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Transitivity and Modality in Translating Arabic Poetry :
Jabor, Ahlam Mhmood Najm.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحلام محمود نـجم جبور
مشرف / نـجوى إبراهيم يونس
مشرف / إيمان فاروق محمد البقري
مناقش / نـجوى إبراهيم يونس
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
278 p. :
اللسانيات واللغة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها
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This thesis conducts a systemic functional grammar (SFG) analysis of some English translations of Nazik Al-Malaika’s four poems. This SFG analysis is based upon the notion that the source text (ST), Modern Standad Arabic (MSA), is valid for translation into English as target text (TT). Across ST and TT, the mechanisms are demonstrated through the SFG which is considered to be a linguistic approach which is associated with the analysis of clauses through lexicogrammatical choices in accordance with structure (grammar) and words (lexis) (Halliday, 2014). Furthermore, SFG covers transitivity and modality processes. In terms of transitivity six processes are included namely material, relational, mental, verbal, existential, and behavioral; on the other hand, modality processes are categorized into modalization and modulation. In addition, modalization is divided into probability and usuality whereas modulation processes are sorted out into obligation an inclination. In addition, the current thesis aims to configure the ironical tendencies used in the translation of Υʊsli ʔɑlʕɑːri and mɑrƟijɑtʊ ʔimrɑʕitin lɑː qiːmɑtɑ lɑhɑː through the ST and TT in accordance with clause structures of phrases. Since MSA and English differ in their grammatical structures, translation is required to conform to the current thesis since it is associated with grammatical strategies used across MSA (ST) and English (TT). The current study follows a quantitative-qualitative approach so as to analyze the ironical tendency allocated within eight different English translations of Nazik Al-Malaika’s four poems. Data is collected from eight translations by eight translators to discuss similarities and differences occurring in translating the same poems from ST to the TT.
The findings in the current thesis show that the translation processes included within MSA to English are stimulated through the processes of addition and omission with the aim of seeking irony through the poems studied across the source text (ST) and target text (TT) mechanisms. The study concludes that the ironical tendency of ST is linguistically translated into English grammatical structure despite constraints through SFG’s domain namely phraseological and clausal level.