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Relation between Nursing Students` Tendencies for Entrepreneurship and Career Adaptability /
Ali, Basma Ramadan Abd El-Atty.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / بسمه رمضان عبد العاطي علي
مشرف / رضا عبد الفتاح ابو جاد
مشرف / امل حمدي ابو رمضان
مشرف / زهور زكريا السعيد
Nursing Administration.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
118 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية التمريض - ادارة الخدمات التمريضية
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Both healthcare industry and nursing academics are becoming more interested in and aware of the significance of entrepreneurial propensity. The term entrepreneurship is defined as a cognitive viewpoint that enables a nurse to generate value by recognising and taking advantage of opportunities, making decisions with minimal knowledge, and remaining flexible and resilient in situations that are frequently unclear and complex. By assisting nursing students in navigating the problems of an unpredictable environment, finding out more chances, and developing new values, entrepreneurship education will aid nurses both inside and beyond the business domain. So, the present research aimed to assess the relation between nursing students’ tendencies for entrepreneurship and career adaptability. Design: descriptive correlation design was applied in the present study. The present study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing Tanta University and the study’s participants were recruited by proportionate stratified random sampling. In this study, each academic year was considered as a stratum and the samples were selected based on the proportion of the number of nursing students in each academic year (2021/2022). The total number of samples was (n=1028), first academic year (n=235), second academic year (n =282), third academic year (n=283), fourth academic year (n=228) was included in this study who was enrolled during data collection time. To achieve the aim of the study two tools were used: Tool I: University Students’ Entrepreneurship Tendency Scale It consisted of two parts as follow: Part I: Personal characteristics of Nursing Students: such as the nursing students’ age, gender, and academic year, , residence place, participation in student activities, kind of activities, training courses, work on summer vacation and the field of work.. Part II: Nursing Students’ Entrepreneurship Tendencies Structured Questionnaire It consisted of 33 items categorized into seven subscales as the following: self-confidence included 8 items, utilizing the opportunities included 5 items, risk included 4 items, control oriented included 3 items, determination included 7 items, innovativeness included 2 items, will to succeed included 4 items. Tool II: The Career Adaptabilities Scale (CAAS). It consisted of 21 items categorized into four subscales: concern included 4 items, control included 6 items, curiosity included 6 items and confidence Scoring system: included 5 items. Tools (Ι &II) were presented to a jury of five experts to check content validity and applicability of each tool. Necessary modifications were made. A pilot study was carried out on a sample (10%) of 73 nursing students and they included in the main study sample during the actual collection of data to test the tools for clarity and applicability. Results of the present study revealed that: - Regarding the age, more than half (60.4) of nursing students had ≤20 years. More than two-thirds (73.7%) of them were female. More than one quarter (27.4%,27.5%) of them were in the second and third academic year, respectively and 22.9%, 22.2%of them in the first academic year and fourth academic year, respectively. - Regarding participation in any activities, most nursing students (91.5%) did not participate in any students’ activities. The majority (83.4%) of them did not take any training courses and an equal percentage (11.1) of them had one course. More than half (60.9%) of them did not work on summer vacation and about one quarter (26.8%) of them worked in the health field. - Around half (49.70%) of nursing students had a high level of overall entrepreneurship tendencies. While a low percentage (18.60%) of them had low level of entrepreneurship tendencies. Also, around half of nursing students (52%) had a high level of overall self-confidence. While a lower percentage (17.40%) of them of them had low level of self-confidence, more than one-third of nursing students (35.60%) had a moderate level of overall utilizing the opportunities dimension. While one-third of them (31.70%) had a low level of utilizing the opportunities, more than half of nursing students (51.30%) had a high level of overall bearing risk dimension. While less than one-fifth (17.30%) of them had a low level of bearing risk dimension of entrepreneurship tendencies. - Additionally, more than sixty percent of nursing students (59.20%) had a high level of overall control-oriented dimension. While a low percentage (14.20%) of them had low level of control-oriented, more than half of nursing students (50.60%) had a high level of overall determination dimension. While a low percentage (16.40%) of them had a low level of determination dimension, more than half of nursing students (52%) had a low level of overall innovativeness dimension. While less than one-third (24.40%) of them had a high level of innovativeness dimension, more than half of nursing students (51.60%) had a high level of overall will to succeed dimension. While one -fifth (20.70%) of them had low level of will succeed dimension. - The most (78.60%) of nursing students had a high level of overall career adaptability. While a low percentage (5.60%) of them had a low level of career adaptability. Also, most nursing students (70.7%) had a high level of overall concern dimension. While a low percentage (6.60%) of them had low level of concern dimension of career adaptability, most of nursing students (75.40%) had a high level of overall control dimension. While a low percentage (4.70%) of them of them had low level of control dimension. - Also, two-thirds percent of nursing students (66%) had a high level of overall curiosity dimension. While a low percentage (10.20%) of them had a low level of curiosity dimension, more than three-quarter nursing students (78.60%) had a high level of overall confidence dimension. While a low percentage (5.40%) of them had a low level of confidence dimension of career adaptability. - There was positive statistically significant correlation was found between nursing students’’ overall entrepreneurship tendencies and their overall career adaptability (r=0.652) at (p<0.001). - There was a statistically significant relation between entrepreneurship tendencies and nursing students’’ age, gender, academic year, participation in student activities, working on summer vacation and the field of work at p ≤ 0.05. - There were no statistically significant relations between nursing students’ ’ career adaptabilities and their personal data except age and academic year at p <0.001. It was recommended that the faculty of nursing establish entrepreneurial courses that are interdisciplinary at the university and conduct events, workshops, and methodologies for the student to acquire leadership skills to be an entrepreneur and highlight career adaptability education in nursing curricula all these things drive nursing students functioning and satisfy them expectations regarding their career adaptabilities.