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Evaluation of Sleep EEG Changes in Paediatric Patients with Language Dysfunction: A Follow Up Study /
Abd-Elsalam, Omnia Alaa Mahsoub.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أمنية علاء محسوب
مشرف / أمنية فتحي الرشيدي
مشرف / حسن حسني غندور
مشرف / رغدة محمد هشام زيتون
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب الأطفال
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everal case reports and studies have described an association between sleep epileptiform discharges and language dysfunctions. This has been partly confirmed in studies that have investigated the effect of this epileptiform discharges on neurocognitive function.
The study was conducted on 93 children with language delay or language regression. A 90-minute sleep electroencephalography, Intelligence quotient level and language age were done for all patients included in the study. Children who had an active electroencephalography with uncontrolled clinical seizures or persistently epileptogenic activity without clinical seizures received treatment according to type of activity then after 6 months they were subjected to follow up electroencephalography and assessment of Intelligence quotient level and language age.
Patients were divided into: group (1) including 28 (30%) patients with either or both of epileptogenic activity and clinical seizures and group (2) including 65 (70%) patients without either epileptogenic activity or clinical seizures. We found 24 (85.7 %) children in group 1 had clinical seizures with median age of onset 2.5 years that range from 1 year to 8 years. 21 (85.7 %) of children in group 1 showed presence of epileptogenic activity. A follow up 90 mins sleep electroencephalography was done and showed a highly significant reduction in epileptogenic activity with p value (< 0.001) and a follow up language test & Intelligence quotient level score were done and showed a highly significant improvement with p value (<0.001, 0.018) respectively.
In conclusion epileptiform activities with or without clinical seizures in children may alter normal language function and treatment of these epileptogenic activity affect improvement of this language dysfunction and cognition.