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Approval Sheet
Response of sugar beet to application of molasses with bio and nitrogen fertilization
Abd El-Azeem; Abd El-Azeem Shawky
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبد العظيم شوقى عبد العظيم عيد
مشرف / رجب احمد داود
مشرف / ابراهيم محمد عبده
مناقش / محمد زكريا كامل
مناقش / رجب احمد داود
Response of Sugar Beet .
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
90 p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية تكنولوجيا صناعة السكر والصناعات التكاملية - الشعبة الزراعية
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A experiment was carried out in a Research Farm at Nubaria Sugar and Refining Company (NSRC), El-Behaira governorate to study the effect of four nitrogen fertilizer levels (0, 60, 80 and 100), three bio-fertilizers treatments, (without, Cerealine® and T.S®), four molasses levels and their interactions on growth, yield and quality of sugar beet during the two seasons of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The experiment was cultivated with multigerm cultivars PTS 970 in 20th September in the both seasons after seeds of sugar beet were inoculated with Microbeen® before agriculture. A split-split plot design with three replications was used, where the nitrogen fertilizer levels were allocated in the main plots and bio-fertilizers treatments were distributed in the sub plots but molasses levels were allotted randomly in sub-sub plots.
The obtained results can be summarized as follows:
The results indicated that increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates significantly improved growth, yield and quality of sugar beet plants. The highest rates of nitrogen (100 and 80 kg N/fed.-1) produced the highest value of growth characters (LAI, root length, root diameter, root fresh weight and leaves fresh weight/plant), yield characters (root yield, top yield, biological yield and sugar yield (ton/fed.-1) and juice quality characters (total soluble solid percentage (TSS%), sucrose % and quality index %). Moreover, bio-fertilizers treatment (T.S® & Cerealine®) gave the maximum values of aforementioned growth, yield and quality characters for sugar beet plants. Also, the highest molasses rates (40 and 60 kg/fed.) showed the highest values of aforementioned growth, yield and quality characters for sugar beet plants over the two seasons. So, the interaction between nitrogen rates, molasses and bio-fertilizers (60 kg N fed.-1 + Cerealine® + 60 kg molasses fed.-1) gave the highest values for most all studied characters.