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برنامج لتنمية الطلاقة القرائية وتحسين التحصيل الأكاديمي لدى الأطفال ضعاف السمع/.
السايس، نهى كمال إبراهيم حسنين
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهى كمال إبراهيم حسنين السايس
مشرف / تهاني محمد عثمان منيب
مشرف / عمر السيد حماده
مناقش / تهاني محمد عثمان منيب
مناقش / عمر السيد حماده
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
ا-ص، 233ص:
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - التربية الخاصة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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The lack of language and the delay in linguistic growth is one of the most dangerous results of Hearing impairment at all, The understanding of the language and its output and the clarity of speech is related to the degree of hearing loss, the hard of hearing children suffer from varying linguistic problems, As they suffer from the difficulties of linguistic expression and other problems that are due to the Hearing impairment, hard of hearing negatively affects reading, writing and vocabulary development, Knowing the vocabulary for them is Not suitable, they only understand one meaning of multiple meanings of the vocal, They are also unable to decipher the symbols, And the exact inference of the language, Reading and linguistic skills are limited to them, The hard of hearing when the child has a reading problem, this affects academic achievement negatively, so it is limited, from this standpoint, the current study seeks to Develop Reading Fluency and Improve Academic Achievement of Hard of Hearing Children.
Problem of the study:
Reading fluency skill is one of the skills that contributes greatly to the linguistic and academic development of students in general, However, hard of hearing students face great challenges in reaching the level of their hearing peers in this skill, This negatively affects their linguistic and academic growth and the progress of the level of reading skill among the hard of hearing students, However, there is a great disparity between researchers in dealing with its concept and identifying its components, and this controversy continues about the most appropriate ways to evaluate and develop it.
A accordingly, the problem of the study can be conceptualized in the following question:
“Is it possible to develop the reading fluency and improve academic achievement in Hard of Hearing Children?
Aim of the study:
The current study aims to Develop Reading Fluency and Improve Academic Achievement of Hard of Hearing Children through a program prepared for this purpose.
Importance of the study:
The importance of the study can be outlined on the theoretical level and the applied one as follows:
First: The Theoretical Importance:
1. Enhancing linguistic and academic growth in hard of hearing children.
2. Determine the most important features of reading fluency as an important skill for the hard of hearing.
3. The current study sheds light on one of the most important reading skills, which is the reading skill. This is by working to develop this skill.
4. Enriching the educational field with a study aimed at developing reading fluency using Modern strategies.
Second: The Applied Importance:
1. You may open the way for researchers to conduct, present and experiment with many therapeutic programs and strategies to develop reading fluency skills for school students.
2. Preparing and implementing a program to develop reading fluency and improve academic achievement of Hard of Hearing Children.
3. Applying the treatment program to hard of hearing children others in case of confirmation of its effectiveness in the current study results.
Hypotheses of the Study:
1.There are statistically significant differences between the ranks of mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the pre and post measurements on the reading fluency skills scale in favor of the post measurement.
2. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements on the reading fluency skills scale.
3. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the pre and post measurements on the Arabic language achievement test in favor of the post measurement.
4. There are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the children of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements on the Arabic language achievement test.
The researcher has adopted the experimental method in this study. The program is considered the independent variable, and the reading fluency skills and the Academic Achievement are considered the dependent variables.
Sample of the study:
The sample of the study consists of one group: (13) children with hard of Hearing suffering from Weakness in reading fluency skills and a decrease in academic achievement from salah Elden school for the hard of hearing in miser elgdeda. These children’s age ranges from( 11 to 13 ) year of age (M= 12.11) , Std. deviation=(89.0) and there IQ ranges (11.47) They are (10 males, 3 females).
Tools of the study:
1. The Social Interaction Scale for Normal and Special Needs Children (Prepared by/ Abd Elaziz Elshakhs, 2013).
2. Stanford Binet intelligence scale.
3. The reading fluency skills scale for the hard of hearing children (Prepared by/ Tahany Mohamed Osman, Omar Elsayed Hamada, Mohamed Fouad Abd El-Salam, Noha Kamal Ibrahim ,2022)
4. Academic achievement test in the Arabic language (prepared by/ the researcher).
5. The Program (prepared by/ the researcher).
The Statistical Technique:
The researcher uses several statistical methods to explain the results of the study, which are:
Some appropriate statistical methods were used for the study variables, through the use of Statistical Package for The Social Sciences (SPSS).
1. Wilcoxon Test.
2. Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Measuring the Internal Validity of the Study Scale.
3. Spearman’s Brown Correction Coefficient for Measuring the Reliability of the Study Scale Using Split Half.
4. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient.
5. the Quadrants.
6. Arithmetic mean.
7. Standard Deviation.
Results of the study:
The Results has revealed the effectiveness of the program for the Develop Reading Fluency and Improving Academic Achievement of Hard of Hearing Children.