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متطلبات الأداء المهني للأخصائي الاجتماعي كممارس عام لتعديل الاتجاهات السلبية نحو مهنة الخدمة الاجتماعية بالمعاهد الأزهرية
دياب، عمرو جمال سيد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عمرو جمال سيد
مشرف / زين العابدين محمد على رجب
مناقش / أسماء الجعفراوى
مناقش / رجاء عبدالكريم أحمد
مجالات الخدمة الاجتماعية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
198ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - مجالات الخدمة الاجتماعية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 201

from 201


summary of the study in English
First: Study Problem :
Human wealth is the main factor and vital resource for the progress of all developed and developing societies, and the twenty-first century is the area of excellence and quality in education, as it is characterized by a set of requirements that meet societal needs and their competitiveness in the age of information technology, biotechnology, quality and globalization. It is vital and urgent, as it is one of the pillars of the development of education, and from here the interest in the human aspect has become necessary to pay attention to the human being through the various stages of his development. Which, of course, comes at the stage of social and educational upbringing. The social function of the educational institution did not start recently with the emergence of specialized social professions. Rather, this function appeared with the emergence of the educational institution itself since antiquity, considering that education itself achieves a social function. However, what was done to achieve it was limited until the emergence of specialized social professions to mere humanitarian school care that is not characterized by planning or Specialty
from this point of view, the issue of acquiring knowledge and skills has become of great importance to social workers, and they need to continuously develop these skills through training programs and courses, especially the skill of using the computer because of its importance in technological development and keeping pace with modern life, as well as many skills such as communication skill, Problem solving skill, interview skill, dealing skill, community communication skill, and other skills necessary to activate the professional performance of social workers to modify negative attitudes towards the social work profession.
Social work is practiced in the school because it is not possible to obtain service for students only through the application of the methods and principles of social service in schools, and this makes the students feel efficient, continuing education, and the ability to adapt and change increasingly, and the focus must be on social service in schools because it focuses on learning, thinking and solving problems as well as Traditional areas such as relationships, emotions, motivations, and relationships with other institutions
The profession of social work is one of the professions closely related to Al-Azhar Institute, as it helps them achieve their social goals to bring about appropriate social changes for an integrated growth of personality through a healthy social atmosphere, which is dominated by good relations with members of the school community through the means, methods, strategies, professional techniques and intervention models. With individuals, groups and societies to achieve integrated growth by looking at the societal reality within Al-Azhar institutes, we find that the officials in the institutes view the educational process as a purely process that should not be interspersed with any other activity. from practicing any activity until the physical education class, which is replaced by a science class.
Based on what was previously presented through the confirmations of previous studies and the analysis of their results and the achievement of their goals, it was necessary for the researcher, as a social worker working in one of Al-Azhar institutes, to raise this problem on the social discussion platform to reach solutions that might contribute to confronting the solution of this problem, albeit in a relative manner.
And because general practice is one of the concepts that imposed itself at the end of the twentieth century because it represents an effective trend that distances it from the traditional practice and the specific restricted practice. The professional role of the social worker as a general practitioner to modify the negative attitudes towards the profession of social work in Al-Azhar institutes) by activating the role of the social worker, developing his professional performance and achieving his necessary requirements.
Secondly, the concepts of the study
1- The concept of professional performance:
2- The concept of gereralist practice of social work.
3- Direction concept.
Third: The Importance of the Study
• The importance of the preventive role of social work in the field of Azhar education in Al Azhar institutes, and related to the development and activation of the role of the social worker in Al Azhar institute
• Enriching the theoretical and practical knowledge and skill building in activating the professional performance of the social worker in Al-Azhar institutes.
• Its importance is due to directing social workers to the importance of professional performance of social work in achieving goals.
• Confronting negative trends from the point of view of some Al-Azhar employees and realizing the importance of the role of the social worker in the institute, which represents one of the main pillars of Al-Azhar institutes.
• Determining the professional requirements necessary for the profession of social work in Al-Azhar institutes
• The emphasis of many scholars and researchers in social work on the importance of a professional relationship between the social worker and the institution in which he works.
Fourth: The objectives of the study
1- Determining the skill and knowledge requirements to activate the professional performance necessary for social workers in Al-Azhar institutes. To reduce negative trends
2- Identifying the obstacles that reduce the role of the social worker in Al-Azhar institutes
3- Develop the proposals to activate the professional performance of the social worker to reduce negative trends in Al-Azhar institutes.
Fifth: Study questions:
1- What are the cognitive, skill and value requirements to activate the professional performance necessary for social workers in Al-Azhar institutes to reduce negative trends?
2- What are the obstacles that limit the role of the social worker in Al-Azhar institutes?
3- What are the necessary proposals to activate the professional performance of the social worker to reduce negative trends towards the profession of social work in Al-Azhar institutes?
Sixth: Theoretical Guidelines for the Study:
1- Problem solving model:
The problem-solving model is also intended to provide people with important skills, especially skills that help them think about alternative solutions to their problems, by testing many alternatives.
2- Components of the problem-solving model The problem-solving model consists of several variables, which are:
- The process of professional intervention, which is intended to be a set of steps that the social worker follows in the professional intervention from identifying the problem until its solution, and evaluating all the efforts that have been made.
- Among the therapeutic strategies that the social worker relies on the problem-solving model, as it depends on the choice and free view of treatment, including the strategy of cognitive review; The specialist helps the student to present his ideas related to resistance.
- The strategy of truth and persuasion: in which the specialist educates the student about wrong ideas and provides him with correct knowledge, as well as strategies for learning, rebuilding concepts and modifying behavior, and many remedial methods are used, including professional relationship, discussion, clarification, interpretation, encouragement and insight ... and others.
3- Steps of problem solving model
- Defining the problem by describing the problem and identifying its elements.
- Determining the causes of the problem.
- Suggesting different solutions.
- Testing an appropriate solution and planning its implementation.
- Implementation of the solution, and implementation is carried out through the set plan.
4- Interpreting the issue of the current study in the light of the problem-solving model:
The negative attitudes and views of the social worker in Al-Azhar institutes are among the most serious behavioral problems faced by social workers in Al-Azhar institutes. due to the lack of ability to confront the problem, whether physical, psychological or social capabilities, as well as a lack of motivation as a result of cognitive deficiency or as a result of the social and economic reality in which they live, or a lack of means to solve the problem and the lack of an appropriate opportunity to solve problems, and therefore the problem-solving model aims to provide those With the necessary skills that they lack to face their problems, their acquisition of skills that help them think about many alternative solutions, and providing professional performance for change by giving them support and encouragement and strengthening the specialist’s sense of independence
Seventh: The methodological procedures of the study
1- Type of study:
The current study is a descriptive study because it aims to report specific knowledge or a situation that is predominantly identifiable
2- The method used:
The current study relied on the social survey method in the manner of a comprehensive survey of social workers working in Al-Azhar institutes.
3- Study tools:
It was imposed by the nature of the Qustionaire used, the type and objectives of the study, and it was represented in a measurement form for social workers working in Al-Azhar institutes, the study population of which were (184) social workers.
Eighth: Fields of Study
1- Spatial domain:
It included all Al Azhar institutes in the Assiut region, which have social workers, and the study was applied after the personal interview of the social workers in the region’s meetings that took place at the beginning of the second semester of the 2022 academic year, distributing forms to them, and designing an electronic questionnaire form for ease of answering and data collection, by publishing in WhatsApp groups. For each administration at the level of the Student Welfare Department in the Assiut Al-Azhar region
2- The human domain:
The field study was applied to (184) social workers working in Al-Azhar institutes of various stages and types.
3- Time Domain:
It is the period that the researcher took to collect data from the field from November 2021 to April 2022 .
Ninth: Study results:
1 - The results of the study showed that the highest percentage were skill requirements, with a rate of 92,33%, followed by value requirements, with a rate of 91.98%, while cognitive requirements came in third place, with a rate of 91.49%.
2- The results of the study also showed that there are a number of obstacles that hinder the professional performance of social workers, where the first place came in the form of obstacles related to the institute and the work team, which came with a rate of 92.59%, followed by obstacles due to the institute’s students, which came in the second place, which came with a rate of 87 ,75%, while obstacles due to social workers came in the last rank with a percentage of 87.19%.
3- The results of the study showed that there are a set of proposals that activate and improve the professional performance of social workers in Al-Azhar institutes, at a rate of 93,67%.
4- The results of the study reached to the development of a proposed vision for social workers to help them activate and improve their professional performance to face negative trends towards the social work profession in Al-Azhar institutes.