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”الأبعاد الزمانية والمكانية في سينوجرافيا الفضاء المسرحي كمدخل لإثراء التصميمات الزخرفية لطلاب التربية الفنية” /
مريم أشرف على صالح،
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مريم أشرف على صالح
مشرف / إبراهيم عبد الحميد عوض
مشرف / هند عبد الرحمن محمد السيد
مناقش / عزت كامل األنصاري
التربية الفنية - دراسة وتعليم 107222
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
338 ص. :
تربية فنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية التربية النوعية - التصميم
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 386


The research abstract
The temporal and spatial elements in theatrical space scenography as an entry point to improve art education students’ ornamental designs
Chapter 1
An Overview of Research
It consists of the following elements: research background, research problem, research hypotheses, research importance, research limits, research technique and its processes (theoretical framework, empirical framework), search phrases, and research-related studies.
Chapter 2
The Concepts of Time and Space in Intellectual and Formative Dimensions
The following are the main points covered in this chapter:
First, the multiple concepts of time and space; second, the concept of time and space among philosophers; third, the directions of interpretation of space in relation to time; fourth, the basic axes of plastic temporal and spatial variations; and fifth, the mutual concept of time and space in the plastic arts. sixth: The link between practical and intellectual conceptions and the concepts of time and space.
Chapter 3
Architectural characteristics of theatrical scenography and their link to the concepts of time and space
The following are the important points: First, the philosophical thought of scenography of theatrical space and its types, as well as their relationship to the concepts of time and space; second, the historical development of architectural features of scenography of theatrical space of various times and space; and third, technical schools and their impact on the development of architectural features of scenography of theatrical spaces of various times and space.
Chapter 4
An analytic examination study of the temporal and spatial aspects of theatrical space scenography.
It contains: first, the elements and components of space for the temporal and spatial dimensions in theatrical space scenography, and, second, a selection analysis of the dimensions (temporal and spatial) of the space (external and internal) in theatrical space scenography (foreign and Arab)
The practical framework.
It includes, first, self-applied procedures for the researcher, second, procedures for preparing an applied experience - for fourth-year students, third, designing an evaluation form for artwork arbitration, fourth, statistical results of the applied experience, and fifth, results and recommendations.
The research also featured two abstracts, one in Arabic and one in a foreign language, a list of references in Arabic and foreign languages, and appendices.