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Clinicopathological Studies on the Effect of Nano Selenium Particles in
Broilers /
Mahmoud, Marwa Mahmoud Mabrouk.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مروة محمود مبروك محمود
مشرف / اسامه علي محمد عبد الله
مناقش / نصر عبد الوهاب محمد
مناقش / داليا منصور حامد
Nano Selenium. pathology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
134 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الطب البيطري - الباثولوجية الاكلينيكية
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of nano-se on chicken production performance,
leukogram parameters, immune response and antioxidant parameters in normal and
experimentally infected chickens with E.coli (O78). A total of 150 unsexed one- day- old, broiler
chickens (Cobb) were randomly assigned to 6 groups each of 25 as follows: G1 as the control;
G2 received 0.3ml nano-selenium/L water; G3 received 0.5ml nano-se/L water; G4 infected by
E.coli only(0.5 ml saline suspension containing 2×107 CFU of E.coli (O78) by intranasal route at
14 days of age);
G5 infected and administrated by 0.3 ml nano-se/L water and G6 infected and administrated by
0.5 ml nano-se/L water. Our work revealed growth promoter effect by a significant increase in
live body weight in nano-se administrated groups. Infected groups and administrated by nano-se
showed a significant increase in live body weight, body weight gain with a significant decrease
in FCR when compared to infected non-treated group. Clinicopathological investigation showed
a significant increase in TLC and lymphocyte in nano-se administrated groups. E.coli infected
group (G4) showed a significant increase in TLC and lymphocyte. Concerning, infected groups
and administrated by nano-se (G5 and G6), there was a significant decrease in TLC with a
significant decrease in lymphocyte count in comparison with the infected group on the 21-day
post infection. A significant increase in ALT and AST values in infected group. While, infected
groups and administrated by nano-se showed a significant decrease compared to the infected
group. Serum total proteins, albumin and A/G ratio showed a significant decrease with a
significant increase in globulins concentration in E.coli infected group. While, infected groups
and administrated by nano-se showed a significant increase in total Proteins, albumin and A/G
ratio with a non-significant increase in globulins in G5 and a significant increase in G6 as
compared to the infected group. A significant decrease in serum glucose level in the infected
group. While, infected groups and administrated by nano-se showed a significant increase in
glucose level compared to the infected group. Serum cholesterol and uric acid levels showed a
significant increase in the infected group. While, there was a significant decrease in nano-se
infected groups compared to the infected group. Immunological investigation revealed a
significant decrease in IgG, IgM and IgA levels in the infected group. While, nano-se infected
groups showed a significant increase compared with the infected group. E.coli infected group
showed a significant increase in IL2 and IF-γ with a significant decrease in IL-4. While, nano-se
infected groups showed a significant decrease in IL-2 and IF-γ with a significant increase in IL-4
as compared to the infected group. Regarding antioxidant parameters, the serum GSH, GPX and
SOD levels were significantly decreased while the serum MDA level was significantly increased
in the infected group. While, nano-se infected groups showed a significant increase in GSH,
GPX and SOD levels with a significant decrease in MDA level as compared to the infected