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اتجاهات طلبة الدراسات العليا في جامعة القادسيَّة نحو استخدام المستودع الرقمي للبحوث العلميَّة في جمهورية العراق :
عكرب، منصور عيدان.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منصور عيدان عكرب
مشرف / رؤوف عبد الحفيـــظ هـــلال
مشرف / مينا عبد الرؤوف رمزي
مناقش / أحمد عباده العربي
مناقش / محمد عبد الرحمن السعدني
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
230ص. :
علوم المكتبات والمعلومات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم المكتبات والمعلومات
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 230

from 230


Summary of the Study
The study titled ”Attitudes of postgraduate students at Al-Qadisiyah University towards using the digital repository for scientific research in the Republic of Iraq - an analytical study”.
The study aims to know the attitudes of postgraduate students towards the use of the digital repository for scientific research for faculty members at the University of Al-Qadisiyah, through several sub-goals, the most important of which are: knowing the extent to which postgraduate students at the University of Al-Qadisiyah understand the concept of the digital repository for scientific research and benefit from it, and studying the extent to which studies students use The digital repository of scientific research for faculty members in the university faculties, as well as monitoring the difficulties faced by postgraduate students in the study community when searching in the digital repositories of scientific research at the university.
The importance of the study comes from the role played by digital repositories in the field of preserving and organizing the digital content of scientific research for professors at Al-Qadisiyah University. In addition, graduate students to publish their academic research work to the beneficiaries, and enable researchers to find scientific works related to faculty members more easily by organizing and indexing these works and making them accessible to them.
The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach to address the subject of the study, which allows the use of many methods, including the survey method for selecting the study sample and its quantitative description, through a comprehensive survey of the opinions of postgraduate students, as well as statistical, comparison and description methods. The study used a questionnaire tool, and the questionnaire consisted of two parts, the first part: related to the personal characteristics of the respondents, and includes the phrases (gender, academic qualification, and specialization). The second part: It includes three axes: The first axis is the student’s knowledge of the digital repository: it includes 19 phrases that measure the extent to which postgraduate students are familiar with the digital repository.
The second axis: the motives behind the use of the digital repository: it includes 9 phrases that measure the motives behind the use of the digital repository by postgraduate students. The third axis: Difficulties faced by postgraduate students to use the digital repository: It includes (10) phrases that measure the obstacles that hinder students from searching for information within the digital repository. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of (551) male and female students, representing 50% of the number of postgraduate students in the various colleges of the university, whose number is (1102) male and female students. The validity of the study tool was confirmed, as well as the seriousness of its paragraphs, using the package program Statistics for the Social Sciences. SPSS V. 25.
The thesis came in five chapters: the first chapter dealt with the methodological framework of the study, the second chapter included the scientific review of the study, the third chapter presented the theoretical framework of the study, and the fourth chapter discussed the practical framework of the study, then the researcher presented his vision in the fifth chapter, and the researcher concluded his study with results and recommendations.

Among the most important findings of the study:
1. The level of students’ knowledge of the digital repository is average with a relative weight of (66.5%).
2. The relative weight of the second axis was the motives behind the use of the digital repository with a weight of (71.2%), which is a weak approval rate, and the highest motives were approved by the sample (the desire to browse for new research that had not been seen before, I prefer searching in the digital repository because it is rich In research, the digital repository provides an opportunity for the student to obtain the information he is looking for easily. The digital repository is preferred because it is quick to find the information that is being searched for. The digital repository provides an opportunity to use the language that I want during my research. The desire to browse the repository for ease of entry and search for information. , the digital repository is a rescue from despair when searching for needs).
3. The relative weight of the third axis came: the difficulties faced by postgraduate students to use the digital repository with a weight of (66.3%), and the highest difficulties were approved by the sample (unavailability of the Internet to use the repository, lack of financial abundance for that, and the existence of difficulty in accessing some research While browsing the repository, there is a lack of information sources available in the digital repository at times).
4. There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the study sample according to the gender variable of the second axis related to the motives behind the use of the digital repository in favor of the male sample, while there are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the study sample according to the gender variable for each of (the first axis related to the role of knowledge The student in the digital repositories, and the third axis related to the difficulties faced by postgraduate students to use the digital repository).
5. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample according to the educational qualification variable for the first axis related to the role of the student’s knowledge of the digital repositories and for the third axis related to the difficulties faced by postgraduate students to use the digital repository for the benefit of the PhD sample, while there are no statistically significant differences between The average scores of the study sample according to the educational qualification variable of the second axis related to the motives behind the use of the digital repository).
6. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample according to the specialization variable for each of (the first axis related to the role of the student’s knowledge of the digital repositories, the second axis related to the motives behind the use of the digital repository, and the third axis related to the difficulties faced by postgraduate students to use the repository digital).
The study came out with a number of recommendations, the most important of which are:
1. The necessity of conducting training workshops for all postgraduate students on the correct use of digital repositories, and preparing guides on their use and benefit from them.
2. Providing the university’s digital warehouses with employees who have sufficient skill in storing and retrieving information and who are specialists in the field of computers and information systems.
3. Monitoring and paying attention to the content of the materials in the digital repository by developing statistics and ratios used by postgraduate students.
4. Work to encourage senior management to increase interest in digital repositories at the university and fund them with material and human resources.
5. Providing digital repositories with various electronic resources and increasing their preparation through cooperation with Arab universities and exchanging electronic information sources to spread the benefit to postgraduate students in Iraqi universities as well as universities in Arab and international countries.
6. Working on providing an advanced system, the researcher suggests that the system should be the seventh Arabized version of Dspace, because it is easy to store and retrieve information, and it contains an easy interface to enable all beneficiaries to retrieve information in an easy way - in addition to its multiple capabilities in marketing the university globally through her research.