critical concept, the image has always been taken into account in judging the poet ””and when the order of Qais is presented with a clear critical consensus, the most important justification for presenting it is that he was the first to cry and cry, tied up forever and likened women to white etc., and so the distinction with innovative images in the form of a metaphor or analogy would not have been hidden from them””. from this it becomes clear that the seeds of the image have been present since the ancient criticism began to take its way to the development of literature, and to indicate the disadvantages and advantages, including the saying of Al-jahiz when he talked about the pillars of poetry : ””poetry is an industry, a hit of weaving, and a genre of photography.””