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دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي فى الوعى بالمشكلات الاجتماعية :
زين الدين، داليا جمال أحمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / داليا جمال أحمد زين الدين
مشرف / دينا محمد السعيد ابوالعلا
مشرف / نسرين محمد صادق ابوالنور
مشرف / رباب جلال محمد محمد البصراتي
شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
232 ص. :
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم علم الاجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 232

from 232


Social networks are among the latest and most popular means of communication, which constitute an openness that cannot be ignored, and instantaneousness in the transmission of news, the event industry, the transfer of the culture of societies, and the formation of minds. Today, social networks have become important institutions that play an important role in providing the public with information and news in various fields. Issues and a tool of social, political and cultural awareness, and the freedom it enjoys that provided the opportunity for young people who do not find an opportunity to express their opinions in the traditional media to express themselves on social networks, away from government censorship and silencing mouths, as social networks have provided an opportunity A year in which the respondents interact with various events and issues in various forms.Objectives of the study :The main objective of this study stems from identifying the role played by social networks in shaping awareness of social problems, and other sub-goals emerge from that objective, which are:1) Identify the motives of exposure of the study sample to social networks.2) Monitoring a description of the Egyptian public’s confidence in the contents of social networks.3) To reveal the extent of interest of the study sample in following up social problems on social networks.4) To identify the extent to which social networks can be relied upon to form the study sample’s awareness of social problems.5) Detection of the most important social problems spread on social networks.6) shed light on the importance of awareness campaigns spread through social networks in educating individuals about social problems.7) Identifying the most important proposals for exploiting social networks in developing awareness of social problems.Study questions:1) To what extent is the study sample exposed to social networks (Facebook / Twitter / YouTube)?2) To what extent does the Egyptian public trust the social networks?3) To what extent does the study sample depend on social networks in obtaining information about social problems?4) What are the motives for adopting the study sample on social networks?5) To what extent did the study sample benefit from social networks in developing their awareness of social problems?6) What are the effects of the study sample as a result of their reliance on social networks to form their awareness of social problems?7) What is the relationship of social networks to awareness of the social problems of the study sample?8) What are the most social problems that the study sample follows up on social networks?9) What are the most important advantages of awareness campaigns through social networks to raise awareness of social problems?The methodological procedures of the study:1- Methodology and study tools:A- Study method:The current study relied mainly on the descriptive approach, which is one of the most appropriate approaches, which is a method of systematic scientific analysis and interpretation in order to reach specific results for a social or human problem. Both qualitatively and quantitatively, the qualitative expression describes the phenomenon and explains its characteristics, while the quantitative expression gives it a numerical description that shows the amount of this phenomenon, its size, or the degree of its association with other phenomena.B- Data collection tools:In line with the subject and objectives of the study, the questionnaire tool was relied upon, and the questionnaire is one of the most used data collection tools in previous research and studies. The current study relied on the questionnaire form as one of the data collection tools within the framework of the survey approach, to collect field study data.2- Fields of study:A - The geographical scope of the study: The study community was identified in the city of Mansoura to achieve the objectives of the study and to choose different categories of the study sample, whether at the educational, social or economic level, in order to reach different results that allow the researcher to present the community’s point of view in a miniature way.B- The human field of study:The study was applied on a sample of (400) single families in the city of Mansoura.Results :- The results of the study indicate the interaction of the respondents with the topics that are published on social networking sites, where individuals use social networking sites to vent what is inside them, whether about social issues or others.The results of the study showed that the majority of the study sample trust the information published on social networks, as the Egyptian public has become aware that enables them not to obey any news spread on social networks without asking and looking at the source of the information. Social networks are not absolute trust because there is no censorship over them, and the use of pseudonyms sometimes by users for fear of internal or external security prosecution, as well as the use of the hashtag code on some incorrect news and its transmission through social networks, which causes a loss of credibility and trust in sometimes. However, if the news is documented with pictures, videos, and electronic documents, it becomes more credible by an average rate.- The results of the study showed that the majority of the study sample follow the Facebook site, as Facebook is one of the most important social networking sites, and it is one of the largest social networking sites in the world, and Facebook is the most famous in the world and ranks first in the Arab countries. And entertainment, many entrepreneurs and marketers have resorted to this financing process for advertisements in order to compete in the marketing process and achieve better sales, which made Facebook achieve huge profits, and for some it may increase. This is one of the biggest signs indicating the success of Facebook in many from the country.The results of the study indicated that the most important follow-up of social problems on social networks is to educate individuals about the most important social problems in the arena and to identify ways to solve them. Despite the disadvantages of social networks, they sometimes contribute to raising the awareness of social problems among those who follow these sites.- The results of the study showed that most of the study sample are satisfied with the information presented about social problems on social networks, which indicates that the Egyptian public is satisfied with the information it gets through social networks about social problems, but it always seeks to draw its information from other sources.