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تاريخ النشر
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123 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - إنتاج دواجن
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The present study was designed to evaluate the Effect of alternative light technology on productive performance, Carcass measurements and blood parameters of broiler chickens. A total of two hundred 1-d old broiler chicks (Ross 308) obtained from a commercial hatchery were used in this study. Chicks were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups, comprising 50 chicks in each group as follow: The incandescent bulb served as the control and was given to birds of group 1(G1), compact fluorescent lamp to group 2 (G2), LEDW to group 3 (G3) and LEDC to group 4 (G4).
Data were collected in terms of live body weight, weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion during the experimental period. At the end of experiment, five from each group were randomly taken and weighted and were slaughtered, eviscerated to determine carcass characteristics. At 5 weeks of age, carcass percentage traits, relative weight of lymphoid organs and some hematological and biochemical parameters were determined.
The main results could be summarized as follows;
At marketing age (35 days), it could be noticed that the body weight of LED groups were significantly heavier than compact fluorescent group and incandescent group. The mean values were 2185.53, 2137.27, 2192.57 and 2206.5 g for control, compact fluorescent, LEDW and LEDC respectively.
Feed consumption and feed conversion ratio significantly affected by lighting source. The best FCR were recorded for LED bulbs where feed conversion ratio for cool and warm LED bulbs is 1.64, which is less than incandescent bulbs of 1.65, but the differences were not significant. Whereas, fluorescent showed a
Ahmed M. M. El-Kanawaty (2022), Ph.D., Fac. Agric., Ain Shams Univ.
significantly higher average feed conversion ratio than both LED and incandescent (1.70).
It can be observed that the alternative lighting sources did not effect on the relative inedible meat parts and edible meat parts.
In accordance to the relative breast and leg muscles weight, the present results observed that the broiler chicks raised under different lighting source recorded no significant difference for relative leg muscles weight.
The broiler chicks raised under different lighting source did not effect on the percentage of lymphoid organs weight.
The present results showed that the heterophilis / lymphocytes ratio in broilers raised under fluorescent lighting was significantly higher than in chickens raised under incandescent and LED lighting, which was as follows 0.40, 0.45, 0.40 and 0.38 for IN, CFL, LEDW and LEDC respectively.
Plasma corticosterone levels of broilers raised under different lighting source at 5th week of age showed that birds under CFL and Incandescent bulbs have significantly increases in corticosterone levels compared to LEDW and LEDC which are indicative of stress.
Both plasma albumin and globulin were significantly by lighting source. The florescent group recorded the highest albumin value compared to remaining groups. Whereas the LEDW group have the highest value of globulin.
It could be noted that kidney functions are affected by the change in light source. Birds reared under fluorescent lighting recorded the highest creatinine levels among the groups. Liver function was not affected by the light source.
It could be observed that there were no significant differences in the levels of thyroid hormones and growth hormone as a result of the different light sources.
Our results showed that at 35 days of the age, LEDC group have the highest AI and ND titter between groups, while there was no significant difference in IBDV among groups.
In conclusion, our results showed that the use of alternative lighting sources of LED lamps as an alternative to traditional lighting sources (incandescent lamps) in broilers production enhance production performance, reduced stress on birds and lower energy costs.
Therefore, we recommend using of LED lights in commercial broiler production houses.