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تباطؤ سرعة النشاط المعرفي وعلاقته بالانسحاب الإجتماعي لدى الأطفال ذوي اضطراب الانتباه المصحوب بالنشاط الزائد /
حسان، هانم كمال متولي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هانم كمال متولي حسان
مشرف / ولاء ربيع مصطفى علي
مشرف / أسماء محمد زين العابدين
مناقش / سعيد عبدالرحمن محمد
مناقش / محمد مصطفى طة
الاطفال - علم النفس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
131 ص. :
علم النفس (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - الصحة النفسية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 137

from 137


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common behavioral disorder, and it is a chronic behavior that affects millions of children, and often continues into adulthood, as well as occurs in different age stages, and it is not a simple increase in the level of motor activity, but a very noticeable increase, and through This disorder the child can never sit quietly, whether in the classroom, at the dining table or in the car, and a child suffering from this disorder is often described as a bad or difficult child or a child who cannot be controlled. However, punishment makes the problem worse, and forcing the child to do something he cannot do, leads to the problem being magnified (Majid, 2008).
Children often develop some undesirable behaviors, which stand in the way of their academic achievement and future tricks. We must take into account their behavior, develop the positives and modify the negatives that confront them, and take care of raising them on the right behavior and developing their abilities, understanding future generations, and building them is a good building for the future (Al-Qamsh and Al-Maaytah , 2013).
Social withdrawal is a pattern of behavior characterized by the individual’s distancing himself from carrying out the tasks of normal life, and this is accompanied by frustration, tension and disappointment. Tendency to avoid social interaction, failure to participate in appropriate social situations, and lack of social communication styles (Millman, et al, 1981).
Social withdrawal is an extreme form of disturbance in relationships with those around the child, when the child does not spend time interacting with others, the result is that he does not get enough social interaction, and withdrawal is a more intense response in the child’s quest to avoid others, which is deliberate avoidance as opposed to shyness (Simon, 2010).
The withdrawn children also fail to participate in group activities, and they hesitate in their interactions with others, which leads to being ignored or treated badly, which leads to increased isolation, and that the reason for their failure or hesitation is due to their lack of social skills in dealing and communicating with others, whether in Playing or talking (Al-Qasim, 2000).
The slowing of the speed of cognitive activity is one of the common conditions in childhood that can be treated, and this disorder may affect certain areas of the brain that are concerned with solving problems, planning for the future and understanding the actions of others (Gentile, 2009:11), as the slowing of the speed of cognitive activity is one of the disorders growth in which the development of some personality traits is delayed; Such as impulse control, and this developmental delay ranges between 3-5 years, according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging studies of the prefrontal cortex, and it is believed that these slowdowns may lead to retardation of growth. It involves a neurological disease (Wiener, 2003).
Studies have indicated that the slowdown in the speed of cognitive activity is a form of shyness in dealing with others, not social intrusion or aggression and rejection that appear clearly in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The slowdown in the speed of cognitive activity was first described in 1775 by Melchior Adam, And in 1798 by Alexander Crichton in their medical courses, and then he discovered the slowing of the speed of cognitive activity in the eighties, when he began to stereotype ADHD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as ADHD, with or without hyperactivity, Studies of this subtype of disorder have shown a mixture of results, with some studies supporting the differentiation between these two types of disorder, and recent studies have compared those subtypes, and noted that individuals with slower cognitive activity show symptoms of daydreaming, staring, irritability and poor activity.and sleepiness (Lynam, Milich, 2001).
the study Problem:
1- Is there a relationship between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity?
2- What is the relationship between males - females in slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity?
3- What are the differences in the degree of cognitive activity slowdown and social withdrawal among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to different age groups?
4- Can social withdrawal be predicted by slowing down the speed of cognitive activity in children with ADHD?
5- Are there direct and overall constructive effects of the relationships between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity?
Objectives of the study: The current study aims to- Detecting the relationship between slowing the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention deficit disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
Importance of the study:
*The importance of the study: The importance of the current study is represented in:
Provide a descriptive picture of the extent of the relationship between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
Attempting to shed light on the issue of slowing down the speed of cognitive activity by addressing theoretical insights
*The close and direct connection of the variables of the current study with the process of teaching and learning within the classroom, as such topics lie at the heart of the educational process.
*The possibility of benefiting from the positive results of the study in addressing the slowdown in the speed of excessive cognitive activity in children to reduce the phenomenon of social withdrawal.
Study assignments:
*There is a relationship between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
*There are no differences between males - females in slowing down the speed of cognitive activity, social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
*There are no differences in the degree of slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity in different age groups.
*Social withdrawal can be predicted by slowing down the speed of cognitive activity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
*There are direct and overall constructive effects for the relationships between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
Practical study concepts.
Practical study concepts:
Defining a slowdown in the speed of cognitive activity procedurally: It is a set of noticeable symptoms or disorders with which the individual suffers from mental confusion, cognitive slowdown in the cognitive activity of the body, a feeling of laziness, and indulging in daydreaming.
Definition of social withdrawal procedurally: It is an avoidant behavior towards others, in which the individual tends to withdraw into himself and preoccupy himself with it, shyness and confusion in social situations, which makes him feel very distressed, which leads to escape, withdrawal and non-interaction.
Definition of attention disorder accompanied by procedural hyperactivity: It is an excessive behavioral and motor disorder, which appears in the form of a series of excessive, aimless activity and impulsive movements that are characterized by impulsive impulsiveness and conflict with academic performance. It is also associated with distraction and poor concentration.
Study limitations: The current study determined the following:
Objective determinants: It is determined in the variables of the current study, which are the slowdown in the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
Human determinants: These are determined in the sample of the current study, which consists of 120 male and female children from the kindergarten and primary stages at Al-Da`wa School (Languages - Arabic) in Beni Suef.
Statistical methods used in the study:
1- Arithmetic mean.
2- Standard Deviation.
3- Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
4- Factor analysis equation.
5- T-test.
6- Simple linear regression analysis.
7- Using SPSS programs. AMOS.
1- There is a statistically significant correlation between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
2- There are differences between males and females in slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
3- There are statistically significant differences in the degree of slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal among children with attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity.
4- Withdrawal can be predicted by slowing down the speed of cognitive activity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
5- There are direct and overall constructivist effects of the relationships between slowing down the speed of cognitive activity and social withdrawal in children with hyperactive attention.