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Usage of IoT for Cardiac Surgery Patients /
Helmy, Salma Mostafa Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سلمى مصطفى احمد حلمى
مشرف / السيد محمد الهربيطى
مناقش / تيمور محمد نظمي
مناقش / السيد احمد عبد الرحمن الدهشان
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
119 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات - قسم علوم الحاسب
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The healthcare workers are starting to use IoT in conjunction along with robots, artificial intelligence, and big data applications and technologies as part of the industrial-based IoT phenomena, IoT will play a huge role in healthcare s’ cost-cutting , saving time and efforts. Patients benefit because their physicians will have a better understanding of how to manage them following any treatment.
IoT holds a great potential to meet the needs of healthcare: The aim of this thesis is to develop IoT system that can handle the data from medical sensors , which is capable of monitoring the health of open-heart surgery patients as will as in many other diseases cases such as emergency cases - It is being applied to improve the access to care, to increase the quality of care, and to reduce the cost and time of care - Monitor the health status of patient by a sensor, which creates information that passes through a network so that it can be communicated or analyze., by using any suitable IoT healthcare platform such as: Blynk app, is an IoT platform for ios & android smart phones is used to create a graphical interface or human machine interface use to control microcontroller board such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi and others., that integrating with implemented sensors such as medical sensor and other sensors.
A sensor converts a physical singularity (unreadable vital signs) into a quantifiable equivalent voltage or a digital signal in some circumstances. Then, it is presented or transmitted for interpretation and/or additional managing on computing devices varying from wearables to pdas, i.e., laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The data storage components, which contain any item with a memory portion affixed to it and networking elements like wireless components and routers will be used afterwards. The cardiac patients checking systems are created based on sensors including temperature, spo2, and heart rate (Pulse Rate) ones.
The goal of this inter-functionality is to provide cost-effectual, information- directed, and proficient patient upkeep - Most of the researches used one or two sensors, i.e., heartbeat sensors, Spo2-sensor, to be determine in a stable statement and movement state, but no studies found to use another variable to monitor the heart health, and who use multiple sensors don’t test accuracy - IoT systems is vastly multifaceted and wants an amalgam cloud environment to operate - The number of wearables, mobile devices, and other linked objects was meaningfully expanded, increasing the opportunity of benefitting new categories of applications that use several detecting and interaction tools - Due to the speedy development of IoT, millions of matters are associated to the internet. These smart stuffs gather large amounts of data that demand to be treated, considered, and kept for upcoming inspection. Hence, the IoT-networks scalability should be also considered.
Several people were subjected to a series of tests based on a range of factors to ensure that the data was dependable compared with the data while using legacy system. The tested data of volunteers are being concurrently transmitted to doctors who sitting at a remote place such as hospital, home , Or any other place, to regularly evaluate the real-time data globally received of patients. Accordingly, the results are agreeable where the deficit of reading compared with reading out from the legacy system is smaller than 10% , with a very cost-efficient solution, implying that our current study on remote cardiac patient observing systems could be commercially utilized.