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Study of Tumor Endothelial Marker 1 in patients with colorectal cancer /
Eissa, Asmaa Nagy Mahrous.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / اسماء ناجي محروس عيسى
مشرف / هشام احمد السروجي
مشرف / حمدي عبد الهادي محمد
مشرف / يسرا عبد المنعم زمزم
Clinical Pathology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
130 p. :
أمراض الدم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الطب - الباثولوجيا الاكلينيكية
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies of the digestive system. It is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer globally and the fourth leading cause of cancerrelated deaths worldwide . The incidence, morbidity, and mortality rates of CRC are expected to increase due to population aging and profound adverse effects of many lifestyle-related factors. Nowadays, numerous national programs aim to improve early detection of CRC, before the promotion/progression stages for successful outcomes.Prognosis of patients with colorectal carcinoma is closely related to the presence of vascular and lymph node metastasis in their tumor prognosis. Regular screening allows the detection of CRC at the early stage, which is crucial in providing effective therapies and leads to a considerable reduction of CRC-related deaths. Despite the continuous improvements in prevention and detection of CRC, approximately 15325% of newly diagnosed patients have metastases at the time of diagnosis. Most commonly used serum markers for diagnosis and monitoring of CRC are carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9). However, these markers show insufficient sensitivity, especially at early stages of CRC. Therefore, finding sensitive and specific, noninvasive, serum biomarkers are a prerequisite for early CRC diagnosis . Tumor endothelial marker 1 (TEM1, endosialin, CD 248) is a protein expressed in the tumor-associated endothelium and/or stroma of various types of cancer.Tissue overexpression of TEM1 was found in patients with CRC compared to healthy controls as well as in rectal cancer tissues when comparing tumor, lymph nodes, metastasis (TNM) stage I with other stages: TNM II, III, IV. Although the biology of TEM1 is intensely studied, including clinical studies with anti-TEM1 molecules, there is little data about the serum TEM1 potential usefulness in CRC detection, prediction of progression, and prognosis. The present study aimed to evaluate TEM1 as a marker for assisting early diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer. . The present study was conducted on 30 colorectal cancer patients who were selected from gastroenterology unit general surgery department, Tanta University, in addition to 30 apparently healthy subjects serving as healthy controls.