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مصادر الجاليات العربية المقيمة فى مصر فى الحصول على المعلومات الصحية واتجاهاتهم نحوها :
خليل، نادية أنور أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نادية أنور أحمد خليل
مشرف / مني طه محمد
مناقش / فاتن عبدالرحمن محمد حسن
مناقش / مروي السعيد السيد
مصادر المعلومات. الجاليات العربية. المعلومات الصحية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
236 ص. :
اللسانيات واللغة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم الاعلام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 236


The main objective It is to identify the sources of the Arab communities residing in Egypt in obtaining health information and their attitudes towards it.Study Approach :The study used the media survey method.Study community The study population represents the majority of Arab communities residing in Egypt.The study sample: The study was applied to a sample consisting of (400 items) from the Arab communities residing in Egypt.Data collection tools:Field questionnaire applied by the researcher electronically.The theoretical framework of the study:The study was based on the theory of media dependence and entrance trend.Results :A.The results of the field study questions After conducting the field study on ”the sources of the Arab communities residing in Egypt, and howObtaining health information and their attitudes towards it.” We reached the following results:16.The results of the study confirmed that most of the respondentsagree that ”Social networks” It is their first source of incomeHealth information while in Egypt. The percentage was estimated at (20.8%), while the “WHO website” came in second place with an estimated rate of 11.8%, followed by the “Egyptian Ministry of Health website” with an estimated rate of 11.2%, and the rest of the other sources came in the same rank. The least like (Arab satellite channels with 9.7% - press websites on the Internet with 8.6% - the Egyptian press with 7.6% - the international press with 7.4% - friends and acquaintances with 7.3% - the website of the Ministry of Health in my home country with 3.8% - foreign satellite channels In Arabic, with 3.7%, and international satellite channels, with 3.7%.17.The results of the study proved that a lot Of the respondents follow health issues ”Always” while in EgyptThe percentage for this phrase was estimated at 47.8%, and it ranked first, followed by the follow-up “sometimes” with a rate of 42.0%, while the follow-up “rarely” came in the lowest rank with a rate of 10.0%..18.The results of the study confirmed thathalfThe study sample is being monitored”Health topics happening in the worldAnd it came in the first place with a rate of 50.9%, and as for their follow-up to “health issues that occur in their country,” it came in the second place with a rate of 25.5%, while their follow-up to “health issues that occur in Egypt” came in the lowest order, with a rate of 23.6%., and was the most importantaFor health issues is the Corona crisis;Because it is the crisis that was raised globally at the timeProcedureField study.19.The results of the study revealed that the ”website of the Ministry of Health and Population in Egypt” was the most influential media on the study sample while they were in Egypt.20.The results of the study confirmed that the ”WHO website” occupied the forefront among the media, as it enjoyed high credibility among the study sample in obtaining health information while they were in Egypt, and this confirms the impact and credibility of the official websites on the sample audience in providing health information. during crises.21.The results of the study showed the extent to which the study sample was affected by the health information provided by the media“I feel the importance of getting the Corona vaccine.”The percentage was estimated at 81.0%, and that; Because the Corona crisis is the one that was being raised globally at the time of conducting the field study.22.The sample of the audience of Arab communities residing in Egypt has positive attitudes towards the phrase ”Its credibility is highIt represented the overwhelming majority of the respondents,percentage of b84.0%.This is due to the credibility of the media that the sample follows in obtaining health information, and the previous results have proven the extent of the honesty of the official websites in providing health information to the respondents.23.The results of the study showed thataThe majority of the study sample always follows the health information that is published on social networking sites (Facebook- Twitter -Instagram) similar to other methods.24.The sample of the study from the audience of the Arab communities residing in Egypt has an orientationnegativetowards the phraseThe information you provide is not sufficient”The percentage of opponents to this statement reached 58.3%, and this is due to the extent of the truthfulness of the previous results, as the previous results demonstrated the average adequacy of the health information provided by the media.25.The study confirmed that a lot of respondents support the average level of accuracy of health information published by their preferred sources.26.aI explainedResultsan the most important reasons for adoptionThe majority ofThe study sample on their preferred source of information in obtaining health information is because it ”provides sufficient coverage” for them while they are in Egypt.27.The results of the study indicated that a lot Some of the respondents followed the sources of information during the Corona crisis “good follow-up” in obtaining health information because the Corona crisis is the crisis that was raised globally on the scene during the conduct of the field study, and it was the most important health issue that received great attention from all media.28.The results of the study confirmed that most of the respondents support a moderate level of adequacy of health information published by the media during the Corona pandemic.-The results of the study showedMost of the motives of the study sample for following the media were utilitarian in the first place”To learn more information about the Corona virus, it ranked first with (34.7%,Followed by the phrase “to learn about government measures regarding Corona” in second place, with a percentage of (29.1%, followed by the phrase “to learn about the most important developments related to the Corona vaccine”, and it came in third place with a rate of (19.8%).,They were followed in fourth place by ritual motives. The phrase “because I used to follow the information on it” came by (12.8%, followed by ”Get Out of Boredom”, which came at (3.6%). 29.revealedResultsondegreetheSatisfactionThe average of many respondents about the health information provided by the media at the time of the spread of Covid-19.30.confirmed the results of the study that a lot of respondents rated ”The World Health Organization Website” It is more mediawhich distinguished it(comprehensive - Objective - accurate - attractive - his language suits them).secondly:The results of the study hypotheses:5.There is a statistically significant correlation between the extent to which the respondents depended on information sources,And The extent of their credibility, which means that there is a direct relationship of moderate intensity,anyaBecause the more the respondents rely on information sources, the higher their credibility.6.There are no statistically significant differences between the extent to which the respondents depended on different sources of information,And between the effects of their dependence on information sources, according toaFor demographic variables, the result of the hypothesis confirmed after presenting the results to the rejection of the are statistically significant differencesaBetween the extent to which the respondents depended on the various sources of information and the effects resulting from their exposure to the sources of information.7.The study revealed that there is A statistically significant correlation between the respondents’ exposure to different sources;For health information,And between their attitudes towards it, which means that there is a medium-intensity direct relationship between the two variables under study, that is, the more it increases,And The higher the respondents’ exposure to various sources to obtain health information, the higher their positive attitudes towards it, and this result confirms the validity of this hypothesis with the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the extent of the respondents’ exposure to various sources to obtain health information and their attitudes towards it.8.The study revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the respondents in their attitudes towards their sources of health information;according to demographic variables,And The results of the hypotheses proved that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample respondents in their attitudes towards their sources of health information.;according to the type variable,And Residence type, Andage, f education , And income , And Function , And The results of the hypotheses also proved the rejection of the hypothesis of statistically significant differencesaAmong the respondents in their attitudes towards their sources of health information;according to demographic variables.