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تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم المناطق القاحلة
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This study was carried out at Organic Agriculture Laboratory, Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University and the Regional Center for Food and Feed, Agricultural Research Center during 2016 – 2017.
The aim of this study was evaluate the influence of different concentration of saline water on faba bean and mustard germination; in addition to compare the chemical analysis, antioxidant activity and phytochemicals content of the selected dry seeds and their germinated samples.
The study includes the following two parts:
Part one: Faba bean experiments
Faba bean seeds were germinated for two days-old using four concentration of Nacl as saline water (1000 – 2000 – 3000 – 4000 ppm) and tap water as a control. Germinated faba bean seeds were measured for radical length and fresh and dry sprout yield. Faba bean sprouts also were analyzed for their contents of (Protein- fiber – lipid – carbohydrates – ash – moisture); minerals (Mg, Cu, Se, Na, K, Mn, Ca and P); amino acids; vitamins (C, A and E); antioxidant activity (total antioxidant, total flavonoids and total phenols) and phytochemicals content. The obtained results were as follow
1- Saline water 1000 ppm Nacl was the appropriate concentration with respect to performance of the sprouting of faba bean seeds.
2- A slight increase in protein was observed as a result of sprouting seeds in both treatments tap and saline water.
3- Higher minerals content were obtained from faba bean sprouts (especially for Ca, P, Mg and Zn) either use saline or tap water in compare with dry seeds, however, Fe content were decreased.
4- Aspartic, glycine and proline are the most amino acids increased during sprouting either use saline or tap water.
5- Concerning antioxidant activity; sprouting enhanced the seed’s content of total phenols and flavones reached 35, 39 and 15, 13.3 % either use tap or saline water, respectively.
6- Both vitamins E and C were increased during sprouting faba bean seeds and the highest increase was recorded for saline water treatment.
7- Some compounds like methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate, syringic acid and resorcinol in addition to some terpienes were recorded for faba bean sprouts, however, its not found in dry seeds.
8- Some phenols and flavonoid compounds were appeared in tap water treatment and increased in saline water. While, other phenols like salicylic acid, cineole and propylgallate were appeared only in saline water treatment.
9- Germination process increased the nutritive value of its seeds and it’s a good way to enhance the antioxidant properties of faba bean seeds.
Part two: Mustard seeds experiments:
Yellow mustard seeds were germinated for 7 days-old using saline water at four concentrations of Nacl (1000 – 2000 – 3000 – 4000 ppm) in compare with tap water as a control. Mustard seeds were measured for radical and seedling length and fresh and dry sprouts yield. Mustard sprouts were analyzed for were analyzed for their content of macronutrients (protein- fiber – lipid – carbohydrates – ash – moisture); minerals (Mg, Cu, Se, Na, K, Mn, Ca and P); amino acids; vitamins (C, A and E); antioxidant activity (total antioxidant, total flavonoids and total phenols) and phytochemicals content. The obtained results were as follow
1- Saline water 1000 ppm Nacl recorded the highest values on the sprout’s growth characters and it was selected for the following studies.
2- Pronounced increase in protein and carbohydrates content were revealed for mustard sprouts over dry seeds while lipid content was decreased.
3- Most of the selected minerals were increased during sprouting mustard seeds either use tap or saline water. Significant increase in sprout’s content of Na as use saline water treatment.
4- The content of essential and non essential amino acids was increased by sprouting seeds either use saline or tap water and the increment were more pronounced for saline water treatment.
5- Valuable increases in vitamins E and C (up to 1.4 fold) were achieved during sprouting mustard seeds either by tap or saline water.
6- Increase in total phenols and flavonoids up to two fold were observed for mustard sprouts in compare with dry seeds.
7- Some phenols like 3,3-Dichlorobisphenol A and 5-Hydroxy-7 methoxy-3-phenyl-4-chromenoneand were exhibited during sprouting mustard seeds, however its not detected on dry seeds. While others like Hydrocinnamic acid and 3-tert-Butyl-5-chloro-2-hydroxybenzophenone were arise only in tap water sprouts.
8- Some flavonoides which didn’t exist in the seed but appeared in two kinds sprouts like as Dimethyldaidzin, 5-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-methyl-3-phenyl-4-chromenone and Flavone, 3,4’,5,7-tetramethoxy.
Germination process could be acted as a source of natural antioxidant in functional food and could be considered as a very good step towards the future evolution of value-added foods which we can in the expansion of novel foods products with valuable effects on health.