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مناقش / ابراهيم الورداني السيد حسن
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99 P. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم انتاج الدواجن
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The present study was carried out in licensed private poultry house at Babylon province, under the Iraqi environmental conditions, during the period from month September to December.
The main objective was to study the effect of Spirulina platansis on laying hens the beginning and the end of laying peroid of productive performance and physiological status and on the other hand, improving physiological performance in Ross 308 broiler chicks.
A total of 120 Lohman Brown-Classic Layers hens at average 65 weeks of age with 1725±50gm mean live weight In 1st experiment, and 120 Lohman Brown-Classic layers hens at average25 weeks of age with 1425±50gm mean live weight In 2nd experiment, A total number of 150-day-old Ross 308 broiler chicks average weight of 40 g, Experiment 3rd.
After seven days of adaptation period, hens were randomly distributed into three treatments with three replicates per each (10hens/replicate) and placed into 12 pens, The treatments were as follow, T1 (Control): basal diet without any addition, basal diet supplemented with 10 mg spirulina/kg diet, basal diet supplemented with 20 mg spirulina /kg diet, In 1st experiment and In 2nd experiment, The birds were fed the basal diet to match the requirements of the Ross 308 recommendations during the starter (1–21 days) and grower (22–35 days) phases, in Experiment 3rd. Chickens were raised under hot climate environment during season of July month. Temperature was raised to 35.5ºC ± 0.1○C (thermal conditioning).
Data were collected to determine the effect of different treatments on hen-day egg production, egg Number, egg mass, Egg quality parameters, hormones E2 -P4-FSH-LH, also calculated total lipids (mg\dl)- cholesterol concentration (HDL-LDL-VLDL)and Triglyceride, and Total Antioxidants Capacity AST, MDA ,CAT, SOD, Blood constituents At 65 and 25 wks. of hen age, two hens per replicate were randomly selected. blood samples were collected from brachial vein (2ml) from each hen, live body weight, weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion, Slaughter birds, plasma hormones -T3-T4, total proteins, albumin and Globulins, plasma total lipids (mg\dl)- cholesterol concentration (HDL-LDL, VLDL) and Triglyceride, concering the experiment on broilers Aat the end of the experiment (day 35), and blood was collected from the wing veins.
The results obtained can be summarized as follows:
1. Spirulina effect of EP%, EN, EW, EM, in first and late period of egg production, it enhanced the productive performance.
2. Increase egg yolk color, carotenoids, decrease cholesterol in yolk, compared with control.
3. Plasma E2, ESH levels were significantly increased among experimental groups, where the lowest values in control.
4. Plasma total lipids of laying hens were significantly increased in all treatment groups compared by the control one, where the highest value obtained was recorded for group fed spirulina 1gm.
5. There was significant increase in plasma HDL and VLDL levels of laying hens which fed different supplements compared with the control one.
6. Total antioxidant capacity significantly increased among experimental groups, where the highest value was recorded for group fed on diets supplied with Spirulina 2gm.
7. Catalase, MDA, CAT were significantly increased among experimental groups compared with control one.
8. Live body weight and body weight gain of broilers significantly influenced among experimental groups.
9. Feed consumption and feed conversion ratio were numerically improved in all treatment groups compared with control group, where the best values were recorded for spirulina 2g group followed by spirulina 1g group.
10. Carcass characteristic traits were affected in treated broilers.
11. Different dietary supplementations significantly affect plasma glucose, total protein, albumin and globulin.
12. There was significant increase in plasma cholesterols and triglyceride levels of broiler which fed different supplements compared with the control one.
13. Spirulina supplementation to broilers diets numerically increased (T3) levels and (T4).
14. Liver enzyme activity (AST), (ALT and LDH) was significantly decreased by dietary supplementation with Spirulina 1 and 2 g.
15. HSP significantly increased among experimental groups, where the highest value was recorded for group fed on diets supplied with 2 g .
It could be concluded dietary supplementation with spirulina dry leaves powder (1 or 2 g ) of these supplements may be used as alternatives growth promoters, for enhancing productive performance of layer hens and broiler reared under heat stress conditions, without any adverse effect on their physiological responses.
Since, it is suggested to use Spirulina dry leaves powder by level of 1 or 2 g of spirulina leaves, both of 1, 2 g in diets of Laying hens and broiler reared under heat stress conditions.