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Physicochemical studies for chitosan used in tobacco industry
Yasmin Ali Fawzy Rehan ,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Yasmin Ali Fawzy Rehan ,
مشرف / Mohamed Saad Abdellatief
مشرف / Hanan Saied Gab Alla
مناقش / Mohamed Shaban Hassan
مناقش / Emam Abdelmobadi Abdelrahim
Agricultural Biochemistry
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
103 p. :
Chemistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية العلوم - Agricultural Biochemistry
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 104

from 104


This study aimed to eliminate the Nile River problem because of the presence of P. clarkia and reduce the risk each of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide output from smoking, increase the removal efficiency for nicotine, tar and heavy metal, reduce of nicotine percentage in molasses and eliminate rotting problems in molasses storing. Make chemical treatments on crayfish shells P. clarkii to obtain chitosan powder and analyse, it using infrared spectrum and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. Use chitosan in manufacture filter rods and cigarettes then testing by chemical and physical experiments through using smoking machine, gas chromatography and ICP-OES. Conducting some experiments on molasses by adding different concentrations of chitosan to reduce the percentage of nicotine, increase its storage period and eliminate rotting problems in it while storage through chemical and microbiological tests. The results found that the weight of the filter rods containing chitosan was reduced compared to those of treatments in which content acetic acid. Also, it is positive for nicotine, tar and heavy metals, which found that in treatments in which chitosan was used with a concentration of 10 %, the proportion of nicotine in the molasses decreased by the amount of text compared to the rest of the prepared treatments and it was 0.24 %. Also the microbial content decreased in the same treatment which was 7.8 x 104cfu/g, and thus the molasses rot will slow down. It can be concluded that Chitosan is not a synthetic or manufactured substance, so it can be used as a basic preservative instead of chemical and expensive preservatives, due to the ease of its preparation and according to international specifications and it is not toxic or harm on human health