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Impact of Protected Choline Chloride Supplementation on Fattening Animals Performance /
Amin, Abdel Rahman Ahmed Abdel Rahman.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبدالرحمن أحمد عبدالرحمن أمين
مشرف / نصر السيد يحيى البردينى
مشرف / فؤاد عبد العزيز فؤاد سالم
مشرف / أحمد عبدالله محمد مروان
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
80 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - تغذية الحيوان
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Feed intake
The data of feed intake is reflected on the restricted feeding regime based on the live body weight, which the group received 15 g choline chloride per day recorded the lowest feed intake compared to the control group and the group received 30 g choline chloride per day.
Nutrients digestibility and feeding values
The data on Nutrients digestibility indicated that fattening calves ration supplementation with 30 g protected choline chloride (RPC) per head numerically increased nutrients digestibility of DM, OM, CP, CF, EE, NFE, NDF, ADF, and NFC compared the control group and the group supplemented with15 g RPC per head daily.
The data indicated a slight increase in feeding value of the ingested ration as DCP and TDN (P≥0.3) for the animals fed ration supplemented with 30 g RPC compared to the control group and the group fed ration supplemented with 15 g RPC.
Blood parameters
Ration supplementation with 30 g RPC resulted in a significant increase (p=0.037) in serum total protein concentration compared to the control group and the group supplemented with 15 g RPC.
The data showed no significant differences were recorded among the experimental treatments in albumin, urea and creatinine concentration as well as ALT and AST activity. The majority of blood metabolites and liver function were within the normal physiological range.
Growth performance
The data show the effect of ration supplementation with protected choline chloride on growth performance parameters. The data supplementation ration with 15 g protected choline chloride did not significantly affecting final body weight, total gain and average daily gain, while supplement the ration with 30 g protected choline chloride significantly improved final weight, total gain and averge daily gain. And no significant differences were recorded between the animal received ration supplemented with 15 g and those received 30 g protected choline chloride. Also, no significant differences were recorded between the control group and the group received ration supplemented with 15 g protected choline chloride. Although, the animals received ration supplemented with 30 g protected choline chloride recorded significantly higher final weight, total gain and average daily gain compared to the control group, the animal fed ration supplemented with 15 g protected choline chloride did not recorded significant differences in final weight, total weight gain and average daily gain compared to control group, And no significant differences were recorded between the animal received ration supplemented with 15 g and those received 30 g protected choline chloride.
Feed conversion
The data showed numerical improvement in DM conversion ratio (p=0.061) for the group received ration supplemented with 15 and 30 g RPC compared to the control group.
On another hand, the data showed significant improvements in feed conversion ratio as TDN, CP and DCP (P=0.021, 0.050, and 0.008, respectively) for animals received ration supplemented with 30 g RPC compared to the control group.
No significant differences were recorded between the control group and the group received a ration supplemented with 15 g of choline chloride.
It could be concluded that supplementing the fattening calves ration with 30 g choline chloride led to increase average daily gain and improve feed conversion ratio. Ration supplementation with 30 g choline chloride have no adverse effect on nutrient digestibility and feeding value as well as the majority of blood metabolites kidney function and liver function.