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تأثير برنامج تأهيلي (بدني ـ نفسي) لتحسين الحالة القوامية الشائعة لتلاميذ المرحلة الثانوية بمحافظة الدقهلية /
الأشقر، إبراهيم الشربيني وهبه.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إبراهيم الشربيني وهبه الأشقر
مشرف / أحمد شوقي محمد
مناقش / إيهـاب محـمد عـماد الـديـن
مناقش / حسن يوسف عبد الله أبو زيد
التربية البدنية مناهج.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
472 ص. :
مناهج وطرق تدريس
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية التربية الرياضية - مناهج وطرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 472

from 472


IntroductionGod Almighty honored man from the beginning of creation in the best form of moderate stature standing and walking on his feet unlike the rest of the creatures that walk on four, and he is the only being who was able to raise his stature and ascend the highest ranks of honor and honor, and in fact the matter requires a great deal of balance and accuracy and compatibility. Iqbal Rasmi and Amal Zakie (2000) indicated that healthy stature reflects the individual’s integrated image in terms of physical, psychological, mental, and social aspects. Good strength increases a person’s sense of self-confidence, enthusiasm, and initiative to work, while poor strength may feel a lack of self-confidence and depression, and this is reflected in the form of his dealings and contacts with individuals and his attitudes towards the society in which he lives.The secondary stage is considered one of the most important stages that are viewed with a great deal of importance as it prepares its children for work, production, and the continuation of their university education. The stage of full maturity, and asymmetry may appear between the different parts of the body as a result of the growth spurt, and the students of this age group differ in physical, physical, motor and health capabilities, as differences appear in the state of stature among the students of that stage and the subsequent change in the level of physical fitness and stature.Saleh Bashir Saad (2013) believes that good stature is one of the important aspects that reflects a person’s personality and role in society, because a healthy individual has a normal, normal personality and is useful in society, while those with deviant stature are affected by stature and feel a deficiency in himself, and therefore it was necessary to study each What is related to stature and knowing its elements so that the stature of young people can be raised and preserved from distortions and stature deviations And ”Osama Mustafa Riyad, Essam Jamal Abu Al-Naja” (2016) explains that the stature must be preserved so that the person is always in the best form and in the best condition, as there are many diseases related to the body’s systems and produce defects and deviations of the stature that negatively affect the mechanics of the body and its good performance of its daily tasks.Safaa Al-Kharboutli (2015) believes that rehabilitation is the restoration of the functional ability of the muscles by using various means of rehabilitation, whether it is in the aquatic environment or outside it, as this works to restore the nervous, muscular and physical balance of the muscles and achieve efficiency in restoring the muscles and joints to their natural state and reducing the deviations of the body.>Ihab Muhammad Emad El-Din (2016) believes that stature is the mirror that reflects the personality of the individual, and our Arab society is in a necessary need to take care of the stature of the person (prevention and treatment). Working to improve the stature of people has become an urgent necessity for society, through the practice of all stature programs, whether Posture improvement programs or special rehabilitation programs to reach the ideal body. Ehab Muhammad Emad El-Din (2014) indicates that the exercises to improve the posture aim to form different parts of the body and give the various muscles strength, lengthening, agility, compatibility, and endurance, which works on the overall balanced growth of the body and works on acquiring postural fitness.Psychological aspects play a major role in shaping stature. The shy, introverted, and isolated child often suffers from many stature deformities. Many of the physical deformities are the reflection of some psychological problems or emotional disorders in the personality, such as falling head forward, hunched back, rounded shoulders, and falling shoulders in some girls during puberty due to shyness, lack of self-confidence, and some outdated customs and traditions.>Through the researcher’s review of some scientific references and available research studies, it was found that the wrong posture habits have a negative and direct effect on the student and cause an imbalance between the opposite muscles, which leads to the emergence of postural imbalance. The members of his body are far from the normal position recognized anatomically, and this member becomes more negatively affected the more the student continues to perform the wrong postural behavior. Thus, the longer the period of time for performing the wrong habit is, the more the deviation turns from a simple imbalance in the muscles to a complex structural deformity, and thus the greater difficulty in treating this deviation. Which requires surgical intervention to treat the deformity. By exposure to the three degrees of deviation, we find that the first and second degrees of deviation are formed as a result of muscle tension and an imbalance between the corresponding muscle forces as a result of the weakness of some muscles in contrast to the strength of the muscles that correspond to them, and this is known as the so-called imbalance in posture. from the foregoing, it is clear to us the importance of the problem, in addition to the need of the different educational communities to know everything related to the bodies of students in the different stages of growth, in order to help them in the balanced and integrated growth in all its aspects.This is one of the reasons that prompted the researcher to address this subject through a rehabilitation program (physical and psychological) to improve the common posture of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorat Research problem The school is considered one of the most important educational institutions in the community, which is the responsibility of preparing the citizen, in view of that they are among the most important educational media, as an influence in the life of the young person, for the time that the learner spends in the life of the school, so that we can do so, so that we are not so The school is the home of the student in which he spends successive years during which his body grows and he has the dietary and dietary habits that will accompany him throughout his future life.The secondary stage extends from fifteen to eighteen, and it is an average adolescence stage, and it has some features and characteristics that appear on students at this stage related to the growth of physical abilities, mental abilities, and emotional abilities. In the muscles and nerves until the growth is complete at the age of seventeen and the teenager becomes able to form sound healthy habits while still needing a lot of food and sleep, and he often resorts to daydreaming and shows signs of anxiety and psychological tension and becomes unable to understand the views of adults and his chest becomes narrow with their advice and therefore We find him at this stage turning to a group of friends and strengthening his relations with them because he feels that they speak his language and understand his feelings, and then he feels independence and freedom among them.The school environment participates in determining the strength of the student, whether positively or negatively. If the school environment provides physical health factors, it will have a negative impact on the student’s strength and health.
Good physique is the basis for building a normal student, and it requires periodic evaluation during his various periods of upbringing. Many countries have paid attention to physical activity, not only in order to win medals and cups, but also in order to prepare a physically sound youth free from health diseases and physical deformities that is able to face the challenges of society. in which he lives and serves his country; Therefore, we must provide our children with everything that protects their bodies from ailments and deformities, whether through sports, therapeutic exercises, or acquiring healthy physical habits, so that we can obtain a healthy, moderate body.Safaa Al-Kharboutli (2016) indicates that physical rehabilitation is restoring the functional ability of the muscles by using physical rehabilitation means, as it works to restore the nervous, muscular and physical balance of the muscles and achieve efficiency in their flexibility and efficiency in restoring the injured muscles and joints to their natural state and limiting the deviations of the body.Osama Ratib (2008) emphasizes the importance of integration between training psychological skills such as relaxation, mental perception, focus of attention, self-confidence, and daily physical and technical exercise. He also believes that psychological training is closely related to excellence in sports. Along with training motor skills and developing physical abilities.
The researcher noticed the presence of skeletal deformities among some secondary school students, and at the same time, some of these students were reluctant to participate with their colleagues in physical activities during rest times between classes or to participate in a physical education lesson. such as the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the muscular system, the skeletal system, ligaments, and joints, and he also noticed some students taking some wrong postures by sitting on school desks during the school day for more than five hours a day, five days a week, while continuing their practice of movement habits Improper to sit, stand, or walk.
And since continuing to practice these improper motor habits and continuing to take those wrong positions in sitting on study benches for a long time, the researcher acknowledged that this leads to a bad effect on the stature of the students, which leads to the injury of these pupils with some stature deformities, and this recognition must be subject to The scientific test in order to verify the correctness of what the researcher assumed, as the results of this field study may reveal the danger that surrounds the strength of the students.Through the researcher’s work as a teacher of physical education in the secondary stage, he found the prevalence of postural deviations among secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate, and the existence of deficiencies in the absence of rehabilitation programs for common deviations, whether physical or psychological, and this prompted the researcher to ask the following questions:What is the effect of a rehabilitation program (physical - psychological) to improve the common postural condition of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate? Research importance:Scientific significance• This study is a practical application concerned with the study of the common physical condition of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate.•Highlighting the effectiveness of a rehabilitation program (physical - psychological) to improve the common postural condition of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate.• This study contributes to improving the mental health levels of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate.Applied importance:• Applying a rehabilitative program (physical - psychological) to improve the common posture condition of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate (splayed feet) by improving some psychological skills such as (self-confidence, relaxation, the ability to cope with anxiety, the ability to visualize, and motivation). Search targeb The research aims to identify the effect of a rehabilitative program (physical - psychological) to improve the common postural condition of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate by identifying:1.The common posture status of secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate.2. The effect of a rehabilitation program (physical-psychological) to improve the common postural condition of secondary school students on some variables (psychological, physical, and posture) for people with flat feet.
Research hypotheses1. There are grammatical deviations for secondary school students in Dakahlia Governorate.2. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the pre and post measurements in favor of the post measurement of the second experimental group with flat feet in the variables (psychological, physical, stature) under study.>Search procedures>Research Methodology
The researcher used the experimental method using (pre-post) measurement for an experimental group, due to their suitability to the nature of the research.>The research samples
The research sample included (36) students, and the basic research sample contained (10) students with straight deviation (flattened feet), and the researcher selected them by the intentional method from students in the schools (Meit Al-Amel Secondary School - Burj Nour Al-Humous Secondary School - Salah Al-Ayouti Secondary School) in the administration of Aja Education in Dakahlia Governorate<Devices used in the research:• An electronic rectameter to measure length in centimet A medical scale to estimate body weight in kilograms.>•(Foot scan) a device for measuring flatness of the foot.Research tools used:• Stop Watch. Adhesive tapes, whistle, colo A box of balls containing balls (medical - normal - rubber). Canes, hoops, elastic bands, ropes. Swedish bench, chairs, wall brackets, weights.• A measure of students’ psychological skills ”prepared by Atef Nemer and others ”.Research application steps1- The survey: The researcher conducted a first survey during the period from 2/7/2022 AD to 4/7/2022 on a sample consisting of (5) students from the same research community and outside the main sample, in order to ascertain the validity of the tools and calculate the validity and reliability of the scale used, and the researcher conducted a second survey during the period 5/7/2022 to 7/7 /2022 on a sample of (32) students from the same research community and outside the main sample, in order to identify the most common deviations and the suitability of the physical rehabilitation program for the sample under study.- Basic research studyIn light of the findings of the exploratory study, the researcher applied the basic research study as follows:A- Tribal measurements The researcher conducted the pre-measurements of the rehabilitation program (physical and psychological) on the sample under study in the period between 6/7/2022 to 13/7/2020.
B - Applying the basic research stu The researcher applied the rehabilitative program using (rehabilitation exercises and psychological sessions) on the sample under study at Mit Al-Amel Joint Secondary School, Aja Educational Administration, Dakahlia Governorate, in the period from 7/17/2022 AD to 10/9/2022 AD, with three rehabilitative units per week on days (Sunday, Tuesday). Thursday) to rehabilitate flatfoot for a period of three months.
C - Dimensional measurements The researcher conducted the dimensional measurements of the physical and psychological program on the sample under study in the period between 6/10/2022 to 7/10/2022.
Statistical processos The data were processed statistically using the “SPSS 28” program to find the following:•SMA• Mediator.• standard deviation.>• Torsion coefficient. Correlation coefficient.
• Wilcoxon testThe most important results In the light of the aim and hypotheses of the research and the methodology used, and within the limits of the research sample and its characteristics and through statistical analysis and based on the results that have been reached, the researcher was able to reach the following conclusions:1. The most prevalent deviations for high school students from 15-17 years old are (splayed feet).2. There was an improvement in the psychological measurements (self-confidence, relaxation, mental perception, coping with anxiety, motivation) for the experimental group (splayed feet) of the sample under study.
3. An improvement occurred in the physical measurements (of the range of motion) of the experimental group (splayed feet) of the sample under study.
4. An improvement in the postural condition of the experimental group (splayed feet) of the sample under study.
The most important recommendation In light of the research objective and depending on the data and results that have been reached and in light of the research sample, the researcher recommends the followin:>1. Applying the rehabilitation program (physical, psychological, and physiognomy) to students in the general secondary stage.2. Applying the rehabilitation program (physical, psychological, orthopedic) to students from 15-17 years old who suffer from flat feet.3. Developing rehabilitation programs for pupils with visual abilities who suffer from other postural deviations.. Putting in place a series of preventive measures to maintain the strength of general secondary school student5. Cooperation between the faculties of physical education and the Ministry of Education in caring for the health, psychological, physical and stature status of pupils with visual abilitie.6. Paying attention to organizing courses for male and female teachers in public secondary schools, taking into account their psychological, physical, and physical needs.7. Cooperation between researchers and officials in public secondary schools when conducting scientific research for the possibility of obtaining results that can be benefited from.8. Paying attention to the establishment of rehabilitation centers (psychological, physical, and physical) for the Ministry of Education, given the need of these students for physical, psychological, and physical rehabilitation9.Developing a national strategy that targets the health, physical, psychological, and physical condition of students in the general secondary stage.