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A Suggested Program for Developing the English Writing Skills of Secondary Stage Students and Reducing their Apprehension in the Light of Writing as a Process Approach and Using Electronic Learning /
El Sharkawy, Huda Abdel Rehim Abdel Hamid.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هدى عبد الرحيم عبد الحميد الشرقاوي
مشرف / عايدة عبد المقصود زاهر
مشرف / حنان احمد حسين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
273 p. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - المناهج وطرق التدريس
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First year of El Mahmoudia Secondary School for Boys showed a poor mastery of some writing skills and perform poorly on tests and classroom assignments.. This might be due to the traditional and irrelevant strategies used in teaching writing.
In this age of technology, language performance should be improved through using current devices. Using e learning is one of those devices so; the researcher used e learning as a context through which some writing skills can be developed. Also, process writing approach was used throughout the study. Therefore, the present study attempted to find answers to the following questions:
1. What are the writing skills necessary for first year secondary stage students?
2. -What are the characteristics of a suggested programme based on electronic learning for developing the writing skills and reducing writing apprehension of EFL first year secondary stage students?
3. . What is the effect of a suggested program based on electronic learning on developing the writing skills of first year secondary stage students?
4. . What is the effect of a suggested program based on electronic learning on reducing writing apprehension of first year secondary stage students?
A pre-post writing test was administered to the study group in addition to a writing apprehension test. In the study, students were given 10 sessions (two introductory sessions and eight e learning –based sessions ) which focused on certain EFL writing skills (content, organization, vocabulary , grammar, mechanics of writing) The program was based on four web tools where students were encouraged to peer-to-peer collaboration world-wide. Students interacted with their peers to collaborate on their work giving them a chance to comment, discussed new ideas, and discussed edits. After the implement of the program, it was concluded that the suggested program showed ppositive effect and helped a lot to improve students’ writing skills and reduce their writing apprehension.