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Relationship between Self-efficacy level, Social Support and Treatment Motivation among Addict Patients /
Mohamed, Shimaa Mokhtar.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / شيماء مختار محمد
مشرف / صباح صالح حسن
مشرف / رشا ممدوح عبدالمنعم
مناقش / ناديه ابراهيم سيد
مناقش / أماني عنتر محمد
Psychiatric nursing. Nurse practitioners.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
119 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية التمريض - التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
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Substance use disorders are a chronic and relapsing disease that difficulty to control despite harmful consequences‏. Self-efficacy, social support and treatment motivation shown to be important factors in the initiation and recognition enactment of behavioural changes. Aim of the Study: Assess relationship between self-efficacy, social support, and treatment motivation among addict patients. Research design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized in this study. Subjects and setting: 153 addicts who are admitted at Minia psychiatric health and addiction treatment hospital including inpatients department and outpatient’s clinics. Tools: four tools were utilized in this study: Astructured interview questionnaire, General self-efficacy scale, Social support appraisal scale and Treatment motivation scale. Results: the study findings showed that (96.7%) of studied sample were males, (51%) of them had secondary levels of education and (57.5%) was from urban area. Moreover, total mean scored of self-efficacy, social support, and treatment motivation were higher among outpatients than inpatients. Conclusions: There were a positive significant correlation between self-efficacy and social support. Moreover, there were a positive significant correlation between self-efficacy and treatment motivation and between social support and treatment motivation. Recommendations: Designing and implementing psych-educational programs are essential for addict patients to increase self-efficacy and improve their motivation for treatment to prevent the problem of drug addiction.