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Ahmed, Ebtesam Mohamed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إبتسـام محمـد محمـد أحمـد
مشرف / هنـاء عبـد الحكيـم أحمـد
مناقش / حنان ابراهيم احمد
مناقش / ايناس حلمي الشاعر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
328 P. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة الأسرة والمجتمع
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Based on statistical data, slightly less than two thirds of nursing students had a satisfactory knowledge about COVID-19 and majority of them had a satisfactory knowledge about precautionary measures toward COVID-19, also most of them had satisfactory practices related to precautionary measures toward COVID-19, and there is a highly statistical correlation between total knowledge of nursing students and their total practices.

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are proposed:
1- Instructions about proper use of face mask should be written on the packages.
2- Posters about correct steps of wearing and removing face mask should be placed at university.
3- Increase the facilities for hand washing should be provided at Sohag faculty of nursing.
4- Prepear or rehabilitate the community health nursing students when making home visits to focus on providing the families with correct knowledge and precautionary measures toward COVID-19.
5- The further researches could be
A. Effect of Social Media on Knowledge and Practices of Nursing Students regarding COVID-19.
B. Educational Program about Effect of Period of Wearing Face Mask on Respiratory System.
COVID-19: Knowledge and Precautionary Measures among Nursing S students
The COVID-19 pandemic is considered as the most crucial global health calamity of the century and the greatest challenge that the humankind faced since the 2nd World War. (Holshue et al., 2020). Coronaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses, named for the crown- like spikes on their surfaces, which are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. This occurred with two earlier coronaviruses, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and sever acute respiratory syndrome (SARS- CoV). However, it has a fatality rate of 2.3%, lower than that of SARS 9.5% and much lower than that of MERS 34.4% but it spreads faster. It transmits through inhalation or contact with infected droplets. With average incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days (Petrosillo et al., 2020& National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD), 2020).
The present study aimed to assess nursing students’ knowledge& precautionary measures regarding COVID-19.
The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing affiliated to Sohag University.
Sample and sampling technique:
A stratified simple random sample was used in this study. The sample was equal to 334 nursing students. The total number of nursing student at first, second, third, fourth and internship year at faculty of nursing Sohag university was 1423 nursing students, every academic year categorized as a group (strata). Sample size for the first, second, third, fourth and internship year was 104, 75, 50, 62, 43 respectively. Each nursing student from strata had an equal chance to be selected in the study.
Subject and methods
A descriptive, analytical study was used to assess nursing students’ knowledge& precautionary measures regarding COVID-19. The study conducted at faculty of nursing, Sohag university
Data was collected using two tools designed by the investigator & tested for validity: the first tool was online questionnaire consisted of three parts: part I: Demographic data for nursing students. part II: (A) to assess nursing students’ knowledge regarding COVID-19, (B) to assess nursing students’ Source of information regarding COVID-19. Part III: to assess nursing students’ knowledge regarding prevention and precautions measures toward COVID-19.
The second tool was Observational checklists for student performance which constructed by WHO, 2020g. This observational checklist contains five procedures: hand washing, wearing and removing sterile glove, wearing and removing face mask.
Data was collected & analyzed by computer programmed SPSS(Ver.26). using necessary statistical manipulation as; number, percentage & standard deviation to determine significant for variables-value was considered to be significant if less than 0.05, high significant if less than 0.01, or insignificant if more than 0.05.
The main results obtained from the present study were as follows:
Regarding demographic data of 53.9% of nursing students were male. 31.1% of them were the first Academic year. 67.7% of nursing students live in rural area and rest of them was living in urban areas. More than three-quarter of nursing students know the definition of COVID-19. As regarded mode of transmission 84.7% of nursing students had corrected answer about that COVID-19 spreads from person-to-person within close distance of each other six feet approx. 56.6 % of them reported that COVID-19 spread through inhaling respiratory droplets, and 91.6% had an incomplete answer that COVID-19 can be transmitted through Close contact and eating wild and drinking water.
As regard clinical symptoms of COVID-19. 52.1% of them reported that Fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and Myalgia and fatigue are the main clinical symptoms of COVID-19 infection. 69.2% of students cannot differentiate between COVID-19 and common cold. Concerning the risk group for COVID-19 most of nursing students reported that older adults with chronic illnesses and immunocompromised persons are a risk factor for COVID-19 infection. 70.1% of nursing students mention that Sinovac is the vaccine which made in Egypt.
Concerning the treatment of CONID-19. 75.7% of nursing students reported that the antiviral medications used to treat COVID-19 patients which consider incomplete answer. As regard Source of information the current study revealed that the majority of nursing students use social media to gain their knowledge. Concerning nursing students’ knowledge regarding prevention and precautionary measures toward COVID-19. The present study found that the majority of nursing students have a satisfactory knowledge towards COVID-19 precautionary measures
Regarding their practices related to precautionary measures toward COVID-19. The current study revealed that most of nursing student have a satisfactory practice toward hand washing, wearing and removing sterile glove, however more than a half of nursing students didn’t perform hand hygiene before wearing or removing the mask and quarter of them touching the mask with unclean hands while wearing it. and nearly two-fifth of them didn’t clean their hands after removing the mask.
Conclusion: Based on statistical data the study concluded that slightly less than two-third of nursing students had a satisfactory knowledge about COVID-19 and majority of them had a satisfactory knowledge about precautionary measures toward COVID-19, also most of them had satisfactory practices related to precautionary measures toward COVID-19, and there is a highly statistical correlation between total knowledge of nursing students and their total practices.
The following main recommendations are suggested:
1- Instructions about proper use of face mask should be written on the packages.
2- Posters about correct steps of wearing and removing face mask should be placed at university.
3- Increase the facilities for hand washing should be provided at Sohag faculty of nursing.
4- Prepear or rehabilitate the community health nursing students when making home visits to focus on providing the families with correct knowledge and precautionary measures toward COVID-19.
5- The further researches could be
A. Effect of Social Media on Knowledge and Practices of Nursing Students.
B. Educational Program about Effect of Period of Wearing Face Mask on Respiratory System.