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Effect of Psychoeducational Program
on Cognitive Emotion Regulation of
Family Caregivers having Patient
With Schizophrenia/
Mohammed, Hend Ezzat.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هند عزت محمد معوض
مشرف / أميمــة أبو بكر عثمـــان
مشرف / عفاف محمد فهمى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
268p. :
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض النسي والصحة النفسية
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Schizophrenia is the most chronic psychosis in Egypt,
accounts for the majority of inpatient in mental health
hospital and considers catastrophic events in the family life,
placing burden on them. It is disruptive and distressing
illness, is not only affecting life style and socioeconomic
status of the patient but also disturbs social, psychological,
physical and economical aspects of the family members.
Schizophrenia rather than any other physical illness
generates very different responses from society. The
tradition of tender, love, sympathy, and support that are
shown on those with physical ill patients are clearly denied
to those with mental illness (Souilm, 2014).
Cognitive emotion regulation can be briefly defined
as the management of emotions. Cognitive emotion
regulation can be viewed as the cognitive part of coping,
which involves the management of emotional information.
Conceptually introduced nine cognitive emotion regulation
strategies divided into two further general categories:
adaptive (i.e., acceptance, positive refocusing, focus on
planning, putting into perspective and positive reappraisal)
and maladaptive (i.e., blaming others, self-blame,
catastrophizing and rumination) cognitive coping. Based on
this approach, in adolescent samples, maladaptive strategies
typically show positive links with mental and physical
 Summary
health problems, such as depressive symptomatology,
anxiety and somatic complaints, whereas adaptive
strategies positively relate to emotional well-being and
better mental health indicators (Paula et al., 2020).
Psychoeducation is defined as a “systematic,
structured, didactic information on the illness and its
treatment, and includes integrating emotional aspects in
order to enable family to cope with the illness” and
improve cognitive emotion regulation. It features common
structural components since each program is designed and
led by health professionals. A collaborative relationship is
established between the mental health professionals and
their families, to help the latter to share the burden of the
illness and work toward the patients‟ recovery (Chien,
Leung, Yeung & Wong, 2013).
Aim of the study
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of
psychoeducational program on cognitive emotion
regulation of family caregivers having patient with
schizophrenia through:
1- Assess the family caregivers‟ cognitive emotion
2- Design implement, a psychoeducational program for
enhancement cognitive emotion regulation of family
caregivers having patient with schizophrenia.
 Summary
3- Evaluate the effect of a psychoeducational program on
enhancement cognitive emotion regulation of family
caregivers having patients with schizophrenia.
Research Hypothesis
Psychoeducational program will have positive effect
on cognitive emotions regulation of family caregivers
having patient with schizophrenia.
Subjects and methods of this study were portrayed under
four main domains as following:
I. Technical design.
II. Operational design.
III. Administrative design
IV. Statistical design
I. Technical design:
The technical design includes research design, setting,
subjects and tools of data collection.
Research design:
A quasi-experimental design (one group pre/post test)
was used in the current study. Quasi-experiment is an
empirical study used to estimate the causal impact of an
intervention on its target population without random
assignment. Therefore, the design is most appropriate to
evaluate the effect of psychoeducational program on
 Summary
cognitive emotion regulation strategies of family caregivers
having patient with schizophrenia.
Research setting:
The current study was conducted at outpatient clinic
in Abbassia Mental Health Hospital. It is a governmental
hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health. It was built in
1883; it is one of the top five mental health hospitals in
Egypt. The hospital is located in the middle area of Cairo
and serves a vast area of about the two thirds of Greater
Cairo. The hospital serves to both urban and rural areas,
including areas around Greater Cairo as well. The hospital
capacity 150 beds and consists of 46 department (male &
female). The hospital serves 100,000 patients annually in
outpatient clinics and 1300 in inpatient departments in various
psychiatric services. The outpatient units have 6 clinics
operate daily 6 days per week.
Research subjects
 Type of the sample:
Convenient sample was used in the current study.
 Sample Size:
The sample was chosen as the number of available
family caregivers of patient with schizophrenia and the
caregivers of the present study were (50) family caregivers
who meet the following criteria:-
 Summary
- The family caregiver and patient with schizophrenia
living in the same dwelling.
- The family caregiver identified him/herself as the main
provider of care for the patient with schizophrenia.
- Willing to participate in the study.
- The family caregiver is free from any psychiatric
Tools for data collection:
Tool (1): Socio-demographic Questionnaire for patients
with schizophrnia and their family caregivers:
It was developed by the researcher and includes the
 Socio-demographic data of the patient such as: age,
marital status, economic status, education,
occupation, duration of illness and adherence to
 Socio-demographic data of the family caregivers as:
age, marital status, income, education, occupation,
relation to the patient and if he/ she suffer from any
disease, financial burden and patient need for special
Tool (2): Cognitive Emotion Regulation (CER):
This scale was adapted by (Garnefski, Kraaij &
Spinhovn, 2002) to be assessing cognitive emotion
 Summary
regulation of family caregivers. This scale was divided into
2 parts adaptive cognitive emotion regulation and
maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation. Maladaptive
cognitive emotion regulation was divided into 4 parts each
part was divided into 4 items. Part (1): to measure self
blame. Part (2): to measure rumination. Part (3): to
measure catastrophizing. Part (4): to measure blame
others. While adaptive cognitive emotion regulation was
divided into 5 parts each parts was divided into 4 items.
Part (1): Positive refocusing (Positive thinking). Part (2):
Positive reappraisal. Part (3): Putting into perspective.
Part (4): Acceptance Part (5): Refocus on planning.
Psychoeducational program:
Psychoeducational program was developed by the
researcher to meet the patient and caregivers needs.
By the end of this educational program, the family
caregivers of patient with schizophrenia will be able to
acquire the necessary knowledge, attitude and practice
related to cognitive emotion regulation. The educational
program was given in 15 sessions (6 theoretical sessions
and 9 practical sessions).
 Summary
The present psychoeducational program was conducted
in three phases:
Designing phase: The researcher obtained
acceptance from caregivers and collection of data by the
tools of the study.
Implementation phase: The program content was
developed by the researcher in the form of 15 sessions.
Evaluation Phase: Evaluation of outcome of
program after implantation of the program by post –test.
The findings of the study can be summarized in the
 Regarding to total maladaptive cognitive emotion
regulation among studied family caregivers, the
present study clarified that, there were reduction in
the total maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation at
post program implementation