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التعويض عن اضرار استخدام الوسائط الالكترونية فى عمليات غسيل الاموال :
الخالدى، عبدالله ياسين فيصل حليفى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالله ياسين فيصل حليفي
مشرف / شحاته غريب شلقامي
مناقش / محمد حسين عبدالعال
مناقش / محمد سامي
مدنى -
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
212 ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الحقوق - القانون الدولي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 216

from 216


The French judiciary settled this issue. With regard to the time when the injured person’s right to compensation arises, it decided that this right arises at the time of the damage itself. The right to compensation for the injured person in the tort arises from the time of occurrence of the damage, and therefore the time of occurrence of the harmful act is not considered in the estimation, because the latter may not coincide with the occurrence of the damage, and therefore the time of occurrence of the harmful act is not considered in the estimation, because the latter may not coincide with its issuance. with damage. As for the contractual liability, the right to compensation arises since the result of the breach of the contractual obligation is realized. The previous period - that is, from the time of conclusion of the contract and before the breach is established - is not taken into account because the damage for which compensation is due begins to be calculated from the time the breach is established
As for the time for estimating compensation, it is the time for issuing the final judgment. In this regard, the French Court of Cassation decided, on July 15, 1943, that: “If the right of the injured party to obtain compensation for the damage has existed since the occurrence of the damage, the assessment of this damage must take place according to what the state of the injured person was at the time of issuance of the judgment, and that until that The judgment is issued when the subject matter of the right is not specified, and therefore the judge, in determining the amount of compensation, must consider all the accidents that may have occurred until the day on which the judgment is issued
The Egyptian Court of Cassation also decided, in a decision dated 11/14/1957, the following: “The Court of Cassation ruled that whenever the damage is variable, the judge must look into it, not as it was when it occurred, but rather as it became to him at the time of judgment.”
Most of the laws tended to make the time of judgment is the time of estimating the compensation. Compensation must be assessed according to the situation in which the damage reached on the day of judgment, whether the damage was severe or mild