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Different Modalities for the Management of Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Fractures:
William, Mira Sameh.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ميرا سميح وليم
مشرف / كريم خليل اللمعي
مشرف / عادل حسين
مناقش / عادل حسين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
86p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - التجميل
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The most commonly dislocated joint in the human body, and therefore in the hand, is the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint.
The severity of the injury is usually underestimated, which results in inappropriate treatment and long term morbidity. The spectrum of the pathology ranges from a simple sports injury treated on site by the patient himself all the way to irreducible fracture dislocations. The direction of the dislocation is usually dorsal, but lateral or volar dislocations may also occur. There are also reports of simultaneous dislocations of the PIP and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints.
The purpose of surgical treatment is to reduce the middle phalanx and restore the broken articular surface. Surgical options include skeletal traction, static or dynamic external fixation, dynamic traction with passive movement, dynamic traction with active movement, volar plate interposition arthroplasty, closed reduction with intraarticular fixation with Kirschner nails, and open reduction and internal fixation with or without bone grafting. Regardless of the treatment used, the reported complications include limitation of extension, limitation of flexion, instability with recurrent dislocation, residual pain and functional disability.
Aim of study:
This review aims to compare different modalities for management of proximal Interphalangeal joint fractures in terms of function score (QDASH), pain, and range of motion
Type of Studies:
In the present study, we included randomized controlled trials, non-randomized comparative trials, single-arm trials, prospective cohort studies, and retrospective studies.
 Summary
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- Types of participants: Patients with proximal interphalangeal fractures.
- Types of Intervention: Different modalities (surgical and non-surgical) for management of proximal interphalangeal fractures.
- Types of outcome measures: The outcomes measures are union, function score (QDASH), pain, satisfaction, and the incidence of postoperative complications.
We excluded conferences abstracts, thesis, other systematic reviews, technical notes, letters, comments and studies not written in English language.
The current study enrolled 21 studies discussed five main types of different modalities for management of proximal Interphalangeal joint fractures; Open reduction internal fixation ORIF , Percutaneous fixation , Extension Block Pinning EBP ,Hemi-Hamate Arthroplasty and Dynamic External Fixation
In this study; The best overall effect for ROM was 83.4% in percutaneous fixation, 83.4% for Extension Block Pinning, 78.4% in Hemihamate arthroplasty , also 78.4% for Dynamic distraction external fixator and ORIF with mini-screw was 77.6 %,
In the current study Grip strength had overall effect (81.4% ,78.3% and 73.4%) for EBP, Hemihamate arthroplasty and ORIF respectively.
Regarding Quick DASH its overall effect was 11.9 following Hemihamate arthroplasty and 5.3 following EBP
 Summary
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Conclusion: We concluded that no surgical approach to PIPJ fracture-dislocation management yielded consistently higher average post-operative function data through a literature evaluation of post-operative outcomes.
Treatment of PIPJ requires delicate decision-making that ultimately is based upon fracture type, area of affected joint space and size of fracture.