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Knowledge and Self-care Practices of Women Regarding Abnormal Vaginal Discharge =
Ahmed Elgaml, Seham Abd-Elmgeed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سهام عبد المجيد أحمد الجمل
مشرف / وفاء احمد ابراهيم
مشرف / رسام كمال على فرج
مشرف / عفاف حسن عبد المنعم
مناقش / رشا محمد عيسى
مناقش / نهى محمد محمود
Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
94 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Abnormal vaginal discharge is not a disease for itself, but it is a warning sign and an indicator of other diseases which brings a series of stressful consequences on women reproductive health, a significant proportion of women with abnormal vaginal discharge appear not to seek medical advice or treatment on time, even though vaginal complaints are the most common reasons for gynecological consultation, Therefore being women alert of normal vaginal discharge characteristics, having satisfactory level of knowledge, performing healthy and correct self-care practices are very important measures to prevent infection from the first as a primary level of prevention or relieve symptoms during attack. Therefore, prevent massive reproductive complication from occurrence.
The aim of this study was to explore the level of knowledge and self-care practices of women regarding abnormal vaginal discharge.
The study was conducted in the gynecological outpatient clinic affiliated to Damanhour Medical National Institute (DMNI) in El-Beheira governorate, Gynecological outpatient. A convenience sample of 200 women was attended to the previously mentioned setting proportionally allocated according to the turnover rate in this setting with a specific inclusion criteria as (age from 20 - 45 years, has recent vaginal infection or since 6 months, married women, free from any medical disease as Diabetes Mellitus).
Three tools were developed and used by researcher to collect the necessary data: Tool one: Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical data structured interview, which entailed three parts assessed women’s socio-demographic characteristics, previous and current reproductive history as well as data related to abnormal vaginal discharge characteristics. Tool two: Women’s knowledge about abnormal vaginal discharge structured interview schedule and Tool three: Women’s self-care practices regarding abnormal vaginal discharge structured interview schedule: By using simulated card to allow the women to demonstrate self-care practices which include the steps of all self-care practices clarified by pictures and allowed the women to select cards according to their performance. In addition, a scoring system was used to assess women’s knowledge and self-care practices regarding abnormal vaginal discharge.
A pilot study was carried out on 20 women (excluded from the study subjects) to test the feasibility of the study as well as to ascertain the clarity, feasibility and applicability of the tools and to identify obstacles that might interfere with the process of data collection. After the pilot study, tools were revised and necessary modifications were done accordingly.
Data were collected over a period of 3 months, started from the beginning of June 2021 till the beginning of September 2021 the structured interview time took approximately 20- 30 minutes for each women, three days per week (from 8:30 am to 12 pm) were specified for data collection over a period of three months, An average of 6 to 8 interviews was performed per day.
The collected data were categorized, coded, computerized, tabulated and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 program.
The main findings of the study were:
Socio - demographic characteristics:
The present study demonstrated that the age of the women ranged from 20 to 45 years and more than two fifth of women were in their thirties, nearly two fifths of the women were illiterate or just read &write and more than half of women were housewives, perceived their income as not enough and they were living in crowded houses and the majority of them were urban residents.
Characteristics of abnormal vaginal discharge:
- The present study represented (Occurance, color, nature, odor, associated symptoms, duration and recurrence) which expounded that the highest percent of women had current AVD, with white color, thick cheesy in nature and had moderate odor. In addition, the symptoms associated with AVD were itching in pubic area. Furthermore, the duration of AVD was less than one week and the recurrence with the rate of 3 to less than 6 months.
- It was observed that the majority of women were used treatment for AVD as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics drugs according to their mother description without going to the doctor.
- Concerning the most prominent reason of not seeing the doctor, it was observed that more than half of women reported that as it was a simple thing and didn’t require going to the doctor. Women’s knowledge regarding vaginal discharge:
- The current study demonstrated that the highest answer of women consider vaginal discharge is only one type which is physiological, the normal colour is colourless transparent, while normal consistency of vaginal discharge is liquid but accompanied by bubbles and odourless. In addition, vaginal discharge didn’t change its colour and consistency over month and the colour was red stained with blood.
- Concerning the routine hygienic care of women, the majority of them were stated that the type of used underwear must be cotton, The underwear must be changed every day and the correct way to wash and dry underwear was with other clothes without boiling and drying in the sunshine.
- Concerning menstrual hygiene of women, it illustrated that the highest percent of them were seen that shower must be taken daily during menstruation and most of them considered that ready-made sanitary pads was the best use and they changed pads twice/day.
- Penetrating source of women’s knowledge regarding AVD, it was found that the most of women selected the mother as main source of information then physician followed by neighbours, friends and relatives.
Women’s total score of knowledge and self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge
- Slightly more than half of women tended to have unsatisfactory knowledge, compared to nearly less than half of them were had satisfactory knowledge regarding vaginal discharge. In addition, nearly three fifths of women attained unsatisfactory self-care practices, compared to more than two fifths of them attained satisfactory self-care practices.
The relationship between women total score of knowledge regarding vaginal discharge and their socio-demographic characteristics
- Generally speaking, there was a statistically significant relation between women’s total score of knowledge and their educational level, occupation, perceived monthly income, house crowding index, current place of residence. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant relation between women’s total score of knowledge with their age and religion.
The relationship between women total score of self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge and their socio-demographic characteristics:
There was a statistically significant relation between women’s total score of self-care practices and age, educational level, perceived monthly income, house crowding index, On the other hand, there was no statistically significant relation between women’s total score of self-care practices with their occupation, religion, current place of residence.
The correlation between total score of knowledge and total score of self-care practices of women regarding vaginal discharge:
There was a significant correlation between the total score of women’s knowledge with total score of self-care practices regarding vaginal discharge.
 Female education about abnormal vaginal discharge should be extensively encouraged by educational authorities and included in the school curriculum to help the female of today and the women of tomorrow gaining the skills, information and self-confidence that they need to be a reproductive healthy woman.
 Health policymakers should design measures to promote women’s access to health information and exert great effort to remove barriers of information access, so enhancing their ability to care for themselves, improve their quality of life and eventually promote their reproductive health.
 Maternity nurses should use different educational strategies (written material, lectures group education, audio-visuals, role playing, activities, and demonstrations) to educate women accurately about correct information and healthy self-care Practices of AVD.
 Maternity nurses should be aware of myths and misconceptions that prevent women from recognizing and practicing healthy practices during AVD problem, trying to correct their information.  The present study must be reapplicated on a larger sample size to verify the findings of this study.
 A quasi experimental study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program about AVD among women.