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Pregnant Women’s Self Care Practices for Relieve of Minor Discomforts in Dodoma Region, Tanzania =
Lyimo, Gloria Loveness Salvatory.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / جلوريا لافنيس سالفاتورى ليمو
مشرف / وفاء أحمد ابراهيم
مشرف / نجلاء زكى حسن رومه
مناقش / شادية أحمد طه ياسين
مناقش / رشا محمد عيسى
Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing. Tanzania.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
99 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing
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Minor discomforts during pregnancy are the result of physiologic, anatomic, or
endocrinal changes as the body tries to accommodate the developing fetus. Even though
minor discomforts are usually not life threatening, still their presence does affect a pregnant
woman‟s comfort and wellbeing. Its negligence however, may lead to serious problems. In
many situations, they can be avoided by preventive measures or healthy practices once they
do occur.
This study aimed to identify pregnant women‟s self-care practices for relieve of minor
discomforts in Dodoma Region, Tanzania.
A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. The study was conducted in
antenatal outpatient clinics of the 7 available health facilities that represent Dodoma Region.
A convenient sample of 380 pregnant women who fulfilled the following criteria comprised
the study subjects
 Normal course of pregnancy
 No medical or obstetrical complications
 Agreed to participate in the study.
Tools of the study: Three tools were used to collect data. They were developed by the
researcher after thorough review of relevant literatures
Tool I: Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical data structured Interview
This tool included two parts. The first one included data on women‟s social
demographic characteristics and the second part involved data on reproductive history.
Tool II: Knowledge of pregnant women regarding minor discomfort and its
management structured interview schedule:
It covered 5 areas of knowledge regarding minor discomforts and its management
among pregnant women such as follows: definition of minor discomforts, common minor
discomforts of pregnancy, general causes of minor discomforts, type of minor discomfort
specific to each trimester and causes of each minor discomfort described.
Tool III: Women’s self-care practices for relieve of minor discomforts of pregnancy
structured interview schedule:
It contained two parts detailing data on universal self-care practices and self-care
practices for relieve of minor discomforts.
The main findings obtained from the study were as follows;
I: Basic data
The mean age of studied pregnant women was 28 years ( 27.98 ± 7.66). More than
one half (50.8%) of them had primary education. However, 25.5% & 10% of them had
secondary and bachelor or more level respectively and only 13.4% of them could read and
In addition, more than half (59%) of the study subjects were christians, while almost
two-fifths 40.5% of them were Muslims. Regarding the marital status, vast majority (97.1%)
of pregnant women were married, while 1.1% of them were widowed.
In relation to occupation, it was noted that the majority (89.5%) of the study subjects
were employed, while a minority 10.5% of them were housewives. Considering family
income /month, more than two third (67.6%) of pregnant women had just enough family
income while only 4.7 % of them had more than enough income. Moreover, less than three
quarter (71.6%) of pregnant women had nuclear family. However, more than one fifth
(28.4%) of them had extended family.
Furthermore, more than two third (67.1%) of them were urban dwellers, while one-third
(32.9%) of them were rural dwellers. With reference to housing condition, it was illustrated
that more than two third (68.2%) had access to electricity, while (24.7% & 7.1 %) had full
access to water and good waste disposal system respectively.
On the other hand, nearly half (48.4%) of the study subjects had three or less pregnancy,
while only 19.2% of them were prim gravida. With regard to parity, it was noted that about
32.4% of the participants gave only one delivery, while only 19.2% of them were either
nulliparous or gave delivery four times or more.
The majority (97.1% & 90%) of the study subjects had history of neither still birth nor
abortion while more than one half (60.5%) of the study subjects had three or less living
A sizable proportion (75.5%) of the study subjects reported that had no history of
complications in their previous pregnancy. However, (1.1%, 1.3%, 1.8%, 0.3% & 0.8%) of
them reported complications were bleeding, hypertension, anemia, infection and hyperemesis
gravidarum respectively.
On top of that, three quarter (75%) of the study sample had normal vaginal delivery,
while only 0.8% of them had instrumental delivery respectively.
More than half (52.9%) of the study subjects reported that they had no any complication
in their previous delivery. However, (15.3%, 3.4%, 1.8%, 2.9% & 4.5%) of them had
prolonged labor, preterm labor, bleeding, obstructed labor and tear respectively.
A sizable proportion (71.8%) of the study subjects reported that had no history of
complications in their previous puerperium. However, (0.3%, 5%, 2.1% &1.6%) of them had
postpartum hemorrhage, puerperal sepsis, breast complications and eclampsia respectively.
Additionally, nearly one half (46.3%) of the study subjects were in third trimester of
pregnancy, while one quarter 25% of them were in the first and second trimester respectively.
A vast majority (95.3%) of the study subjects had planned their pregnancy.
According to timing of first antenatal visit it was exhibited that a good proportion
(87.6%) of the study subjects had their first booking in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Meanwhile, more than one half (59.5%) of the subjects had irregular antenatal visits.
II: Knowledge of pregnant women regarding minor discomforts and its management
In relation to, knowledge about definition of minor discomforts, majority (88.9%) of the
pregnant women gave incorrect answer. Moreover, knowledge about common minor
discomforts occurring, the vast majority (99.2%) of the participants gave correct &incomplete
answers. In addition, more than one half (57.4%) of the study subjects gave incorrect answers
on knowledge about causes of minor discomforts.
Regarding to, knowledge about physiological changes occurring in the 1st, 2nd& 3rd
trimesters, it was noted that, (44.5%, 78.2% & 39.5%) of the participants gave incorrect
answers respectively. Moreover, timing of occurrence of vomiting and its causes, the study
exhibited that, 67.1% & 43.2% of the study subjects gave correct & complete answers. In
addition, more than one half (56.1%) of pregnant women gave incorrect answers on
knowledge about causes of constipation. As regards to knowledge about causes of leucorrhea
and urinary frequency, more than one half (58.4% & 52.9%) of the study subjects gave
correct & complete answers.
In addition, majority (84.5% &84.7%) of the study participants gave incorrect answers
on knowledge about causes of heartburn and leg cramps. Around three quarter (75.8%
&72.9%) of the study participants gave incorrect answers about knowledge on causes of
backache and timing of edema occurring. Nearly two third (61.3%) of the study subjects gave
correct & complete answers on knowledge about causes of edema.
Furthermore, more than one half (54.5% &51.8%) of pregnant women gave incorrect
answer on knowledge about causes of fatigue and dyspnea. Meanwhile, 63.9% &75.5% of
pregnant women gave correct & complete answers on causes of hemorrhoids and pica.
Concerning total score of knowledge regarding minor discomforts, more than one half
(55.3%) of the study subjects achieved poor total score, while more than one third (35.3%) of
them attained fair total score. However, only (9.5%) of pregnant women obtained good total
III: Self-care practices for relieving minor discomforts (Universal self-care practices)
Nearly two third (65.5%) of pregnant women did not receive adequate amount of fluid
per day. Approximately two third (63.9%) of women had a rest period from one to three or
more hours during the day respectively. Moreover, all (100%) pregnant women slept from
two to five or more hours during the night respectively.
More than one half (52.1%) of pregnant women did not perform any physical exercise.
Majority (83.2%) of the study subjects used soap and water to cleanse their breasts while
more than one half (56.1%) of them did not wear cotton bra.
More than one half (53.9%) of study subjects travelled during pregnancy where, (53.7%
& 0.3%) of them used cars and train respectively. Additionally more than two fifth (42.6%) of
the participants did receive vaccination. Where, 42.4% &0.3% of them received a tetanus
toxoid and a hepatitis vaccine respectively. Furthermore, more than two third (68.7%) of
pregnant women did not receive any medication. Meanwhile, majority (82.6%& 80.8%) of
pregnant women received less than three meals per day and which did not include variety of
fruits and vegetables
Vast majority (91.1%) of pregnant women had unsatisfactory universal self-care
practices while, only 8.9% of them had satisfactory universal self-care practices.
III: Self-care practices for relieving minor discomforts
The most common minor discomforts experienced by pregnant women was nausea and
vomiting (76.8%) meanwhile, the least reported minor discomforts experienced was
hemorrhoids (61.6%).
In relation to, self-care practices for relieving nausea and vomiting, it was noted that a
sizable proportion (59.2%, 78.1 %, 57.5 %, 55.8 %, 56.5 % & 52.1%) of pregnant women
were eating dry carbohydrate meal on awakening, avoided spicy food, decreased caffeine
intake, had small frequent meals, used herbal remedies and taken medication as doctors order.
In addition, constipation, it was observed that (76.6%,71.6%,59.8%,59.8% & 55.9%) of
participants increased fruit and vegetables taken, drinking water, regular defection time, used
traditional remedies and taken medication as doctors order.
Regarding leucorrhoea, it was noted that more than one half (59.1%, 59.4 %, 57.6%,
58 %, 51.4 % & 51.1%) of study subjects were wearing cotton underwear, used vagina
suppositories, rinsed perineal area from front to back, kept perineal area clean and dry, used
traditional remedies and taken medication as doctors order. In addition, frequent urination, it
was exhibited that (66.7%, 62.1 %, 55.8 %, 56.1 % & 53.7%) of participants were decreasing
fluid intake in the evening, frequent bladder evacuation, used warm water in washing, used
traditional remedies and taken medication as doctors order.
Moreover, heartburn it was noted that (58.9%, 71.6%, 57.5%, 60% & 54.9%) of
pregnant women were taking small frequent meals, avoided fried, spicy or rich fatty foods,
kept the head of the bed higher than the foot of the bed, used traditional remedies and took
medication as doctors order, compared to, (41.1%, 28.4%, 42.5%, 40%, &45.1%) of them not
done these practices respectively. In addition, pica, more than one half (68.4%, 64.4% &
54.9%) of pregnant women was chewing gum, used traditional remedies and took medication
as doctor‟s order.
Concerning, leg cramp it was noted that (76.9%, 62.6%, 57.5%, 60.1% &55.7%) of
pregnant women were performing leg exercises, elevated lower extremities frequently, limited
amount of milk to reduce amount of phosphorus, used traditional remedies and took
medication as doctors order. In addition, backache it was illustrated that (71.2%, 70.5%,
58.7%, 57.2%, 59.1% & 57.2%) of the study subjects were practicing pelvic exercises, wore
shoes with low heels, took a warm bath daily, avoided bending when lifting objects used
traditional remedies and took medication as doctors order.
With regard to fatigue results displayed that, (81.7%, 59.3%, 63%, 61.2% &56.8%) of
study participants were resting, took balanced diet, reduced activities, used traditional
remedies and took medication as doctor‟s order. In addition, dyspnea the study manifested
that (65.4%, 64.3%, 62.4%, 51.3%, 51% & 49.8%) of pregnant women were sleeping with
head and chest elevated, wore loose and comfortable clothes during bed time, limited
activities during the day, had a good posture when sitting, used traditional remedies and took
medication as doctor‟s order.
Regarding to, ankle edema results brought to light that (64.6%, 58.8%, 70%, 60.9%,
56.8% & 53.9%) of pregnant women were wearing loose, comfortable clothing, wore support
stockings, elevated legs higher than the heart level, practiced foot and leg exercise, used
traditional remedies and took medication as doctors order. Considering to, hemorrhoids it
was noted that, more than one half (67.9%, 67.5%, 65%, 59.8%, 61.1% & 60.3%) of the study
subjects were avoiding constipation by daily bowel evacuation, took a warm bath with baking
soda in the water, avoided sitting for long periods, applied cold compressors, used traditional
remedies and took medication as doctors order.
Moreover, approximately two third (65.5%) of pregnant women had unsatisfactory selfcare
practices for relieving minor discomforts compared to more than one third (34.5%) of
those who had satisfactory self-care practices.
IV: Relationship between total score of knowledge regarding minor discomforts and
socio-demographic characteristics, reproductive history, previous pregnancy history
as well as current pregnancy history
There was a statistically significant relationship between total score of knowledge
regarding minor discomforts and some socio-demographic characteristics namely: family
income/month, family type, original residence and housing condition.
On the other hand, there was no any significant difference between knowledge
regarding minor discomfort with either reproductive history, previous pregnancy history as
well as current pregnancy history.
V: Relationship between total score of knowledge regarding minor discomforts and
total score of self-care practices for relieving minor discomforts
There was no statistical significance between total score of knowledge and total score of
universal self-care practices.
However, there was a highly significant association between total score of knowledge
regarding minor discomforts and total score of self-care practices for relieving minor
VI: Correlation between total score of knowledge regarding minor discomforts and total
score of self-care practice for relieve of minor discomforts
A positive correlation was observed between total score of knowledge regarding minor
discomforts and total score of self-care practices for relieving minor discomforts.