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هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد حسين محمد حسين
مشرف / أشرف ماهر زكى
مشرف / ألفت حسن الباجورى
مشرف / رانيا أحمد يونس
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
82p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم المحاصيل
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Experiments were carried out at Agronomy Seed lab., Agronomy
Dept., and Ain Shams Center For Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
ACGEB , Genetic Dept., Faculty of Agriculture - Ain Shams University
to determine biological change occurred in soybean seed (Giza 111
cultivar) during priming, whereas, priming was investigated at different
types of priming (hydro-priming, osmo-priming and salt-priming) and
different periods of each type (short, medium and long periods). It was
found that type of priming enhanced germination percentage significantly
from low performance of 40% to 51%, 68% and 75% for hydration,
osmo-priming and salt priming respectively. Extending exposing period
to the longest period gave significantly maximum increment in seed
germination. Maximum speed of germination was recorded when soybean
soaked in 2.12% CaCl2 solution for the longest period (48 hrs.) reaching a
value of 0.64. It was noticeable that increasing soaking period to the
longest period examined in this investigation accelerated the rate of
germination to a maximum level. Salt priming produced longest shoot
when compared with control. Overall, for most results obtained in this
trial, seed primed with CaCl2 showed better performance than those
primed with water. Protein extract was analyzed using SDS-PAGE,
whereas, results showed that there was 12 bands formed on separating
SDS-gel for soybeans extracts. Variation were noticed within bands
appear for each treatment meaning that synthesizing proteins affected by
type of priming and its duration. Soybeans seeds exposed to hydration for
all three periods used in this investigation varied from control, whereas
number of protein bands on SDS gel increased from 10 bands separated
on control pattern to 13, 11 and 12 for hydration treatment at periods of 6,
12 and 24 hrs. respectively. Also number of monopoly-uni. and uniquebands varied as well as its intensive dye which reflect that amount of
protein formed varied between treatments. Considering exposing seeds to
salt solution of CaCl2 for longest period (48 hrs.) less bands of separated
protein were formed on SDS gel. Biological seed quality was assessed by
extracting proteins on native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas,
all priming treatments at application periods enhanced peroxidase activity
compared to control (untreated seeds). It was remarkably that the longest
period of application showed the highest peroxidase activity. Salt priming
showed an interesting long major activity band more than other
treatments. Esterase activity bands of PAGE gel showed less activity as
subjected to all priming types at any period used in this investigation. It
was clear that increasing period of exposing seeds to priming caused
esterase activity to be reduced since the intensive band diminished
however, there was a slight third band appeared