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Abd El-Wahab, Amal Abd El-Gabar Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أمال عبد الجبار محمد عبد الوهاب
مشرف / محمد السيد الننه
مشرف / عاطف عبد المجيد المصري
مشرف / عبد الله سيد محمد كريم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
183 p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - العلوم الزراعية البيئية
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In Egypt, there are urgent needs for the horizontal and vertical expansion to meet the demands of increased population. So, the agricultural utilization projects of sandy soil should be increased fast to bring additional new areas. To achieve this target, the proposal reclamation technique in the current work aims to introduce soil amendments management practices as well as to reducing mineral fertilizers. Also, the magnitude of the utilization of compost, bio-fertilizers, algae alone or combined with mineral fertilizers at different rates .
The aim of the study was : to study the effect of organic matter (algae and compost) and bio fertilizer alone or combined with levels of mineral treatments on quinoa growth ,yield and its components as well as availability of macro and micronutrients in soil.
Two field experiments were carried out in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 seasons (average of two seasons) at Agriculture Station at Ismail governorate, ARC, Egypt
The field experiments were conducted on chosen areas at Ismailia Governorate in Agriculture Station was one fed ( fedann = 4200 m2) .Each one was divided into four plot units, i.e., control no mineral fertilizers , 50 % , 75 % and 100 % mineral fertilizers of recommended dose. Second area was Algae combined with or without mineral fertilizers at different rates . Also, the bio-fertilizers alone or combined with different rates of mineral fertilizers. As well as, the compost was applied alone or combined with mineral fertilizers of different rates . All these plot units were cultivated with quinoa during 6 months of two winter seasons 2019/2020 and 2020 /2021
The main results of this study can be summarized as follows :
Effectof organic and bio fertilizers combined with different rates of mineral fertilizers on soil fertility status:
Availability of macronutrients in the studied soils:
Available nitrogen content in soil:
The highest mean values (52.62mg/kg) for N after30 days from planting was affected by compost + bio , while the highest mean values of available N after40 and 70 days were 52.54 and 54.93 mg/kg soil for soil treated with compost , respectively than other treatments .
Available Phosphorus content in soil:
The highest mean value of P content in soil after 120 day was 5.61mg/kg in soil treated with Bio fertilizer i.e.
( Bacillus Circulans – Bacillus Megaterium- Azotobacter), compared with other treatments.
Also, the effect of soil amendments on available P in soil was significant increased by increasing mineral fertilizers rate.
Available Potassium contents in soil:
The highest mean values of K content in soil were 193.63 for 30 days, 196.22 for 40 days, 202.11 for 70 days and 219.80 for 120 days respectively of soil treated with compost plus bio-fertilizers combined with mineral fertilizers rates. Concerning, the effect of soil amendments application on available K content in soil was significant increased after different period stage 30, 40, 70 and 120 days from planting respectively.
Available micro nutrients content in soil:
The highest mean values of Fe and Mn contents in soil as affected by compost plus bio-fertilities were 2.13 and 1.17 mg/kg soil after 120 days from planting, while the highest mean values of Zn in soil treated with compost were 0.79 mg/kg after 40 days. This is mainly due to their surface accumulations from the added irrigation water, especially those of bio-fertilizers plus compost and compost combined with mineral fertilizers rates as well as, soil management practices and micro-organisms activities in topsoil’s, which positively affected the availability of these elements in the soil.
Biological measurements:
The highest mean values were 212.33 count Bactria (cfu*107.g-1 soil) content in soil treated with bio-fertilizers than other treatments. The highest mean value soil treated with compost plus bio-fertilizers combined with mineral fertilizers was 181.63 for CO2 (mg.100g soil-1. Day -1), than other treatments.
The heights mean value of dehydrogenizes activity was 171.08 (UgTPFg-1 dry soil day-1) content in soil treated with compost plus bio-fertilizers combined with mineral fertilizers than other treatments. The maximum mean value of nitrogenases content in soil was 148.50 ml. mol.C2H4 g/soil /hr)for soil treated with compost + bio-fertilization compared with other treatments.
Effect of different soil amendments combined with or without mineral fertilizers on quinoa productivity :
The relative increases of mean values of plant length (cm) , no. of branches , weight of seeds /plant , weight of 1000 grains and grains yield (ton/fed) were 27.44 %, 34.33 % , 110.10 %, 30.68 % and 100.00 % respectively as affected at mineral fertilizers with different rates compared with no mineral fertilizer treatment .
The combined inoculation with Asozpirillum brasilense and Azotobacter chroococcum and application of chemical fertilizers saved about 60% of recommended mineral nitrogen and phosphate application
Effect of the studied treatments on macro and micro
nutrients concentration in quinoa plant at 30 and 40
days :
Macro nutrients concentration at 30 and 40 days:
1- Application all treatment above mentioned with or without mineral rates led to increase N , P and K concentration at 30 and 40 days in quinoa plants .
2. Increase the rate of mineral fertilizer gave a significant increase of N,P and K concentration
3. Regardless the interaction between above mention treatments with mineral rates , the highest value was obtained at compost+ bio fertilizer treatment.
4. The effect of interaction between all treatments with mineral N,P,K rates was found to be significant increase in average of the two seasons. The untreated treatment gave the lowest N, P and K concentration at 30 and 40 days ., whereas the application of compost+ bio fertilizer with (75+150+50 N,P,K kg/ fed) at 30 and 40 days gave the highest values.
Micro nutrients concentration at 30 and 40 days:
1. The positive effect of all treatments on increasing Fe , Mn and Zn concentration was recorded .
2. Regardless of mineral levels, the highest values of Fe , Mn and Zn concentration was obtained when compost +bio fertilizer was applied.
3. The interaction between applied each of treatments with levels of mineral treatments gave a significant increase in Fe , Mn and 30 and 40 days .
Effect of the studied treatments on Macro and Micro nutrients concentration in quinoa plant at 70 days stage:
Macro- nutrients concentration at 70 days:-
1.Using all treatment (algae , bio fertilizer , compost + bio fertilizer and compost with or without levels of mineral treatment (N,P,K kg/ fed) led to increasing N,P,K concentration in root, fruit and shoot at 70 days compared with non-mineral treatment level.
2. Regardless of levels of mineral treatment all treatments, gave increase of (N,P,K )in parts of quinoa plant compared with untreated with mineral treatment
3. The interaction between applied each of treatments with levels of mineral treatments gave a significant increase in N concentration for root, fruit and shoot while P and K concentration gave increase but not significant
4. The highest increase in N, P, K was obtained with compost + bio fertilizer with (75+150+50 N, P, K kg/ fed) for root, fruit and shoot
Micro nutrients concentration at 70 days:
1. The application of all treatments on root ,fruit and shoot, increasing rates of mineral application resulted in corresponding increase in
Fe, Mn and Zn concentration of quinoa a plant growth at 70 days
2.Regardlessof mineral levels mineral treatment, all treatments above mentioned gave a significant increase of Fe , Mn and Zn concentration in root ,fruit and shoot for quinoa plant compared with untreated mineral treatment
3. The interaction between all treatments with rates of mineral treatment gave a significant increase in Fe , Mn and Zn concentration
4. The highest values for Fe , Mn and Zn in root ,fruit and shoot were recorded at compost +bio fertilizer with (75+150+50 N,P,K kg/ fed).
Effect of the studied treatments on chlorophyll at 30,40and 70 days :
1-Increasing levels of mineral treatment led to increase chlorophyll content in plant (mg/g. f. w.) at 30,40 and 70 days.
2- The interaction between the studied treatments with different rates gave a significant increase , the highest value was recorded at 30 days for soil treated with compost + bio fertilizer combined with mineral fertilizer , while the highest value at 40 and 70 day was recorded for soil treated with compost combined with mineral treatment at different rates
Effect of the studied treatments on some bio components of quinoa seeds :
1-Increasing mineral treatments levels led to increase protein % , protein yield (kg)and carbohydrate content in quinoa seed ,the same trend was recorded for oil % in seed.
2- The interaction between (Algae , compost , bio fertilizer) with levels of mineral treatment on protein and carbohydrate contact was found to be significant , the lowest value was obtained with untreated treatment and the highest value was found by application of compost with (75+150+50N,P, and K kg/fed ). Also, the same trend was recorded for oil in seed
3-Increasing levels of mineral treatment led to decrease saponin in seeds.
4- Regardless levels of mineral treatment, all treatment gave a significant decrease of saponin in seed compared with non-mineral treatment .
5-The interaction between the above mentioned treatments with levels of mineral treatment gave a significant decrease of saponin yield .The lowest values was obtained at compost + bio fertilizer under rates of (100+200+75 N,P, and K kg/fed)
It could be recommended that application compost or bio fertilizer in the presence level of mineral fertilizers at rate (70N+150P+50K kg/fed)could reduce the amounts of the applied mineral fertilizers and protect the environment against their adverse effects . This helps to improve the fertility of sandy soils ; lands of reclamation in future , and having the maximum yield of quinoa with higher quality of seed composition , and in the same time could minimize (reduce) the adverse effect of using mineral fertilizers inagriculture.