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دور النساء في الشائعات والوشايات في المجتمع الروماني
منذ بداية العصر الإمبراطوري حتى عصر الإمبراطور فسبسيانوس /
بولس، ماري جوزيف.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ماري جوزيف بولس
مشرف / ناهد عبد الحليم محمد الحمصاني
مشرف / سامي عبد الفتاح محمد شحاته
مناقش / سيد محمد عمر
تاريخ قديم.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
212ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم التاريخ
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 212

from 212


Abstract of the thesis
This research discusses social transformations, negative influences, the status of women, and the reform attempts of Emperor Augustus and his laws issued with the aim of saving society.
We will review this discussion through central issues:
* The conditions of society before the reign of Emperor Augustus, and accordingly what Augustus carried out in terms of strict laws enacted to regulate the morality of Roman society.
* The female power that emerged hidden in Augustus’ reign through Julia and her ostensibly positive role, while she plays a negative role in the life of Julia, Augustus’ only daughter.
* The female power in Tiberius’s role, with the rise of his acquaintance Agrippina the Great, the death of her husband, the trial of Piso, and descending into the swamps of Cyanus intriguing against Agrippina and the prominent aristocratic women, until Cyanus finally fell with a woman snitch.

* The female power under Emperor Gaius Caligula, from his role in realizing the aspirations of his three brothers because of his personal distinction with his sister Drusilla, brought the younger sister Agrabina to the overthrow of her brother.
* The feminine forces during Emperor Claudius’ reign, represented by the machinations of his wife Celina and her relationship with the women of the imperial house, as well as her
multiple marriages and the legitimacy of her subsequent association with Claudius... eventually resemble the involvement of the younger Agrabina in the murder of Emperor Claudius.
* The feminine powers of Emperor Nero, as if he had begun a new era for the younger Lagerbina to continue their plots and intrigues against all the women of her time and the wives of her son Nero... so that Nero’s son ends up killing his mother, Agrabina.
The situation in society and the impact of the politically rising and morally negative role of women were addressed in terms of the legal, economic, political and social impact of society.