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المشكلات الصحية والاجتماعية لمرضى فيروس كورونا :
ابوشريده، حنان المتولى عبدالعزيز.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حنان المتولى عبدالعزيز ابوشريده
مشرف / دينا محمد السعيد أبوالعلا
مناقش / نجلاء محمد عاطف خليل
مناقش / مروه حمدي سعد رياض
عداوى فيروس كورونا. فيروس كورونا المستجد. عداوى فيروس كورونا - وقاية ومكافحة. فيروسات كورونا. كوفيد-19 (مرض) - وقاية ومكافحة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (164 صفحة) :
علم الاجتماع والعلوم السياسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - قسم علم الاجتماع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 164

from 164


Introduction: The pressures of life have become a tangible phenomenon in all societies, but to varying degrees, this discrepancy is determined by several factors, including the nature of societies, the degree of their civilisation, and what this imposes on the intensity of interaction and dependence, and the increasing speed of the rate of change in those societies, and what it imposes on the lifestyle in them to the extent that it called many to call the modern era the era of pressures and problems: Perhaps one of the most important of these problems and pressures is the spread of a new type of virus called the emerging corona virus covid-19, which has spread widely all over the world and for which no vaccine or treatment has yet been reached. The spread of this epidemic has claimed the lives of many, according to what was published by the World Health Organization and what the media circulates daily, even moment by moment. the study Problem: The problem of the study stems from the fact that the world is going through a real crisis today. A crisis worse than we think, so that we cannot encompass all its aspects and assess its various repercussions; deep structural crisis; As a reminder, it is not born today. The pandemic only came to highlight it and bring it into existence. And if the Corona pandemic was a health crisis par excellence, then the crisis on its part is greater and deeper than that, as it is multifaceted and multidimensional. An economic, political, financial and social crisis, a crisis the world has not witnessed before since the Great Depression during the 1930s. As the Corona pandemic put enormous pressure on the societies and economies of countries all over the world, great imbalances were observed across the economic and social sectors and produced countless consequences of health, social and economic problems suffered by those who were exposed to Covid-19. the importance of studying: The importance of this study lies in its highlighting the health and social problems of patients with the Corona virus, as the Corona pandemic, which afflicted most of the countries of the world, raised a state of anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty about the mechanisms for dealing with this crisis, how to prevent the spread of infection and find a cure for this disease ””Covid-19””. On the health, economic, social and security repercussions of that crisis, hence the importance of the study in its attempt to detect the extent of the spread of the Corona virus in society, as well as to monitor the health problems caused by the Corona virus to the recoveries and try to identify the impact of the Corona virus (Covid-19) on the social communication of the recovered. Objectives of the study: 1- Detecting the extent of the spread of the Corona virus in society. 2- Detection of health problems caused by the Corona virus for the recovered. 3- Detecting the social problems caused by the Corona virus for the recovered. 4- Identifying the professional pressures facing the medical staff. 5- Exposing ways to overcome the health and social problems of those recovering from the Corona virus. Study questions: 1- What is the extent of the spread of the Corona virus in society? 2- What health problems do the Corona virus cause to the recovered? 3- What are the social problems caused by the Corona virus for the recovered? 4- What are the professional pressures facing the medical staff? 5- What are the ways to overcome the health and social problems of those recovering from the Corona virus? Study methodology and tools: The study relied on the social survey methodology, as well as on the questionnaire tool as a tool for data collection, and the sample size was (360) individuals who recovered from the emerging corona virus. The current study was applied in the city of Mansoura and the city of Sherbin (isolation hospitals in Mansoura University - Sherbin General Hospital - Association for the Care of Liver Patients in Dakahlia in Colongil - Egyptian Liver Hospital in Sherbin). As for the study theory, it was represented in the risk society theory and the functional constructivist theory. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: *The results of the field study indicated the social problems resulting from the Corona virus. In the first order, I felt social isolation, in the second order, I was accused of neglect when I fell ill, in the third order, I felt alienated at the time of my illness, and in the fourth order, communication between me and my friends was cut off, and in the fifth order they admitted me to the hospital because they did not want In being at home, in sixth order bullying, in seventh order losing my family relationship in the family, and in eighth order I felt that others did not want my presence. * The results of the field study indicated the economic problems caused by the Corona virus to those who recovered. In the first order, I stopped working during the period of infection with Corona, and in the second order I paid exorbitant fees inside the hospital, and in the third order I asked for financial assistance from those around me, and in the fourth order I could not go to the hospital due to lack of financial resources in the fifth rank, the analysis and x-rays were expensive, and in the 6th rank I had a financial problem during my illness. * The results of the field study indicated the psychological problems caused by the Corona virus. In the first order, I felt depressed because there was no specific treatment for the virus, and in the second order I felt fear when the swab was positive, and in the third order I felt depression because there was no specific treatment for the virus, and in the fourth order I felt that death was close to me. In the fifth rank, he cared a lot about precautionary measures in anticipation of a second infection, and in the 6th rank I feared an increase in the number of deaths daily, and in the 7th rank I felt psychological isolation during the period of injury, and in the 8th rank I did not feel comfortable when I started to recover, and in the last rank I feared a lot of transmission to my family.