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Training Modules for Nurses Facing Obstacles for Counseling at Giza Family Planning Centers/
Ali, Walaa Mohammed Mohammed Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ولاء محمد محمد حسن علي
مشرف / عزيزة طوسون لبيب علي
مشرف / أمال طلعت عبد الواحد الشرقاوى
مشرف / وفاء جمعة عبدالله
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
237 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض صحة الأم وحديثي الولادة
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Family planning counseling plays a significant role in women’s health through help, support women & her partner in choosing the method of family planning that best suits them and support them in solving any problems that may arise with selected methods.
Family planning counseling has a positive impact on women’s health by reducing unwanted pregnancies and providing proper gaps between births changes of previous pregnancies and recover from the psychological stress and physiological (Seger et al., 2018). So, nurses play a key role in the promotion of women’s reproductive health. Family planning counseling is an important intervention by nurses in the all-healthcare setting as nurses educate consumers about ways to manage their health process more effectively (Said et al., 2022). Based on this important issue the present study finding was conducted to assess the effect of training module for nurses facing obstacles for counselling at Giza family planning centers.
The current study result reported that study sample personal characteristics, almost half of their age range between 20 to less than 29 years old; with mean age x S.D 33.0±0.15 years old; More than two thirds of them are married while, nearly half of them have more than 10years of experience with mean 9,12.±0.67.
Aim of the Study
The aim of the study is to assess the effect of training module for nurses facing obstacles for counselling at giza family planning centers, through:
- Identify the obstacles facing nurses related to counseling about family planning.
- Develop and implement a counselling training module for nurses at Giza family planning centers.
- Evaluate the effect of training module on the nurses’skill for resolving the obstacles facing counselling.
Research hypothesis:
What is the training module that will improve nurses skills for resolving obstacles regarding counseling at Giza family planning centers?
The subject and methods of the current study were discussed under the following main four designs:
I. Technical Design
II. Operational Design
III. Administrative Design
IV. Statistical Design

I. Technical Design
The technical design for the study included research design, study settings, study subject and tools of data collection.
Research Design
Intervention - design was used to conduct this study.
Study Settings
The study was conducted at family planning centers in Giza Governorate. The total number of the centers were 27 and 200 nurses are working in these centers. The centers had been allocated according to their district location. Through a multistage randomized sampling technique, 4 centers were allocated: Meet Oqba, Elmohandessen, Warrak el Arab and Agouza center.
Research design :
Multi stage design was utilized in this study
Type of sample:
Random sample study was used
Sampling size and criteria:
The study was included the nurses working at the previous mentioned family planning centers and were directly communicating with the women seeking family planning services. The numbers of nurses at the allocated centers were 40 nurses.
N = Population size,
Z = Critical value of the normal distribution at the required confidence level,
p = Sample proportion,
e = Margin of error
Sample technique: based on formula sample size required were 40 nurses.
Tools of data collection:
Tool (1): Structured Interviewing Arabic Questionnaire Sheet: that was developed by the research after reviewing the relevant literature. It was written in clear and correct Arabic language. It’s divided into the following parts:
Part I: designed to assess General characteristics of nurses such as age, level of education, years of experience, qualification, place of residence Questions from (1-5).
Part II: This part was designed to assess level of Nurse’s knowledge (Pre/post) regarding women counselling for family planning at MCH, which included 22 questions as knowledge about family planning (8 questions) as concept of family planning, different methods of family planning…etc., family planning counseling (11 questions) as Have information about the family planning counseling, types of family planning counseling, participated in giving family planning counseling…etc. knowledge about skills of counselors (3 questions) as know what skills a counseling nurse should have, Practicing a profession in giving family planning counseling …etc.
Knowledge Scoring System: Each questions scored as correct answer which equals 3 score and incomplete answer equals 2 score incorrect answer equals 1 score. Nurses’ score was summed and converted into a percent score. It was classified into 3 categories:
- Good knowledge if score > 70%.
- Average knowledge if score from 60-70%.
- Poor knowledge if score <60%.
Tool (2): Obstacles facing nurses’ during family planning counseling at MCH: (Pre/post)
Obstacles faced nurses during family planning counselling at MCH as Barriers related to infrastructure, work environment domain (11 items), Barriers related to tools and equipment (8 items), Barriers related to contraceptive methods domain (3 items), Barriers related to the recipient domain (5 items), Barriers related to counseling service providers domain (8 items)
Knowledge Scoring system: Nurses response scored by three Likert scale (always, sometimes, and never) 3, 2, 1 respectively. These scores were summed up and converted into a percentage score. It was classified into 3 categories:
- High obstacles: if score ≥ 70%
- Moderate obstacles: if score 50-<70
- Low obstacles: if score < 50
Result of the study showed that
Table1 number and percentage distrubtion of the studied nurses This study showes the personal data of the studied nurses and indicated that, almost half of them or (47.5%) range in age between 20 to less than 30 years old; with mean age x ̅ S.D 33.0±0.15 years old. More than two thirds of them (70.0%) are married. Nearly half of them (45.0%) have more than 10 years of experience with mean x ̅ S.D 9.12±0.67. In addition Level of education, less than half of them (42.5%) are have more than 2fifth technical education , while more than one third of them (37.5%) have nursing diploma. Moreover, nearly three quarter of them (72.5%) are from urban area.
Table 2 nurses knowledge about family planning revealed that a highly statistically significant difference (p<0,01) between pre and post intervention .
Table 4 nurses knowledge about skill of counsellor pre &post intervention revealed that high statistically significant (p=<0.01) between pre and post intervention regarding all domians listed .
Table 5 nurses total knowledge about counselling women for family planning pre&post intervention showed 22.5%have good level total knowledge ,while 87.5%got good knowledge post intervention .
Table 10 total obstacles facing nursing during counselling at MCH family planning reaveled a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between pre&post intervention as regared all feature registerd .
Table 12 relationship between personal data of studied nurses and their total knowledge regarding counselling post intervention revealed a high statstical significant relation between nurses total knowledge regarding counselling post intervention and their age, year of experience and level education.
Table 13 relationship between personal data of studied nurses and obstacles reaveled a high statsical significant relation between total obstacles pre intervention and nurse age, years of experience and level education.
Tables 14 relationship between personal data of studied nurses and their total obstacles post intervention showed a high statstical significant relation between total obstacles post intervention .
Tables16 correlation between total knowledge&obstacles post intervention showed a high statstical significant between the studied nurses increase knowledge decrease obstacles.
Based on the result, more than half of the group had moderate knowledge level, regard counseling family planning process . Furthermore, the current study concluded that the implementation of training module has a positive effect on improving nurses knowledge and overcoming obstacles facing nurses during counselling of knowledge pre and post intervention. Also there was a highly statistically significant relation between the level of knowledge pre and post intervention and scores regarding factors associated with obstacles of counselling at family planning services.
In the light of the research findings, the following recommendations are suggested:
 Integrate a chapter in undergraduate curriculum about obstacles facing nurses for family planning counselling and its effect on women’s reproductive health & controlling overpopulation.
 Implementation of Training Program and Nursing protocol at family planning clinic at different family planning services.
• Further studies recommended:
 Further studies include the effect of the implementation of training program/module on family planning methods continuation use.
 Further studies to cover large samples of nurses from different geographical areas to generalise the result in Egypt.